5 Hair Tools That Are Vital In Your Hair Care Arsenal

bigstock-set-of-combs-and-scissors-hai-26366627The other day my mom decided that it was time to clean out her beloved closet. Now, when it comes to clothes she is a serious hoarder and has even started creeping into the guest bedroom closet and mine since I am away at school.

I knew this would be a daunting task that would pretty much take the entire day. The stuff she pulled out of that closet I hadn’t seen outside of a movie, that’s how old and outdated they were. I’m not going to lie though there were basic staple pieces like this gorgeous trench coat that she bought more than a decade ago that is still trendy today. It just goes to show you that some things never truly go out of style.

As a creature of habit I often spend an endless number of hours trying to make decisions. I am never one to really jump too far out of my comfort zone, I want to make sure I make the right decision so I only have to do it once and more importantly so I am not disappointed. This pretty much applies to every aspect of my life…except my hair.

Like my mom’s shopping habit, there is  definitely a war between the product junkie in me and the planner, and I am constantly kicking myself for impulse buys that turn out to be busts.

The good news is that every trial and error has a few successes embedded in there and that’s how new staples are discovered. Along the way I have discovered a few things that always work in my regimen and much like that trench coat these products never go out of style.

Wide Tooth Comb*

As the runner-up to finger detangling the wide tooth comb* is probably one of the first things healthy hair divas purchase. We all know the rationale behind it: wider teeth means gentler detangling.

If your wide tooth comb* also happens to be seamless that’s even better in terms of being gentle enough with your hair. Make sure you get a quality one as your wide toothed comb will be will you for the long haul. I mean this literally because the longer your hair gets the harder detangling becomes and the more necessary this comb is.

695391621_956Duck Clips

Wash days would not be the same without these precious little gems. If the key to your hair journey is retention then these are your best friend. They are perfect and necessary on wash days for sectioning off hair into fourths or sixths or eights, etc, etc and come in a variety of sizes that make handling what can sometimes be an overwhelming task with ease.

Washing your hair in sections, detangling, moisturizing and sealing are just a few things these are great for. Everything is better in sections!

Paddle Brush

With the paddle brush* you get the best of both worlds. You get the detangling benefits, which work similarly to a wide tooth comb*. Next, for those who prefer not to use other kinds of brushes for fear of damage (although a paddle brush* definitely won’t get your edges laid), you still get some of the smoothing factor that they afford.

Aside from that, hair wraps would never be the same without this trusty tool. One popular kind of paddle brush is the Denman, known for its detangling finesse and ability to whip your curls into shape. Plus, it is customizable (modified Denman) which allows each user to cater to their own tresses. If the Denman isn’t quite your cup of tea there are hundreds of different brands, styles, colors and sizes to choose from.

Bobby Pins*

No matter how many bobby pins you have you can never have enough! Seriously, it’s like they have minds of their own and just get up and walk away which often leaves me wondering: “Didn’t I just buy a new pack? Where the heck are all of my bobby pins”.

Nonetheless, bobby pins* are the gatekeeper to tons of different hairstyles from updos, to french braids, to faux bobs to extra large puffs and the list goes on. These are probably one of the few tools you can think of that allow such versatility all by using the same exact thing. I do have to warn you though: make sure you stock up!

Spray Bottle

The spray bottle is another tool that practically has an endless number of uses. It can be used to keep your braid outs and rollersets just wet enough or even to distribute your own hair spray be it a special DIY moisturizing mix or braid spray.

By using a spray bottle, applying different products to your hair is made easier and more efficient. Plus, there is almost a guarantee that you will find a use for it on your healthy hair travels especially if they involve protective styling.

Did I miss anything on the list? What do you guys like to keep in your hair tool kit?

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