Three Reasons You Should DIY Your Natural Hair Products

CaptureWhen most people hear DIY and natural hair products (myself included) what usually comes next is ‘Uh uh, ain’t nobody got time for that!’ Many of us stick to purchasing hair products at the store because it’s more convenient. However, there are some upsides to making our own natural hair products. If you’ve never given thought to creating your own hair products, here are three reasons why you should reconsider:

1. Cheaper

Creating DIY products at home can be way cheaper than buying them at the store. Most ingredients come in bulk and you can buy and use them repeatedly and in different ways. There are a few products that you may already use for your hair or body like Olive*/Coconut Oil*, Shea Butter*, etc so you know that they are multipurpose.

When you create DIY natural hair products you can make them in batches that will last a while. I made a batch of DIY whipped shea butter* a few months ago and I still haven’t made a dent in it. These big containers reduce the need to constantly go to the store and but more because they last so long.

2. Better Ingredients

You know the saying ‘If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself’? The person who said it probably wasn’t thinking about natural hair products at the time, but this applies to us too.

There are many products out there marketed towards women with natural hair, and not all of them are what they claim to be. Many products labeled ‘natural’ still contain ingredients like dimethicone, parabens, and others that can cause harm to our hair and bodies. When creating a DIY hair product, you choose the ingredients. DIY products are fresh and don’t contain artificial preservatives.

One thing to keep in mind when making your own natural hair products, especially ones that contain fresh ingredients like avocado, banana, etc, is that because they don’t contain preservatives, they won’t last as long as hair products that do.

Some deep conditioners have to be made for one time use (like protein treatments using egg), however others can last up to three weeks if refrigerated. Flaxseed Gel also has a shelf life of about three weeks in the fridge. Shea Butter has a longer shelf life, and you can leave it in a closed container for months.

3. Customizable

Sometimes it may seem like you just can’t find the right product for your hair on the shelves. The good thing about creating your hair natural hair product is that you can customize it to fit your needs.

Research different recipes for DIY products that can help your hair, whether it’s for extra moisture, protein, strengthening, etc. Find common DIY ingredients and learn their benefits so that you can create a product that works for your hair.

Making DIY hair products is an underrated idea. Although it may seem difficult to get into at first, especially if you’re just beginning your hair journey, making DIY products can actually be easier on your pockets and better for your hair than purchasing products in the store. There are plenty of recipes and ideas for deep conditioners, protein treatments, oil mixes, sealants, and moisturizers. Learn what your hair likes and go from there!

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