22' Jacksun Wig Review | Afforadable Human Hair (Under $200!)

hey dreamers! i have found a HUMAN hair wig you ladies can rock! what do you guys think?


1. long hair length 22"

2. color#1b, off black

3. indian remy hair lace front wigs for black woman

4. 130% density

5. baby hair around the perimeter

6. bleached knots

7.transparent  swiss lace.

8. natural hairline

9.Cap size:22.25 medium size

link to wig: http://www.jacksunwig.com/lace-front-w...

supplier info:


Wesite: www.shuangyewig.com 

f o l l o w m e

♡ T W I T T E R➜ mayasdreamhouse

♡ I N S T A G R A M➜ mayasdreamhouse

♡ S N A P C H A T➜ mayafosho

♡ W E B S I T E ➜ www.mayasdreamhouse.com

business and collab contact: [email protected]

Hey dreamers, it's Maya and welcome back to my channel so today I am bringing you guys, another wig review yay. So today I'm going to be reviewing this wig that was sent to me by a company called Jackson, wig. Yes, so Jackson wig reached out to me and asked me to review their 22 inch. Let'S see 22 inch hot steel body, wave, indian remy, hair lace, front wigs for black women, this wig retail. It'S obviously the one! That'S on my head right now, this wig retails for $ 199. It says as low as 179, so yeah now. First of all, it got to me super quick. I don't know if it's because they sent it to me or what the situation is, but they said I sent it on Friday and I literally got it today Monday at like 10 a.m. so that's like the fastest shipping ever in my entire life, for, like anything Which is amazing, because I don't like to look for anything and it came FedEx in this package and then it was in this box right here and it says 100 %, human hair and yeah just like the normal situation in this bag. Obviously, I've already taken it off. It'S all my ex's, it's on my head right now when I first open this, I think you'll be able to see in the clip here at the end of the video of me customizing it booj what I opened this. It is so so soft right off the bat literally it is so soft. You know you know that it's 22 inches, and this is this natural state, and it comes right here on me and you best believe I'm gon na be straightening it, because I'm not really a fan of these curls right now. I want to have a straight moment, but yeah, it's super soft, I'm not getting any shedding. I mean seriously, it's it's really really really nice quality. The lace is super super awesome. It has two combs right here, a comb right here and a comb in the back which never ever happens, there's a comb in the back, and there was also lace in the back so that you can put this in a ponytail. You can't even tell it it's a wig girl, so those are my absolute first impressions. I mean that's what's important to me. How fast is to get here, is it soft? Does it shed where the clips at and yeah so first day having it? I absolutely love it. Let me um and I'm gon na, do and update it kind of visit back with you guys here in a couple weeks and let you know like how it's holding up, but this is really really really really cute, really soft and really affordable. I would definitely buy this wig myself if I had known this company because they sued that's. Why I'm so happy they reached out to me because it's honestly a really affordable price. I would drop two hundred dollars on this any day and I don't even really like short hair, but this 22 inches we're gon na make it do what it do. The lace is really truly honestly amazing and I'm not even just saying that, because I don't have to but yeah. So if you guys want to see how I you know, customized the front and figure out the lace situation which honestly it could be better, I might do another video, but I'm kind of in a hurry right now. But I wanted to just get on here and show you guys this amazing wig. It'S really really awesome so yeah if you guys want to stick around and see how I customized this way and just keep on watching. Okay, you guys so here I am just showing you the wig fresh out of the package, and it came in one of those little net thingies, so I'm just taking the net off and just getting a feel for what the texture is. I think this is like a body wave, so this isn't it's not natural texture. It'S got like these natural wave curls going on and now I'm just brushing through it just to check out the shedding situation and I brushed it through it. Pretty pretty good and I'm gon na check my brush here and there's seriously no shedding. So I was pleasantly pleasantly surprised by that and now I'm just showing you the front of the lease honestly has a really nice hairline. It'S just really really thick. So it doesn't that realistic. So it needs some plucking, but I'm gon na do that in another video and I cut off the lace obviously, and I'm gon na use my got to be glue and start placing it around the perimeter. Now this part I'm just showing you guys how much magic. I can make without cutting it plucking it and doing all of that. So, in my opinion, without doing all the customizing, I just don't think it looks that good I mean you can wear it like this, but I'm gon na go in and do some more work and I will record that. But I just wanted to show you guys fresh out of the package. What can you do with this wig? So I think it kind of made me look like my hair line was a little bit strange without plucking it and making even more baby hairs, because it does come with baby hairs, but yeah. This isn't me just completely winging it doing what I can so yeah. I put the glue on and I'm just going around and pulling out some of the baby hairs that it does already have and just trying to see how realistic I can make that. So that's me going through this process and then at the end I come back and show you guys just kind of a little update from throughout the day and just how I feel about it. Some second thoughts and yeah. So I'm gon na get off of here and you guys can watch the rest of video for yourself and I love you guys. All the info will be in the description box and I will see you all in my next video bye. Oh, I did want to quickly come back on here and show you guys like this. Is it was like a little tiny, tiny bit of like plucking and cutting and like trying to give it layers because oops I've been trying to give it layers, because I think it's just like so like flat and there's no like dimension and also I started plucking. A part, so if you can tell here, I started plucking the part and you can see the full lace. It'S like super realistic. So I love that and again, there's not been any shedding, and it's just so soft and silky, and I put a straightener through it. Like a little tiny bit but yeah, I didn't want to show you guys like. This is a way. That'S definitely going to need some more work like I would not suggest just wearing it like right out of the package like you're, definitely need to do some plucking. Some razoring, some all that so maybe I'll do another video of me styling this wig even more, but I don't want to come on here and show you like. You can just wear this fresh out of the package. Like I kind of like made, it seem like at the beginning, but yeah we're still working on her and we'll do another customizing, but that's it for like the first impressions - and I hope you guys loved this video. This wig is definitely worth it. Like was a little or no effort, look at this look at this. You know look at that like it's not growing in my scalp, it's just a little bit thick up. There'S all super-good love! You guys!

Dollhousexoxo: Great video!! I was just researching this company Bc I wanted to purchase but wanted some reviews first!!! Love it

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