5 Tips On How To Pick the Perfect Hair Products


We’ve all been there- sitting in the hair aisle at the store staring at two products trying to figure out what would be the best purchase or buying way too many products that we don’t need just because our favorite blogger raved about it in her last video.

With all of the products being marketed towards natural hair these days it can be hard to find the right product for your hair, especially if you are just beginning your hair journey. Here are a few tips for picking the perfect product and saving yourself, your hair, and your wallet some added stress.

1. Know what you’re looking for

Before you go to purchase a product, you have to figure out what you need and what you need it for. Look at your hair and decide what it’s lacking: if your hair has been dry then you may need a moisturizing deep conditioner* or a different oil to seal your hair.

If your hair is weak and brittle you may want to find a product enriched with protein. There are a ton of hair products out there that advertise various strengths for natural hair. Familiarize yourself with large and small natural hair companies so you have a variety of options to choose from.

2. Read and research ingredients

Product ingredients can make the difference in how a product works for your hair. Familiarize yourself with different ingredients that are used to make natural hair products and research their benefits.

If you know what product you’d like to buy beforehand you can research it at home. But if you’re out and something catches your eye, research it on your phone. Try to memorize some common no-no ingredients like sodium laureth sulfate, parabens, and -cons. Look up anything that sounds unfamiliar to learn what it is.

Also, always remember that the first five ingredients in any product are the most prevalent ingredients. The ingredients closer to the bottom are there in lesser quantity. To see what I mean, grab one of your hair products and read the ingredients.

What are the top ten ingredients? If you’re purchasing shampoo or any conditioner, the first ingredient should be water to help provide added moisture to your hair. If you’re looking for a styler that will leave your hair shiny and soft, find a product that contains shea butter* or flaxseed. Learn what ingredients are beneficial as well as those that aren’t.

Capture3. Read Reviews

The truth is that different products work for different people. Even so, you should look online to see what other people have been saying about certain products. Search the product name while in the store and read some general reviews.

Look at online forums in the natural hair community and find product reviews all over the web. Take this information with a grain of salt- don’t let someone discourage you from purchasing a product. If you would really like to try something then try it. Likewise, if you know that a product has an ingredient that will definitely not work for you hair then don’t use it.

4. Try Samples

Instead of spending a ton of money of full sized products that may not work; try product samples to find what works best for you. Product samples give you the chance to try a product without a commitment. Some companies sell sample sizes of their products and you can sometimes get free samples from events or with purchases.

Subscription services are also good ways to get interesting product samples, and they tend to be from a more diverse brand selection than simply going into a store. If you don’t like a product you won’t be stuck with it forever, and if you do like it, then you can always follow up and purchase from the brand itself.

5. Try Product More than Once

Sometimes when we first use products, we may not like them immediately and then totally disregard them. The truth though is that it takes time for our hair to get accustomed to products. If you try a product once and don’t like it, give it another chance. Try a product a few times before judging it. If you still don’t see results or you notice differences in your hair health, you should try something else.

Picking great products for your natural hair isn’t as hard as you’d think. The further you go in your hair journey, the easier it will be to decide what your hair needs and what products work best.

Once you find your favorite products, continue to use them as your staples to see real results. Try to avoid constantly switching products and falling victim to being a product junkie. Consistency is key to growing healthy hair and it will be easier to keep a hair regimen with the same products.  This cuts down on cost and you will notice healthy, shiny hair from using what works for you.

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