How To Tame Those Edges And Baby Hairs

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Do you guys do that? Do we even have baby hairs, or should we just stick with the term ‘edges’ or “hairline’? I was inspired by ItsMyRayeRaye because she just released a video that showed how she tamed her edges and baby hairs.

Her before and after looked great but after she did her taming routine I could see the difference and it did add something to her pulled back style. Taming my baby hairs has never been a priority, I have always just slicked everything back with no swirl action or any kind of tooth brush shaping.

On many videos on you tube though you will see alot of women putting some work in on their hairline as a style finisher and it does help to make your style complete.

What you will need

1. Edge Control product

2. A tooth brush

The key to not over doing the whole hair line shaping thing is not making your hair do something it isn’t naturally meant to do. In other words do not part out a section of the front of your hair to comb and gel down in the name of baby hairs.

You will notice some thinner hairs along your hair line that tend to grow forward and lay pretty flat against your face, those are the hairs that you would brush and make a little neat.

Using a tooth brush helps you to just focus on those hairs and not any of your longer thicker strands. Choose an edge control product that has great hold but that isnt too shiny. You do not want your forehead and the sides of your hair to appear way too shiny and unnatural. Most of the great products do not do this, so its a matter of trial and error.

Check out Itsmyrayeraye’s video:

Do you tame your hairline?

Comment below, and let us know!

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