10 Tips To Consider Before You Big Chop

journey to waist lengthSo you are ready to do your big chop? Read these 10 points before you pick up the scissors:

1. Do it when you are ready

There is no set date on when it is best to big chop, do it when you are ready and most comfortable in your transition journey. You will know when it is time.

2. Get help

If you do not think you have what it takes to do your own big chop, by all means make an appointment to get it done at a salon or ask someone close to you to help.

3. Get the right tools

You will need sharp hair shears to do the big chop. Spend the money and invest in a great pair of scissors you will need it.

4. Use a spray bottle and conditioner

Before you start cutting you will need to get the natural hair to shrink a bit. You will need to clearly differentiate your natural hair from your relaxed ends so that you can know where to cut! Use conditioner on each section to keep your hair moisturized as you cut.

5. Cut just the relaxed portions

Do not worry about getting an even cut all around just cut the relaxed hair off and then enjoy your hair a bit before cutting again for evenness.

6. Let it sink in

Once you are done, allow the chop to sink in a bit. Look at yourself in the mirror, and just admire how gorgeous your hair is.

7. Deep condition your hair with some protein

Strengthen your natural hair this is the beginning of your natural hair journey minus the relaxed hair

8. Try simple styles first

When you take your time and practice simple styles like puffs or coils you develop patience with your new hair and progress with styling as you get used to caring for your natural hair.

9. Focus on health

Focus on the health of your hair first, over length. When you focus on keeping your hair healthy the length will come before you know it.

10. Join our community

No man is an island and sometimes you need to get help or get a confidence boost or even ask a question, do not hesitate to join our community, sign up for our newsletter. Making connections makes your journey a whole lot easier!

Check out Journeytowaistlength demonstrating how she finally did her big Chop:

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