5 Easy Hair Fixes To Get You Out Of A Rut


After that new new is over and the joys of learning about healthy hair wears off, you have gotten your regimen down pat and the dust settles you might find yourself wondering: What’s next? You know what products work for your hair, you have earned its schedule, what it likes and what it doesn’t and have mastered the consistency that leads to retention.

Protective styling can leave you feeling like all of your hard work is for nothing because your hair is almost always tucked away. You see results only long enough for them to motivate you to put your ends right back where you found them. Here’s the magic hair journey question: if you’re always making sure your hair is protected so that it stays healthy, then when do you have time to actually enjoy your progress?

If this sounds like you, then you might have found yourself in the midst of a hair rut. Sometimes it’s the price you have to pay to get your hair back on the right track, but like everything else in life it’s important to remember to let your hair down literally, and have some fun with it too.

Fear not, it happens to the best of us and it can be frustrating because no one wants to be bored with their hair and at the same time unable to maintain the consistency of healthy hair practices. This is especially true if your journey is one marked by the desire for length retention.

Luckily, there are some easy and non damaging ways to switch things up when it’s time to enjoy your hair for a little bit. Check out these five:

1. Temporary Color

Sometimes a boost from new color is just what you need to revamp your hair blues. There are lots of different products on the market that offer this option without the long term commitment and the long term damage. If you want to try out a new look but are scared of either one of those options then it is time to kiss your worries goodbye.

Products like Streaks ‘N Tips or Jerome Russell B Wild Color Spray can provide a great range of colors to try. Plus, if you don’t like it, you can wash it right out! There are even more muted colors in the blonde and brown families in case neon pink isn’t really your thing.

2. Quick Ponytail

All you need are some bobby pins* and a little edge control to put you on the path to a totally new look. There are so many different textures and lengths weave* ponytails can offer, while still maintaining your precious ends. Another great thing about this option is that it’s affordable. You don’t have to shell out big bucks to achieve this style and there are so many different options for this look: high ponytail, side pony, bun, the opportunities are endless.

1772632533. Experiment with Length

Clip-ins or faux bobs can be a great way to experiment with length and even color. For lighter shades you might prefer not to risk damaging your own hair so use a clip in*. Not only do they add color but they are a great way to add volume and length as well.

It can also be a nice way to go shorter without the long term repercussion of an actual haircut. Braid your actual hair underneath almost like you would for a sew-in and add the clips to that. This probably isn’t the best idea for long term use as it will inevitably cause hair damage, but it can be a fun new look for a couple of days. Another great option is the faux bob. A style for longer hair, just tuck your ends underneath and pin. It’s a quick an easy way to achieve the bob look, again, without the commitment.

4. Texture Change

Sounds weird, but what I mean is switch up the way you wear your hair on a regular basis. If you wear it straight? Try a fun braid out or twist out, maybe even some bantu knots. Wear it curly all the time? Grab some heat protectant* and straighten it out!

A different style can be just the change you need and in some cases it can even give your hair a much deserved break. If you’re feeling even more daring (and committed) try out some braids for a while. You can choose between lots of different styles and lengths.

5. Wigs*

There was a time where the mere mention of wigs conjured up thoughts of grandmas and church aunts. Today, there are so many different, natural wig* options that you almost have no reason not to try them. Lace front wigs* can provide full protection while also offering up a new style (double win). Try a 3/4 wig* for sew-in like blending. The textures, colors, and styles are endless so get out of that rut and for goodness sakes, have a little fun!

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