Another Grwm Rant | Coronavirus Update Ft Beauty Forever Hair At Aliexpress

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#coronavirus #rant

And the fact that there are people out there having corona parties, licking toilet seats, sharing lollipop sitting on packages. Why? What? The is the reason? What'S up vinyls this Sufi lesson through you welcome back to my channel. You know we've all been quarantined for the past like two weeks or so I haven't been able to get ready to go anywhere. So I figured I kind of just get ready for a YouTube video, I'm about the film, and I wanted to update you guys a bit on the my situation with what I've been doing during quarantine, yeah cuz. Last time I did. It was right before I left to come to California, for what I thought would be a relatively normal trip, but um about four days into the trip. That'S when everything started to shut down so yeah, so everything I use I'll, probably just link in the description below so you guys can see it because if I kind of like talk and say what this is, then it'll interrupt the flow of the rant. So this pretty much the same stuff, I'm using the last to get ready with me videos very much exactly the same thing. The only thing different is this hair. So I will tell you more about that as we go on in the video, because I still got to do it, so I think the main thing that gets me really upset about this outbreak. It'S the way our government has responded to it first, you know it was no big deal. Have you seen those before and after videos, a fox news correspondents talking about how it's just like the flu is no big deal, don't worry about it and in like ten days later, they're like we're not immune to this you're, not invincible, be safe. Everyone I feel like the more I learn about this, the less there is to worry about. I was about to say the same thing. We don't have immunity to this virus. It'S a new virus, it's a pandemic strain of a virus. We haven't seen before the standard flu. Every single year kills tens of thousands of Americans. We are now entering what will be the crucial defining 15-day period as a relates to this virus, where we must slow the spread of corona virus, it's actually the safest time to fly everyone. I know that's flying right now. Terminals are pretty much dead. We have a responsibility to slow down this virus and to think of other people during this time, and so, if you can keep your distance and prevent someone from getting close to you that might be sick, you could say your family, you can save the elderly and Help our country as a nation - it's just funny to me because he ran on platform of fear-mongering, making people scared of the caravan and all Mexicans rm6. 13. All Muslims and brown people were cheering as the towers fell. So then he gets upset when, like people actually start to believe in to the fear tonight, so myself that everybody's buying all the toilet paper Clorox and hand, sanitizer are a thing of the past. We actually first. One thing I do want to boot into you. Guys is, I have put the text on screen. I'Ve put it in the description box. I'Ve said it verbally, but I'm still getting comments from people telling me I'm being irresponsible for going out in the streets during the virus when were supposed to be social, distancing and stuff, corn, taining and everything I'll say this one more time. So people will understand. This was all before the outbreak before the medical professionals started, to tell us to stay home quarantine and to not go out. This is before all of that happen for the past two weeks or so. That'S all I've been doing. I'Ve been home well at my friend's house, because I'm still in California like when I first got here, there were 14 cases in LA County nationwide. They were like 3400 and now they're over a hundred thousand, so things escalated very quickly. When I first got here, everything was mostly normal. There was just you know, wash your hands, that's pretty much what it was. No one thing that kind of blows me: why does it seem like every leader or everybody except Trump is getting it? I feel like that's the only way he'll actually take it seriously for what it is, because all he cares about is opening the economy again, because it's an election year and his whole campaign was run off of look at my strong economy. Unemployment rate is so low. Despite the fact that the trends have just been a steady trend since Obama's administration, but you know him, he takes credit wherever he can. The only way he'll take it seriously for himself is if he gets it and it seems like everybody else, is getting it, but him and look in his defense, something I never thought I'd say I get. You know the US has like the third largest population of any other country, so I do understand like having over 300 million. People is a lot to deal with, but we just have the wrong person in charge to deal with this and it's funny because, like my family, like weakness started to break out they're like oh, I'm so glad you here and not in Korea. I should be there. It'S so much saver. They have it under control. My friend who went back to China he's about to go back to work as a teacher, so they're recovering over there and we're just we're still peeking like we're still getting up to where I don't know how bad it's gon na get. I can't help but feel like this is karma the past three years. All he cares about is his economy in the numbers and just the numbers like not that every day average life of Americans just the stats, are good. The numbers are good. Everything'S high people are making money. Numbers in the stock market does not reflect the comfort of everyday Americans. Of course he doesn't understand that. I hope that if anything, this this situation will help show how overrated America is like I'm American. I love my country whatever, but we have a lot of problems that we need to fix, like capitalism just runs away with everything and it's all about profit, not comfort, and that's really unfortunate. Oh, and we can't forget to talk about how he decided to tweet out the other day, that we should defend our Asian Americans when he's the one who took it upon himself to cross out the virus name and put Chinese in front of it and start calling. The Chinese virus, like what I understand, naming a disease for where it originates like Ebola, West Nile, Zika whatever, but you don't attack - attach a group of people to that because that stigmatizes it and that is like suggestive you don't I mean I'm sure Americans would hate It if h1n1 was called the American flu or the American virus or whatever, and I caught that back in 2009, it sucked he really tried to tweet out. Oh, we should support the Chinese people and we need to take care of them. After he's the one who started this fire now he's asking people to put it out because it started to catch, but you know what enough about Trump. I do not want this to be an anti-trump rant. I'M pretty sure I made it clear how much I don't like him. Can we just take a minute to appreciate how natural these curls are like I'm left this one okay. So anyway, like I said in the story time, I first got here on March 10th. That is before people were saying: hey you need to quarantine, you need to self isolate. You need to stay away from people. The only advice that they were given is to wash your hands cover your mouth when you cough and don't touch services just wash your hands as often as you can, like literally my first three days here, we're normal when I was to eat. No problem went to the park, no problem, Griffith Observatory, no problem. It was only like the fourth fifth of six days that we started to notice. Stuff was closing restaurant said. Oh, you can only do takeout. I'Ve actually been really grateful to my friend, because I wasn't supposed to be here this long, I'm kind of scared to get on a plane just because it seems like a lot of the cases are like in the Northeast region. Like half of the country's cases are in New Jersey and in New York, and I'm not far from there, I kind of feel a little more safe being where it's not so rapidly spreading. I'Ve also been looking for a roommate, because I'm trying to move out here for a few months and I've have two really good ones, lined up yeah. I really wanted to update you guys, because I want to make it clear that I am NOT out here running around despite the rona just having fun, I'm, not even the Korean video I uploaded. It was literally just one of those where I film, I film a lot and some things. I used some things that don't so. This was just a video I decided to put together an upload from like approximately two days of just randomness in Korea, and this was back in October and I set it in the description box first sentence and then I still got a comment from someone saying. I hope you're not out here risking your health for more views, saying I was stupid and being like irresponsible and then later coming against that. Oh sorry, I just realized. This was in October, come on people huh, so it'd actually be kind of curious to hear what you guys are doing indoors during the rona outbreak. I imagine a lot of people are watching TV playing games, sleeping hopefully doing some workouts cuz. I was so happy when I thought my friend has elliptical cuz, it's of course, as soon as I start to like the gym, they all got ta close, of course, and speaking of my own misfortune, just big stuff for a little bit. My birthday is in like two and a half weeks I had been making this plan to go to London to visit and, of course, now we can't go anywhere. It looks like we'll still be on lockdown on my birthday, which means yet another lame birthday. The last really cool birthday I had was back in 2017 that story time. I did for you guys when I lived in judge you and that guy, the random guy clubbing decided to fly down to see me and we drove around the island. We took the ferry to odo Island. I had this really nice field trip that my school put together. That was my last like really really good birthday and 2018. It was on Friday, the 13th and I flew up to Seoul to hang out and we're suppose to go clubbing. We did, but it was also the same day my friend found out she's being cheated on, so that was like a mood killer and people wanted to go home. So that kind of ended that early and the last year my dad's a showbiz witness. So he doesn't celebrate holidays or birthdays. Even though was my first birthday back in the States, he you know Whitney acknowledged, happy birthday and we didn't really do anything. I didn't get to see my little sister. That was awesome and we filmed that BTS reaction, video to a boy with love, because she's, a huge gin fan huge big hands, fan huge kpop fan, I'm so proud yeah. I wanted to do something exciting switch it up go somewhere, I've never been and the Rona say no and the fact that there are people out there having corona parties, licking toilet seats, sharing, lollipops spitting on packages. Why? What? The is the reason like we're trying to come together and hunker down to let this pass and help stop it spreading, and you got people out there actively spreading it get through this. Don'T socialize like it's not that hard. This has been my life for the past. Few months anything hard like I'm curious once this is all over and we're all back to normal. What is like the first thing in the first place, you guys plan to go yeah. I just felt like ranting a little bit to get like an updated update on what I've been doing. What life has been like here since everything started cuz it feels like forever, since everything was normal. I'D also have to keep my distance from my mom because she had a a pretty serious heart surgery back in 2018. So she's, you know higher risk, even though she's only like 48, so yeah, like I said everything I you and my face has been the same. My same contacts, the same lipstick, eyebrow stuff. My vein is different. Is this wig? I got it from the same place, though, if you guys watch my get ready with me, while i gushed about BTS for 15 minutes video beauty forever at Aliexpress. This time I tried to get a curly one, it's very thick. This is 180 percent density, Malaysian curly and it's 22 inches long. So one thing that was kind of difficult to style. This, like I normally would during this apocalypse, is non-essential. Businesses are closed, which beauty stores aren't really open where I'm at so I've been using water. I don't have any mousse like I normally would use, but this has been a pretty good substitute to try and keep in that wet look and you can never forget, lay edge control, yeah, I'm just using a bottle of water with a little bit of conditioner mixed Into it and saturating it with this olive oil smooth whole pudding, so yeah I just wanted to like. Do it quick, get ready with me video nowhere to go, but I'm about to film a video yeah I want to let you guys know I'm not out here, filming recklessly and just trying to get views or whatever and despite everything that people are telling us to Do stay home wash my hands disinfect, often social distance stay away from people cover your mouth. I'Ve been doing it so, like I said everything that I have uploaded recently has been before the outbreak. I think it's re-employed for us to stay home like they tell us to wash your hands all the good stuff and we can help this pass as soon as possible. So we can get back to our lives, try to salvage what's left in 2020 and then turn up in the summer, so yeah if you're interested in anything I use like I said all my makeup - is the same from the past few videos I'll put that in The description below, if you're interested in this hair, I will also put this in the description box below and yeah thanks for watching. If you did remember to Like comment, share and subscribe, and I will see you guys next time - annyeong, you

Allysse TV: Yeah I hate how the USA has handled this. Putting Americans at risk because of their ignorance and/or not caring about nothing but money‍♀️ It’s funny how they said “not to wear a mask” then now they’re saying to “wear a mask.” I’ve been wearing a mask since I came back from Japan in February. Stay safe Isis, hope you’re staying safe

Lillian Bower: The problem is for the USA is that we are a country of freedom. Other countries have forced shut downs, but America won't do it because that's a "violation of rights". Its sad, because many will die from this.

J O: South Korea handled it sooo quit and efficiently , its like one of the safest places to be right now.

Emie Ndafu: It just shows that he is not a good at governing. This virus thing just exposed his lack of leadership that some people refused to belief him. Girl just stay safe. People will say something regardless whether you go out or not. Some people still believe you are safe.

Shaunté K: I've been watching my favorite K-Dramas, youtube videos (yours ) keeping hydrated, staying away from my husband and babies and waiting for my COVID-19 test reults. BTW, I taught my children the tip you gave about using the chorus to BTS Blood Sweat And Tears to wash your hands . They are big BTS fans so they love it! Love your channel and thanks for keeping me company during this scary time!

Often Unsaid: Everyone is confused about this virus. I work at a grocery store and my thing is if they still want us to work then they need to give us a test and test every person that comes in the grocery store. It’s annoying how one minute they say quarantine and the next they are saying to do this and that but switch it up. It’s annoying

Jojojojo: I live in Upstate NY and in the county with the highest amount of corona victims. You would think with this information there would be less people out in the streets right? Well its not, I went with my mom to the store for the first time in weeks and there was so many people outside it was ridiculous. It also doesn't help that my neighbors are out here partying and playing sports like its freaking forth of July. Like come on y'all I'd really like it if our neighborhood didn't get put on lock down or whatever because you can't stop being extroverts so we can get through this

Metalxdelights: My birthday is in August, I’m meant to spend my 30th in South Korea. I hope things get better for us here in the states, stay safe Sisi✌

Yasmin Jasmin: Totally agree with you gurl! Preach

Sheryl L: Thought I'd be a little more free since I'm taking online classes now but it's way more exhausting. I think the first thing i'll do once everything has settled down is meet up with friends and family. Your make up looks great btw (as always)

Madame VP: I’m doing Distance Learning for my preschool class so I’m pretty busy now, thank goodness! I have to post all my videos on YouTube (as unlisted) and it is so hard to film and edit. I seriously don’t even bother editing, all I do is flip the videos on iMovie so the letters aren’t backwards when I teach them. A mess. I have so much respect for your filming and editing skills! YouTube is not easy.

Imerriaana Hill: Rɪɢʜᴛ ɴᴏᴡ ɪ ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴡᴀɴɴᴀ ᴍᴏᴠᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ US

Kennedy Washington: I miss going to school and your makeup is poppin

HIBO XXII: It's crazy how the western society isn't taking it as seriously as the east, *sigh* well anyways hope youre staying safe girl!

Dani D: Its an old virus that has been mutated into what it is now! Sars is what it was before it was mutated into sars! There are ppl out there who have access to viruses and do bad things! This is something that made me nervous in chemistry and biology class about lab safety handling infectious things! What about clumsy ppl? That thought was always right there! I would be scared for something to accidentally happen, and on purpose makes it so much worse!

Shar: Preach Girlie! Like fr we need to fucking just sit at home and save lives because its worth it! Like ppl.. get over it!

Asia23: My bday is on the 28th, so I’m right there with you on the “can’t go anywhere ” issue.

Fabienne Marquis: There is really nothing wrong in expressing yourself on YouTube. It's not just to get views and attention. It just helps you to get everything off of your chest. So what you are doing is the right thing. And i love listening to your stories and watching your videos. Jeez your life is more interesting then mine . I really hope to have a life like yours some day. I want to get out of misreable England and come to Korea and see what life is like out there. And just to travel around the world and meet as much nice people as possible. To be free and to not give a shit about all of this negativity that is happening nearly every single day. It just gives me a big migraine right now. There is absolutely no peace in humanity. I really hope to meet you some day. That would be lovely.

kany diabate: Yes and yes all the way yes for this video!!!

Fabienne Marquis: Don't listen to anyone that is spurting out negativity about you. They should learn how to keep their big mouth shut. Just be you boo. Do not let this coronavirus ruin your day. Hopefully there will be some strong cure to kill this nasty thing. I hope you and your family are well. Sending love from the UK. Annyeong xxx

Fabienne Marquis: You look pretty

Jeanette Lawrence: Good morning beautiful,stay blessed and safe❤

jen sylvestre: Girl why did you have to mention the elliptical...? That's the only thing that made me want to go to the gym ...ugh! Going so stir crazy I've been looking up home elliptical machines but ...$$$ Yikes lol

Nene: I plan to go to South Korea. I'm tired of America. I'm traveling right away once this is over.

AGUST DEVIL: *SOMEONE TAKE ME IN !!!!* (I’m healthy) *ION WANNA BE HERE!!!!* (Frfr no Bs) *I HATE IT HERE!!!!!!!!* (Save Me In Jimin voice)

Ashley King: When Rona go long back from she come from, me gin Korea , I making it a must go altho I live in Barbados. Btw i love you girl i look forward to your videos , and dont mind those people.

FancyNancy64 !: Mic drop! Thank you. Enough said about the idiot in office. He won't take blame for this getting as bad as it is. And its his fault it is this bad. I am working from home and pretty much that's it. Just vegetating. Its 80 degrees today, I may go for a walk at a park across the street from me. I'm getting bord. This is week 3 I've been home. Ugh. And we have to stay in until May 20th. Its starting to get to me. Well continue to be safe. Thanks.

Joy S.: I'm still out here working in these streets. #essentialworkerlife

Yasmin Jasmin: @Isis, can u post a video of the foods in Korea you tried? Which were your favs & which may not suit American tastes?

Endera: I live in NJ and people are out and about like it’s 2019 ‍♀️ it’s sad really

AneshaCaribPrincess S.: As for the time being, I’m just working out ‍♀️ and Watching some YouTube videos because I don’t have Cable..And trying to go back to learning Korean but dammmnnn, it’s hard to have ur brain memorize stuffs...Any advice to help me remember my Korean lessons (self-study) ?

Wiupset6 6: Born on Friday the 13th 13th baby born in the hospital supposed to have a twin and I have third kidney from them the nurse was religious and told my mom good luck Okay Karen

sun she1: First place I plan to go is LONDON to BTS CONCERT! YEAH ..even if its in the winter..I be there GOD WILLING. and then you can come to LONDON to see BTS same time..and I will be there to say hello and have coffee even if its ages away I look forward to seeing them again.....please GOD XXX an idea!! lol stay safe x

Endera: I live in NJ and people are out and about like it’s 2019 ‍♀️ it’s sad really

Cecelia Ortez: Are you trying to stay in LA to be with your boothang lol? Good luck girl, I wish you the best. Don't worry everything will get back to normal.... EVENTUALLY. We'll see. Also yep, Trump incompetent as hell.

Nene: Can you talk about saving money to travel for a video please. I asked on Instagram already.

Sorana Charles: Girl that BTS in the back is hittinggggg

Sherubii: My fb friend just travel back to Korea... 3 days ago.

Tenesia Pinkney: Bruh I saw that low-key dab

sw33ti88: Get me outta hereeeee

Margo: This shit is a whole joke. All because they can’t stay home. My grades are literally getting messed up because of this quarantine. The teachers don’t explain anything AT ALL. I’m clueless about stuff. I’m tired of being home. There’s literally no where to go all because Americans want to have fun.

Nadia Saint-Louis: My bday was the 30th of March couldn't do anything but sit home

cobro1215: There is no way China only had about 6,000 deaths, with a population of over a billion

myra: We have the same birthday and our moms are the same age... Are you me?

jen sylvestre: Yu ain't saying nut'n but the truth lol

Nene: I hear suju.

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