She'S Pretty! Bobbi Boss 360 Lace Wig Mlf335 Sonya | Ebonyline.Com

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I'M gon na make it bounce like a hurricane i'ma, make your bed rock you like a hurricane. My doing like nobody. Can I not give you all the things that nobody can. I'M gon na make you bounce like a hurricane. I'M gon na make your bed rock you like a hurricane, so in today's video I am here to share with you guys this unit that I'm rocking right now. So, if you guys are interested and definitely go ahead and stay tuned, okay team is so Before we jump right into this video. I feel I want to let you guys know that this video is being brought to you guys by ebony line comm. So thank you. So much for sponsoring this video. I greatly appreciate it, but yet he was, if you guys, are interested and definitely go ahead and stay tuned. Okay, jumping right in today we have a unit by Bobby boss. She is called Sonia and I have her in the color TT 1 b, / great silver, I'm guessing that's what that's when acronym is for so anywho. Here'S how she looks so she is so pretty. She does have like a city texture and she is just so pretty. I love this color here is the cap construction, so it is average hair, friendly, minica face small large heads and it is a 360 unit. I will not be using that feature, but it does come with two combs in the front, as well as the comb in the back with the adjustable straps, and it also features a party area and the lace on this unit is soft as well and yeah. So this is how it looks on to my head. So not too bad doesn't look like too much work needs to be done. So here's how it falls on me, so it falls on me and maybe like a. I would say, like a 24 inch on me once it's like stretch - and I am 5 in case - you want to use that for reference now, I'm gon na see if there's any shedding or tangling, and there is a little bit of tangling and there is definitely Shedding which I didn't expect that because this unit, I don't know it with the lighter color units, I always experience shedding. So I was you know expecting that, but I mean after I like brush my fingers through the hair. Like I ran my fingers through the hair. Excuse me, it was completely fine, so it wasn't really that big of a deal. But I am going to lay down that like parting area, because it was like having a little hump action which I'll show you guys like the before and after and then I'm just gon na go in and make the unit like work for me and then, of Course I am going to finish out with my cozy okay Beavis. So now let you guys have gotten all the details and the specs on this hair. I'M here to tell you guys how I feel about it. So let's go ahead and jump right in okay. So, jumping right in I'm gon na tell you guys the things I like about this unit, so I really do love this color. The color and style is very, very pretty. I think that these waves really compliment like the silver color everything, and I love the fact that this unit has roots, because I feel like I was able to like pull it off like very easy with the color. You guys know I love color like there is no limit with color for me, but I just I love what a unit has roots. It does honestly help me out a little bit more when it comes to, like you know, slaying the unit. So I really didn't appreciate that it has the black roots. I really do also like these waves. I feel like they are very, very pretty they're, well structured, and I do like the fact that they have long layers, because sometimes when you curl hair and they have long layers, it tends to like kind of not be like. You won't be able to tell that. It has layers, but with this one, all those long layers, you can still tell that it does have layers and that nice structure to the staff. I also really like the length the length on me is about maybe like 24 to 26 inches that I am 5-2 in case. You want to use that for reference, but I really do like the length as well, and I love the way the cat feels the cat feels really really nice, so yeah. Overall, I really do like the style of everything, so I'm just gon na jump right into the cons that I have with this unit. This unit does shed, and this unit does tangle, detangling it's more minimal than the shedding. There is just a little bit more of shedding them. There would normally be just because of the simple fact that this is a later color hair. I noticed I would let her color hair, whether it is synthetic or human, it does tend to shed a lot more and that may be because the coloring process of the hair or whatever it is, but I did notice that so I would not count this unit Out just for that simple fact, and also because you can get this in a natural color, you can get into one won't be and pretty much they have other colors as well. They do have a nice color selection, so you can't choose another color, but I did notice that there was some shedding and a little bit of tackling another thing that I don't really care for with this wig. Is that the parting space I feel like it could have been a little bit better grant said I did make it work, I'd say: go ahead and pull the unit a little bit behind my hairline and kind of blended it in, but I feel like Bobby vos Has done so good on their parting areas and I feel like this is kind of like taking it back to the old days. It'S not horrible and you can't go in and pluck it if you want to. But I don't know today was one of those days where I just wanted to take my wig out of my pack and just put it on and go about my business so yeah. Those are pretty much the cons that I have what I recommend this uni or when I purchased this unit with my own coins. I definitely would she is very pretty. I would definitely get her other colors as well. They have like a pretty blonde colored eyes. They have her as well, and they also have the natural colors. I feel like the natural colors would give you just like that, every day, a diva type of vibe, so yeah what definitely purchase this unit was my own coins, and I will also recommend it to you fabulous girls. If you guys are interested, I would definitely have a link down in the description box below way anyone that is pretty much it. I hope that you guys have enjoyed this video, I'm finding very helpful easy to follow a few fabulous girls day at the go ahead and give me a thumbs up. You sure, go ahead and leave me a comment down below. I would love to know. She said those girls are thinking and be sure to go. I had to subscribe if you haven't done so already and also hit the notification boat girl, because I do upload quite often - and you definitely do not want to miss any of my videos. But Yeti was thank you guys so so much for watching. I greatly appreciate it and I'll see you or just girls in my next video bye,

SAWLIFE: Love this !!!

Deelkas Jones: It's aight

Jackie Bang: Ppppppprreeeeettttttttttyyyyyy

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