10 Things to Pack When Traveling With Natural Hair

10 Things to Pack When Traveling With Natural Hair

Vacation Time! I know I am not the only one who loves to run away on mini weekend vacations or jump on the first cheap flight out of town. You know you’re one of them – admit it!

I tend to get super excited as I start packing – then I look at my hair. Oh gosh! MY HAIR!! And I only have a carry on bag…How am I going to carry all the products and tools that I need to have FLY hair over the weekend? Definitely can’t wear a hat on vacation. That’s a big No No! Well, don’t worry. I got you covered.

Below are 10 things you need to pack in your bag when traveling if you have natural hair. Let’s go:

1. Satin scarf and satin bonnet*
I know you might love your satin or silk pillowcase that your hubby knows he can’t put his head on. Lol! But in reality, you can’t carry it with you. Can you imaging what the hotel room service lady would think? Lol!

Pack a satin bonnet* to put on at night before bed. You have to protect your hair. The cotton pillowcases will certainly suck the moisture out of your hair.

Also pack a satin scarf so that you can smooth your edges down to make your hair style look even better. For example, after you are done styling your hair and you want your edges to be flat and sleek; you simply tie a scarf around the perimeter of your head. Keep it on for about 10 minutes or so and voila! FAB hair.

2. Empty spray bottle.
Well I was going to say a water spray bottle but then I remember the annoying rules of the TSA at the airport (they don’t allow liquids or creamy cosmetics on planes) and the thought of my spray bottle going in the trash bin is unthinkable. So yea, please empty your spray bottle and put it in your bag. Or, simply buy a new one. They only cost a $1 anyway.

3. Oils*
Well you must be giving me the side eye right now because I just mentioned the TSA rules. But they can’t stop you from having a fab hair weekend can they? No! So, I suggest heading to your nearest pharmacy or beauty supply store and get some travel size bottles/containers. Add your favorite oil or oil mix to one of these bottles and add to a Ziploc clear plastic bag (yes, you need a plastic clear bag).

3. Hair moisturizer
Walking around with thirsty, dry and brittle hair is not a good look. So we have to add this to the list. If your favorite hair moisturizer is not already in a tiny 2oz container then go ahead and fill up one of your travel size containers with your moisturizer and use on your hair as needed.

4. Gel/edge control
Those fly away edges need something to sleek them down – unless you plan to wear a fro every day. But to be honest, isn’t our hair super unpredictable? Your planned style might not come out right one day and you may have to do a high puff. I swear high puffs save the day each and every time.

My favorite edge controls are Cream Of Nature Edge control and Curls Control Paste because they sleek my edges down perfectly without a hard crunchy hold. If you are a gel person, then pack some of your favorite gel product.

26476804_1379124874 5. Bobby pins*
If you have been natural for more than a month, and already passed the TWA stage, then you have already developed a relationship with the good ole bobby pins*.

They are a natural hair girl’s bestie. Group your pins together in a container or simply wrap a rubber-band around a bunch of them to keep them together and toss in the bag.

Bobby pins are needed for most styles and sometimes it’s that one thing that can transform your entire look so make sure that you pack a few.

6. Headband
This is a given if you’re a Naturalista. Headbands* are a must in my daily handbag so can you imagine a vacation bag? As I said earlier, a puff is my saving grace when a style goes bad or if I am lazy and don’t want to do much to my hair. I know cannot be alone here. I always pack more than one just in case – God forbid – one burst open or gets lost.

Sleek your edges down with your gel or edge control and up into a puff you go. If you want a more elegant look then you can turn your puff into a high bun instead. Sleek and sexy.

7. Wide tooth comb*
If you will wash your hair and need to detangle, you might need more than your fingers. Yes finger detangling is great but not everyone wants to do it especially when on vacation. A wide tooth comb* helps you to detangle your hair while limiting breakage. And remember to detangle from the ends up to the roots carefully.

8. Soft bristle brush
To sleek your edges down a soft bristle brush will do wonders. And if you are like me, the nape of my hair is very unruly and only a brush can get my nape to look civilized.

9. Shampoo bar
If you do not own a shampoo bar* then you need to get one. Shampoo bars are great for traveling versus a liquid shampoo. Definitely no TSA trouble here. I personally love OBIA Coconut shampoo Bar because it cleans well and leaves my hair feeling soft. If you cannot get a shampoo bar* in time then simply pour some of your favorite shampoo in a travel size bottle.

10. Conditioner
After every shampoo we need to condition our hair. Your 2oz travel size container should be enough but it won’t hurt to pack two. I know us natural girls overdose on the conditioner – just because. Lol!

So there you have it. Traveling with natural hair can seem like a hassle but when you think about it, it’s a very simple packing process. Remember to pack what you know you will need and not try to pack your entire apartment. Now, go get to packing and enjoy!

What do you pack to maintain your natural hair when you go on vacation?

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