Zury Hollywood 360 Double Dutch Lace Wig- Rimi | Synthetic Wig Show N Tell

Hey my loves! Welcome back to the channel! I'm back with a braided wig by Zury Hollywood called Rimi in the color SEA BLUE! I'm so excited to be showing off this unit. The way I'm going to do my synthetic wig videos is in the show n tell format, meaning not a full review. Most of my synthetic units I end up giving away or selling. For general information synthetic units can last anywhere from 2 weeks all the way to a year depending on how often you wear them and how well you take care of them when you take them off. The only videos I will go in depth about and do fun 3-4 reviews of are human hair units/bundles simply because we pay a lot more money for human hair. Hopefully that makes sense to you all and works out for everyone. Thanks so much to those who watch my videos and had such nice things to say about my latest news of my pregnancy. Love you all and thank you for rocking with me! Miracles and Blessings!




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Don'T know you got don't mean no disrespect, my world, I even dream of you vision on my way. Anything mental say happen are just way too shy. I got ta make you see this injustice. Hema loves. Welcome back to my channel, so I'm here with another synthetic wig show-and-tell, and this one is in Survivor II, Hollywood and it is in the color, see blue and the actual name of this wig is the 360 DD lace, remy wig. So remy is the name of the wig and see blue is the color, so I have had this week for a while. Thank you so much Zuri Hollywood for being so understanding of, what's been going on with me and my pregnancy and everything. So thank you. So much for being understanding of my condition pretty much, but anyway, this is a 360 lace. Double dutch braid it unit you get two combs in the front. You have this long lace parting. So all the way down. So it looks very natural. Then you get your two combs in the front, go towards the center and then two more on the side near the temple. You get two in the back and also your adjustable strap. So you should not have an issue with this week coming off. It should be very secure on your head, okay, so the lace on this wig is soft and you do get some nice gold embellishment string on the braids as well. So I think this is gon na be pretty cute. I'M gon na take off the unit that I have on and I'm going to try this wig on just with delay still attached. You guys can see what it will look like straight out the packaging. So if you don't want to do any customizing to it, this is what you're gon na get. Obviously, I would tell everybody to definitely cut the lace. Still don't walk out the house, with the laid still attach this we're not doing that here. Okay, so the wig is a little big on my head. I would say it is pretty medium to large-sized and you guys know I have a really small pea head. So every wig pretty much it's gon na be big on my head, so yeah. This is what it's looking like. I think it looks pretty pretty good for a braided unit, I'm not really the biggest man of Brady unis, just because sometimes they can look really nacho. The only thing that will really prevent me from wearing this wig out would be that the hairline is not stand out enough in my opinion, so I'm just gon na cut the lace off. Now I have the lace cut and I'm going to go ahead and put it back on and do some customizing to this unit, the best of my ability to make it look as natural as possible. So, like I said, I really do wish that this week had was a little bit more thinned out towards the hairline, because I think that just kind of gives a dead giveaway, that it is a wig and that it is a synthetic wig. So I'm going to these baby hairs are a little long, so I'm gon na take my eyebrow razor and I'm going to go ahead and cut those off just like maybe like halfway and I'm not going to cut them completely off. Of course, because I want to style them, I'm going to end up using some got ta be gel in the black bottle and I'm going to go ahead and style, those so yeah. You definitely can't leave them long. If that's your, you know, preference, you can cut them all the way off. If that's your preference just make sure that you are getting your money's worth when it comes to these wigs, because at the end of the day they will not last forever. You want to make sure that you are getting your money's worth period, so I'm gon na go ahead and take some of my powder. I used the AOA studio powder and toffee and that's what I'm using AOA Studios is on sharpness, a comm $ 1. For this powder, absolutely amazing, if I can't remember, I will link it down below and I'm trying to just fill my way through and just put some powder down the middle. I probably should've did that off camera or on a mannequin or something but yeah. If you wanted to look, you know precise and you know perfect. You definitely should do that off camera, because if you can't see you can't see okay, so yeah, I absolutely love the curl pattern of the ponytails. It'S super duper cute, absolutely love it. So I'm gon na take some more of that powder and just make sure that the front lace fortune is, you know, blend in seamlessly with my skin. So I think that this is perfect. This would like, I honestly would say this will be a perfect unit to literally wear out, because even with the color, you guys know I'm no stranger to color. I'Ve been doing it for a while now, but the hairline is just a little too thick for me. I was just like, oh I don't know about this, so you guys have to. Let me know in the comments: does it look too Wiggy, or would you wear it? Let me know down in the comment section below be nice: okay, cuz. You know my feelings be in it now that I'm pregnant because to be in my feelings, so I don't be taking everything that I used to take okay in the comment section, but I love y'all regardless. Yes, I'm just like I said, I'm gon na take that got to be gel and I'm going to go ahead and sculpt these baby hairs as much as possible. I'M really not the biggest fan of colored edges but or colored baby hairs, but I had to make it work with this unit. I just didn't want to leave it with no baby hairs or just them kind of looking straggly, so I needed them to be late. Okay, so yeah, that's what I'm going to do, give myself a little Ashanti sideburns and keep it going. This unit really does remind me of something that arrogance Hayes would do something that he will definitely put somebody in. Obviously, in a human hair cuz, I don't think he would see synthetic but yeah. I think this is something he would definitely do. I think it's super duper cute. I like it a lot so shout outs is very Hollywood. Furred continuously coming out with different styles that we can try different colors that we can try. I love this blue sea blue combination. It'S like light blues with dark moods, there's. So many different hues of blue in this unit - and I absolutely love it so you guys have to let me know what you think of the color down below as well yeah. Overall, I think it's a really cute unit. I really don't have anything super negative to say about the unit I like I said I would just want the the hair line to be a little bit less dense, so yeah other thing that I think the week is perfect um. As you can see that part, I could be a little bit better we're putting the put in the powder, but I couldn't see but yeah you guys. Let me know what you think down below. I would recommend it. I will leave the link in the comment section or in the description box and I will see you Queens later. Deuces

randomgirltv: never seen a wig that looked this good with braids i just love it and the color ❤


qtbeddecor: Yes, you pulled it off!!! Your makeup is perfect for this color wig. That really makes a difference. xoxoxo

Silky Saks: To be honest I thought I would hate it but it's actually cute

Empress Keys Moon: I have her in a black. You rock her girl. #yesyoudid

Felicia L: I love the color and the style. I personally would not worry about how realistic the hair line looks - as it is a very unusual wig to start with. If it were me, I would probably wear blue or grey contacts with it and go full ham.

FlawlessAndFancy: I love the color, but I am not a fan of the hairline either. But, it can work you know. Like with a costume for say, carnival. Anyway, as long as you have confidence you can wear anything.

Stephanie Dudley: Very pretty

Jackie Bang: I'm not a fan of braided units either but the color of this one is cute. You should watch Dizatress Beauty channel because she reviewed this unit but wore it down, also.

Megan Daniels: Very cute

Dee Luther: First comment Beautiful thumbnail tho You definitely slay This LooK Your Sooo Freaking GorgeOus MaKeup always Look Cute Love your HaiR Hope u Have a Fabulous Weekend

Mama Kat: She is cute, I agree I wish the hairline was pluck more to look natural.

Tonya Bullock: I wouldn't wear her, but you can pull off any unit!

AIRBRUSH MAKEUP with Lauri: I have a red one

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