$35 Pre Plucked Synthetic Lace Front Wig! | Zury Sis "Hope" Wig Review | Ebonyline






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How to Apply A Lace Front Wig


How To Create Baby Hairs On A Lace Front Wig https://youtu.be/iFdL0AaILsU

My Everyday Makeup Routine


How to Correct Your Over Bleached Lace Frontal


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#TheTastemaker #Ebonyline #ZurySisWigHope #SyntheticWigReview

Hey what's up everyone, I have a brand new human hair and lace front that I can't wait to share with you guys. Actually, it's synthetic you guys. I have to start this video off with the hairline. I'M a tastemaker and hello. Look at this hairline cyst. So today we bout to get into this synthetic wig. Now a lot of you guys have come to my channel from one of my most popular synthetic wig videos, and that was my grade. Nina wait! We'Re trapped like over three hundred thousand views. Now I am like wow that was literally just a year ago and I feel like since the mean awake I feel like this is one of my favorite lace front, wigs. That is a synthetic wig because it looks so freakin natural. You guys. I did straighten out this week as well, even though the way does come straight and just look how this hair flows for this to be a synthetic wig. So yeah, you guys, I know y'all want to get all the details on this wig y'all want to know how I got to slay like this. So if you're ready to level up, then just continue watching alright, you guys so let's go ahead and get into this wig. I look super like washed out in detail. I don't know why, but anywho so here is the wig. The way that I'm reviewing today is called the Royal, a Swiss lace premium class wig. This is in the saddle, lace, age, hope and I do have it in the color one, which is basically jet black. So I'm gon na go ahead and take it out of the box right now. The first thing that I just caught my eye is this and it's showing how the lace is on here. It'S saying that it's a flawless free, tweeze hairline, so I don't know if you guys can see that I haven't done one ad either so long, I'm actually really excited. So it's not like a super long unit or anything like that grows all kind of contraptions. Look at all these contraptions in their career, so the wig does come with some lace tape, so I don't really use tape or anything like that. The only thing I use it's got to be a little spray, so I won't be needing that. But if you are somebody that uses that it does come with your wig, it's convenient. So here is the wig. It'S a jet black color. Of course it has a nice shine to it. It doesn't look very synthetic II, so that's the plus side to it and it's not exactly a lace front, but I'll show you guys the inside of the wig. So this is the front part of the wig. Obviously, so this is the front of the wig. Here is the lace part, so it's not like a whole ton of lace is not like a 13.4 exactly, but I mean you don't really need all that anyway. It says a synthetic way to grow hello. So here is the part. It doesn't look like I'm gon na need to put like much makeup or anything on it, but I am, but it looks very natural like especially for this to be synthetic. It'S extremely natural. This unit does have combs. I know it's hard to see because it's all black but there's a comb there on this side. There is another comb on this side and then there's also a comb here at the bottom. It does have adjustable straps. If you are not new to my channel, you guys know that I hate combs, but I'm not even gon na cut them out of here cuz. I don't feel like doing all of that right now, but I think this week is gon na, be a great alternative for those of you guys who can't really afford lace front wigs yet or maybe you're in between you know, situations and your Q low you. I see how this looks already. I don't need to need to put on makeup on underneath. I thought it was gon na needs well actually in real life. Yes, I do and relax. I do, but here's the wig just a cute little middle part wig. It'S making my forehead look big, maybe I'll, put mine down a little bit. Okay, that's better! So it is giving me like kind of like a little okay right now, I'm not really a fan of that, but it's something that can be easily fixed. So, if you're somebody who likes deep parts this week does have a big part, oh here are the edges of the wig. I mean it's good for a synthetic wig honestly, if you're one of those girls that likes to pluck their synthetic wigs. You can totally pluck this if you want it to, but I mean it looks pretty doggone good for it to be a synthetic wig like I'm impressed. This line that you see right here is from my wig hat: that's what that is so I'll pull it down. A little further yeah this is actually very natural-looking. I'M surprised, so I'm gon na go ahead and cut the lace off of this unit and then we're gon na go ahead and get into styling since okay guys. So the next thing that I went ahead and did was, I got my foundation is basically running out and I use this flat top elf brush if you're an older subscriber of mine, guys already know about this, but I have to let everybody know know so. Yeah, basically, what I did is, I just took the foundation and I just rubbed it all on the lace and the inside of the wig. This is what I do with my human hair, wigs and with my synthetic wigs. Personally, I don't like to put the powder on top. I know a lot of girls like to do that. I just don't like how that look is on a fan. My thing says: no, I think so now what I'm going to do. I actually need some gossipy glue, Joe, because I am gon na - do some baby hairs on this wave, because this is a lace front, a lace front wig, I'm gon na try to make it look as much as a human hair wig as I can, for you Guys so that way you guys can get like the full, the full experience of this wig - oh hey guys. So this is the finished. Look, I'm gon na go ahead and let you guys know the pros and cons to this here now that I have it one. It was very simple as far as I styling I pretty much just worried how the weight came. I didn't do like any hairstyle really with it. It'S a basic middle part, and I really like like once you flatter me. Maybe if I have like a different color on you, guys would really be able to see, but like running my fingers through. This is like a breeze like it's, so just like it's soft. The ends are not like looking crazy or anything like that. This side has a little bit more tangling at the ends. I'Ve noticed, but it's still like, maybe hopefully like a highlight hand. It'S so pretty good like it looks good, especially for this to be like synthetic hair, but I will say if you're like flipping it around and stuff like that, you will experience some tangling. I feel like this side is a lot better, though some people may feel like. Oh there's, no point in straightening the hair. If it already comes straight, but it does transform the feel of the hair, it kind of brings the luster out in the hair a little bit more to me, and I just overall really like how this looked. It does not give me like a synthetic wig kind of vibe everything from the part. The part looks so natural. I didn't need to pluck it. I didn't need to put baby hairs in the front. The edges look super natural, like y'all, see. These edges, though, like this is definitely pre flexed and then, if you wanted to, you can obviously pluck it more. You don't have to wear it in the middle part. If you don't want to you're going to totally shift this way to the side and do like a curved side part - oh, let's try! Oh, but I already did it huh, that's! Alright! It'S alright right! So, let's put her off to the side, maybe over even a little more like a dramatic pain. Oh that's, cute hold up hold up, wait a minute. You have this kind of look. I mean my edges are looking a little crazy right now like right here. This is where I had to cut that baby hair earlier so yeah. If you wanted to pull this hair back and pull it off to the side, real quick and then we could do like cuz, I'm trying to baby hair on here earlier, and I really didn't like the look of it. I think that's cute even have to here kind of like go back a little yeah if you wanted to do like a cute ponytail like a swoop bang come to, like you guys, see me doing my own. You nice hair, well this down here and wear it off to the side like this. You know you can do a lot with this wig. You can leave it like this and have this part coming down like that. This is super cute. There'S a lot of cute ways to wear this would actually might leave it like this. I kind of like this look there's definitely a lot of different ways that you can style this way. It'S super versatile, especially with the front being so like bomb like look how pre flippin bomb like my foundation came off here, because you know we had did our baby hair right there earlier, but even if you didn't want to like, have it all in your face. I just down off to the side like this. Like that's cute, I like this, I'm not exactly sure how many inches this wig is, but I will leave that down below I mean you cannot tell me that this is not giving you human hair, vibes. Okay, so I'm looking on the website, they're not looked on like other websites, and nobody was really saying like how many inches this wig is, but I would give this like a good 18 inch, 18 and 20 inch. That'S what I was saying the length is for this wig. I actually stand up for you guys as well, so you guys can see now. The original price for this wig was 42 dollars, but this wig is actually on sale right now for 35, 96. So basically, 35 dollars for this wig, I'm gon na go ahead and stand up so y'all can see. This is where so yeah. This is where they nervous hitting me in the back whatever. So you guys, let's go ahead and get into the pros and cons of this week. So the first con is this. The ends do tangle, but I guess that's kind of like expected. It is like a synthetic wig. I mean what do you? What more do you want from me, y'all killing me with this anyway, but um yeah, so yeah? The pro, obviously, is this hair line like this hair line is amazing. I have never seen a synthetic wig. Look this good it has. This is like wow. The other thing I would say is like the baby. Hair kind of situation is something I'm not like. A big fan of I like when my baby hair works with me. The baby hair on this week really wasn't trying to work with me. All I did was just mess up my foundation, so I don't know if that was me or not, but I'm pretty good at my baby here. So I'm like six, let's see um the part is really natural as well. I didn't put makeup on my part obviously, and it is a deep part, so you can part it way back here if you want to, but I like my parts to be a little bit shorter. I don't really like my parts to be too deep or too long cuz, I feel like that's not making you have like a little egg head personal opinion. I really just like the fact that a lot of synthetic wig companies are being more mindful and on trend with, what's happening in the hair communities that they go out of their way to make affordable options for people, because they know everybody's, not gon na, have something Dollars to buy bundles and a front so and get it installed by somebody if they don't know how to do it themselves, some people don't know how to make wigs, even though you know that is enough portable, but I mean, even though that is like a great Alternative to having someone else, do it for you, but if you don't know how to do it, then you know sans so yeah. If you guys want this wig, a direct link to this link will be down below so yeah. You guys thanks so much for watching this video, and I will see you guys in my next one. Ah, you

Kelle Nicole Smith: I love this wig but hate the ends so I cut the back 4 tracks out and sewed in 5 rows of remi human hair and I get so many compliments. I make synthetic wigs into human/synthetic hybrids So once those ends get ratty try this method. It's a money saver as well

Jonel P: You did that ma’am!! And you’re gorgeous as usual! That yellow eyeshadow and outfit everything!!

Ja-Nee Reviews: This hair looks so natural!! Very pretty!!!

The Tastemaker: Hey Beautiful! I see that the jet black color I have is sold out. However, You can order this in the color: 2 which is a dark brown close to black. They also have a few other colors available like 613 blonde and a burgundy ombre unit.Thanks for watching and supporting my channel. xoxo

T. Shavonne: Bomb asf!! Make a synthetic wig look natural also can you do more grwm videos? Your makeup is always pretty!

Mzfancyy: BIHHHHH this hair just shatched all my edges that I have left Yasssss hair ❤️❤️

Miss Carter: Gorgeous!

Fee-Bee Rome: This is so pretty you look gorgeous

Snood Honey: The lace looks better than the ends.....

Vanessa Meranvil: How long did it take to ship that’s so bomb

Cha cha Alston: Makeup is always so beautiful.. Everything on point!!!

Shyana Dawson: Does it come with a wig cap? It’s my first time buying a wig so other tips are useful too

Tykia H-D: What temp do you usually use for synthetic wigs?! This one specifically

candice patton: U make me want to go snatch this wig up cute hunny!!

Teri S.: Ok totally random and weird but you have the cutest nose lol the slay is dope

Lisa Rogers: Soooooo freaking pretty

Taylorgang34: Very cute!

Ms Kingjoe: U did that!

Peachee Keen: How long did it take the wig to arrive to your house ?? I need something by the end of the week

Ericka J: Ordered it!!

Misz Leviii: U always have good music on ur video it be so nice if u list them too lol I know I’m asking for too much

Jackie’s Vanity: Everything is a slay, hair, nails, makeup!!!!

Jurtae Dannard: Beautiful Dom!

Shay_bayyy789: What lashes do you have on?

Linda Wheeler: Your make up is stunning good job baby

iLoveee Cake: I got the same wig, but the lace part is still noticeable and don’t look good close up with make up ‍♀️

Miss Versatile: Yaaaassss love.... stay up....stay lit.... where did you get that dress?

April Danielle: It looks like the one from amazon issa dupe

Jalexus Dickens: Heyyyyyy let me get my body right so i can dress like that

Darling its Bond!: First of all your the hair plug second Of all what’s the song in the start please x

brownie: Your so pretty

Chelsi Sugar: I subscribed for your storytimes. Where are they!! ☹️

olivia_ twyst: I like that but it’s too long

Miss_Bayje: First❤️❤️❤️cmon synthetic wig review

Shameika L.H Smith: It’s sold out

Hana: Oh you cute cute... Ok sis!!

Alex Lis: You look like Missy Elliot and Nicki Minaj had a baby

This World IsCrazy: Girl your music though ratchhettt

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