Start To Finish Watch How I Secure My 360 Lace Wig Ft. Perfect Lace Wig


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Hair information:

Brazilian Virgin Human Hair Loose Curl 360 Lace Wig For Black Women Pre Plucked Natural Hairline With Baby Hair [360LW31]

Hair Type: Brazilian Virgin Hair

Hairline: Pre-plucked

Texture: Loose Curl

Hair length: 20inch

Hair color: Natural color

Hair density: 180%

Lace cap style: 360 lace wig

Discount Code:

$20 off discount code PF20

More Fashion lace wigs, please check here:

Contact Information:

Service email: [email protected]

Instagram Link:

So you out, as you can see, this hair is super flowy. It'S beautiful soft textured. It is a Brazilian loose curl and it's 20 inches long on me and I just really love it. It didn't take me long to do this and I'm just filling it y'all. It is so pretty the hair is very soft, as I said before, and it's very very soft you just don't have no shedding or anything like that. It'S just a very nice unit overall and I'm very happy with it very happy that perfect lace, wigs sent me this hair y'all, it's just beautiful. I never have had long curly hair that felt this good, but this texture is really phenomenally good and it's affordable and just want you all to know that you know I don't come on my channel and tell y'all fibs about stuff, but this hair is very good. Hair when you order it you're going to fall in love with it and you're going to just take care of it, because it's just it's it's human hair and the longevity of this hair. You can really have a lot of lawn care with it about a hair company that I've been following for a while, and I fell in love with how their hair textures are, and I was just visiting their websites. I decided that I wanted to order a unit from them and I finally got it so this hair company that I'm talking about is called perfectly yeah. I can see that I'm going to try to stand back a little bit, so it is perfect light wings, yeah. Okay, yeah I'm gon na go ahead and take the hair out of the box. Okay, these are the two cones that came in. You can sew it onto the elastic band if you want to and yeah I used to seeing these. These are always in your units when you get them so yeah, and this is the elastic band which I love. It is super tight, but not too tight, so you pretty much already have three cones active and there okay, it smells good, there's no smell to it. It'S a 360 unit. It goes all the way around. I am going to style this hair. It was. You are watching me this unit, so I'm gon na do the oil. Is I'm going to go ahead and put this unit on yeah? I know y'all like why do you look so pretty with that you have on? I know I do, but it is time to rock something else now, so I really want to try this unit. I'M gon na go ahead and stop talking and get this unit on. You this is how she looks on the mannequin, see girls yeah. I have gotten a wig on well, I just kind of put it on halfway here. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my Maybelline? Actually, its truth is a fit me powder and I'm going to go across the front over here of my forehead now I know yeah. I probably think why are you not pulling your stocking cap closer this way? I just don't do it because of my hairline. I have a long hair line with any hair. I can they still stay right there, so I usually leave my cap back this far back and I'm just gon na pull the power on here I got in the air, any ball, it is so pretty. I am just filling this hair, it's really pretty for 20 inches. It is hanging almost to my wife. Why yeah I'm gon na go ahead and put it in a ponytail. It'S not gon na be a straight back ponytail, but I will do like a straight back side, part ponytail. So let me go ahead and do that now gorgeous. It really really is a pretty hair texture. So what I'm going to do? You are the texture. I forgot to tell you Wow: the texture is Brazilian. I am going to put the description in the link below go over to perfect lace, wigs and order your unit, you cannot go wrong with this. Hair is affordable. Yeah. I mean just look at this. There is no shading, there is no tangling, I didn't fuse this hair and the hair is just is banging like. I just love it. This is some nice dancing hair job, so you cannot go wrong with it. Um. As I said before, I will have a discount code also below in the comment section so, and the description link box, I'm sorry, yeah. In the description link bar box. There will be a tire code for you to go over and order you this beautiful, gorgeous nice texture, soft 180 percent density, lace, 360 unit, it's beautiful, yeah and yeah. I can see I'm rocking it like I said I didn't have to pluck the hair anything anything he looks like he's wrong straight out of my scalp okay, so I'm gon na go ahead and in this video yeah. Well, ah, please don't forget to click the subscribe button like and share this video with all your friends, families, cousins whom ever just share y'all peace out bye till next time.

Tonya Love: I love how it all came together. The hair looks as if it is your very own hair.

kakburk181: You make installation of lace wig look real easy. :)

terrance Johnson: I can not stop watching this video you keep things interesting . Would love to see you do some more videos with you wearing color

Daria Lashonde: Wow! I love this video, this is nice tutorial and you really look great !

Laszlo1: Nice tutorial! Very informative.

Shantinia J: Hi there your are such a beauty. Thank you for this tutorial i just recently started learning how to do my own with me watching your videos over and over. Thanks a million.

Keiva Sweet: i can not believe i missed watching this video. You are so beautiful and very detailed.

Tonya Love: You did a very good tutorial.

Keiva Sweet: I am your #1 fan and have watch you blossom over the last past few months Good Job!

WadworBrotherls: beautiful hair! you look fabulous!

Keiva Sweet: That hair looks amazing on you FYI it looks very realistic on you and you can not tell is a lace

Chanelle Dukes: Awesome job!

Captain-Bombs: Great video! This is why I love your channel.

Meena Green: I am from Florida and i am new to your channel being from the Bahamas i know how it can be. You stay strong and keep moving forward no matter how hard it gets

Chanelle Dukes: OK Miss Diva, i see you. Loving your hair girl

Jaqueline Spears: The hair is very pretty and looks so soft

Rae Payne: Gorgeous you are!

Dre Anderson: You look great. I just noticed this video much success

Barbara Whirl: Hi Love your video great tutorial

Sarah Anderson: This is hair is so niceee on you looks like your very own.

terrance Johnson: Work of art

Dre Anderson: Pretty hair

Jaqueline Spears: Love the video good work

Shantinia J: I so wish you could do my hair. I was reading Daria, comment and i agree with her you make it look so easy to do but it is not.

Meena Green: Very pretty when i seen this video i thought it was your real hair a plus..

Chanelle Dukes: Is the only review you did with this hair company? I looked on the YT they do not have your video up on there channel. I love your video the best 5 stars.

Barbara Whirl: Your are you and keep being you best of luck to you.

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