Let' S Make A Bob Wig | Holiday Hair & Makeup Tutorial

HEYYY Babes welcome back to my channel

Today I'm Creating a Holiday Inspired Makeup and hair look

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Subscribe To My Channel for more videos https://www.youtube.com/user/MsRoshPos...

The hair in the video: http://bit.ly/2E5JqLu

Get $$$ off on Nadula.com: http://bit.ly/2P8yFcx

Hot selling: http://bit.ly/2BFhNXz

Hair Length

Frontal 12 inches

2 Bundles - 8 Inches and 10 inches

Double twelve & Christmas Sale!

Expiry Date: Dec.6-Dec.20 (Except Dec.11)

Nadula hair on aliexpress: http://bit.ly/2zpQejl

Hot selling hair on aliexpress: http://bit.ly/2QrIxCR

Nadula Hair on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2rqyP57

Nadula hair youtube channel: https://goo.gl/dy3Cxd

Nadula Instagram (giveaway every month): https://goo.gl/BQFo3i



LIPS - Mac Lip Pencil - Brick

Liquid Lipstick - Colouredraine Cherry Blossom Use Code Roshposh @Colouredraine to get $$$ off https://colouredraine.com

Foundation Maybelline Super Stay Multi Use Foundation

Too Faced Born This Way Concealer Sand and Warm sand

Huda Beauty Baked Powder Blondie

Anastasia Beverly Hills Radiant Blush Kit

MAC Oh Darling Highlight

Jaclyn Hill Morphe Eyeshadow palette

Dose Of Colors - Blocked Party Eye shadow

NYX Matte Black Liquid Liner

LASHES @Instagram BBeauty055 https://www.shopbbeauty.com/product-pa...


Top from Zara

Earrings from zara


Camera Canon 6D Mark II


Hey everyone is Rachelle and welcome back to my channel, so I'm back with another video for you guys and today, I'm gon na show you guys how I achieved this hairstyle. So I'm gon na show you guys how I made this way cut and style her and I'm gon na show you guys how i got this makeup. Look as well. I think this makeup look would be perfect for a holiday party, so it was holiday inspired. So if you want to see how I achieved this entire look, hair and makeup, then please continue to watch alright. So let's get started and I'm gon na be using a frontal and two bundles of hair. The hair done using is from the boo, a hair. I will put all their link in the description bar down below, so I already went ahead and bleached the knots on my frontal and I did it off-camera. I do have a very detailed video on how I bleach the knot and the length of the hair that I'm using is 12 inches, so the frontal is 12 inches and the bundle is 8 inches and 10 inches. And to make my wigs, I usually don't style mesh cap, I use the mesh one instead of the spandex ones. I find that the mesh fits a lot better on my head. Alright, so my frontal already bleached the knots. That'S why the hair is wet, because I washed the lace frontal earlier when I bleached the knot. So now I'm gon na go ahead and attach it to this way. Canvas head because we're gon na start making this weight now and if you are new to my channel, I have very, very detailed videos on how I make my wig, so I will link one of those videos in the description bar down below, so I'm just gon Na show you guys quickly what I do so I use a weave needle and I use some thread black.we thread and I'm gon na go ahead and start sewing in the middle of the front holes. So I start at the back and right in the middle and work my way all the way down to the end, all right so after sewing down the French Hill, I make sure that I cut the excess thread and tie a knot, so it doesn't come on Ravel now we're gon na go in with our first bundles, so I'm going to be using the 8 inches. So this is the shorter length I wanted it to have a layered look. So I went with a shorter length in the back first and I use my T pins to pin the hair down to the cap. That way, it's easier for me to sew, and I just start sewing so when you're stitching down the wefts. You just want to make sure that they are neat and flat and not lumpy and bumpy. If your stitching is lumpy and bumpy, your wig will also look lumpy and bumpy, so just make sure that it's neat and flat just take your time and I'm doing the fold-over method. So I'm just gon na speed through this part, because it's very repetitive and you're, seeing me doing the same thing over and over and I'm gon na use at least four tracks of the 8 inches before I start using the longer length which is the 10 inches. I thought I'm getting closer to the top. I'M gon na start going straight across instead of doing the fold-over method, so I'm gon na cut the web and then stitch the hair down and just continue going straight across until I get to the very top all right. So my week is completed, but not quite she's, not styled as yet, but I'm gon na cut off this excess part of the cap, because I don't need that part anymore. You can't leave that on. It'S gon na look really crazy under your wig, so you cut that excess part off, and I'm just gon na put this back on my canvas head because honey. She needs to be tweezed, because this hairline is really really thick. You guys alright, so I'm just gon na, let you guys know right now your girl kind of over tweeze this wig just a little bit. I got a little carried away and you know what happens, but I showed you guys this, because I'm showing you guys the mistakes that I made, I do make mistakes I'm new to making wigs so it happens, but I did over tweeze her just a little bit To be honest with you, I usually just tweeze some of the hair and then I tweeze the rest of it on my head, which is what I should have done, but I kept tweezing it on the mannequin head. I should've just done on my head. Cuz they're not be able to tell better alright so moving right along past the tweezing, because I messed that up so we're just gon na move on to cut in and I'm cutting the hair on my head because it's really hard for me to cut it. On a mannequin head, because I don't really know how short I want it to be, and I can't really tell when it's on the mannequin head. So I have to try it on for myself and I'm just gon na go ahead and take my scissors and just start chopping away, and I go in with my sharing poem. Is that what you call it? Yes and I'm gon na thin this hair out a bit because this hair is really really thick and I want it to be a little bit more thinner and I didn't really want it to have like a blunt cut. So I wanted the front part of the hair to be more of a layered, so I was cutting it on a Engle and then for the back. I wanted to be more blunt. I couldn't cut the back of it Wallis on my head, so I put it back on the mannequin head and then I start chopping away and there's my cats being nosy. He wants to be a part of everything and, if you guys look closely, Simba is going to jump up on my shelf right about now. Do you guys see him yeah and he's gon na tear down my shelf or right about now yep? There goes my shelf. Okay, I got stuff coming now. My cat is very curious. Okay, he's very curious. He likes to mess with new things, and this is a new shelf anyways moving right along I'm gon na go in with my shearing comb and I'm going to thin out that hair. A bit like I said before this hair was really really thick. However, it felt amazing it's so so soft there's BAE, he just fixed my shelf back up and I'm gon na go in with my flat iron, I from done using my shearing comb and just straighten out that hair and style it and she's looking real cute. So you guys this is my first time using this hair and I really really love how the hair felt. However, I would suggest that you guys check out other hair reviews on this hair. For me, I, like the quality of the hair. The only thing that I wasn't really impressed with is the frontal so yeah I shouldn't say I wasn't impressed with the frontal. I was impressed with the frontal. I wasn't impressed with the lace color of the frontal, so I find that the lace was a little bit dark for my skin tone and with some hair companies you can request a lighter lei, so I find that this one was. It was more like a dark brown on my skin, so I already applied my wig off-camera and I'm just gon na go in with my hot comb, and my daughter is in the background making faces and playing around with the cat cuz. They just want to be all up in the video so yeah. I applied it off camera because I do have videos on how I apply my wigs already and I'll link it in the description bar down below. So now. I'M gon na go ahead and beat this face, so I'm gon na use the la girl lip scrub today because I'm gon na be wearing a bold red. Lipstick and my lips are dry dry. So I need that lip scrub. Okay, so I'm gon na move on and fill in my brows, I'm using the benefit, my precisely brow pencil. I use it all time. It'S my go-to, it's my favorite and then I'm gon na go ahead and take some concealer and just carve out my brows apply. The concealer all over my eyelid just to act as a base for my eye shadow, if I forget to mention the name of the products I'm using I'll, put them in the description bar down below. So I'm just gon na go in with some translucent powder. I'M using the hood of beauty powder and I'm just going to set and lock everything into place alright. So today I'm going to be using the Jaclyn hill morphe palette and I'm gon na grab that light brown right there and I'm going to pop this into my eyelid, I'm using the Jaclyn hill morphe brushes as well. I love love her brushes because they blend really really good and they're, really good quality brushes. So I'm just gon na use this and blend my eye shadow going windshield wiper motion going back into the same palette. I'M gon na grab this dark brown shade and I'm using the Mac two-to-four brush mine is very, very old, as you can see, it's ready, but I like it because it actually gets into my crease really good and make it more defined. So I'm just making that crease a little bit more defined. Moving on to the lid color, I'm gon na take dose of color, and this is their block-party eyeshadow in heart of gold. I really like their single eyeshadows they're, really really shimmery, so I'm just gon na place this all over my eyelid and I did wet my brush with some fix+ spray before I apply this onto my eyelid, all right. So now I'm gon na apply my winged liner and I'm using my favorite NYX matte liquid liner and I'm just going to start off with a thin line and make it thicker on the outer corner. I'M keeping this look really simple, easy and glamorous. That'S the look. We'Re going for for the holidays and then I'm gon na go ahead and apply some mascara to my lashes, I'm using the Too Faced better than sex mascara and because I have 80 bitty lashes. I think I see that in every single video you guys probably yeah. We know you say you have itty-bitty lashes, alright, get it anyways, I'm gon na apply some false lashes and I'm gon na be using the BB Beauty lashes, and I really like these. I just started using these recently and I'm just going to pop those on to my lash line. Moving on to the skin, I'm gon na moisturize my face first and I'm using my navy a cream and I'm just going to apply this all over my face because my face is dry. I need moisturizer, and this is my favorite and I'm also going to do some color correcting, but before I do, the color correcting I'm going to apply some primer, I'm using the fancy, Beauty, primer and I'm gon na apply this all over my face. This will ensure that our makeup lasts all night long. Now, I'm gon na go ahead and cover up them dark circles. They are out today they're out all the time and I'm just using some orange concealer to correct that next I'll be using my maybelline superstay multi-use foundation and I use two different shades and I'm just going to apply that all over my face. And then I'm gon na go in with my. I believe this is the Real Techniques. No, I don't believe this is a real techniques brush that I'm using. So this is your buffing brush and I'm just gon na go ahead and blend my foundation blend it in girl bleh. So now I'm gon na go ahead and take my favorite concealer, I'm using the Too Faced Born This Way, concealer in the shade, warm sand and sand, and I'm gon na use this to highlight. So I applied under my eyes down my nose and then I'm gon na go in with a concealer brush and just blend everything, because we have to blend it, and I really love this brush for blending my concealer. This is from the morphe Jacqueline Hale collection. I think this is the all-over cream brush. It'S a really amazing from blending out cream products and for the hard-to-reach area. I just go in with my Beauty Blender, so I'm just gon na go back and grab a concealer. That is a couple shades darker than my skin tone and I'm gon na use this to contour because we got ta snatch that face. So I apply this in the cheekbone areas and my nose along my forehead and then I'm just gon na go ahead and use a buffing brush just to blend and that consular so now we're gon na set and lock everything into place. I'M using my hooded Beauty baked powder. I love love, love this powder, it's amazing, so I just apply a little bit of that under my eyes and then I'm also gon na leave some on the sides of my nose just to bake and snatch that nose. Then I'm gon na go in with my favorite bronzer right or die Mac mineralize skinfinish in dark, deep and I'm just gon na apply this in the hollows of my cheek, I'm gon na go ahead and bronze up that face bronze up my forehead contour my face And then dust away all that excess powder, because we don't need that anymore. Okay, so my brows are not completed, so I'm just gon na go ahead and fill in the top of my brows and then once I fill in the brows, I'm gon na go ahead and finish the bottom lashline. So I'm gon na go back into the same palette that we use at Jaclyn hill and I'm gon na grab that same dark brown eyeshadow, and I'm just going to run that along the bottom lash line using a definer brush and then I'm gon na go in. My waterline and line it with a nude eye pencil just to make the eyes you know appear a little bit larger, but I have small eyes so it doesn't really make them. Look that bigger. But I do brighten up my eyes and now I'm gon na go ahead and apply some highlighter to the highest point of my cheekbone, I'm using the Mac. Oh darling, highlighter, it's so gorgeous! It'S a really really nice gold shade and I'm also gon na put that on the tip of my nose, because the nose has to be a little shiny. No, it doesn't, but it looks cute and so apply my highlighter I'm using the BH Cosmetics. It'S my raver highlighter brush. I really love this brush for highlighting and I'm gon na go in and one of my favorites setting spray. This is the Urban Decay all nighter setting spray. It will lock your makeup into place now we're gon na move on to the lips. I have not done a red lip in forever, okay guys, so I'm gon na use the Mac lip pencil in the shade brick and I'm going to line my lips first before I apply my lipstick all right, I'm gon na use all my favorite favorite Reds. Ever this is cherry blossom from color drain. Honestly, I haven't worn it in so long, but I got a reminder today of how gorgeous this liquid lipstick is. It'S so beautiful and it looks good on every skin tone like I'm obsessed with this red. It'S so gorgeous. Now, moving on to the blush, I'm gon na use my favorite, the Anastasia, Beverly Hills, radiant blush nothing new here and I'm just gon na apply this to my cheeks. Alright, so the look is completed. I think it's absolutely perfect for the holidays, and I really really hope you guys enjoy this video. Please give me a thumbs up if you do comment down below. Let me know what you guys want to see. Next, let me know what hair color you want to see me with a next. I know I've been doing some natural colors lately, but the colourful hair will be back soon. You know, but yeah I'll see you guys in another video very soon. I love you guys. So much and thank you for watching

Kayla Waller: You need your own wig company girl, they always look amazing

Becky Seymour: Can we just take a moment for this wonderful women’s makeup it’s so amazing the bold red lips really go with the black wig ❤️

Chide lovesyou: Your skin is flawless

Allison: I'm getting sexy business woman vibes lol love it

SimpleeKomplex: The leopard print coupled with the red lips is every freaking thing!

Sheady Shea: i am LIVING for this look. You should sell your wigs.

uzo ugwu: I saw the sneak peak on insta and was like yessssss. This look, is a look of a woman that knows exactly what she wants and how she wants it.

BeSpiffyBeYou: Don’t even wear wigs, but I just love your content such a gorgeous woman

Trejure Hamiltom: I'm obsessed with leopard print. I really love that top. Could you try a multi color/rainbow hair style?

Tana Copple: I would love to see all your wigs

Romario Seaton: Looove it. Still waiting for that snow white hair tho

Michaela Barber: This is beautiful! Loving the bold red lip

Adrienne Hall: YES I LIVE FOR THESE TUTORIALS! Please keep em coming. Getting a 2 for 1 deal

undacovabby: can you please do an updated skincare routine cause your skin so clear, glowin and poppin!

tsuyayaka1: I love this whole look. Absolutely beautiful.

Ayanna Dean: This is a perfect holiday look and easy enough for me to pull off so thank you I actually have that red lip I used to use your code for coloured raine because you’re the one who put me on! Oh and you look fabulous btw

April Shorty: Love this look and for someone that's a beginner with making wigs you do an amazing job. Love you girl!

Saandy Chaleen: Very gorgeous!! I’m so tempted to cut my hair in this style, it’s so pretty and timeless. but I feel you on that Mac brush I literally have this old brush that I still use but it’s one of my classics haha!

Anastasia: I love your look. ❤ It's stunning, absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for sharing your style ideas.

Rae Francis: Gurl u just inspired my entire life! Can't wait to wear this hair and makeup to my office Christmas party ❤

Tenacious Dee: Your giving me such inspiration to have a go at making my own wig . I wear wigs every day and although u can get decent ones cheap enough I bet I’d really have fun making my own . And feel proud of myself ! Great job and you look amazzzzing

Kiana Perez: I’m convinced that you can rock any color and any hairstyle

Jenise Brown: Haven’t even watched this yet but YES! To all of this. Very nice. I love it.

Camille Lewis: Absolutely beautiful. You're the reason I had bought that Cherry Blossom lippie some time ago, and it still looks gorgeous on u. Loving the feline vibe of this video

Claire Osborne: I’ve been watching all your videos.. you look amazing in EVERY single wig/colour your like a human chameleon x x

JessBeauty04: Your looks are always flawless ❤️❤️ it!

Lumbani Munthali: Loving the wig and make up together! Great video!

Deasha M: lol I love how Simba looked down and was like 'not my problem' love your videos girl!

The Key: When i saw you with this on your Instagram I was shook! You look so beautiful with that look ❤

Angelique M: Finally someone who has dry skin too! Love this whole look!

Ell Biebs: this look is amazing but i was more blown away by how soothing your voice is thank u

Emoretta Robinson: I'm really liking this whole look! The shorter hair and the makeup....and that red lip just cinched the deal! You are so good at making your wigs that it's inspiring me to do the same! Great video chica!☺❤

Lindsay Arrano: You are stunning! And your personality too! So glad I found your channel

Star Light: Everything suits you ! You are so talented and beautiful

LexieMarieLovee: Yesss you killed this whole look

Nathalina’s Life: Giiirl, just start a hair business so I can buy some, cause you are talented for sure

Mrs. B: Been watching you for years and this is MY FAVORITE LOOK on you and you have slayed before but girl this is

Nina Britt: Your channel is one of my favorites. Thank you for sharing your techniques and products. You’re very helpful.

paradiseana1 ana: Stunning Wig one can never go wrong with a Bob hairstyle. Amazing work on the wig/makeup you killed it.

baba: You look so good! You are honestly one of the most beautiful people I've seen.

Finau Nau: The hair really topped that blouse off go head mama Rosh !!

Original Kellii: Issa whole beat down

Kathy Coleman: Yesssssssss. Everything looks so fly. Loving your top.

Shkurta 04: Love this wig so much it looks so pretty on you! Greets from Germany

Beauty with Ann: This is bomb

• Iamsheysaint •: I’m all about short hair this winter too. Loved this wig. Very pretty

Dalesa: You used to get off camera to do your liner but now you’re a pro. So beautiful

MzBombshell06: This look is everything!!! ❤

Hadassah Eve.: You rocked that bob girlfriend ! So pretty ! The dark hair compliments your eyes so well

Olivia Williams: I really adore the red lippie and cheetah print combo on you!

Abigaiél: Yaaasss I love this look ❤️

Ann Mcleod: Hey lady your coming thru with these wigs! They look so gorgeous in them! Sultry look!❤️

Ackeelya Dyce: Love it classy

AKPoetry67: Beautiful! :)

Sam Lee: I love everything about this look!

Elodia B: You are so good at it definitely need your own hair company.

king Nessa: Your teaching me how to hustle and make my own money rather than wait to be employed, I have learned a lot about wig making from you


Dayna Bledsoe: That bob wig thou she did a great job I love it and that make up

masacciu: You are so stunningly beautiful I can't get over it!!

Red Tucker: Love it

red ball: I LOVE YOUR videos so MUCH!!!! Your daughter and the cat in the background gave charm to this video)

Shea Miller: You make it look so easy

Sandra Conway: Wowww I absolutely will try making a this bob one day, Hair and Makeup are both Stunning!

Ra'Shell M: Found you channel today and I Would just like to say that the wigs you make are AMAZING! Love your channel! Also we have the same name!

Velma Real: U re perfect! that face is painted by the Gods!!! kisses from Brazil <3

Cjarrett09: Stunning per usual!!!!!!

Bryanna Wells: im convinced she can make and look good in ANY wig

PeachyCake: You're stunning. Slay gurl!

Moises Araujo: Bout time I was thinking this whole week when is my favorite YouTuber gone post a hair video ?!

Patricia Pittman: You didn't need to slay this hard.

Blondina Lakwatsera: can you make your own brand of wigs so love how you are creating these wigs


Skarlet Brown: I adore your tutorials have you done navy blue ?

keri anne: Idk if anyone else has noticed, but I saw that you kind of took a step back from YT and came back with so much inspiration and new and improved content. I appreciate the quality over quantity outlook you have for your channel. I see you!

patrixsg: Beautiful

Vinaa Nashayy: You Are So Gorgeous!!!! Love your tutorials

Chandre AyyoShay Thornton: I love watching you ❤️

Marie Lee: I loooooooooooooooove this so much! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Dawnimani: Love this look❤️❤️❤️

Yvonne Mugure: You can do no wrong!!! Skills are

Andrea Mandovi: I love this look on you. I definitely want to do this look for the holiday season. Btw had anyone ever said that you sound like Jennifer Lopez?

Sophie Ellen Wills: You are absolutely stunning

Jackeline Rodriguez De Jesus: How can someone be this beautiful? Giiiirllll you are amazing. Loved the bob.

D'Audree Baker: Beautiful holiday makeup tutorial and hair.

Tiffany Sanchez: Ok now I’m convinced that u can wear ANYTHING and lookBOMB ASF! Not fair but slayyyyyyyyy girl slay!

Amanda T: omg u look stunning. i dont wear wigs nor hair extension cause i have curly hair like ur daughter and i love my curly hair sometime i straighten it but the funny thing is i watch all ur wig videos idk i can watch anything u do ur personality is really nice and i find u very entertaining

Britnee Michelle: Come tf thru BOB , I love it

MissKeysh: Love this yesss

christabella201: Love this on you.....so natural! Did you find the mesh caps in the toronto area?

TheKaren_makeup: Oh your hair is perfect for you!

watsonar70: ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS @msroshposh!!! Ring the alarm!! My edges have been snatched along with the hair on the nape of my neck!! this look is hot AF!! YAS youre slaying the wig game!

Gigi Udeee: Your skin is flawless

Liam Cainap: Daughter??????!!!! How old are you? You look super young

Venisha Richie: You are so freaking gorgeous


Destiny Lundgard: I love your videos !! I want to see a dark teal short wig ❤️ Or an ombré wig . Much love

NordicQueen49: I’m so impressed!!!’

TechGirl: ❤️ I love this hair. ⭐️

Nicki Nicole: Come through with the bob slay then girl #poshgang

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