Vanessa Brazilian Human Hair Blend 360 Swissilk Lace Wig T360Hb Jenie

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Haidee was so in today's video I'm here to share with you guys this unit that I am rocking right now. So, if you guys are interested, then go ahead and stay tuned, okay, Beavis! So before we jump right into the video I did wan na. Let you guys know that this video is being brought to you guys by Vanessa hair. So thank you so much Vanessa hair from reading this video to my fabulous divas but yeah. If you guys are interested in the details of the specs on this unit, then go ahead and stay tuned, okay, diva! So, let's jump right in so today we have a unit by Vanessa hair, of course, and this is Jeanne and so in the color number one B. So this is our 360 series. I wanted to go ahead and show that to you guys um, so they will be having like a whole array of wigs. That has the 360 features. So here is how this one looks. So the package is absolutely beautiful as well. Do you guys see that, like very luxurious packaging, but anywho here is the hair, so the hair does have like a soft, yaki, Brazilian type of feel and here's the cap, as you guys, can see it does have the 360 all the way around, and it is Big hair friendly, my head is 22.5 inches, but yeah as you guys can see. So this is actually a 360 unit. It'S not like the human hair units, but it does have lace. All around this unit also features two combs in the front, as well as a comb in the back with the adjustable straps, and the lace is also soft and you get about maybe one and a half to two inches of party space, and here is how the Hairline looks it's not perfect, but it doesn't look bad either. I really do like the hairline personally for myself and on me this unit Falls at about maybe 20 inches yeah, maybe like 20 inches, I'm just making a guesstimation and I'm fog too. In case you want reference, but yeah, I'm just gon na go ahead and show you guys how the parting space looks. So that is how it looks. It looks really nice. So now I'm gon na go in and see. If I get any any more tangling, I did experience both shedding and tangling, but they were above very minimalistic like it wasn't anything that was like out of control, as you guys can see here, but I'm just gon na go in with some moose just to define Those waves again because when I ran my fingers through it, it kind of made the hair a little bit poofy and then so I here's this hair down. I'M just trying out this lace table. I don't know how I feel about the lace tape, but the hair is really gorgeous. The wig itself is gorgeous and then I'm gon na go in and add some powder just to make it match my skin complexion. More and sorry, you guys can see my ring light, I'm still getting used to this area. Well. Overall, I think this is a very, very gorgeous unit and I'm happy with a half ways all around and kind of mimics a 360 Oh Katie was so now that you guys have gotten all the details and the specs on this unit. I am here to give you guys my clothes and thoughts and everything like that. So let's jump right in okay demos, so let's go ahead and start off with the pros and the cons. So let's go ahead and start off with the cons today, just because I always start off with the pros, and I want to kind of switch it up a little bit so with the comp because of this unit. I don't know how I feel about the texture. It'S not a bad texture at all, but I feel like the hair does give pretty big fast, but the thing that might explain that is because it is a Brazilian human hair mix, and you guys know that Brazilian is more textured. So that is probably why it does that. But, however, it's still a beautiful texture like I was having a love-hate relationship with him, because I was like no don't get that big. That fast, once I run my fingers through it, but at the same time you guys know I loved a little bit his hair, but I feel like it was just getting ahead of me and getting too big. You know before I was expecting it to get to be another combat head. Is that, although I know that the 360 units are evolving - and you know kind of getting formulated just now in the synthetic hair community um, it's not like a 360, probably how you'll be thinking in your head and that could kind of be misleading a little now. I will say that this one is the most impressive that I've seen so far, because it does actually have like a really good amount of lace in the back, and it actually really looks good and it also looks like kind of a little bit pre plucked on It is so pretty full density, but it does kind of look like you know more realistic, like I said it's most impressive to me like from what I've seen so far, and I do like the fact that there is actually lace all around, but it does not Look like you know, like you, will see in your human hair 360 units. There'S, like you know, there's like a thick layer of lace, but this one comes with a very thin layer, like maybe half an inch, but I do commend Vanessa hare for doing that, because, most of the time when we get these synthetic units - and it says - oh - It'S a 360: it's not really necessarily a 360 like there's only lace. You know like, like literally at the back - and I don't like that, because that is misleading, but the lace of red does go all the way around, as I did show you guys. So that is like kudos to Vanessa for that, because it does actually look good, but it's just still just a tiny bit misleading. Just because, like I said it's not really like the human hair, some thing wigs, but I don't know it's a common thing. It'S not a con because it is like a step up from everybody else's 360, so this is more of a 360 than you've seen in any other synthetic unit. Oh, what is another con that I had? Okay, so another con that I had was the parting space. Now I didn't expand the parting space. It does not go this far back it stops about. Let me get it right, okay, so it stops at about like right here I did go ahead and expand it back and that's just what the powder it's! No, you know it's no science or anything I just put powder actually on the wig, and that just gives the illusion that it is a longer party space now girl. You know we needed a longer party space. Okay, we need longer parking space. All the time like that is, it's just needed so yeah. That is pretty much it for my con. So the last was the parking space not being that long. But, however, you know it does still look good. It'S a really good parking space. So all I have to do with that powder, but we just need a little bit more now, let's go ahead and go on with the pros, although I said that the cap construction, you know there was a little bit of you, know misleading. I still think that this is a great cap construction. I really did like the hairline. This hairline is a little bit full, but on my personal opinion, I love full hair lines because I actually have a full hair life. So I don't really mind that, but I feel like the hairline looks really really good. If you like the like the natural before density type of hair lines, I feel like this one looks really good. You can always go ahead and pluck it if it's not like, you know up to your standards, but I think that it looks pretty good and like a natural full one. So I really did like that. Another thing that I like is the waves on this unit. The like how gorgeous is is like the waves are just so freakin beautiful and another thing that I love is the appearance of this hair, because it does not look like synthetic hair at all chewy enough. It does have a luster to it, but it does look like healthy, like a healthy Brazilian loose or like loose deep wavy type of situation, and it looks like you kind of you know, just put like some type of oil to give your hair that Sheen. So it doesn't look like oh my gosh, like that's a synthetic wig like it just looks like it has a really healthy luster, and I really did appreciate that because I don't like my hair to look dry. Another thing that I like is that this 360 actually fits my head. You know I have come across synthetic wigs. I don't actually fit my head, that's the 360 and it's like why doesn't this fit my head? So this is big hair friendly, and I really really like that because I just look like oh my gosh, I got nervous when I saw 360 on the boxes. I was like it's not gon na fit my head, but it actually fits my head, which actually makes there to be like some potential for me to actually put it up like in a bun or something. I honestly think that this texture is too pretty to put in the bun like. Why would you want to this, but I don't know like it actually like? I can actually do it. If I wanted to, I feel, like the lace, the way that they have to lay set up like around the perimeter of the unit like a 360 actually should be like. I feel like. I can do that because of the fact that the cap actually fits, and so with all that being said what I recommend this unit. Definitely this is a game-changer for the synthetic wig community. Okay, like there is actually lace on the perimeter, and it actually looks good and it actually is like getting closer and closer to being a perfect 360 for a synthetic wig where it's okay, so I would definitely recommend this unit. It'S really really nice. It is a luxurious unit um, it is blended with human hair, so you know this is going to be like one of those more upscale synthetic units and yeah. I really do like it. The only like problem that I really really see with this unit, like I said before it's a little bit, leaning to say like it's a 360 because of the fact that it doesn't look like the human hair 360. However, this is the most impressive 360 in the synthetic wig community that I've seen and the other thing. The only thing that would really really make this unit perfect is if the parting space was longer. I have no mind slicked along here in case you skipped through the video. I did go ahead and do like the illusion and just add a little bit of powder to make it look like it's longer, but it's not it's only right here. So I feel like that is the only thing that will really need to be done to make this unit perfect, but yeah it was. I will go ahead and find a link and place it down in my description box below and yeah. I hope that you guys have enjoyed this video and found it very helpful and easy to follow. If you fabulous even said, then go ahead and give me a thumbs up, be sure to go ahead and leave me a comment down below. I would love to hear from you fabulous, divas and know what you guys think the communicate with you guys. Let me know if you have any comments, questions or concerns and be sure to go ahead and subscribe if you haven't done so already girl like what are you thinking hit that subscribe bill and also don't best subscribe bill, the subscribe button and don't forget to hit The notification bell - I threw up quite often girls, so you definitely do not want to miss any of my videos but yeah English. Thank you guys so so much for watching. I greatly appreciate it and I'll see you gorgeous fabulous girls in my next video bye.

Tianna DeLaurentiis: Gorgeous!! What color and brand is your"s FIRE!!!

Nikki Laniece: Pretty, I like the wave pattern!

Blair A'dupree: I like this !!

Tati Hendrix:

Cherrelle Crosby: I have their hair

Vashti Collins: Please show how in a bun. What is the update version of this wig?

Lynn Worthy2: BeauTiFuL HAIR!!!❤...what's the LipStiCK Deets!!?

alona love: Can u show it up in a bun

Willie Grant: SHE PUUURRRRRRTEE!! I thought she was a few BENJAMIN'S. NICE

Vashti Collins: YES

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