Soaking Your Hair With Coconut Oil Prior To Bleaching Can Be A Lifesaver

blonde hairWe talk about Coconut oil all the time. Particularly because it is a superior oil and is very healthy for your hair, skin and even your body when taken internally.

We feel a bit obliged to add just one more thing to that mile-long list of benefits the oil has because this one is a doozy.

We all know that when we bleach our hair for the first time the look is always amazing but the maintenance is crazy hard.

Bleached blonde hair requires a lot of moisture and a lot of protein. Your hair has been stripped of much of its surface area so after the bleach your hair is probably the most porous it has ever been prior to the treatment.

However, prior to dealing with the effects of bleaching, the process is not easy either. Word on the street is that you can prevent some of the issues that occur with bleaching your hair by soaking your hair with coconut oil* prior to adding the bleach the next day.

How to do it

1. Coat your hair from root to tip with coconut* oil.

2. Cover you hair with a plastic cap and go to sleep.

3. Bleach your hair the following day with the oil still in your hair.

When you pre-soak your hair with oil, you are actually replicating the natural oils* in your hair causing buildup which protects your hair and scalp from the damaging effects of the bleaching process.

According to the women who swear by the coconut oil* bleaching method, the oil helps the process of bleaching to go by much faster. Additionally it helps to prevent any burning or itchiness that might occur during the process.

Next time you are thinking about going blonde we say try the coconut oil bleaching method to see how effective it is. This is one that you can safely experiment with because coconut* oil is so amazing for your hair anyway.

Comment below and let us know if you have ever tried the coconut oil bleaching method.


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