Ellen Wille French Wig Review | Sandy Blonde Rooted | Tazs Wig Closet

TAZS WIG CLOSET presents a wig review of Ellen Wille French in the color Sandy Blonde Rooted. Part of the Ellen Wille Changes Collection.

Find Ellen Wille French at Wigstudio1.com


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Hey everybody, its task, welcome back to Tessa's week, closet today, I'll be introducing yet another piece in that Ellen villas changes collection. It seems like they're, releasing a few at a time here, since they first started coming out this summer. This one is called French. It'S in the color sandy blonde routed, this wig was provided and this video sponsored by weight, studio and be sure to follow the links below for all of the colors available on this style and don't forget to check out the private Facebook group called wicks to do. One wig and topper support group so stick around for what I do and don't like about this style coming up Ellen villas. French is a very modern take on a short layered bob cut, it's very modern in its design. Let'S first talk about this color. Very briefly. Sandy blonde routed a beautiful rooted blonde color, it starts with a medium honey and then it's really nicely highlighted with a light ash blonde, and all of that is on a medium brown root. That'S very ashy and tone. So let's go ahead and no pact. This style by looking at the measurements real quick, so you have about an five inch fringe piece here and that kind of gets lost in some of the side layers. But that's gon na hit you right around the cheek area and I think the idea is that that will be the first layer that you see as this frames the face all the way down. You have another six inch layer here on the sides. It'S about nine inches from the crown down and then a two inch nape, a very subtle beveling in the back features, a temple to Temple, lace-front and a left. Monofilament side part weighs about 2.9 ounces, so really lightweight. So let's get up close on the lace front. Information here this is always real important to take a look at so you'll, see that the monofilament lace that they use here is a bit shiny on this one. I don't know if that's coming across on camera and it's a bit thicker than some that I have seen, but it has a beautiful look to it now. I'Ve noticed what they did here. Was it's a bit thinner there at the hairline and gradually gets a little more dense as it moves back into the style, so the darker knots there that you see at least it's not real heavy knotting. Then you have the left part that goes back to the crown. So what I like about this style is how they design the front, so you've got these these layers that just kind of layer up on one another and nicely frame the face. In addition to that, then they're kind of razor they're, giving it some texture as it moves across the face. So let's talk about the density, it's a super light density, super baby, fine dry fibers, so I'm noticing that, because they are so fine, there's just lots and lots of flyaways on the style, but the other thing that we sacrifice when we have very fine fibers like This is that there's no body to the style - and this is really the way this is supposed to be a smooth, polished, sophisticated modern bob cut, and I get that. But when you have a little bit of body, it just seems like it goes a long way, but I want to point out how beautifully silky these fibers are so just like corn silk. So my favorite thing about this style is how it was designed to frame the face, and my least favorite part are the flyaways and the lack of body in the style. So I know that it. This is a very intentional look because there's very little permit ease. So that permit there's even no permit ease that you can get any kind of lift on top it's extremely flat. On top it's a very head, hugging kind of a style very low profile, but as it is, it's just kind of flat everywhere for an everyday, more modern, sophisticated short Bob. I can see this being a professional woman's style um. It really does fit the bill. It does appear to be a very easy wearing everyday style inside look at the cat for Ellen Phyllis French temple to Temple east front that does not extend back into the you tab, close felt and ear tabs. It does run seamlessly back into a left. Monofilament side. Part that actually does reach the crown area in the back. You'Ll find an extended felt in nape and velcro adjusters. There'S plenty of wedding and a lot of stretch. I had to cinch it in quite a bit to accommodate a petite average circumference. So, let's take a look at some styling. This is right out of the box. I haven't used it any product in this hair. All I did was shake it out, apply it to my head and kind of swirl around and loosen up the fibers. Let'S try the reader glasses; they fit nicely between the ear in the ear tab. That doesn't surprise me. There'S such a light density and very little on the teeth. Now you wouldn't want to park this anywhere, then right. The dead center of that monofilament part, the fibers, are so fine and there's so little permit ease that you're, probably going to get a big sense of wedding exposure. If you try to part it in any other direction, because this is so flat on top. I think I might use some steam to steam in a little bit of contour and lift right there at the front, that's kind of how I would cure that problem of it being so flat. So thanks a lot for joining me today for this review of the Ellen villas French in the color sandy blonde routed catch you next time on tackling closet.

Brenda Gregory Yuen: Taz, you are playing my song with this wig! I LOVE that there's an intentional flat effect on this wig, practically no permatease, and a professional look! I wonder if you could envision adding bangs (cutting that 5" front to give some illusion of bang area?) or not! I really appreciated hearing that this Ellen Wille wig has some stretch to it as I have a 22 1/4 inch circumference. I could see that one working for me easily. Thank you so much!

TIme Enough: Very natural and good name for it! My hair looked just like this when I was young. Definitely not wiggy looking! ♥️♥️

Kiki Jean: Hi Taz— I agree w your comments. This was just the type of wig I felt comfortable in when I started wearing them—I needed something that wasn’t a huge difference between my lifelong thinning, baby-fine hair to help me get me into it. Soon, though, I realized that my face shape def called for more body or top layering to be more flattering! After 8 yrs of “wiggery” I know this wouldn’t be the wig for me...yet for my sister it would be darling! (And even tho you may not like on you, it sure looks mighty cute!)

Patricia Glotfelty: Oh, I want this wig! You look wonderful in her. I enjoy the lower density, no to minimal permatese Ellen Wille styles. Thanks for reviewing her. I hope your son is doing better.

Gwynn Guiliano: I ordered sandy blonde rooted in Girl Mono and it is so dark! I’m scared to shake it out or do anything with it, because if it were to stay that dark, I would have to return it. The roots are longer, too. I was not expecting so much of it to be so dark.

Suzanne Dawson: I LOVE the flat with low perma-tease because I have a longish face! More fullness on the sides is ok but on top? Not so much. At for me anyway. So I’m curious about something; I’m sort of comparing this to the Rene of Paris Kai wig. Why does the Kai wig look so much more chic than this one does to me? I can’t put my finger on it. Any ideas?

The Indecisive Wig Wearer: If I had all of my bio I prolly wouldn't have had that much! LOL So I really like it as it's more realistic for my small head/face. Good review Taz!

Rita K: I think you look adorable in this - very French sophisticated look - with a beret and a trenchcoat! Like you, I want some permatease to give it some body, but I think with your tiny figure, you can pull this off nicely!

Lisa Bulmer: That's a cute wig! Looks beautiful on you, Taz! I saw 2 orbs in this video!

Wyzer Now: I really love this one on you!

Jackie Marsh: I Really Like Her Taz, Like You Said For Everyday, I Think She Would Be Great!! You Look Soo Chic in This One!! Love The Color!! Thank You For a Perfect Review as Always Dear Friend!! Love!! XOXOXO!!

EKA: Good job taz


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