Interview with Dr. Kari Williams, Trichologist and Educational Stylist

Dr. Kari Williams Trichologist and Educational Stylist

I absolutely adore Dr.Kari! When I decided to take my first steps towards a new hair direction, Dr.Kari’s Mahogany Revolution Salon was the first and best place for me to start.

I learned so my much about my hair, health and scalp in a nurturing and beautiful environment and I also felt armed with great knowledge and so ready to flourish in my journey.
–Kim Coles, Actress

Oh gosh where do I start? I read about Dr. Kari and caught a few of her videos online and without any shadow of a doubt I knew we had to talk to her because she is beyond awesome!

Dr. Kari is a licensed Trichologist, stylist, author and the owner of the Mahogany Hair Revolution Salon LA. This interview was profound for many reasons; here is another example of a black woman who has placed herself in the perfect position in life to help educate and enlighten the people she meets.

Dr. Kari is the author of the Children’s book My Hair Grows up and The Journey Back which is a book for our transitioning ladies trying to get back to healthy natural hair, her salon is a haven of support and education making your experience there more than just ‘getting your hair done’.

Dr. Kari is an early riser, beginning her day with spiritual gratitude and ending it in the same manner, she is educated works hard, and continues to learn and grow in an industry that is ever changing. There are a couple of gems in her interview, so read it very carefully; you will learn a thing or two!

Dr. Kari, what inspires you?

I am inspired by the many women I encounter on a daily basis. When I witness how what I do affects their lives physically, emotionally and spiritually, I am motivated to continue to grow so that I can provide more options within the services I provide.

kari3We cannot tell you how many times a day we get the same question from women all over the world, “How can I get my hair to grow?” We usually answer it with suggestions surrounding, building a solid regimen and having patience. Is it just that simple? What would you say to that girl?

It is that simple. I tease clients and tell them that if you are living your hair is growing. If you feel like your hair is not growing then something is happening to the ends of your hair that is causing breakage.

It becomes a conversation about length retention. This does include a solid hair care regimen, balanced nutritional intake to support growth from the inside out and patience.

We know about the Mahogany Hair Revolution Salon, we have read the  reviews and seen your amazing work, what sets your salon apart from the rest, how do you stay innovative in such a demanding industry?

I’m constantly putting myself in the client’s shoes. I am such a perfectionist and very critical. These character traits constantly have me pushing myself to be better. I want to be the best. I want to give my clients the best. I want Mahogany to represent the best in hair care.

As a result, I am always studying, learning and heeding the advice of mentors. What the “best” looks like is constantly changing, which means I am also constantly evolving and challenging myself to rise to the next level.

If you could pen an open letter to the new stylists who really want to succeed in this business what would be the main point you would want to drive home?

kari4Success takes discipline and perseverance.  Success looks different to everyone. So whatever your goals are, chase them fearlessly. Stay disciplined in practicing and perfecting your craft.

Perseverance is important because you will encounter road blocks and setbacks. They are only temporary. Remain consistent and you will eventually achieve the success you desire.

For women suffering from hair loss who have tried everything, things can seem hopeless, what is the best advice you can give to women suffering from Traction Alopecia?

Traction alopecia is a scarring form of alopecia which means follicles are damaged to the point where scar tissue has formed and hair will not grow back.

My best advice is the moment you experience hair loss due to traction to seek help. Too often women wait until it is too late to address hair loss caused by traction. The sooner you take action to stimulate the follicles and reduce the inflammation caused by the traction, the more likely you will see hair growth.

Ultimately, the best advice is to avoid tight hair styles that create stress around the hair line. If you are experiencing discomfort take the style out or you risk permanent hair loss.

kari6Tell us about Mahogany Babies, what drove you to start such a program and what should parents expect from participating in that program?

Mahogany Babies was born out of my desire to help parents get the right product information and basic techniques to take care of their children’s hair. There are few salons and stylists who serve children and I noticed a growing need among parents who wanted to keep their children’s hair healthy and celebrate their hair in its natural state.

The seminar consists of a presentation of dispelling common myths about hair growth in children, proper products to use as well as a hands on portion. During the hands-on portion parents learn to detangle the hair properly, how to keep the hair lubricated and moisturize, and simple styling techniques like twisting, braiding and cornrowing.

Marrying social media and business is almost inevitable these days but we have heard that blogs and vlogs specifically geared towards hair care are irresponsible because many of the women are not formally educated in cosmetology. What is your opinion on the DIY trend?

I think it’s great that women are reacquainting themselves with their hair and the fear that a lot of women with curlier hair strands had with manipulating their own hair, is disappearing. Understanding your hair is empowering.

As a result, I do feel that women have to understand that everyone’s hair is unique and a hair care regimen, product or style that is shared in a blog or vlog will not always work on your hair.

kari1The examples demonstrated or discussed on these sites are opinions from peers who have experience with ONLY their hair. Women have forgotten the importance of seeking the guidance and help of a trained professional who has experience with thousands of women, curl patterns and textures.

The information shared on many blogs and vlogs confuse facts and perpetuate myths creating a lot of confusion amongst women. I’ve seen the result of this confusion many times over in the salon manifested in damaged hair, inflamed scalps and emotional women frustrated and disappointed that their hair is not behaving like their favorite vlogger or blogger.

I know a lot of these communities were formed out of a need to find support with managing natural hair because there was a lack of trained professionals. Well I’m here to state “WE DO EXIST.” Come see us sometime

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