Beginner Friendly Rose Curl Bob Wig Review | Hot Beauty Hair

No lace, no glue, no problem All you need is just your head and a wig cap, or not even a wig cap tho

Video by @Nadayzia Ismain

Hair Info: @Hot Beauty Hair Exclusive Rose Curl Fringe Bob Wig 8"

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Um, i'm just gon na get into the details of this hair. What they sent me um, how i like it so far how the packaging came, and all of that, all of that you feel me. Why make you guys wait? Because i know y'all like oh, my gosh madeasia, like your hair, grew so much because it just looks like it looked like. I did a flexi rod set on my natural hair y'all and that's why i absolutely love this wig um. This wig is a beginner friendly, wig y'all. Let me let's just make that clear. It'S a beginner friendly wig! So, even if you are out there - and you know you're not into wigs like that you're, like oh candle with the lace - the glue - you don't even have to worry about that, no lace, no glue, no problem! All you need is a head. A wig cap we're not even going to catch some slick bags and put the baby on okay, so this is how it came. It came in this box, hot beauty, hair box, and it came with this little cute. Little bow, which i absolutely thought was just so cute and different. You know, because normally you know they send you a little baggie but anyways you open the box and we're gon na get right into what's inside. So you open the box and you get this. This is filled with all types of goodies gives you an edge brush, another elastic band for your wig, you get bobby pins. You also get two clips as well as tweezers, so that's cute and very convenient so put everything back. Okay, so of course the wig came in a net like this and the wig is on my head, but it also came in this little hot beauty, hair baggie, and it came like that and i thought that was super cute wow y'all. I thought that was super cute as well. It was just like a nice little. You know touch this. It also came with a wig cap, two-piece wig cap and a headband that says hot beauty, hair um, [ Applause ], it's like this, so i guess like for you to wrap. You know wrap your edges, not necessarily with this wig, but i think you could wear it. You could also wear a headband with this wig um style it. The way you want to that would be pretty cute too. So i'll probably wear it like that. That'S everything that came in the box now, let me get into the hair a little bit, so this right here is how she looks now. This unit is like i said before: no lace um, i'm actually going to take it off for you guys, so you so i could show you the construction of the wigs i'm going to all right. You guys so now got my binding on it. Was that easy to take off? I just didn't want to show you my braids, because they're not fresh but anyways back into this hair. So this is how it came straight out of the box. I did not have to do anything to this hair. I pulled it out the box and i literally put it on my head y'all like it, doesn't get any easier than that honestly and truly it doesn't so. This is how it looks again: it's no lace, so this goes at the top of your forehead. It comes already with an elastic band sewn onto the wig, as well as the adjustable elastic band that normally comes on. You know any already constructed wig. It also comes with three combs sewn in two on the side and one in the back now i would recommend using the combs only because you know it's no lace or whatever, even though the wig with just the band alone does feel pretty secure. But you know you always want to just make sure you know that your wig is tacked down so yeah. This is how she comes straight out of the box. Beginner friendly um, it's 100 human hair um. I can run my fingers through it. There was no shedding um. I did rub my fingers through it just to make it a little bit more bigger, because when i did receive it um, you know just a little flat from being compressed in the bag, so i just you know, played with the hair to get it to how I like to wear my hair. Well, my curly hair. I like big, bigger hair, so i was just you know rubbing my fingers through the curls just to make them a little bit more def. I mean not to find a little bit more distressed, bigger, so yeah. So i'm being real vulnerable right now, because i'm showing y'all these sprays, but i'm just going to put the wig on so you guys can see how easy it is to just slip it on and off. So here we go just put it on like that. Adjust your clips, [ Applause, ] and boom come on move back a little bit, but y'all donut. I just turned from one person to another 2.5 seconds. It was super super easy. This is, you know how big i got it to be. You can make it bigger, but yeah. I love this wig and this is going to be like my my um, my go-to, you know when my hair is not done. Just put this on. You don't have to worry about lace. Gluing, your legs down, freeze spray, molding! Your hair, you don't have to worry about any of that and i feel like that is so time convenient, especially you know if you have a busy schedule and you just want to look nice. This is super easy and i 100 recommend but yeah i'm not going to drag this video on because it's a short one. But honestly i feel like if you're a beginner or even if you're, not a beginner you're, just really over. You know gluing down your lace fronts, you know using the glue, often it kind of like irritates your your skin. You just want to break from that. I recommend getting either something like this or like a headband wig, that's sort of in now too, but yeah, i'm in this video right here. I hope this was helpful for anyone. That'S looking for um any type of wigs or you know just something new, something fresh, something you know natural looking, because this is given. I'Ve been natural for like three years, my hair is healthy and voluminous y'all say that right, anyways um, i'm getting off track. But yes, so i hope you guys enjoyed this video so yeah, i'm just gon na end. It right here! Thank you guys so much for watching, and i will see you guys in my next video

rochelle dixon: You look so cute,I've been looking at the other YouTubers with the same style wig on but I think it look so much better on you,it really looks like your hair, im going order mine wed

Sonya Clark: I got today. Love it ❤️

Andrea Johnson: I'd love to see the 14 inch version!

Marie Cassagnol: I love this wig I got both colors

Daniel: So I’ve been wanting to buy this specific wig unit but I’ve noticed each time that the curl patters for this wig changes some are loose some are tighter and I wanted to know how the wig is made if it’s permed for the look and if so than good but if not then when I wash it will I look the factory set curls and what does the 6 inch look like

vonni H: I love it... I don’t know if it will fit because I’m bald

Yvette Barnett: You look gorgeous girl

d mccoy: Very Pretty

Sharon Renee: What color is this?

Chrishana Gates: What inch is this wig ?

Sandra Balfour: Can i get it with a large cap

Esther O. Adeoye: how many inches is this wig?

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