Simple Lace Frontal Wig Install

20inch 360 Lace Frontal Water wave wig from Namaria's Glamour Boutique 8768420285

Girl Illuminati number four tonight when uncle e1g said whatever she said, but don't make it done so much girl won't be my pleasure, but so much mean myself. Oh damn showing you how I achieved this look with a 360 whatsoever, frontality, okay! So first I had my hair colored. Did it myself? Okay, now I'm applying my stocking cap just cover the corner. Alright off-camera head and I applied my ghost bond dude. I did not get a chance to show you home. I did it all, but it's pretty simple. It'S kind of you may see, but that's fine. You can use alcohol right as you get it off. No I'm adding another coat, I'm going to spread it out and let it dry until you clear it's going to be tacky and then it's easy to apply your place with okay. So after applying it's not dry, it's clear, as I told you, this is white, but it's fine. I don't mind I'm going to go ahead now and apply my wig and I'm starting from the back. I'M clipping it in then I'm going to pull it forward over the section of the glue that I want to place. My wig I'm going to use my finger to press down the list. Then I want to use my rat tail comb that there is a quantity called and rub it in turn. Making I'm going to set all the loose so for the rest of the list, write our own you're, going to do the same thing to place it on the glue press it down with your fingers, and you can also use your rat tail comb to make it Thick then you're going to give it some time to ensure that it's dry and that's basically freaky okay. So now that we've applied the wig Darnell is the cleaning up I'm going to go ahead? No to me some baby here sometimes brushing all those that I had before. You must use the rat tail comb to part, Oh here that I want to use to me the additional baby, my rat tail comb and to so you're ready. I know me absolutely away. No yourself --, i Kabaddi Romina. You saw Milt idea funny gramma mention okay, so now that I've applied my mousse and upset the baby here, soil unity, I'm applying my silk scarf so that it can dry and keep okay. So now I'm going to apply some product to the year, so in that spray bottle, I have come to curl activator and some water, I'm just going to get here a bit damp and I'm also going to apply some a leave-in conditioner just so that the curl Can you know be a more me more popping for me, okay guys, so this is the finish look. My edges are lay the hair is a bit damp, but it's ready to go. Okay, guys only. Thank you so much for watching my video. I do hope you learned something and that you know to go step by step, to try and install your wig as well, thanks for watching bye, guys


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