The Wig Company'S Clearance Wig Sittin' Pretty Wig Review Color F33/263

The Wig Company Clearance Wig Sittin' Pretty wig review in the color F33/263 or Golden Red with Auburn Blonde Blends. She is a shorter wig for me to wear just in time for spring and summer.I love the highlights #thewigcompany

#wigjourneywithjulia #clearancewigs #synthetictendrils #basiccapwigs





Hi welcome thank you for stopping by today. I have another review coming your way for all my returning subscribers. Thank you so much for giving me a few minutes every day and if you're new to my channel - and you just found me on the suggested side, please consider becoming a subscriber of mine smack that Bell and that way you get all the notifications of every time. I do a review or if I come up with a tip or something technique for your wigs, I'm on this journey of wearing wigs now for a little over six months. I am thoroughly enjoying myself and this channel is a way for me to express myself to document it to see how I've progressed and what I found along the way to share with you and to ask you for your comments on your feedback on the different techniques. I use, maybe you have a better technique or you never thought of what I the techniques that I've come up with on my own and I am a do-it-yourselfer kind of person very frugal and which leads me to the review that I'm going to do. I ordered several wigs a couple weeks ago from the wig company and they were both. I order two of them and they're both final sale in clearance, and I did one the other day destiny and I could put that video here and today, I'm going to do the review on a final another final sale purchase. It is a statements, collection and it is sitting pretty average cat collar f33, 263 or golden Walburn blonde. There you go now this this way. If you, if you go on their site, you can see the picture of this wig and I have not been in this style hair. Well, since I cut my own hair, which I can put that video here that has been, that was a short shear hair today, I am wearing delectable by the wig company and she is in color. Golden fall burn blonde also, and she is a was a final sale. I think I got her for $ 24. She is a lace-front mono top. I have not worn her out outside yet I just thought I put her on her for this video just to show you. I did spritzer with some water, so basically she's out of the box, and this wig is letting me appreciate my forehead. I have a very high forehead and this is where the wig me I should stop for fingers and if you stop for fingers from mine it from my bridge, you would have to bring this weak further down and it just doesn't look right coming down from four Fingers but I have a very high forehead and I'm learning too I'm learning to love it. I'M learning to appreciate it and I'm learning to try not to put so much fringe into my bangs to try and cover it up so and with this pretty lace front, I really don't want to add any banks to it. I think it's beautiful the way it is. I love the lace front, so I'm trying to work with this one well enough about this one. Let me open up, sit and breathe. It has been killing me, haven't sit in that box and I can tell you I have not opened her rough okay here we go statements collections, one of their best brand names and there she is okay. She is all attached all pretty broody, pretty how they come in, like that they have them. Here we go staples down, okay there. She is what not much to her, but that's. Okay, I mean, I know I want a shorter wig, so there she goes. Okay, all right so here she is sitting pretty now like I said she was a. She was a clearance wig sitting, pretty got five stars won their sight and she normally retails for one hundred and sixty nine dollars. I bought her for 3488. Now I just checked now before doing this, this video and they have plenty of blondes, brunettes and Red's left: okay, she's 2.3 ounces. She has a five-inch front four-and-a-half inch top one and three-quarter inch sides. So you can tell how shirt she is a two inch back. A one three-quarter inch nate and a half half an inch extended neath. Okay. So here she is basic basic kappa heres. The felt nape extended neat built ear, tabs um, oh there she is pretty pretty here. Look at that sitting. Pretty is pretty okay, so she is the same color as my delectable. They didn't send me a. I don't see an invoice in here anyway. Here she is here coming up here, sitting pretty average f33 263. So she is the same color as my delectable and she looks really cute. I thought it was gon na be a lot shorter. To tell you the truth, I really did I thought that she was going to I mean this is really cute. I think this will be lecturer okay, so without any further ado, let me get my scissors. Sorry, I didn't have them prepared. Okay, cut off my legs, the other tag. Oops cut the hair, okay and there she is tag tagless alright. So let me put her on okay. Look. How bright look he'll cry! I got to do my hair guys. We close the sides here they are really coming in gray fix myself up here should take. I should probably take this blazer off. It'S bothering me okay. Here we go sitting pretty all right. Oh, she is short. Take my glasses off now, like. I probably already know that my bio hair is probably sticking out in the back cuz those little buggers. I always say they: they want a gay just want to be set free, oh great! Well, let me say what do you think? Yes, four inches wow she's really low to the floor. It'S like the floor back. Maybe there you go and pull her back far enough. Okay, there she goes extended metal stays which I pinched in okay, but a hundred and $ 69 all right. Let me let her love the collar and not in the picture. They do have her having bangs, which I was interested in just coming down a little bit since it isn't Hayley's friend, okay Wow. I like her. What do you think? Let me know now. I know the sides here I actually did by um die. I have to dye my hair, my bio hair and I bought it the same the same color red, basically as always buy, so I will be doing that. So you won't see the Grey's coming out here. Okay, so that's that's one thing second thing is: I'm probably gon na have to really shave up the back to get that too, so that my buyer here doesn't want to come out, but I this is a cute style, Wow and the cap is a good fit Um, like I said, not a whole lot and I like that not a whole lot of hair, but that's perfect. I can feel it breathing. Let me it feel as it gets breathing. Let me get my mirror and I can see the back wow. What do you think this is my left side, my right side, my back guys that I have had sure here, short bio hair, since I shaved cut it and even still with this little bit of hair on my head from the wig, this is still more hair Than my bio hair right so I mean, even though this is short, it's still more hair than what my bio hair eyes, like, I said, sit still low density. Well, I have to tell you: let me get up closer. You can see it. I really like it $ 34. Like I said you won't really now. I think in the picture she has. She has a little bit of this down like that. So that's something you could do she has. She actually has the sides down and I'm automatically sweeping them back, but I, like I'm, really liking. I'M gon na give you an interview in the back close see, I'm loving all the different weights yeah. Well, I'm interested in your opinion. What do you think? I think I can pull this off with with my my nose. It'S a lot of nose and a little face with a little bit of hair, and again I brought some props. Let me put my glasses on so I can see just what's going on. I don't think, well, you could you could wear a barrette if you are here at the hair band, if you wanted to, I don't know, it doesn't seem to be enough hair, but I mean you could pull it off. There'S no problem. You could probably even wear the kind I don't have. I don't have any, but the kind you put on now that they're wearing it like drapes down on the back a little bit. I'Ve seen them in the stores and again, if you were going out and you wanted to put your glasses up there, that's always a cool look. You know, and you know this is real. I really like this wig. I really like this wig and I did. I did bring some pommy, but I don't think I really need me. I think she's behaving very well and yeah happy at what this week. This is. This is a good. This is a goodbye and I did see a few other ones. They were open boxes and I didn't buy any yet that's what they asked you have any of you ever bought an open, boxed wig. They are literally tissue. They are literally like 1688, 1388 and there's a couple different colors. You know the different styles. I was looking at and I didn't know: if that's something has anybody ever done, that I mean it doesn't bother me to buy an open box wig and you know if I have to wash it, it doesn't bother me, and I don't know if anybody out there Could you please let me know if you have ever done that and because there's a lot up there on the wig company that are open box now I haven't checked the other, the other companies to see if they have open box, but I am leaning towards that. They probably do, and there was a couple of them that I did say in the red and I thought wow - that's really cute for sixteen dollars. You know plus shipping. I mean the shipping going almost as cost as much as the wig. So I saw I was going to try and get a couple of them, and that way I know that I will be set for this whole spring and summer. You know because you're going to be sweating in these wigs, at least I will be - and I know that I'm gon na I'm going to probably I say just every time, because it's so short, I think this will be the one that I'm going to wear to Cut the grass so now I'm leaning towards if they have another one to grab another one, because I know it's not going to last you know and but then I did. I do have a couple older wigs that I thought I was going to wear them when I could cut the grass, so you know cuz, I cut you know. Cutting grass is like a weekly thing and I do ponding all the time and I do my gardening. So I know I have four wigs three of the wig company that I purchased destiny. Delectable. Let me get this up here: destiny, delectable and sitting pretty, and so here's the three I still got the red theme going still got the red thing going and you know I don't know if that's gon na be enough because, like I said I'm, I really. I really am outdoors person, I don't think it's going to be enough and now that the wigs are on there. This is really like. I like this. I like how this feels this. I really like how this looks. I'M looking in the mirror, Wow wait till my mother sees me in short: hair wait she's my critic. She she tells me - I just saw her this weekend and I love her she's in the hospital now, but she's okay, she's coming home tomorrow and we're a little bit of a scare but she's. Okay but she'll she'll see me in a certain way and she'll say I like that and I'm like okay, better than the other ones and she'll say yeah. I like that one better and then the next time I say or I might be wearing the wig dye. Then she thinks she's like oh. I like that one so she's so funny so um yeah, so I never know which week she likes the most because I think she likes them all, but she just wants to pick one out at the time it did. I wear it, but I know when she sees this because she's a short hair type of gal - and I know that she's gon na like this, especially with the highlight and that's just from my softbox so yeah I mean, ladies, this is really a pretty pretty wig Sitting pretty at the wig company, I pay total for her 3488 plus shipping and tax. So I know I say this every time I'm going to run on there and buy another one, but I really think the only two down there right now into the computer. I'M just buying another one, because I really like how this fits, and I like everything about her and it's gon na be perfect for the hot days of summer IRA. I really do think that all right. Well, I thank you for stopping by please. Let me know what you think about my new summer do and, like I said this is the shortest one. The other ones are all you know longer longer way around and I didn't know if I smell like this one. I really really didn't know if I smelled like this one and I do yeah, because it shows off my my square jaw and it shows off my big nose and you know so. You know it just shows off a lot more, that the hair could be hiding and it's not hiding clues. You know all right. Well, okay, I think I talked about everything so again, sitting pretty final sale statements. 3488. They still have as of this morning, blondes brunettes and reds, and this is f, 33, 263 or golden all burned blonde, and that's what it is. That really is golden Auburn blonde. I love all those highlights in there. I really do, and I guess you could use it up. I am if you wanted to make it messy. No, she is messy. No, that's cute. Alright, I'm just loving, I'm just loving to see these wigs. I really really am loving these wigs, the different, the different styles and - and I don't care if it rains on careful well now I won't care if it's humid either, and I just I'm just loving it. I really am, and I hope all you out there are feeling the same way or I can inspire you to feel the same way and go for it, go for it just put them on and enjoy them, and I don't like I said if I go to Work tomorrow wearing this today I went and I wore my fashion fever, which she turned out great. You can see that video here and that'll explain how many hours I wore her and I used the silicon mix on her and she turned out beautifully she's. Also from the way company, but I'm to the point where I work something long today and if tomorrow was hot, I would put this on. I don't I don't care, I'm enjoying it. I don't care what people think I don't care if they come in. Oh, you got a haircut yeah, I got a haircut and I just leave it. Oh look at that and then the next time they see me if it's like this, they just wondering a look, and you know a lot of people. They don't say anything, but I know they notice something's different, but I really doesn't bother me and I told them if they ask me, I tell them, but okay well with them going to say goodbye. Thank you very much. Please consider subscribing to my station. If you say it's at the end, smack that belt give me a thumbs up. I appreciate it puts a smile on my face. Most importantly, as you all know the returning subscribers, please give me your comments. Let me know what do you think? What do you think about this new day of sitting free? Alright, thank you very much have a good night. God bless and until next time, bye,

K Johnson: This one is adorable on you! You can wear the longer and shorter styles so well! Thank you for sharing your wig adventure with us!

ChildofCHRIST: That's so flattering on you Julia You can do long and short styles Looks Great❣ Yes wigs are AWESOME

Brenda Baum: So cute Julia! I love to watch you because I’m a strawberry blonde. This wig may be great for Spring, Summer and a work style! I’ve always had painfully thin hair. Then after gastric bypass surgery and menopause...I had to begin wearing wigs. That was 11 years ago and I really love it!

Myla Dalton: Very pretty! As for your question, you have lovely facial features and the shorter style balances them by showing off your nice cheekbones and pretty jaw line more.

Deborah Cook: Looks great. Love the color and the style. TWC's Statements styles are so nice and when they go on clearance, "what a super buy." Nice video. Thank you.

Jean Jacobs: She's really cute, Julia. I don't think I could pull it off though! Love that color. Yes, I have bought their open box wigs and I have been satisfied, except the shipping is so high compared to the wigs great price! Blessings!!

Donna Who: I have bought a open box wig and it was great ! Still brand new

Alison Cleary: This is great for summer!

The Wig Company: Super cute! Love the color and shorter style on you. Thank you for sharing

Clara: I definitely think this wig looks really cute on you fantastic for summer! I haven't bought an open box wig but they're new so should be fine. You ought to try another colour ❤️

Suzanne Dawson: Adorable!! Very becoming on you! I was fortunate enough to also get one of the remaining Delectables. It is red on top and blonde on the bottom. Peekaboo coloring. I just thought I’d try it and I love it!!

Vickie Vonn: Thanks for your review. After seeing it, I ordered in 12/26. It came today and I love it! Unbelievable deal!!! Very cute, simply shake & rake (Pick) Nice and light for summer.

PMD: Julia, this is so cute....think I might order one!

Pauline Jeffers: I really like this one on you. Perfect for summer. Thanks for sharing!

J M: ....Has anyone ever told you that you have a mixture of Barbara Streisand and Meryl Streep? You’re very beautiful, such a unique look. Thanks for the informative video. Lovely wig ❤️

moosupgal: Now you’ve done it. You’re really rockin’ this one. You have a tiny face and sometimes to be honest… Your longer poofier wigs almost bury your face. Sometimes it looks like too much tease or hair. But this one is in balance with your features; accentuates your features… Overall you have a very gorgeous look. Don’t criticize the nose. It gives you unique character. It’s straight and it’s beautiful... it’s cool. All your features come together beautifully and that wig really accentuates your beauty.

peperlover99: Wow that's LOVELY on you! Wear the hell out of this wig you look gorgeous!

allykatt1849: Very pretty color! I love the one you had on in the beginning. Now, the shorter one looks very professional, like you mean business! I've been tempted to purchase an open box, something I will end up doing one day.

Beth Stevens: The short style really shows off your beautiful features!

Lizzy Casanova Garcia: Very natural looking. It looks amazing on you.

Martha Halr: Thanks so much for this review. I'm looking for a short wig to wear on a cruise that my sister is taking me on in October(fingers crossed that we can go)

Donna Who: I love the short hair! You rock it !

Framboise: Yours look so much better than mine lol! You suit shorter styles so well, I'm jealous!

Marlene Olson: Oh, wow...I stumbled on your video today and I couldn’t believe it. That is the wig I just got today!! Mine is a brown with blondish highlights. Yours looks fuller and fluffier, but I haven’t played with her yet. Looks very cute on you! I think I like it better than the one you had on in the beginning.

Pam Naylor: Yes, I bought Promise open box. $13.88... blond, no roots but I added them . Looks great. Lots of water and mussed it up a bit. Copied Dawn. She made hers looks so good.

Pam Naylor: Love delectable on you! And your necklace!! So pretty.

American Made: I LOVE IT!!!! It's amazing, you can do long n

Elaine Dowell: beautiful shade! you need a style with a little more length and volume. I can see it making a great outdoor wig for the summer events. thanx for the video. I enjoy your channel so much.

Pam Naylor: Looks so adorable. Wake up those fibers a little more on the top... when you bend forward f you can kind of see the weft lines. But so cute.

Faith Logan: I love it. Looks very business casual

Amy Pope: Very pretty! I think this length is very stylish and professional. It suits you!!

Jean Jacobs: Oh, by the way, could you show us how to make a wig into a night time sleep wig?

Framboise: LOVE LOVE LOVE!

The Indecisive Wig Wearer: Love this one too!

sharon hammann: Wow. Makes you look so much younger. Does this cap have a lot of stretch to it?

Nona Windsor: Love the short look gorgous...

Debbie Hall: You look beautiful in that style!

sharon hammann: Wow. Makes you look so much younger. Does this cap have a lot of stretch to it?

Becky Pigg: I have bought open box. Mine came with tags and did seem brand new.

Carol Schneider: Love that wig on you!

ItsJoan NotJoann: Cut and color are sooooo cute on you!

S Jarboe: Love this on you!

Stephen Carter: Looks like wig i seen on Jeannie Seely I like it natural looking

Doreen Gardner: ADORABLE!!

JUDITH MCLAUGHLIN: WOW ! That is so cute on you!

Marlene Olson: And yes, I’ve bought several open box wigs. You take your chances, but they are so cheap it’s ok to take the chance. One of them looked like someone tried to trim it but didn’t succeed. One was shorter than it looked in the picture, but a couple were just fine. So it’s like buying the grab bags at the little store (from way back in the day) - cheap but you don’t really know what you might get. I say go for it!!

susie palmer: Thanks honey but I have already ordered one! Dumb I know!!

Shelley Carlson: You can pull this off, Julia!

susie palmer: Do you know anything about the wig company called “Wigsbuy”

Stephen Carter: Looks very nice on you like this better than the longer ones.

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