Box Braid Bob Wig | Sensationnel Cloud 9

Sensationnel Cloud 9 Swiss Lace Wig 4X4 Lace Parting Box Braid Bob


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Hey welcome back to my channel. This is, she is very if you are not us as Wawa, so hey welcome back so today we do have a unit from sensational this unit is sponsored by me is sponsored by me today, but we do have a braided unit from sensational cloud9 Swiss lace wig. It'S 100 % hand braided wig. It is the box bright Bob that is heard there. I haven't seen a lot of reviews on YouTube on this unit. Think I may be seen so we're gon na review her today. She is a 4 back for lace partying. This is the lace there and it's a four by four lace party. That lace looks really really good. It looks really really good, so we're just gon na take her out of the box. You know how I do. I always wait for you guys until I open her. Let'S pull her out of the packaging. Okay, so here is that four by four closure y'all this looks so good. I was so excited, so this is the four by four parting here. You can part it anywhere within this four by four, it looks so natural yeah. I see that this is the hairline. It does come with baby hairs, so you can make it look more natural. I think braided units look more natural with a little bit of baby hair, but we're gon na see. So this is the inside. This is the four by four parting space. There you get one comb on both sides of the parting area. You also get a comb in the back with adjustable straps. You also get an elastic band for security. This is the lint. It looks like about a what ten twelve inch bob y'all, I'm so excited these braids are so neat. Do y'all see that so it doesn't. Look that bad I've seen way away worse, so we're gon na put on her head and see what she's lookin like. Let me just cut the tag off and I'll come back with her on my head. Okay, so I have the lace cut off, let's just plop her on our head and see - and I forgot to show you that the adjustable strap is adjustable. I haven't seen very many units with that adjustable band on it, so I'm just gon na tighten mine because I have a small head, so we're just gon na tighten her up just a little bit. Let me just show you the parting space y'all just see how realistic that parting space looks. I come through cloud 9, let's see okay, so I came back. Let me move on myself. I came back. I have the lace cut off. I just laid down a little bit of the baby hair to give it more of a natural look y'all. I am filling this wig, but my husband says I look like Jada Pinkett off of set it off you, you so okay, but yeah. So I just made her as a side part, I'm just doing a couple, a couple of styles with um this box pretty unit. I wish I had the the jewels, but I wasn't really expecting this week, so I'm not prepared like that, but I wish I had like hair jewels like I put in here, but whatevs you get the picture. So this is her. Is a side part look how natural that hairline looks y'all, I haven't really even secured her down. All I did was just do a little baby hair. I have that elastic band. That'S in there I tightened that so she's spitting real good on my head. I don't even have the combs in y'all, so this is her just focus, so this is her up close and personal. I'M going to. Let'S see, let me show you, her is the middle part first and then we'll move on from there. This is her as a little part, which is so cute to me. Look at that parting space. Let me show you her from the side and from the back. What'S it gon na be okay, so this is her as a middle part, which i think is super cute till. Oh, let's see what else we could do to eat purse, okay, y'all. So that is her. So she comes about shoulder length, but you know she's not gon na tangle, because she is a braided unit. I think this is so cute as they flip over, like she just looks so natural like so so natural just see like on this side. Do you see it was just so natural and she goes back like she goes back so if you're like holding your head down - and they say that parting right there, then I don't tell you that this is a wig like your braids are cute. Thank you. Thank you. This is so cute cloud 9, I think, is this my first cloud 9 unit. I'Ve tried I'm real late to the game, so I think this is my first cloud 9 unit that I've tried and this one y'all. I don't know about the coronavirus or whatever, but this would be a good spring break. Hair like this would be so good. You won't have to you'll be in the like, wherever you're going and like she's gon na last, you you're not gon na, have to get up and styling and curl it and do all of that. You know this is cute Jessie she's just super cute. Let me get a bobby pin, yeah look so super cute, so super cute. This is her. Just this one look quick style. I just have her twisted to the back like that, so cute, so yeah. If you're look, if you are still able to go somewhere like this hair is so cute, I feel like you can do a lot of styles with her. She looks realistic. I think the parting space looks very, very natural. You can wear her as a side, part and middle part. You can do the little half-up half-down ponytail, that I showed you as well. I love her as a side part. I love her as a side part. She looks so cute. So if you are interested in this unit, I did get this unit from from Sam speedy calm. She is running $ 65, which i think is pretty pretty good for a box braids unit. Some of the braiding units I seen from cloud9 are like $ 99 and up so I feel like this this. If you are wanting to try a braided unit, this would be the one to try. Let me show you the back. I forgot to show you that let me show you the back and how it looks with the gaps, because every time I see a burn unit, I want to see that. So, let's see this is what it's looking like. I don't know what it looks like until I edit it, but that's what it's looking like in the back when I held it in my hand, it didn't look that bad I've seen way way worse so yeah. So if you are still interested in getting this unit and trying it out for spring break or summer, you know who has time to sit in a chair for hours to get your hair braided when sensational, how did it for you? Okay? So if you are interested, I will leave the link to Sam's Beauty, the direct link to this unit, where you can purchase it down below, like I said she is very reasonable about $ 65 and Sam's Beauty always has those good shipping deals like $ 1.99. For nine you're not going on so shipping should not be a problem. She said just check down below, but until next time peace

AlloraShaé: I’m doing a 90’s themed photo shoot for my 23rd ... thank you so much for this review queen. You spirit is radiant and you’re sooo beautiful!

BriTanya' Lee: Wow!!! Whew Chile this is bomb! Yes when I see this style I always think of Jada Pinkett but it’s giving me Moesha vibes too I love this so natural looking this is my favorite look on you so far you gon make this sell out

Jaelyn Nyleaj: Thanks for helping us slay!!! I'm in love with the unit!

Silky Saks: Love the nail color. This wig is cute. Yes giving me 90's vibe

N Love With Tresses: Super cute!! This wig just came in yesterday.. I ordered it for my mother!! I’m going to order me one next!!! Love it!!!❤️❤️ I think I will get 1b.. yessss

Keisha Mcintyre: Didn’t even know they had the bob one I have the rope twist one and I do love it they did that and this bob one is beautiful too

Meme Hump: Takes me back to the 90's

Rénee Martin: I haven't seen this one yet. Thank you! Cute with the middle ponytail. ☺️

Lovie Ross: This is my 1st time watching you. You grabbed me from Amazon- now I have to watch all of these videos I have missed. I am in a frantic search for a great hair piece for my 5th year anniversary - Halloversary as I call it 10/30/16. If you read the please teg me in a piece you would be proud to wear on a special day.

Felicia Evans: The women I work with will be looking for the tracks

MsPreshbaby: Found mine for $60...I was so hype when it came n I tried it on today

Myriam Lynda: Georgous!

70’s Fashion &Hair Channel: Wow this is super duper cute!!!

jackie favors: Luv luv luv it !!!! I guess i luv my 90's sum ladies saying it gives them 90's vibes i need this one .. Cute too me ..

N Love With Tresses: It looks good.. looks full

HairCrowned: 6:18 -6:20 Your Braids Are Cute THANK YOU  ❤️❤️LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL❤️❤️ (LOVED IT)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️

Renee B. Joseph: The hairline looks very natural.

Candice Darbyfox: Don't feel bad am always "late to the game"

the recessionista: I think I'm going to get this one

Fafa: The tracks are visiblle

masheka long: Can u get the twist bob one and review it plz

Magikalblackness: #notificationgang

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