5 Ways To Share Your Hair Journey With Your Loved Ones

black familyThe decision to go natural was definitely my own and I felt it was the best decision for my hair. When I first started my journey, I was on cloud 9 and just so proud of myself for finally loving my hair.

However, it was a struggle for my family to love my decision to go natural. I mean, I was the only one in my family to rock my natural at the time, but I did not think it would be a struggle for my family to love my hair like I did.

Then I realized that it did not have to be a struggle with my family, maybe they just did not understand what ‘going natural’ or ‘accepting my coils’ meant.

You don’t have to be on their hair journey alone. Of course, you can go to the blogs, Instagram, and vlogs that are great outlets to find some encouragement, but it’s the best when it comes from family and friends even when they don’t understand your hair. Here are 5 ways to share your hair journey with your loved ones, even when they don’t understand:

Talk About Your Hair

It is really that simple, especially if you are really excited about your own hair. This will allow them to see your interests, listen to your goals, and just encourage them to become more excited about you and your hair.

If you are like me and was the first person to go natural in your family, it is possible for your family to say something wrong (not on purpose).

I spoke about why I made the decision, explained my hair regimen and the products I used, I even showed them the different styles I enjoyed. You may be surprised that talking to your family about your hair in a positive way can educate them as well.

Do Some Hair Play

Let your husband give you a scalp massage one day when you are feeling stressed or just need some resting time. This will allow him to feel your hair and to give acquainted with what he doesn’t understand.

Don’t forget about your kids too! Let your little girls grab their Barbie comb and barrettes to do a little something special for your hair.

She will see that mommy loves her hair and will get excited about her own hair. For me, I allowed my 18 month old son to add moisturizer and oil to my mini twists, which is thoroughly enjoys!

Take Them Product Shopping With You

Shopping for hair products should be fun, enlightening, and just pretty darn interesting. When you go products shopping, talk about how you pick out your products and why you only pick up certain things for your hair.

Ask them what kind of products they like to use and what they would like to try. Give your shopping companion some room to talk about their hair goals and what they are doing for their own hair. This will create a great conversation about hair products and healthy hair care.

Give Them DIY Responsibility

If it is time to create your Creamy Shea Butter* Mix or your Coffee Infused Oil, this would be a great time for your family to get involved in how you customize the products you use for your hair and how they can assist in the process of making it.

If you are a kitchenista, allow them to measure certain things or even pour things in your concoctions. During that time, you can even try your DIY products on your mom or your sister just to see how they like it for themselves.

Show Off Your Hair Diary

Talk to them about each stage that you went through an what your learning opportunities are. Look at the pictures, feel the emotions from the entries, and see how far your hair has come along the journey. Show that your hair diary helps you to stay on track for you to reach your specific goals.

You can even ask your family member what kinds of goals they have for their own hair and search for pictures to keep them inspired as well.

What are some ways you share your hair journey with your family and friends?

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