Sensationnel What Lace? Akeely High Bun Can I Slay An Updo With This??????

What'S up everybody welcome back to my channel, this is daisy, does it and i'm your host with the mostest desi herself now come on y'all? We have reached our 100 subscribers. I know in the last video i said i was almost at 100, but we have reached that mark girl. We got there and we just gon na keep going up from here see we started from the bottom now we're here. I got to give y'all a round of applause round of applause. Y'All y'all get around to the floors, thank y'all so much, but on this episode of does he does it dussie's going to do this wig here um now before i show you before i get into this. Let me just tell y'all so i was on. I was on the um, i was perusing, you know wig types and all this and all that and i was like damn i'm all these wigs are starting to look exactly the same. They all start to look the same same curl pattern same texture, same lace, same part, same everything, just a different company, different price tag. So i was like i want to do something different, so um long story short. I didn't do anything different. I stuck to the formula yeah i did moving on alrighty then. So this is what we got here now. This is a od. This is old, it's old as jerusalem, okay, it's old, but i want to give it a try anyway, because i want to try to see if i can do one of those um one of those little 90s up style. Pin up. You know the whop hairstyle. Basically, i want to see if i can try that so i got this in here now. This is the sensational cloud9 swiss lace wig. This is the what lace collection, if y'all don't already know now, if y'all not familiar with the, what lace collection, where you been just quickly, do a youtube, search and you're going to see what lace everywhere. Okay, so i got this wig this week. You know, even though it was old, it still cost me like 60 dollars because it is 360 lace. Okay, 360 lace. Now um this is called the aquili high bun and i got it in the color 1b. Okay. Now we're going to jump right into this because i'm pretty sure we all know what what lace is given by now packet source package source. Here we go. This is what it's looking like. I thought this was a cute little box that it came into make. It seem more fancy than it actually is. I guess they figured for sixty dollars or something we better just give a good package. So, let's just get rid of that oh see this is, i don't even want to throw it like. I usually be doing all right hold on to me um. Oh, they got this thing. She is in here, okay, okay, this is how they go. Um yeah, i'm gon na have to pick that up later for any anywho's. It'S all right, let's get into this wig! Oh, oh, oh, oh, she wants she's ready. She she wants to escape. She said, let me out and i'm girl, i'm coming, i'm coming. She okay, she was protected. She was definitely protected. Okay, all right now see every time these little these thingies, oh god, get rid of that, get rid of that. Oh okay, okay, um, all right! So here's the bun here she is, i will say this bun feels quite heavy. On my head on my hand, i will say that so it feels like there's a good bit of hair in here. Dang. This button is so neat. I could never do my buns neat like this okay, but she has okay. Let'S get rid of this hair. Stop card please, so this is what the stock card is. Looking like, y'all, let me be professional it's what the stock card is. Looking like this, the back some other colors yeah. Okay, we see it see it alrighty, then so now, let's get into the construction of this wig, so this wig does have the baby hairs and all that it's got the baby hairs. Now on the inside, you got now one two, but three cones at the front. One in the back adjustable straps and an elastic band which is also adjustable okay, they they say girl. We gon na, make it easy for you. We gon na make it easy okay, so let's just go ahead and put that in there now this is 360 lace. All the way around so i'm gon na attempt to you know glue that thing in the back back down and over there on the nape, i'm an attempt. I said it was going to be good. I said i'm going to attempt context clues y'all attempt alrighty then so she does have you know some baby hairs. I mean they're a little too wrong, but you know they there. They did do with them, but you please, i am a fan of the baby hairs. I, like the big extra baby hairs, but that's not everybody's cup of tea, and i understand that. Excuse me, someone. Let me take me a little sippy, sippy, hmm, refreshing all righty, then all right, so there's the baby. Here'S now the baby hairs do go all the way around to the back. Okay! Oh let's take that off. So this is what she's looking like. This is what the lace is looking like, but i'm sure that we all know that the wet lace collection slays every time - yeah. We know that already, but this is what the lace is. Looking like. This is the hairline. This is the front hairline, and now this is the back hairline. Okay, i mean it's a hairline, so uh, i'm gon na go on ahead and i'm gon na. Let'S just go ahead and put this on so y'all need to see what it looked like before i cut the race on. I think y'all would be alright if y'all don't see me i'll, be right back all right y'all. So i'm back and let me tell y'all i just had a little snafu chow them um adjustable straps in the back was so damn tight. I didn't rip the damn lace right, i'm over it. I didn't rip the damn lace, but you know what i'm still gon na make it work. I just wanted to show y'all what she's giving what the hell is this, what she's giving straight out the pack this is it see okay, get into this. The hairline, though see this is one thing about the: what lace, wigs that these hairlines, though honey, my lord, my makeup is getting all wet. Okay, this thing had me um, worried all right. How do i take this out? What is this they got in here, donut or something how they got this thing: okay, okay, i see what they did. Oh okay! I wonder if you can re whatever this is they use? Let me back up here. I can see what i'm doing whatever it is that they use to keep this bunny here. Oh, it's secure that button is not going nowhere honey. They made sure that this thing is secure. So, let's take this down because i feel like the bun in itself is also what's making the wig kind of ill-fitting okay. I actually kind of like this y'all see this. What they gave y'all look look at this i'm getting wigs and tools. I'M gon na keep this and i'm gon na reuse. It yeah keep this bun form baby. I'M telling you this ponytail is giving me life honey life. Now i don't want to take the ponytail out just yet, because i do want to glue this thing down. What i do want to do is loosen it up a little bit so that the cap is a little looser. Oh, that is much better see because they come pulled standard now you know sometimes ponytail tightness is not the same for everybody. It'S just not the same. That'S something that they that these companies need to understand. Everybody ain't the same. So what i'm gon na do is. I'M gon na go on ahead off camera because this, like look like it's going to be some work, so i'm going ahead off camera glue, this down probably smoke. Something y'all didn't hear that for me and i'll be right on back with the big get back. Okay, all right see y'all so y'all. I am back and we are glued down and let me tell you something i had the most difficult time trying to get this thing glued down in the back, so we just gon na skip that part because uh yeah, i got glue all in my hairs and Stuff back here and um, i don't need no help. We'Re going bold, nothing, it's happening. I don't need any assistance with that for the time and mother nature, it's already getting to me. Okay, so we just gon na skip that part, but i will say this it it. It will lay now it will lay, but you just got to be patient with it and right about now. My patience is here, so we just going to move on from that disregard. What you see in the back, because i'm still going to do my updo, because it's still doable trust me. You don't need this lace back here to do an updo, but you you, you feel me okay, this is this is where we at so i am sitting here. Looking like, i got the most uneven shape up. I ever did see in my life. Come on what lace, what what we doing, what is up with this hairline? Oh, my god, i need to fire. My barber got me shaped up looking like this, so we're gon na remedy that situation and we're gon na um lay some baby hairs down before we even get in the tricks in between we're gon na lay some baby hairs down and we're gon na work. It out, like all right baby, here's done so, let's continue. So this is what this hairline is. Looking like, y'all see her she's a little locked sodded, but we'll get past that, where are we all right like girl? Are you a youtuber or what oh y'all have to excuse me, like? I said it's just one of them day when that girl goes through when i'm angry inside. I don't want to take it out on you all right. So let's get this rubber band off and i'm not about to sit here and literally pull this wig off my head trying to get this rubber band off because it was given very much. No, no there's no way no very much it was given. He wasn't going. Nowhere all right, i'm not even gon na um comb through this, i'm just going ahead. You know what let me let it down see how it falls. So y'all hold up wait a minute. You see see now i got to comb through because let me find out that i like it just like this y'all know i am a fan of big hair. Well, maybe you don't know, but i am a fan of big hair, all right so out the bun out the package. This is what she's giving. Let me turn her around y'all get y'all getting into my curve. Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's sensational. I don't know okay well, this is what she's looking like down, and i will say this: i'm not a fan of hair. That'S flat to my head. I have a big head and a long face so flat hair here, that's flat to my head is not the most flattering on me. So let's just go ahead. First, things. First, the style. Let me see which side do i want to cover? Probably this side. Is it this side? Let'S see, let's do the side all right, so, let's get reported, we need a part, you know what no i want to take my bang kinda more extreme. I will say this: this hair is kind of all over the place, though god dang it all right. So this is yep. This is our bank piece, so we gon na just set that to the side. Lord, i feel it it's loosely lord! It'S loose. I can't be having that fan on me right now for some reason. Every time i sit over here, it's i'm extremely hot. If y'all see my face shining, no, it's not from the highlight, even though my highlight is really popping yeah but um. No, it's sweat! I'M sweating, it's no shame i'm sweating and as soon as i get this up in the ponytail, the fan is going on. So let's do what we got to do and get this half up because all right it ain't the neatest ponytail, but it's up there, like. I said this is just trout and ever honey. So now what i'm gon na do is i'm gon na start taking some curls one by one. Just you know get to get the kinks out. You got ta, you know untangle it half a little stop something. You know get you some pins and we gon na start to pin curling. Do you hear me yeah yeah, i'm pretty sure everybody could do a damn pin curl. So that's what we're going to do here, we're going to do some pink curls. You don't put that hepa down like that boom there. You go one all right! Now, it's working it's working off about to be having me somewhat. Okay, all right! So, let's just keep going. Let'S just keep going, let's see if i can really get this handstand or at least something similar to it. You know what i mean. Maybe i should have got like some added hand to add to it, but, like i said this was an experiment me experimenting. So, let's experiment do any of y'all celebrate halloween and if so, y'all plan on going to any halloween parties - or you know costumes, and what have you are you interested in that kind of stuff, because i do make costumes - and i was thinking that for halloween this Year, maybe i could do like one costume recreation a week or something like that and y'all can see i'm just following the curl pattern that already came in the wig and just you know, smoothing it out rolling it and pinning it now. It might help a little bit if i could see what the hell i was doing, but y'all get it in the end. It'S going to be like that, okay, so i'm just starting to take little little little a little smaller pieces of hair because, like i said i didn't get note here to add to this, and the button may not come out as big because you may want it. It may not give you nagging spun or call this one, but you get the point. It'S gon na give what it's supposed to have game okay, and we just gon na keep pinning and styling now these curls, these pin curls will look a lot better. If i could actually see okay, so there we go, i'm all curled up and ready for the prawn. So then we gon na take this in here number you see. This is a lot of hair up and through here i didn't know. I took that much out. Let'S see like i said, i can't see so we're gon na take this well first off. I forget i'm missing something. This okay take this out, because i got to get very much selene, so we're going to take this, i'm going to do that. Just like that, and with this end piece here, we're going to smooth it out and another pin curl this time, we're going to pin this one flat to the head back behind the ear all right now, let's clean up a little bit, because this is definitely supposed To be in the ponytail, i don't know y'all, but i kind of think i saved all right now now. Don'T ask me to turn around cause. I ain't doing it. You won't have me on here embarrassed. I know what's the mess back there, because i didn't have no help, i'm good, i'm lonely, but y'all. I think it's a smash hit. Ah alrighty then so look let me show y'all something because i like i said i didn't glue it down all the way around and you can still kind of see the lace right there. So baby. Listen, i'm about to take this mascara in black of course, and baby we gon na fill her in just like that. It let's go down here too, just like that, just like so and bang pal surprise, she's done! Okay! Let me get a little calm here so because i need to swing this one down. Let me tell y'all something getting these swoops to be smooth. That is an art form. Once again, that's my aunt reesey. She learned me how to get these swoops smooth. Okay, she learnt me how to do it. My aunt risa used to be in that bathroom with that black gel for 20 minutes. When i tell you she was smoothing and didn't put the flower pattern in it. Oh, she was big pimpin. Tell him. Reese tell her. I might introduce y'all to her in my next video or one of these videos. If she ain't scared, she'd be acting a little scary and - and i know she watching yeah girl talking about you, heifer, you reecey now i'ma stop fiddling with this. Do that girl? I feel like i am straight out of bats. Do you hear me how y'all feeling huh, let's get into these pin curls honey, do y'all see her now i didn't do the best job, but for somebody that couldn't see i kind of snapped that i'll stack that okay. So what y'all think i'm gon na give y'all a side view hold on this side and then your side, let's just cover up that monstrosity of a sideburn. I got going on right there and this is the look. So what y'all think what i think? What y'all think i just want to see if it was possible with this wig, and it is for this hairstyle, though i would suggest that you get um like some added here for the ponytail bun part, so that it could be like really high, really tall. You know - maybe i might revisit this, and do it again with everything that i need. Okay, so um the wig itself. Yes, i think the wig is fantastic. The hair texture is beautiful, it's not a yaki, it's not silky. There'S like that in between texture, you see it's long, underneath the boobage, hey bro. Oh they looking good today right underneath the blue. It'S long, the lace, all the way around is good lace. The hairline is good too um. I do say that i do believe that this wig for it to be marketed as an updo. It needs to um. The hairline needs some work. It does because it's a little boxish, it is, but i have nothing bad to say about the wig. Once again, this was the wet lace collection in a kiwi bun. I have it in the color 1b. Tell me what you guys think about this in the comment section do y'all think i yeah i killed look or what do y'all think i messed it. Let me back up a little bit so yeah. I could really be better if i did this. Ah that better that make it good. That'S good! That'S cool! All right! Well, i'm gon na end. It right here y'all thank y'all. So much for watching! Oh y'all, don't know how much it means to me that you people actually enjoy my videos. You enjoy my personality, my comedy anything like that. I try to make it you know so that you guys are entertained um. I want you to come for the wig, but i want you to stay for me. Okay, i promise to treat you good. I will so come on in like comment and subscribe share. If you care, i love you guys for watching keep dreaming, y'all, bye,

Monica Davis: You did a great job ❤️

Sheryl H: I love it. Tell Reese to duet with you. I love the the versatility of that bun wig. You did that . Hilarious!!! Shoot for the stars!!!

Em_I_Da_Drama: New subbie here you did an awesome job frfr

Evette Layne: Love ya wholeeeeeee energy. Definitely a new subbie

chelsie holland: You bodied this better than anyone else I’ve seen…especially the complainers. I just ordered this. Imm finna channel you ✨

misundastood88: "Maybe she's born with it, Maybe it's Sensational." LOLLLLLLLL

Caramekia Brown: Yessss… it looks good down and full…

estella thigpen: U did dat

Kandy Jones: Desi you keep itluv u❤️

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