I Can Not Believe This 100% Virgin Lace Frontal Bob Wig Is $39.99 !!!! Ft Best Lace Wigs

#ReviewsWithJazzmenBlack #RWJB #HairReview #BOBWIG #laceWig #frontalWig

3. Wig info: Straight bob , 6" parting lace front wig, Fake Scalp + Whole front bleached , starts at $39.99


Thanks to the #Coronavirus the wig is no longer in stock! Here is a email from the distributor

HI Jazzmen,

the 39.99 bob sale is over.

due to the Coronavirus, the new stocks for this bob style is still not available. not too much stock wigs in stock, but we will still make another 49$ bob wig sale soon. it's still very affordable.

sorry that the coupon code is not available for this style. but you can share the $15 off coupon code BLW15 for other products.

Yours Sincerely,

Rita :)


What'S up, you guys is Jasmine black and I'm back with another video, and today we are reviewing best lace: wigs 39.99. Yes, I said $ 39.99, 100 % virgin lace frontals week; okay, they sure know how to win a girl over with these free gifts, honey. They sent me the best column in the world that you can absolutely use for parting and scratching okay. So let's go ahead and get into this wig. So here I am styling the wig. I use some mousse to style the wig and basically just get it all. Flattened out, I want to pull everything to the back, because I'm getting ready to pluck and part and style this league exactly how I wanted. So today I am going for a side part look. This was inspired by Duffy. She is a DJ. She is very famous girl and I think she's French Montana's DJ, so I was inspired to do this side part off. I will put some pictures up to show you guys that I am using the mousse to mold the hair. The way that I'm going to be wearing it so here I'm using quite a bit of mousse and I'm styling the hair I'm getting ready to pluck the hair. I am going to part a piece on the side and I'm going to pluck the sides, because I wanted to look more realistic but a couple things of all best lace, wigs. They have been in business for over 10 years and they also have in their mission statement that their company is all about being affordable and providing high quality wigs, which makes sense, but why this wig will be $ 39.99, but 100 % virgin hair. And I stand by that because I have the wig one right now and it is beautiful, is 100 % virgin hair. It can be washed dyed bleached. It could take several several several degrees of heat. Yes, this is a really really good deal. You guys definitely need to get over to best lace, wigs and get you a bob, because I'm about to grab me a few more, I just plucked a few hairs out the front. Actually the front looks like it was already um pre plucked. So here I'm going head and Flatiron the whole entire wig and I'm going to flat iron it layer by layer. This is a hair polish that I used on the hair, and this just helps me why I'm Flatiron it helps you get straighter and it also gives it a shine while I'm flower it now that the hair has been flatiron fully on about 450 degrees. It'S time to style the hair. The way I want to, as you will see, I use a lot of mousse when it comes to styling. Mousse helps the hair go in the direction that I wanted to go in, and it also helps keep it there and it gives it a shine. It helps it lay flat. It does a lot of things for me, so I use moves. Often this bob came out perfect. Actually I was kind of nervous doing it because I'm I'm not a hair stylist, but it works out. Look. They also have this really dope realistic scalp. I see a lot of weight. Companies are doing that now and that saves us time what happen to bleach these knots because they're giving us this fake, realistic scalp. I love that so here I am pressing the wig up against me. I'Ve actually put some guys to be armed, not the jail. I'Ll. Put the gossipy gel down first so kind of help the wig stay in place, so here I'm pinning it back, and I'm about to use this messy messy messy gossipy spray. You guys know I hate using guys to be spray, but this is the only thing. That'S out right now that can give me a temporary hold and not a hole that is going to be sticking to my head for the next year so for a temporary hold. This is what I'm, using until I find a better product. If you guys know any other products that I could use definitely comment down below, because I absolutely hate guys if you spray - oh my gosh, but we're gon na make it work today. So here I'm taking a gossipy spray and I'm spraying it all away around the perimeter and I'm taking my blow-dryer and I'm using the comb to press up against my head and I'm drying and pressing and drying and pressing getting that lace to stick. As I like to say, sealing the do so here I'm done blow-drying and now I'm about to cut off the excess lace. Okay, so now that I've cut off the excess lace, you see, you is very, very ashy around the sides. I'Ve learned that if I spray even more guys to be sprayed, the ash goes away. So that's what I did. I said some more guys to be spray and I sprayed it all in there. Next, I am taking a scarf and I am wrapping that around my lace, the perimeter of my head and I am taking my blow-dryer and I'm gon na go driver more. I want all this to stick. I want this lace to stick today, so I'm gon na blow dry and press and blow dry and press even more to get that lace, nice and tight. Now that I'm ready to reveal, I have taking that scarf off and, as you can see, it's still a little tiny bit as she, but we're gon na fix that in a few. So, let's fix our hanger first and then we're going to go in with some alcohol and clean up my face. I do not like to do my makeup before using guys to be sprayer. I don't see how people do it so people that do it great photos to you guys, because I can't so. I have to put my lace on before. I do my makeup if I'm using guys to be spray, so here I'm taking alcohol and just cleaning my face next, I'm taking this makeup palette and I am going over those parts of the lace that looks kind of as she still with makeup. Okay and that clean that right on up so now it's time to give us some realistic hairs. We technically really didn't need it with this wig, but I went on ahead and added it anyway, and so I'm just going to go over to the top with the hot comb. I don't know what I just said right there, I'm just going to go over the top with the hot comb just to flatten the hair out. I'M also going to take some guides to be spring and I'm going to spray it on the top just to get rid of those flurries and to make the hair broom flat and to make the hair go in one direction and using the spray as a holding Spray for my style, okay, so here I'm getting ready to clean my face off because I'm getting ready to transform for you guys and while I there she go. That'S me jasmine black. Can you believe this wig is $ 39.99? This is a $ 39.99 100 % virgin hair, not chemically enhanced Bob okay get over the best lace ways and get you a bob sis until next time. Ladies I'm out make sure you subscribe.

Miss Ma’am: Girl u pregnant and ain’t told the fam nothing on here I don’t use Instagram but randomly thought of you today and checked your IG. Congrats girl!

Tamika B Wright: Did jazzmen get a new YouTube channel? Cause she haven’t post on this one in a while

Hanna Kurowska: This was a sophisticated beauty ✨

The Hood Goddess: Had to come to make sure I turn on my post notifications for your uploads. Miss you and your positive vibes. Hope you and yours are well.

g force tv: It’s been a while since you went live what’s up with your podcast and belle society plus when your stripper reality show is gonna air congrats to you for making it in the ny post love ❤️ your black dress you had on in the paper keep slaying

NotWithoutPizza: You look so good! Love you Jazzmen #JBNavy

Nuriyah Hawkins: Look at u baby!!! So proud of you. I just love your channel. I was like "hey I know her"! Lol much love baby girl. *Bailee Banks

Louise From Flint Bradley: We miss you Jazz ! Great video


missblak00: Great video where do I get that spray at???

gena geeraert: Miss seeing your face on YouTube. Hope everything is well with you.

Sherry B: Wow! I’m so happy I don’t have to go through all that mess to fix my hair!

Amber Sweet: Jazz, I want one like this but with bangs that go across. Any suggestions?

O Banks: Jazz... where you at? Hope all is well with ya.

Dee Fitzgerald: YOU look BEAUTIFUL.... I love that hair style on you...... I didn't know how it was putting on a wig????? Thank. You....

Barnaby Craig: COOL,I like your video, I order the same product from newigstyle..com three days ago, shipped by Fedex,wonderful quality !!!!

Luta K: Do extensions stay in when dancing?

lynnette parkz: Hey girl Missing You on YouTube hope you and your family are staying safe hope to see new videos from you soon

Saima Guice: It’s 69.99 tho

Joanna De Tricci: wow you're so gorgeous hunny!

Ceycie Mateo: Can we get some more content

Myky Macaroni: Mommy I don’t watch your videos for the wigs I each it because how good you look

Beautifully Ryleigh: It starts at $69.99 from what i saw on the website but that bob popping boo.

Maziyyah Jae: Can we please get a promotion code

Shantae Hayden: That’s a lot to go through, you might as well wear your natural hair

Ausha Ramirez: We miss you. Well I do

Dee Fitzgerald: BEAUTIFUL were are YOU???????????? I have been watching all of your video's and GRIL YOU are the BEST.... You are so knowledge and so very. Smart and so very Interesting..... No I'm not a stripper..... I am a order lady living my life enjoying yours..... You have a real talent with your camera and sharing your life.... I do hope You BEAUTIFUL WOMEN is OK......And will be back soon....

Adanna Amare: But its $70 Jazzz

Jennifer lve: Will it be anymore vlogs

missblak00: Did you use glue??

casey_ 99: #wheredidjazgo?


Lu lu: You going to do another stripper haul

Keeey Love: Where’s the link sis?

mai ♡: she’s pregnant y’all. check her insta.

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