Bundles, Frontals, Closures, Satin Bags, Tags

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Hello is Rachelle here for the wealthy weaveologist dot-com. If you're watching the replay, you can't slide on over to the welcome you've all just calm and grab the e-book bundle. That is, for the vendor search process. Where I break down the alibaba.com website - and I also have a customer survey and all kinds of goodies over there on my wealthy weaveologist calm now tonight, I want to talk to you guys about the benefits of whole selling hair okay host on here host selling, all Different types of products, because I'm getting a lot of questions about websites and hair vendors that are located in the United States, those of you who are unfamiliar with me. You know that i'm in the US most of my viewers are in the US. So if you are looking to start a hair business, I would suggest you think outside the box and outsource the majority of your products. That'S what I want to talk to you guys today about wholesale products, not just bundles. Okay, you can wholesale or bundles frontals and closures, of course, but you can also wholesale sandbags and tags and all of that good stuff. So that's what I want to talk to you so guys guys about tonight. Okay, so I'm gon na give you guys a chance to get into the room, because I want to show you some different resources for second bags and bundles and tags and other concepts. You can do the same thing. You know always talk about the vendor search for hair, but you can do the same thing for everything else as well. Okay, so I want to get some of you into the room, so we can start about the benefits of wholesaling. Okay, we're gon na talk about some other things as well. I'M gon na show you my screen, so you might not see me the whole time one. You might not see me the whole time I'm gon na go over on my favorite website. Alibaba.Com a lot of people, shave alibaba.com, but I'm gon na tell you there's some amazing resources. I'M gon na show you some bundle wraps and things that I use last year, so you can kind of see how they really look in person. Okay, so I'm going to show you that as well, so let me get my string together so make sure that air is to come on in the wrong okay, I hope everybody's doing well. Today, let's see, let's see, I want to make sure that everything is going. Okay, that we don't have a lag here, so let's see and touch each other. Okay, okay, hey Stacy, how you doing, I hope everybody's all. Well. So, as I always say, if you are just joining me, my name is Rochelle. I'M a licensed cosmetologist and I have over a decade of experience in sourcing hair from overseas. Now you know if you've watched my channel before you know, I talked about bundles and sourcing hair and all of it, but I want you to also understand that you can source these guys as well. Now these are the basic ones. These are just the basic ones, but I want you guys to get in the mindset of thinking wholesale. I know it's scary to go on these online websites, but I'm gon na show you some resources that is at your disposal. Bosal online. It'S been a long day. I'M sorry, don't forget a little tongue-tied, forgive me, but I want to show you some things and I actually still have the packaging like. I said I purchased this last year, so I try to no. I had some decent experience with this vendor. So if I can zoom in on this name tag, I will zoom in on it, so you can see who the vendor is, but we'll talk about that in a second like I said I just want to get everybody give everybody a chance to get into the Room stemple over if I'm lagging it's okay, I just want to get the information out. I know other people do live streams, that's just a part of live streaming, so if I'm lagging I'm lagging so anyway, let's get into the content. So I want you to before you do this process. I want you to really really really think about who your customers are going to be now. I know that's not the sexy part of a hair business, but this is the thing: if you don't do them where it might be a little difficult for you to sell your products, because you might be selling products that your customers don't really want. You might be selling products that your customers don't really need, and the purpose of starting a business is not to prop yourself up and say that your business are there. The purpose of starting a business is not to brag to your friends to say that you're out of business, it's not because you want to print some fancy business cards. The purpose of starting a business is because you see a hole in the market that you can cook, you can fulfill and possibly make money from people's needs once something that they're lacking and they can't get from anybody else. So that's why I always say you might want to think outside the box and start selling hair offline as well, because there are some hidden jewels in your community. There are women who need someone to sell hair to them, and your focus on online sales may be focus on sales in your community. Think outside the box. You guys, of course, I'm going to elaborate on how to sell hair to people. However, to be honest with you, you don't need a a strategic plan and all this kind of stuff to sell here to people in your communities. Ok, there are tons of people selling hair who don't have business degrees, who don't have college degrees and they're out here. Killing the game and you feel like you - have to be perfect to sell here and you don't ok, so I just want to put that on your mind. I don't want to make this whole a shame about that, but I want you guys to think outside the box and actually do surveys of people communicate with people in your family. It'S your job site. I know you know a lot of women who wear weaves and if you ask yourself why you want to start a business, you might have since had that difficult conversation with yourself. If you don't have any potential customers now, you might want to hold off starting a hair business, because the hair is not going to sell itself and a lot of people get frustrated and end up leaving the business after year. So I don't want that to be you, so I really want you to take the time to really do surveys on your customers and your potential customers. If you are a hairstylist and you think about starting Cilla hair, I always say: look in your appointment book. There'S a lot of women who are probably in Solon's in your salon. Look at the current hair that they're buy from other retailers find out why they're buying a lot of times they're only buying, because it's convenient it may be a better option for them to buy hair from you. Don'T you get tired of doing these hairstyles with the cheap hair and hair style never turns out right. I know you did so now's the time to survey those clients and find out. Why do you buy hair from XYZ wholesaler? They may be getting it from Aliexpress. They may be getting it from the beauty supply store, but you can convert those customers into buying customers because they're captive audience they're sitting in your chair they're, coming back to you. They must like something about your salon right right. So let's talk about some pertinent things. Like I said make sure before you go on the vendor search before you buy a vendor list before you sign up for a drop shipping company, I want you to do that work, but that's gon na make your life easier. Okay! So, let's talk about when you go in alibaba.com, you've done your surveys. You talked to your customers and you found out that you want to sell bundles or frontals foreclosures. Okay. So, as I stated in my other live stream, I said that Indian vendors really don't make frontals and closers that look they're. Well. So if you do a survey of all your potential customers and it ask a lot of people, ask as many people as you cannot. Two or three people, preferably 50 people, but I realized - maybe some people don't know that many people, but if you find out that a lot of your clients, health wants to purchase frontals enclosures or they purchase rentals and closures from other companies. I want you to know that Indian vendors really don't do that with South East Asian. I'M not a fan of their frontal enclosures. So if you decide that okay, a lot of the people that I talk to, they are wearing they're, actually wearing frontals and closures. I want you to understand that you're, probably the Chinese vendor. I know some people act like Chinese vendors, a horrible but, like I said I always say, you're, probably watching me on something that was made in China. You probably wear shoes that were made in China. Some of the products you use every day are made in China, so you might want to get over there if you want to start selling hair. Sometimes it's the hair. The customer wants survive versus the hair you want to buy. Now, in my comment section earlier today, someone said that they had a bad experience with some unprocessed hair. I think they brought they bought a weed from the beauty, supply store or something I was like. I was unclear on where she bought the way from, but she said that the wig had um she said had lice on now. I'Ve done a video about life and I tried to communicate with her and tell her that it's not really lice, it's not alive. You can't get lice from weave, that's not what this lashing was about, something I don't get into all there, but you can't get you can't get lice from weeds, because the license a host life is a parasite. If there's something you can't get over, maybe you don't need a cell here, I'm just that out they're not trying to be rude, but a lot of people. Don'T talk about that or a lot of people don't stress out about that because it's not a real threat. She said it was the hidden side of the hair. Business is really not we're dealing in human hair. So that's something that you are going to come across. If that is a something that you can't do with, I would suggest maybe sell something else, so some other type of beauty product, because that's just part of dealing with human hair. Now, when you deal with vendors, to be honest with you, you're pretty much not going to see a lot of life unless you go them processing raw hair. Now a lot of you guys want to sell raw and unprocessed hair. I want to let you know the real unprecedent, a real raw hair has to be washed and going through sort it and everything like that before you sell the hair to your customers. So if that's something you think you want to say, I want you to maybe rethink that, because you're gon na add extra work to your business that you you guys, you don't want to do on it. Just feeling honest with you most of you have full-time jobs or part-time jobs. The last thing you want to do is go through all your hair, wash it let it dry bundle it up, put it in the bag and send it to your customer. Some people don't know what raw means and real raw hair. You have to do something to it before you sell it to your customer. So most of you, I would say 80 % of you - don't even need to worry about that kind of hair. Okay. So that's what happened with her, but sometimes - and I want to say this - sometimes when you get in Indian fender, sometimes you might have to think about you might want to think about that - might be an option that might be an issue. I'M not gon na downplay. Indian vendors, but that might be an issue you might see the shell casings if you're not familiar what I'm talking about video just go to my videos and type in lies. It should show up, but I did a video about that. It'S not alive, okay, but you might see that one Indian hair people don't freak out about it because you know I dig hair. I dig in here all day I dig hair out of the drains. I dig here off the floor. I understand it's nasty to a lot of you guys. I would not want to sell here like it, because the consumer might think that they can't get lice and you don't want that hassle now, if you get hair that has been steamed process. Most of it is not anything you need to be worried about to be honest with you, so I don't want to make this live stream about that. So anyway, let's get into the video like I said you want to survey your customers decide on what products you want to sell and go from. There do not skip that step. Alright. So I'm going to share my screen with you guys, because I want to talk about some other resources outside of the realm of bundles okay, so you I'm sure, you've seen me going alibaba.com before I'm gon na go on alibaba.com, because to me some of you may Have some negative connotations about alibaba.com, but to me alibaba.com will be and they don't pay me. I don't get any kickbacks from any of these vendors, but they don't know them. However, I think it's one of the best resources out there for getting in wholesale products. Again, we are not the hair people on YouTube, we're not the only ones that are using Alibaba, calm, the source things okay, so it's nothing new, I'm just breaking down the process for those of you who are interested now. I reason why I'm doing this video as well as on the slashing, because I get a lot of questions about a lot of American vendors. I want you to get out of that. You want to make a profit: okay, yes, it by purchasing hair, some American vendors, because they're doing the same thing that I'm telling you to do they're going online and find their vendors. So you can kind of do the same process and get the best benefits from your business. Now, if you don't know how to price your hair, you can go to my. I have a video about hair pricing. Go on that video. That is a very informative video and it talks about how to price your products. You can do the same technique with these bundle ramps. You can do the same with these satin bags. You can do the same process with these sandbags, so let me start rambling, and can we get to my screen so give me a second to get to my screen and I'm going to go share. My screen with you guys give me a moment. Let'S see, I want to go to this right here. Okay, so, as you can see, I'm on alibaba.com, okay - hopefully everybody can hear me so I know a lot of you want to know about the different types of resources that are out there and sourcing hair, bundles and hair packaging, and things like that. Okay. So when you go on Alibaba Aliexpress, all these are the websites and I'm clicking on. You will see a lot of different vendors. So, for example, let's say you always talk about cuticle alignments and basically cuoco alignment, if you're unfamiliar with what that means. Cuticle alignment just means that all the cuticles are going in the same direction and it prevents your hair from tangling really bad. That'S basically what that means. So I'm sure you're familiar with me. If you've been to any of my live broadcasts. Are you seeing someone love it is I always talk about trying to stick with the vendor that sells that type of hair? Okay? So that's basically my specialty. I talk about a lot of different things like that and majority of my products, and I sell so I mentioned I'm going to show you guys this again because you may not have seen my livestream when I talked about try not to get frontals and things like That from Indian vendors, because the frontals that don't look that great so if you're, trying to source frontals and things like that, this is what you do not want it: okay, when you're buying bundles try to stick with the vendor. That says that sells cuticle lines hair when you're buying frontals try to stick with the Chinese vendor. Because to me, the Indian vendors do not do a good job at making frontals and closures, and I want to save you, the hassle of going through their whole process. Getting frontals and stuff from them, because they're gon na give you the runaround because from their perspective they did what they supposed to, but I don't know whose hairline this is supposed to be, but so basically don't use an Indian vendor for your frontals and closures. Now, like I said last night, you want to if your sourcing, frontals and closures, you want to go with the Chinese vendor, if you can so, if you're doing say, for example, if you're doing 360 frontals and again make sure that your customer base can support that Again, the reason why we're going on Alibaba comm, instead of other websites is because you want to find a manufacturer. A manufacturer is who you want to deal with deal with another type of company, because typically they may be. You may not get the best rate for your product, so let's talk about hairlines for a second. Sometimes when you go on here, you'll see some very thick hair lines a lot of times. Those are the types of vendors that they don't have, the hairline. They don't have the ventilation, that's the word, I'm looking, for they don't have the ventilation skills to make a product. That looks good. So so I will listed a vendor and they have really thick hair lines. Try to stay away from those types of vendors because, like I said about the hair, that's wrong! If you news it, is you don't want to do a lot of work to the product? Okay, of course, you're going to look at the product make sure it looks. Okay, but you don't want to have to pluck the closures and frontals for your customers unless you are a hairstylist, so your job, if you're, just selling hair your job, is to sell a product. That'S ready to go, that's my opinion, but I'm sure you would agree. You don't want to sell a product that the hairline is so thick that your customers will be upset with you. This hairline looks okay, but you you really want to stay clear of hair lines like I just shows you the previous one. I look crazy. Look like Batman the Batman logo, so you definitely want to stick with a hair line that looks natural again. If you look at the photos and the hair line looks a little janky, don't even contact that type of vendor. Okay, it's better to steer clear of that kind of hair instead of ordering it and then trying to get the vendor to fix it, they're not going to fix it you're not going to do that. They'Re gon na give you the runaround it's better to ignore that type of thing so moving forward: okay, so Chinese vendors, where parcels and closures India, vendors for your bundles, I don't think I've talked about the enemies, then there's one here, but you would use the same Methods but the Vietnamese vendors, you want to make sure that you're contacting of Vietnamese vendor outright okay, you don't want to contact a Chinese vendor and they're, saying they're selling Vietnamese hair. That'S two separate places: okay, so to ensure that you have a legitimate Southeast Asian vendor. You would just go in all countries and regions and click, Vietnam, and you will see your Vietnam, Vietnam. Vendors come up. Okay again, you can use the pricing system that I have on my video to figure out. If the price is something that will work for your business, I'm not going to talk about all that on this particular live string. But I just want to show you how to make sure you're actually contacting the legitimate Vietnamese vendor and not a Chinese vendor for your southeast-asian here. Okay, so, let's see so all of these are Vietnamese vendors. I don't know if you can tell by the photos that the majority of the Vietnamese hair it's kind of wavy, just like the wavy texture. It'S not really like. If you want to sell kinky, curly and stuff like that, I wouldn't suggest going with Vietnamese in there, because again they don't do that too. Well, in my opinion, if you want something, that's a kinky texture, I would also say you might want to stick with the Chinese vendor. Now, let's look at these frontals and closers. What are these? This is a closure again. If you look at their clothes, I don't they don't even show you a. Let'S see they look weird to me. They don't look like the standard closures that most people are used to using. So again, you don't want to add extra work to what you're trying to do it's just like they just ventilated the product. They don't even show the underside of the frontals. What is this? I think it's a closure, an expose of your closure, but they don't even show you clear photos of the product. So again, if you want to sell stuff like that, I would say: go with the Chinese fender. So that's the benefits of ordering from a wholesale company overseas, because that is the source of the hair and that's where the hair is coming from. Thirty six to sixty five dollars is a decent price range again. If you want to deal with a certain vendor, contact employ price lists. Sometimes the prices are cheaper. If you contact them directly, then if you just look at this website, so we briefly went over bundle, disclosures and frontal, so I think we're on the same page as far as what over to choose. I would just pick one and stick with that again, based on what your current clientele want from you and also based on what your proposed customers told you that they actually buy right now. I don't want you to guess on this. I want you to be clear before you start purchasing this all this hair. So let me close some of these windows and let me start to show you some other things outside of the realm of hair. As a title suggests, I want to talk to you guys about bundle wraps and tags, and all of that I'm sure that's why a lot of you are joining me. So I want you to again think outside the box. I know some people have an aversion to aliexpress.com. I don't particularly care for their hair and be honest with you, but one thing you can do is go on Aliexpress and look for your satin bags, your tags, your bundle wraps and all of that ok. So, let's get into it! So if you just click as you see up here at the top, I said hair tags - I just type them hair tank, so you just hit the search function and you'll see a lot of different types of hair tags. These tags can be used for any type of garment, any type of. If you do crafts and things like that, I know some of you do various different things now these are the bare basic ones. Okay, so, as you see, if you just type in here take this is what comes up okay, so you got ta, be a little more in your search, one aliexpress and hair packaging, and now you get to see the different types of hair packaging that is available To you, so you may see a lot of people who purchase sandbags, different colors and things like that. A lot of people are getting them wholesale. Some people are getting them from American vendors, but again like when I was talking about the pricing for hair and things like that. You really want to think outside the box when it comes to purchasing things. You might want to think about purchasing it yourself wholesale because it might be cheaper for your bottom line. Okay, some companies, that's what they do. They purchase it on Aliexpress. They have some of their work outsourced on Aliexpress or not Aliexpress itself, but a vendor that advertises on Alex first to have their second bags made for them. Okay, so let's scroll down - and you can tell there's different companies that make sandbags those of you who want to have boxes made. Of course the boxes are more expensive. If you want to get a little fancy. Those of you who make custom wigs again when you do your hair price, that you want to include this in your expenses when pricing your hair. But these are very pretty boxes and things like that that you can either put your own logo on or you can have them for the low-low on for you. So these are the gold boxes. I don't really see too many people using these, so that would be cute for like some weight so again, those if you can make custom weight and you see they put their own logo on the outside. Okay, that is one particular vendor that has boxes. Some of you may not want to sell hair. Put your hair in boxes now, usually your vendor will put the hair in a plastic bag like this. This is PVC plastic. The plastic can't see you be utilized. I would suggest don't throw that away, you might want to keep the hair in this packaging and then put it in your box. Okay, alright, so you don't have to buy a separate. Usually your vendor will have this all your hair already packaged like this. So you want to do all that, but if you might want to buy some separate packaging, you can buy that as well. So, as you can see, you have various different companies now, sometimes you might find a better rate on Alibaba comm, because some of these rates, like I said you got ta - have kind of play around with the prices to make sure that is not eating into your Profits. Okay. Keep that in mind is the purpose of getting this whole thing is so that we can get these made cheaper overseas. Okay, so you want to get one get your hair from overseas. You want to get your packaging for overseas. You want to outsource as much stuff as you can, but make sure it's not eating into your profit. So these this is just some packaging that they have made. I'M trying to see the company that I've used in the past on here, but these some of these are just basic packaging and that's fine too. Okay, those of you who are hairstylist and you sell hair in the salon. You can maybe package their hair in a bag like this maybe put three bundles in one bag. I said I'll play on one bundle in bag. You have to play around with that, but kind of look around to speak. If, because a company like this will sell you everything and one that's why the price might be a little steep, because it has the bundle, racks and the tags with the haircare and everything on there. The only thing about this is, you have to send them the design. So when you first start out, you don't have a low low. You can just get the basic bags for now like this. You can get a basic bag like this, because some companies will just make a basic bag like this and put version here and I'm use those before and I'll show you in a second the ones that I had last year a couple years ago. Now some people, you might have seen people sell, hair or bonnets and stuff like that. Now most hair bonnets are made in China, even the ones that you have in your house are made in China. So there's no secret, but they make do rags and hair by its and all kinds of stuff. I just want to show you that maybe you want to come out with your own line of hair bonnets, I would say, maybe buying one or two to test to see. If you know the quality is good, but these are like your braided. You know those of you who have like long, weaves or braids. You might want to come out with your online um little bonnets or whatever this thing them, but they think they sleep this thing no, but um a giant sand bag. They made basically don't bite it, but you might want to Bethel areas, but that's a huge sand bag that they made into a sleep. By so see Chinese vendors. They they try it sometimes, but they look decently made, though you could look into that. They also make custom tags, they make us some tags and stuff. So again, look at the pricing figure out the price, and again this is the pricing for 500 pieces. You would probably have to send them yeah you definitely not. Probably you would definitely have to send them your um logo, so you could have someone just develop the logo? You can do it yourself, you can do it on PicMonkey. You can do it on photo comm, canva. Whatever website, you can pretty much pick a website and play around with the anchor hm, but you have to send it to them they most of these companies. You want to elaborate kind of design. You have to send that to them, but you get the idea. You get the gist you can have these outsourced as well. So again, I want you guys to think outside the box when it comes to wholesale products from overseas. Let me click on one of these, so you can see they look decently made. Some of these are blank, let's see yeah, usually they have the hair tip of the number unique with your phone number and all of that customize. All of that make sure before you make a big order that you proofread make sure they lets. You see the design. First, before you order all of the ones you want in bulk, but again they usually don't do elaborate design they'll, give you a basic design well for the senton bags. Let me go I'll, go back to the satin bag, so you can see the dimensions, but it depends on if you're selling really long hair. I would say you want to want the bigger sandbags, but I'll show you the other sandbags in a second. But you don't need huge sandbags if you're going to sell just bundles and closures, but if you are selling weeds, are you making custom weeks? That'S when you will want the larger bags? Let'S see now. This is just Aliexpress. I'M gon na go on other websites as well, but you see these little bags. These are the size bags that you need if you want to sell the UM, because these right here these are the basic bags that I was talking about. They'Re, like, let's see, they're like two dollars a piece - those are pretty little pretty decent size trying to see if you can find the dimensions on here. Let'S see, usually they call those the standard size, so that's like 18 by 33 centimeters, but those size bags, and I actually have some of these bags that I was using last year. They were pretty good at thinking from this particular company. I I can't remember the exact company, but I'll show you guys the tag I can't read it. Is it Chinese, but basically this bag, this size bag will fit. You can put about three bundles in a bag. Anything outside of that it's gon na be tight. So you would want to let me go back to the other bag size. If you want to sell like frontals closures and bundles, you would need a bigger bag. I don't think this company sells the bigger bag. Let'S see well yeah, you definitely need a bigger bag, but you don't want the hair swimming in the bags either he's doing Sam. So, let's see yeah. These are longer bags, so some companies will sell you a longer bag. That'S something you just have to play around with, but these standard sizes will pretty much fit at least three bundles in the closure. If you're selling, big wigs, you might think about gravitating towards a box, so so they're pretty cute, you can have them designed how you want to like. I said these are more basic and that's fine too. You put your website on there. They'Ll give you a basic logo, and you put your name on there like that or these more intricate designs, the person sent them in their design, so someone sent that design to the company. So some of these companies a lot of these companies, don't do intricate designs. They'Ll give you more of that Queen of Sheba loop and that's fine. You know that will pretty much do what you need to do. Don'T spend too much money on your bags. Now you guys cuz, like I said it's all courtesy of your profits or you can get bags like these okay, so that's one option and those look nice virgin hair bags. So again, all of these bags are made in China. So if you have like bigger products, you might want to think about putting your products in a box as well. Okay, miss Deborah is destiny. What'S the lace hair rat eat on my hair reps, let me know what you're talking about specifically now, if you're selling a lot of products at one time, you might want to think about a box. Now these boxes are kind of hot, so you might want to shop around. Just show you this as an example. To be honest with you, these are kind of expensive to me in my opinion, but you might find something cheaper in the States for the boxes. Okay, but just give you idea again, you do the numbers, you do the math for your company, but if you're selling my custom wig, it's a cute little touch, but again don't let it cut into your profits on you guys, don't leave these fancy package and click Into your practice again, so that's the purpose of getting products wholesale. You want to make sure that you can get the cheaper products. Sometimes it might be cheaper for you to get it locally. So compare and contrast, and again some of these companies sale satin bags. They also, I get questions about eyelash boxes and things like that. So, if you're starting a eyelash business, you can have your eyelash boxes made overseas as well. Now this is $ 345 again. Some of these prices aren't what they claim. They are. If you contact the vendor they'll give you a better rate now Aliexpress. Let me tell you difference between Alibaba and Aliexpress. Aliexpress is built for people who want their stuff right now they don't want to wait. They'Ve won this stuff right now, so sometimes you pay a little bit extra for the convenience, so you may find that the stuff is cheaper on alibaba.com. You guys, but I just wanted to again get y'all out of the idea of thinking that you have to purchase something and it's really expensive. You can get it wholesale, just like we're getting our bundles and stuff wholesale as well. So so you see the cute follow them. Where is it there? We go so they're really cute, but again don't let this cut into your profits. For those of you who want to sell eyelashes you're starting an eyelash business, those are really cute, very pretty eyelash boxes. Okay, very pretty so do you two gate sometimes have some nice things on there, but DHgate has is kind of tricky. Sometimes, let's see clear packaging, like I said, usually your vendors will put the hair in clear packaging like this, so you may not have to purchase it, but you can get them really cheap, like 34 cents apiece. So you can get stuff really cheap, like that on DHgate plastic bags. But again most of your hairs won't come in plastic bags anyway. Okay, oh you want to lay baby ears down. Are you talking about the paper rats? I'M looking for the lace care rats. You talk about the arm. The paper rat people use for quick weaves. Is that what you like them up? So, let's see, let me see, let me see so DHEA is kind of hit or miss or something if I want to show you um those of you who are looking for Banda Aceh get buck well, but you will have to send them the design. So you they have like hang tags and stuff like that, but you would have to send them the design. So that's how the little tags look, so you would have to send them all of this little design with the texture. They'Ll probably fill in the texture and everything for you, but where it says, sweet traces and all of that you would have to send them that they're not going to do the logo design for you. If they do the logo design, it's going to be basic. Basically, you would you, could design that yourself and send it to them I'll give them a dimensions. Those of you who sell wigs and you want the little labels for weeds. That'S the labels. You can sew inside of your wigs. They sell there as well. So that's the idea for those of you who want custom weak ties, so the pictures are stuff like that they provided that to the company and they just designed the tag for them, so give you the idea, but what it like. So I give your idea of what they what you can have done overseas okay. So let's go back. Let'S go to Alibaba calm, because the prices for Hera packaging probably will be cheaper over there. But the thing about Alibaba calm is: you have to wait for them to manufacture it for you and I'm gon na. Take that long, but and for those of you asking about this sopran or have somebody asking me about etsy it awful that um, you want I'm showing you this, because it might be cheaper to have it manufactured overseas. That'S why I'm using that's! Why I'm showing you guys this particular video and you have to do your own, like I say you have to do your own figures for your company to see if it'll make sense, but since we're going overseas to get hair, I know you probably would have a Better experience getting it done overseas is it would be cheaper. So that's why I'm showing this okay? So you can get your design you get to logo designed on Etsy. There are people who design logos on Etsy. There are people who design logos on Instagram. There are people who design logos on Fiverr, so you can get somebody to design the logo and have your your tags and everything else made on alibaba.com or a vendor on Alibaba comma. So, as you can see, the boxes and stuff is cheaper over here on Alibaba, calm, um again, some of these boxes are very fancy. This is, and these rates are for a lot of boxes, so you're selling, wigs and things like that. If it'll show up here, we go if your ship you're selling like wigs and things like that, and you want to give your wigs a little tip you can. You can do that so something different. You know how to use this company, but the thing about Alibaba calm, though, is you, can look at the reviews and see if the company can't provide for you a decent rating, but this this particular company looks like they specialize in other types of boxing like game Pieces and things like that, so a lot of different companies use, I leave over comm to make their packaging and things like that so because it's cheaper, so let's get down to this is a pretty box. So there's something slightly different, but you would do the same criteria when you look up her hair. You definitely don't want to buy all your boxes and one time you want to test to see. Okay, this company can manufacture the boxes, but I'm sure you've seen companies use these boxes before just virgin hair boxes, but anything that's hard like that. It'S going to be more expensive, so they're showing pictures of the plant everything we don't even see all that. So, with the bundle wraps, I want to show you guys the bone. The wraps are real, quick. Let'S see, some of the companies will again for those of you who want to sell eyelashes. They have eyelashes boxes up here, but I'm trying to fun. Oh, here's, the big boxes, I mean the big bag. Someone asked me in a chat about the bigger bags. This particular company is selling the bigger bags. So these are the bigger bags in the same details that I told you guys about searching for manufacturers for hair, you would want to manufacture for sand bags to you guys. So the same thing applies when you source other things from Alibaba console. This is a manufacturer. Their bags look really nice actually, but so the person who asked me the different dimensions of the bags, this bigger bag, would be a bag that you would put your big weeds if you're selling a lot of wigs if you're selling a lot of bundles and frontals And closures to the same customer - and one thing you can put all of that in these bigger bags. Okay, so let's see the scroll down, do they have the dimensions, so you just contact the vendor to find their dimensions of the products. I think I want to say this: 5 by 7, the standard size - I think it's 5 by 7. I think, and the bigger size is 8 by 10. Don'T quote me on that, but I think this that's the bigger size yeah, so this bigger size. I think it's 8 by 10, so if you're selling like big wigs or you're selling a lot of bundles at more time to one customer, you will put it in the you. Probably it away with this white bag right here, but the black bag is a smaller black bag, so that might be too small for what you want. I would suggest before you start ordering your bags measure your pride in it first to see it fit with the inner bag. You always fold the bundles over, but you don't want it so tight that it will mash up your hair, who sent it to your customer. So, typically, the white bag, it's gon na, be the size. You need okay well to get around the big requirements. Just say you want to sample their products and have another me free, but sampling is a way to get around the big requirements. That'S a good way to get around this sure because most of them they're, okay with it as long as you, you know, you're, serious and you're serious about spending money with them they'll. Let you order smaller amounts again asking for a price quote, see if the price quote makes sense, but um so yeah. So these are the types of products that you can have outsourced overseas. You guys. So if you didn't know that, I hope this helps you can get different colors. Of course, most people go with set and I would suggest if you're selling, hair and stuff stick with satin, but this company also offers um. What is this puzzle and cotton and stuff like that? They make bags for all kinds of stuff. They don't just make bags for um. What are they talking? They make bags for yeah they make burlap sacks, they make all kinds of bags. So this is what this company specializes in. So this is a manufacturer, so the same principles apply for manufacturers of bundle wraps and things like that. Let'S look at the bundle wraps on alibaba.com and I'm going to show you guys when I get back on camera and I'll show you guys what they look like in person to kind of give you a gauge of how big they are again. I ordered these a while ago and I'm going to show you the tag and I'll show you the inside and if there's a company you want to go with, then you can go from there, so you can also have bundle wraps made again. You want to test the quality first before you order a lot of bundle wraps from one company at a time. Some of the person you ask me about Etsy, you could have your funnel wraps and things designed just do you know if you find you might find a cheap on Etsy. I don't know, but I would suggest you try alibaba.com to see. If you can, you know get a little cheaper deal buying their wholesale but yeah. So these are the bundle wraps most of on the wraps are sticky on the back and make sure that these are sticky on the back before you purchase them. I'Ve never bought from this company before so. I don't know about this company, but that's how they come. They come in a strict like that, and you can get again you can get tags made. You can get these little tags for the inside of your bags made on Alibaba comm, so again, whatever origin, if you you're gon na sell Indian hair, if you're gon na sell Chinese hair. If you're gon na sell South East Asian hair, you um here's some more butter. This is a better example right here, so you can get circular tags made, so you can get different little different sizes, different colors, different types, depending on how many you get at a time like these are 39 cent, but of course it gets if you're just getting A hundred Danny might go up a little bit, so so that's their tags, and now those are their bundle wraps. Their bundle wraps. Look okay, this particular company yeah, I'm too much of a fan of those bundle wraps but again alibaba.com. I like that, because you can go on the review section and just look at the reviews to see if anybody said anything bad about the product, so you can go through there at your own leisure. This one particular one said the quality is good, but only one thing the size of the plastic bags was off, so you can kind of play around with it on your own. But to me the companies that specialize in making packaging and making bags and things like that, those are the companies you want to pretty much stick with. Okay, so the whole, the principles still apply when you're sourcing, hair, bundles and hair wraps, and things like that. One line it's still the same process when you're looking for hair, you want to stick with a manufacturer. Okay guys, so are you taught someone I stuck them on set in hare Ram? Are you talking about the setting streets? This was your something I think I know it you're talking about. I'M reading the comments somebody asked about setting hair rats. I think I know what you're talking about it's made out of this satin material. Are you talking about these? You don't really have to buy these to lay down your baby hairs. If that's what you're looking for you could just use the less you trying to sell some, then okay, if that's what you're asking, but I think that's what you're talking about the bees right here! He'S saying these same apps, I think you're talking about those and they have like different set in bags and satin scarves, and things like that on here. So that was like she finally asked about this and okay. Okay, I got you at first. I thought you were talking about something else, but yeah you can have those made as well again kind of look at the pictures first before you start ordering them and make sure that it's at the right dimensions that you want them to be. But you can have those outsource as well, so there's different colors and things like that. So pretty much anything that can be manufactured. You like a satin, wrap a satin bag and setting cap um satin pillowcases. All of that can be made, but I'm gon na tell you guys, make sure that I keep saying it over and over again, but make sure that you make sure that you get a sample of the craftsmanship before you order a lot so order. You know order a little bit the minimum order for this company is 10 pieces. Some companies will have different minimums, so you got to play around with it, but that's something you don't want to skip either so just like when you order here, you definitely want to test the quality of your setting racks and your scars and things like that, because Some of these vendors - they, the stitching, might be slightly off. So you want to make sure that you look that look after that, so but sometimes the hair companies you got to play around with it. Sometimes I hear companies and the hair vendors. Sometimes they charge a little bit more for their satin wraps and their setting um there's that encases in their second bags. So sometimes, if you contact just a company that that's all they make, you might get a cheaper rate because some of these hair companies that sell sandbags, they want to add a little extra because they know that's what we're using it. For so just do the math for your company. You might find a cheaper that way. Try to you know try to shop around before you make that make your choice. Your final choice, okay! So even on Alibaba comm, we went on DHgate. So that's pretty much a good way to get your hair products out sourced online. Again, you might want to contact a manufacturer that specializes and making bags, and things like that, instead of contacting a hair company that sells bags because sometimes you'll find cheaper rates when contacting just a bad company like that's all they do all day and that's what they Specialize in so they might, they might be a little lenient on the minimum requirements as well. That'S what I find. I find it a little bit more lenient on the requirements and their prices are slightly cheaper than hair companies that sell hair bags. That'S just been my experience, so let's see here so if we went over satin bags, we talked about saying caps. We talked about bundle wraps. We talked about all of that. So hopefully, that will give you guys an idea that you can outsource all kinds of different things overseas, and I just hear so. If that information helped you, I love going online sourcing products on alibaba.com and all of these other websites. As you know, I'm the vendor source Queen, so you know me: I have an e-book about that process as well, so if you're still looking for a vendor - and you need help looking for a vendor - you need the process. My ebook is available on my website. The wealthy weaveologist calm, it's not just one e-book, it's actually four guides. Okay, it's four guides available for those of you who are interested in their product. Those of you who've already purchased the product. Thank you. I'Ve been getting a lot of great feedback from it. I wanted to show you guys something because, like I said, I'm always sourcing stuff online, I'm not just talking about it. I do it all the time. Okay, so I'm always ordering stuff online. So if you trust the process - and you trust my process - I suggest you get ebook package, so I want to talk to you guys about what the bundle wraps actually look like in person - okay, so this company - I don't remember them. I got this from China and I don't know if you can see there, it might be a glare. I don't think y'all gon na see that it can't see it. I don't think you can see that, but the company is called w8n GYN. I don't know their original company named Owen alibaba.com. I don't remember it so um stuff lover. I texted them. They said it's $ 50. I don't know who you're attracting, but this is basically the process the same process. I tell you all the bathrooms: I go through the same process getting products from China, so this handsome China I order the sample. I order the stuff, so this is from the sample ordered and I did um. I think it was like. Don'T quote me on this. I think it was like $ 10. Don'T quote me on that, but it was cheap. It was pretty cheap. Wasn'T that expensive. So I got I want to show you the dimensions to give your idea of what they look like the packaging, the basic packaging. Okay. So again, the company was called wen Han and it took about it came EMS. So if you order stuff off of Aliexpress, especially packaging is going to come to your USPS box. Okay, it's going to come err, so this is what the bundle wraps was like. Okay, this is basic and has a table in the back and the sticky film on the back, like that, I don't use these anymore, but that's what those would look like give you an idea of what they look like. Okay, here are, and you can give them in all kinds of colors - you don't have to get them in pink. They give you a ton of them. I got like five hundreds for really cheap, so that's what they look like. There'S a lot of them. These are pair takes okay, so they look like I got a ton of them. I got some more in the back and also I got a ton of these heretics now. I think I got 500 of those as well and they all came from the same company. So this company's on lines, it will sell you the whole package. The only downside is that, like I said, these are the basic ones, because I wanted to test the quality. So it's pretty it's pretty hard. It'S not flimsy and again you can get them the custom. Make the tags they make better tags, but these are the standard tags that you can get from a lot of Chinese retailers. This is the bare basic ones: okay, so if you're just starting selling here to me, I don't see a problem with it. Okay and again with, if you want them to be fancier, you can have those made as well and it might be backwards if it's backwards. Okay, guys, I just want you to see, and everything is spelled right. I know so you know they don't speak English. That'S a that's, not the native language, but the printing is really nice again. These are the bare basic ones. I didn't tell them a logo or anything they give them a logo or anything. So this is what's left so there's a ton there's a ton of those. Okay, can you get those made overseas and you can get the fancier ones made overseas? I just wanted to touch the quality of those, so I really want to show you the bag. So this is the bag. Remember we just saw those online. This is how they look. So this is my arm and this is the bag. So to kind of give you, the dimensions is a pretty big sized bag right: okay, okay, you're talking about okay; okay, so they say 50. Okay, I was, I was confused about what you're talking about. I thought you meant price, but yeah. This is the size of the bag, so it's a pretty decent size bag. In the stitching it's pretty decent on the inside. How much you can see the stitching? The only thing is, I would suggest the stitching looks okay now the one thing about these sandbags and if you bought satin pillowcases and things like that, you notice that it will have the little pink fuzzies, don't take your hair, bundles and just drop them in the Bag make sure that they're covered in a plastic, preferably the plastic it came in or you can buy like I showed you guys, you could buy the wholesale class Packaging and put it in here, because you don't want that little fuzzy. You know a little fuzzy pink stuff on your customers here, so don't just drop the hair in the bag. Make sure you put it in a plastic, but that's a decent size right, that's a decent size, so you could get away with just putting this type of bag and put it in like one. So this is one bundle. Two bundles. You can get your three bundles in here and just pull it tight like that. Just cute right, really cute bag. Okay, so I got a ton of bags.

Landa Smith: I been missing the lives but I do try to watch once I’m off work. just wanted to say thanks after seeing the live I feel better in the purchases I made for packaging Thank you

Cherrelle Crosby: Hi is a 10x15 satin bags good for bundles?

Jessica Willoby: Hey girl, what about box dimensions (sizes)...I didn’t hear you talk much about it so far

Synia Brown: doing good

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