Heatless Stretched Afro Using The Banding Method

heatless stretched afro banding method

Do you stretch your hair or do you like your shrinkage? For most of us it really does not come down to what we like, but more so what is best for the health of our strands. Either way you kind of have a preference though, you either prefer your hair stretched or you don’t. Well for me that is a complete lie, I like my hair stretched sometimes and other times I kind of dig my shrinkage. However for my sanity my hair has to be stretched so that I can avoid those pesky single strand knots.

The video we are about to share, is a great demonstration of a heatless blowout using hair bands. We hear about banding all the time and many of us do it to achieve some stretch but it is nice to see a tutorial if you aren’t familiar with the technique or if you just want to see how someone else does it. Au Curls Naturelle demonstrated how she does her heatless afro using the banding method.

One of the things she does that is pretty cool, is that she combs her hair out with a pick first before adding the bands, we can go on record to say that you do not have to do that. Some might prefer to keep the texture in the hair by just banding the length of the hair without combing it out or some might prefer to put the bands on braids to get the ultimate stretched braid out.

Another thing we would add is if you band wet hair, allow the hair to fully dry before removing the bands, because your hair will just disrespect you and shrink up as if you did not do a thing!

Check out Au Curls video below and let us know how you stretch your hair:

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