Why I Wear A Wig.


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This video has been created and is owned by Clare Siobhan. This video is PG, family friendly and has no cursing or swearing!

Hey my little feature, ooh knees and welcome back to a new video. Today we are gon na, be talking about hair and wigs and yeah. You probably like oval clay. You'Ve got another wig on and that's one of the reasons I'm making this video there's a lot of reasons for me to mix video. This is a video I've wanted to make for a really really long time, but I've been way way way too scared to make terrified to make. Actually, since it's made me terrified for a really long time in my life, but that's kind of the reason that I wanted to make this video as well, this is gon na, be a video. That'S actually gon na be really hard for me to not forget emotional, but usually when I'm making a video, I'm pretty good at not getting emotional. So I hope and hope - and that's what is gon na happen in this video too, and I'm also hoping it's not a video where I'm gon na get too angry or upset because there's a little bit of me, that's making this video because of comments. I'Ve been getting about wearing wigs kind of nasty comments, so I'm hoping that that will be explained a little bit in this video as well. So there's two main reasons for me: making this video today one is that I have to explain why my hair is gon na be different for a little while and videos, and I figured the truth - is probably going to be the best explanation. The second is a really long time ago I watched a video about the same subject. I mean I'm talking like ten years ago and at the time I had never ever seen. Anybody else make a video on this subject and it really helped me, but if this video can help even one other person that is dealing with some the same thing or a similar thing, then it was worthwhile me making this video, even if it's really scary and Quite humiliating for me to make this video, if I can at least help one person, then it kind of makes it worthwhile. So this video is about why I were weak, as you guys know, on YouTube. It kind of became quite popular to start trying on wigs and wearing wigs and celebrating wigs - and I was so excited about this because it's something that's been on my mind and wanting to do for a really long time. So when I first made my week video, if you guys you would you seem so excited and so happy about it and you like love in the works, or else I oh, this is great. This is like the best situation ever it's what I've always wanted. I get to wear wigs and videos and you guys will just be like. Oh that's, really cool and they won't be a big deal, but I've started to realize that people actually get quite angry me wearing wigs. I'Ve had some kind of nasty comments about it. People telling me that it looks really bad. It looks really fake da. My wigs are just ill-fitting. They make me look ugly, like I'm I'm fake, and I should definitely just throw my real self on it's fake and plastic to wear wigs and that's kind of been playing on my mind quite a lot recently, because I don't wear what one if you want to Wear a wig because you want to wear a wig like wear a wig. Who cares what anyone thinks you don't fake or plastic? It'S a thing you put on your head and other people's opinions shouldn't matter. But the reason I I was excited to wear a wig is because my hair has been something that I've been hiding for the past I'd say it's probably over 15 years of my life now my hair has been a really sore subject for me and it's something That I've been hiding and it's something I've been super embarrassed and upset about, because I actually suffer from something called trichotillomania, which means you, which means you obsessively and compulsively OCD kind of style and pull your own hair. Oh and I it's not SAR loud and it's the weirdest bizarre is like like weird thing like I've. Had people tell me it's like gross and disgusting and it's weird, but that is something that I do my trichotillomania started when I was in high school and I was being bullied and at night I was like so scared about going into school the next day that I didn't sleep on because I was lying in bed all night not being able to sleep. I started playing with my eyelashes, like just nervously like pulling my like eyelid away from my eye. Just like make makes a little noise and when I did that my eyelashes start coming out - and I didn't really notice - I was doing it until I had no eyelashes and everybody else noticed. Um people were just freaked out and since assuring haider, I started to pull in my hair from my eyebrows and then I had no eyebrows on then. I started pulling my hair from my head and when I was pulling quite badly when I was in high school, you can imagine how well that went would already be bullied. It was a pretty hard time for me, because people started to notice that there was something wrong with my hair and I was wearing click and extensions to try and hide it, but it wasn't really hiding it. I like have a lot of memories of women and the boys on my school noticed, which kind of sucked cuz they were like well why's. She normal she normal she normal. Why is why? Is she like got no hair and it hit my self-esteem in the biggest way? I went from such a loud chatty like happy loud kid and to such a choir, stuttery nervous. Just like I hated myself, I hate myself so much like so much. I just remember. Being in front of my mirror, I'm just crying and like: why can't you stop doing this? Why can't you just be normal? I hated myself because I thought was the only person on earth that was doing this. I think anyone else did it. I didn't know what it was called. I don't have a name for her. I just knew that when I was sad or stressed, I pulled my hair out on it progressed to at all times in my life, always I pulled my hair out until I barely had any hair left and it made high school really difficult for me. In fact, up until just before I started doing YouTube, I was still a very quiet shy person. If you watch my old youtube videos, you can kind of still see that I was quite a shy person YouTube in a big way. Helped me in terms of my self-confidence and my like sense of self. It really really really hurt me with my hair in a big way in a really big way. Some of you guys were asking that I do a video about bullying. One of the reasons I held off after saying I would is because for me, my story about bullying is so tied into my trichotillomania that it's really hard to separate the two, because my biggest takeaway from my bullying experience and something I really hope I can drive Home to anyone like the off comments you make to people, have so much more impact than what you think like. Please think before you speak, because the comments that were made to me in school on comments about my hair, I left school. I graduated I once University. I had jobs, I job to religion. Joyed excelled at my job excelled in my professional career. I set up my own YouTube channel, but in a big way, my head never left high school because so much of the stuff that [ __ ], I shouldn't even think about anymore. I still do because that's what bullying does. That is what it does their their offhand. Like funny comment, you made to get a laugh out of a few of your friends about another person like for you. You probably didn't even remember it like the second half of that day, but I'm still remember and stuff. Fifteen years on - and I don't see it going anywhere soon, so please please, please think about your actions and what you say to others doesn't make any difference, whether it's in real life or unsocial. Just think of how will you say to people just try and treat others the way you want to be treated? That'S why I really struggle to make a video about bullying, because I'd have to talk about my hair and I've been so so scared to talk about this. For so long like it took me so long to tell Ally. Tellin was the scariest thing telling people thought this is so scary, because you just think they're gon na think you were freak. Even the word trichotillomania like mania maniac like it makes you feel like a freak, but maybe it's because no no one talks about it. Really that we think that way, starting YouTube for me about four years ago was kind of. I could never have predicted that at the time and Ally and I've talked about this, and neither of us knew that this was gon na happen. But about the same time I started doing YouTube full-time. My hair started to get significantly worse. It was in a really good place when I met Ally, but it's not in a good place anymore. I'M the reason it got so much worse is because YouTube is such a public platform. Anybody could have an opinion on the way. I looked, Oh something I did if I made a video didn't do very well. That was very public and it just opened this door to all these feelings I had when I was in high school, they all kind of started to come back when I started doing YouTube and as a result, my hair just started to get worse and worse and Worse and worse, to the point where I was getting offered to like work with with brands that was really excited about working with and doing some really cool stuff doing TV stuff, and I turned all of it down, because I was too scared of people seeing my Hair and of not having control over just me in front of a camera and base actually the the anxiety that YouTube brings, and I will say this as a warning to anybody that wants to do this. If you have any like up my chest, ease if you have any kind of like anxiety, related anything to do with anxiety, it's probably gon na get worse. If you try this career because it is such a savage career in terms of everyone has an opinion on you, I have people telling me constantly. You need to wear more makeup. Oh you! Don'T let you you look horrible and makeup take makeup off. I have people telling me when I look fat. I have people telling me when I don't see thin eye. People have any opinions on everything I do and that just brought me right back into my. My headspace was back in high school all over again, so my has been really really bad since doing YouTube and I've been trying to hide it. I was using like special systems designed to stop me from being able to reach my hair and thicken my hair up by wow those for a couple years, but my hair got so thin that they wouldn't really stay in anymore. So I switched to like a tape. Extension, but that didn't really protect the areas of my hair, so I ended up just getting worse everywhere to wearing wigs, and I was so excited about that because if I wear a wig I can't touch my hair, so I can't hurt myself in terms of damaging My own hair, which is why, even though I was getting loads of horrible comments about my wig, I was like no I'm going to keep wearing it, because it's for my own mental health, it's for my own sake, but then - and so then I ordered some wigs. I'Ve ordered two that will be attached as a more permanent solution. This is one of them. This is kind of like this. This isn't the right hair color. It was more like a trial to see how I would get on. This is like way lighter than I like. I like my hair, quite dark, but this is like a more permanent wig for me and, like I could tie my hair up. I like, if you look it at the back, like it looks like normal hair. It'S all like down, I can do what I want with it. It'S got like baby hairs on this is a solution I had to come up with, because when I went to go and attach this wig and show my real hair, my real hair had started to get so thin, and the only way to attach this week was To shave my head, so I just if you shave your head all the time: it's probably not a big deal, but if you've never shaved your head before and you're a girl, that's hard long, hair and really like, like loved having long hair. Your whole life then sit in front of a mirror and shaving. Your head is a really hard thing to go through, but I went through that today. This is how I looked with my shaved head and after that they were able to attach this to protect my hair from myself. So I wanted to explain to you guys why my hair is gon na. Look like this for a little while in videos. I don't really like this color, but this is like my solution: I'm not wearing wigs for you guys, I'm not really even wearing wigs for myself, I'm wearing a wig to try and save my hair before it's too late, because I've been doing this for so long That I'm being told my hair will probably never grow back in some places, so I have to do this. I don't have a choice so one if you suffer from the same thing as me. I hope this video helps you in some way to see that there's someone else out there having to deal with that, because for me, that was just having the other person making a video was such a big moment for me, because I suddenly saw another person going Through what I was going through and this thing that was so ashamed of and hated myself for, I was so embarrassed to fall, see in another person who did. That was just this really validating thing. That was just like you're you're, not freak like people might say. You'Re a freak but you're, not you think, you're a human being, and so is this person. So if you're coming across my video from that point of view, I hope it's helped you. But if you're coming across my video from a different point of view, maybe the kind of person that would have got angry or judged somebody for wanting to wear a wig. I just never even thought. That was a thing. But it is because I've experienced there, but sadly a lot of comments from my Instagram recently, but please understand that. Sometimes when people do something like that, they're not doing it through choice, I don't want to have to wear this wig. I don't want her have to wear this wig I have to, because I'm taking the steps that I need to take from my own mental health, to look after myself and to try and save my hair. That'S the reason I'm doing this. I thought please just think before you say things: sometimes it's something that I've learned as I've got older. It'S a mistake. I sometimes still make and everyone's learning I'm trying to improve and yeah. I hope that this has helped you in that way. I'M sorry! This is a really sober inside video, but I've always been incredibly honest with you guys and you guys are very honest with me, and you tell me things that you're struggling with, so it wouldn't be fair for me to go through something and just hide it from You guys, I want you to see my weaknesses. I want you, if you're in a similar situation, if this has helped one person, it was worth doing it for me and if you are struggling with any anxiety or obsessive, compulsive kind of disorders or depression or anything. I really hope that you were able to relate to this video and that you were able to kind of sue me as somebody who's very similar to you in that way, because I um I'm just glad. I got that out of my system and got it all out there if you ever see anyone kind of say, always Klout wearing a stupid wig. At least you can say like watch this video as she explains the whole thing. Ah, this is the hardest video I've ever had to make I in real life. No one knows this about me: now everybody can if they look up this video, but my mum and dad and my brother know my hairdresser knows on my boyfriend knows and that's it. I that's it. My ex-boyfriend knew and tellin anybody else about this ever was the scariest thing on earth. To me, I've been hiding the secret for 15 years, but I'm not I'm not gon na hide it anymore. I'M not hiding anymore, because it's not my best interest in my mental health and it's not in your best interest. If you have something similar to not have somebody that you can relate to you, and that is willing to talk about this stuff, because we should be able to talk about this stuff, no number of people that have this is way more common than you think. But no one talks about it because it's like this taboo freak thing that you do and it's not. Okay, it's not it's just a coping mechanism for a bad situation and like we shouldn't feel bad about that. So this is kind of a brave thing that I've had to do, but I'm so glad I've done it. I'M sorry for the sad video this evening, don't think of it as sad. Think of it, as more of is something that I needed to do and I'm glad I've done it. So thank you guys that so much for watching - and I mean if you're looking at this thinking yeah but the week doesn't look good one. It looks so much better and more real than any of the ones I've been wearing up until now, I've not been able to wear my hair up in a ponytail like this and public you've seen it in videos because in videos I'm like this and you never Can see the back and sides of my hair? Sorry, I'm can hide so much so much in a YouTube video that I can't do in real life. But this evening I went out for dinner with my hair in a ponytail which I've not done in a really long time, and it was a really big deal for me. So I'm really hoping this, I'm really hoping this is the same day. I'Ve got it done, so I don't know, but I'm really hoping that this is like a good step forward for me in terms of my own recovery and I'm hoping that the next time they shave my hair down instead of having holes and patches all around my Hair, I will have a normal-looking shaved head, which is hard to pull off if you've got a weird-shaped head mine's kind of weird, but I'm hoping it looks a lot more normal. So thank you for watching this video. I hope it wasn't too heavy for you. I'M really glad I didn't cry, because I did not want to do that. I didn't want to turn this into a sympathy. Video. It was meant to be an a an informational, video kind of and I'll see you guys in the video. Thank you for watching bye,

Clare Siobhán: ‪I’ve been dreading reading comments today, but after checking them I have a big smile on my face ❤️‬ ‪Thank you for the kind words & love, I’m so touched‬ ‪I’ve already read so many comments from people going through similar things, so I know I made the right decision‬ ‪Thank you ❤️‬

Deligracy: You’re beautiful, courageous and amazing for making this video. Really proud of you! Love you gorgeous girl ❤️

Kitinelli: I have a friend who has recently started pulling out her hair from anxiety. She used to tear at her skin instead. I’m hoping that this video helps make her feel less alone. Thank you for sharing, Clare.

Chip The Ocelot: As someone with dermatillomania, it is comforting to know that there are other people like you who also struggle with body focused repetitive behaviors

ava: I didn’t know she wore wigs, I thought her hair was just naturally beautiful just like you. ❤️

Monica Rachele: You aren’t “weird” or “disgusting.” You are amazing and you rock the wigs! Also, you rock the shaved head—so gorgeous. Hang in there, love.

Hope Marie: this is how many people think clare looks beautiful with out a wig

Lisa D: Hi Clare. My heart goes out to you. I've had trichotillomania since I was 11. I never pulled my head hair but I pulled/plucked everything else. I'm 39 now and am able to better manage it. I know this video is a year or so old but I wanted to thank you for being brave and sharing your experience. I hope many struggling with trich find your video. Much love ❤

Amy Andrus: I am watching this in 2022 just because it makes me feel great because she was so courageous and brave to make this video. It just makes me feel like I can do anything!

PokeNord: Clare, we've known each other since we were around 16. I've been so proud for you and how well you're doing with YouTube and life. We used to be close for a little while and I never knew you were going through this. I'm so sorry. Making this video was really brave and I'm really glad you're doing this for yourself, and for others. <3 Cam.

missheniki: I just saw your wig haul (22-2-22) and watched this one after. You have such courage to bare yourself and your vulnerabilities before the world. You are beautiful with your wigs (in all the shapes and lengths, even the Beatles vibe) and beautiful with your shaved head. But more importantly, you have a beautiful and generous spirit. What a role model! ❤️

cherry stupid: Why is no one talking about how cute Clare looks with her head shaved,she looks like a cute little fairy

CarlaSloth: It’s ok Clare, I am going to the doctor in July to see if I have the same thing. In October I started pulling out my eyebrows and then eyelashes. It’s nothing to be afraid about. Your not alone. I’m here with you and so are so much other fans. Your videos got me through hard times. I pull my eyebrows less when I’m watching your videos. Thank you and never be afraid to show your true self. I’m not saying don’t wear wigs if you don’t want to but don’t be ashamed.

Hailey Harris: I know I'm late but my friend has the same disorder and she is watching this with me and is in literal tears because she has found someone who has the same problems. She doesn't have many friends and I love her to the moon and back and accept her for her and I wish I was there for you when you were in high school to tell you that you are perfect. I'm sorry you had to do through all of this and you really made my friend's night ❤

Madison Rathburn: Came here from today's video, I've been watching for awhile and noticed your gorgeous wigs but never really bothered to question it. I'm sorry that others couldn't do the same, unfortunately people like that use bringing others down as a coping mechanism for their own insecurities. Thank you for sharing this Clare ♥️

Laine Murphy: Thank you for this; my grandson started doing this a few months ago. His eyebrows are gone and we didn’t know if it was something he would outgrow or not. We have started him in therapy and are hoping that will help. I am bipolar so I understand completely your feelings about not wanting to talk about your situation because people won’t get it.

GogoGlitter: I hope whoever bullied her feels ashamed of themselves now Ps I've never noticed you wear a wig and you look gorgeous, I aspire to look like you.

Lucy McGeorge: You're gorgeous, wig or not. The people who are rude to you because you wear a wig should be ashamed. I never knew you wore a wig, and you're beautiful with one.

Eli Thomas: I started crying when you paused in between your thoughts you are soooooo brave to share this

Jay Nasty Games: watching this is 2022 and just this past year is when i finally overcome my habit of ripping my hair. i still pluck obsessively but i leave the hair on my head alone. for years i felt like a freak and had so many ppl comment on how i looked like i was picking fleas out of my head. I have high anxiety and OCD so THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS because if you didnt speak on this I would still be feeling alone

itsamina: Idk about everyone else but im here in 2021 and I just want to say that Im really glad that Clare got the courage to share this because it takes a lot to share your story to millions of people and I just hope you know you're an amazing person.

Angel Byles: Who else did not know she wore wigs? Ps:love the wigs

Roses Sanctuary: I got curious and wanted to know why Clare wore wigs, and then I realized I do this too. Usually it's eyelashes, since my hair is now buzzed, but I always thought I was so weird for this. I still am, but I appreciate the knowledge that other people have this too. Thank you, Clare, for sharing your story with us, it really helped me.

Kalalani M.: I know I'm 2 years late for this but I have the skin picking version of this so I always try to wear long sleeves and long pants even if its hot outside for my protection and it makes me feel seen when you talk about this tuff so thank you <3

LouBeccaXO: Clare, I’m late to the party here and you’ve already had so many supportive comments but I felt the need to commend you for your bravery. It sucks that hair is a massive part of someone’s life and causes so much grief particularly in secondary school. I was bullied really badly in school as I have thin hair and my natural colour is ginger. It affected me and left a scar on my mental health to this day (I’m 33 this year). I have a daughter who is 13 this year and every day I’m full of anxiety worrying about how disgusting some kids can be towards others. You’re a beautiful girl, and the fact you sit and make videos for thousands to see is incredibly brave after everything you’ve had to go through. Stay being you, never lose that bubbly personality of yours

Vely: I’ve also been bullied for a long time, because I’m a smarter kid but I have bad ocd and anxiety, it started in 2nd grade when one of my best friends ended our friendship I kept telling me I had a horrible personality and probably cheated on every test, and then in fifth grade I was called teacher because I would help other people with work if they needed it, and this one kid who was a foot taller then me would chase me and my friends and try and hug us, and the teachers wouldn’t stop him, and one time he hugged me in the middle of winter pushing me down into the snow and almost suffocated me, and nothing was ever done about it, there’s more but I don’t want to ramble on, Clare I’m deeply sorry that happened to you over something you were incapable to control, I hope your doing better with it, and just know you look darn good with a shaved head

Awasome Ash: I never new you wore a wig You are so brave One like:one less bully

Hadley: I just want to say that you look so great with a shaved head and with all of the different wigs you have and you are so brave for making this video. I pull my hair because of anxiety and I too have started wearing wigs and they make me feel much more comfortable. <3

Susan Ryan: This video was helpful for my sister who has down syndrom. Once at my school my sister came to pick me up with my mom and this girl younger than me bullied her because her teeth looked weird and I still dislike this person. I am just happy you showed your true self to us. Also does Ali know you did not mention him

Sinful Simming: My hair has been thinning since 2019, with no reason for it. I own quite a few wigs that I love very much but never feel confident wearing. Thank you for this video.

Chandra Sunny: I didn’t even know there was a name for this... I’ve been doing this since I was in high school on and off too. I’m the worst with my eyelashes. I didn’t make the link with anxiety till you said that’s a trigger and now it makes sense. Thank you so much for being brave and talking about this... maybe I’ll be able to talk about what I’m feeling with my fiancé when I notice that I’m pulling again so I can work out why I’m doing it.

SimplyKian!: But can we talk about how absolutely stunning she looks with or without hair like girl you are actually gorgeous

A. Ebert: I have dermatilimania and occasional trichtillimania, and my first opportunity learning that it was a condition was people like you brave enough to speak on it on YouTube ❤ it helped me realize that my actions were not my fault ❤ my tourettes clings to those stress ticks and my anxiety amplified my stress. Thank you so so much for sharing, because even now I got emotional listening you ❤ you help others by being brave and speaking out.

Amber Morgan: I’ve been watching you for a while and I had no idea you were ever going through this. You are by far my favourite YouTuber and you are stunning! Hope you are doing ok!

Midnight Shadow Relaxation: I’m with you. (Triggers ⚠️) I have had severe depression, anxiety, PTSD, eating disorders, etc. since I was 7 years old because of bullying throughout school. I left in year 10 (just turned 14) because I couldn’t survive it. I wouldn’t survive it. Their jokes, their bitchiness, their consistency to try to break me - which they can all grow up to forget about - has left me with emotional and physical scars that will probably never leave. I couldn’t take my GCSEs or go to university. I had to leave college after one year and Open University after two. I struggle to stick with things because I’ve been shaped into someone who never feels good enough. I’ve never had friends, so I’m now in my 20s with few typical life experiences that help you find yourself or “your people”. They have probably all been able to move on, progress and believe that it never happened (if confronted with it), while I have to wake up every day wishing I didn’t. I’m so far behind what is expected at my age and the life I wish I could have. I don’t want much, yet it’s all so much further away because of the lifelong damage those kids did. Their parents didn’t care. The schools’ anti-bullying actions were weak. My childhood counsellors were poor. I had my mum in my corner and that was it. No friends to watch my back. No older sibling to protect me. No good therapist to support me. It wasn’t in my nature to hit back, but if I had I would have been beaten up and likely still been in just as much trouble despite them pushing me to the edge. I could never truly hurt someone, but it’s naive to think bullying can’t create “monsters”. It isn’t just kids being mean and until it’s treated as seriously as the effects can be, it won’t stop. Thank you for sharing your story, Clare. I can empathise and I’m so glad this wig gave you some confidence back! For what it’s worth, your shaved head really suits you, but I know it takes time to get comfortable with it <3

mtoka: You are so strong, and brave, and beautiful in so many ways. Like, I just found you through the Not So Berry challenge, and here I am, watching a video from a year ago and almost crying with how proud I am of you. I also think you rock the wigs! A year on, you're still looking great.

Tasha Bennor: I just wanted to tell you that as a mom that was bullied and beat up in school in the most vulnerable ways, and the parent of a disabled child that i.had to pull from junior high school due to bullying by the school psychologist as well as other female students--- I just want you to know that your story matters and I am so 10000% behind you in standing up for yourself and others who aren't able to!! I just want to reach through and give you the most big mom hug!! Your hair isn't the most important thing about who you are. Your smile, your personality is genuine! Your so BEAUTIFUL!!

Kacie Gatford: Hi Claire, I sort of suffer with the same issue but when I was young I couldn't stop picking my scabs and I still have the marks today. Nobody understood what I was going through no one would talk to me at school or else where. I fought my way through and now I don't have any trouble. If I can do it so can you! <3

Harriet Watt: Your wigs look great I know that the comments from other people will never go but I hope positive comments will cover them! We all support you You look beautiful

winnie: I think you look Beautiful,pretty, amazing also esthetic or aesthetical or esthetical), attractive, beauteous, bonny (also bonnie) [chiefly British], comely, cute, drop-dead, fair, fetching, good, good-looking, goodly, gorgeous, handsome, knockout, likely, lovely, lovesome, pretty, ravishing, seemly, sightly, stunning, taking, well-favored with and without a wig! You are amazing in every way. The people that leave hate comments and dislike are just people that are struggling with something else in their life,so we pray for them and hope that they themselves can feel the joy of brightening someone’s day. Don’t let them get to you just give them time. I love you so much! Keep doing what your doing because we love to watch your videos!

BJ M: 11:24 who else thinks Clare with a shaved head actually looks really cute ❤️❤️

Ms annie: Clare you are so beautiful no matter what you do with your hair. You are are amazing person I hope you know that you are kind, selfless and just awesome. I hope you understand that you deserve better all those haters are not worth it. Stay happy and sweet like you always are. <3

Hey_ Huni: Claire I'm so sorry you have to go through this and I love you and I hope you keep smiling and stay happy - from peachy

Holly Golden: amen to everything you're saying in this video. i had an eating disorder in high school/college as a result of my anxiety/depression -- i completely understand how the stressors in our lives can lead us to do harmful things to ourselves. of course you've been told a million times you're gorgeous. i'm sure, like me, you have trouble believing it. but i always do better with compliments unrelated to my looks that then help me eventually build confidence about my appearance, so: you're a very talented story teller; you're personality is terrific on camera; you're an interesting woman with huge appeal. I know you made this 3 years ago; i hope you have learned to love yourself as much as your fans love you -- and more. I hope you're your BIGGEST fan these days. It's probably a lifelong process; I know it is for me. Thank you for making this video.

Britney Hartless: Omg....I have never heard of anyone else with trich especially with eyelashes. I have had trich since I was about 7. I have basically never had eyelashes. It comforting to see someone else knows how it is. Thank you Claire ❤

Timothy Walsh: I didn’t even know she was wearing a wig this whole time

Lexi Johnson: THANK YOU for your bravery sharing your story. Thank you thank you thank you ❤️ you helped more than one person!!

Emerald Edubio: Don't worry Claire we support u anyway anyhow don't let these trills stop u from your full potential that's what my mom says we love u just the way u are

Kacey Productions: you go girl! Your so brave and amazing for making this!!

Katelyn Coleman: OMG, I'm so sorry!! Dont listen to those haters. Your one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen and the only reason they are commenting those mean things is because they are jealous of your beauty. I didnt even know you were wigs (you do a great job of making it natural). I just saw you with cool hair and thought, "ooo clare your hair is so pretty and cool." I dont know why people are the way they are. They just see someone different than them and they get scared. I mean, people make fun of me sometimes (I mean, not that much, but it does happen sometimes) because I'm "too boyish" and everyone is like "why cant you be more girly". I wear a tee-shirt and sweatpants pretty much every day because my last boyfriend made me feel very insecure about my body. Anyway, we love you so much Clare and we will always love you with or without the wig ❤❤

Rachel Sandercock: This is how many people think Clare is amazing and gorgeous no matter what.

Susan Ryan: Clare you are beautiful and everybody in this chat knows that. I litterally teared up while watch this. I feel quiet like every one is judging me all the time and I feel trapped and if someone is mad at me or judges me I cannot take it. I feel like I am going to shatter. I felt rlly good when you told us everything. Also Ali, me, and everybody else in the comments knows you are beautiful and most youtubers do not share these things but when you did I felt touched and so happy. We love you and we will always be here for you

Crissie Murray: I am so proud of you Claire, I also suffer from severe anxiety and I bit my nails for ages and now I'm scratching at my face and making dark marks, so I completely understand where this is coming from, people are so cruel to others

Astrola: watching this video back and seeing how much more confident you have become is amazing! you are beautiful in everyway from your words soul and appearance! your honest and open to us all and we are here to help you <3

Beverley Griffiths: Claire, you're beautiful! It's breaking my heart to hear you say that you hate yourself. It's so upsetting that you feel embarrassed and humiliated over your condition. Don't apologise for being you! You're my favourite YouTuber. You're NOT a freak! You're such a gorgeous, kind, generous person and absolutely adorable! If people make nasty comments, it's usually because they're jealous or maybe feel so bad about themselves, for whatever reason, they need to make somebody else feel bad as well! You're so brave! You're amazing to make yourself so vulnerable to help others. I'm so sorry that you've had so much anxiety and trauma in your life. You're a hero to me, bless you. Sending big, massive love to you and big hugs!

Somethings Wrong !!: It’s ok I didn’t even noticed that you wore wigs This is how many people love Clare

Chloe Enstad: This is really amazing, and I am really proud of you for making this video. I know it can be hard to share really personal things however I feel really touched with your confidence and bravery, you are an amazing, beautiful person and don't let anyone tell you otherwise or make you feel bad. :) I have also really been experiencing OCD symptoms, such as having to repeat things over and over again if they feel "wrong", and it has really messed with my life, however this video and you, made me build up confidence to be my own self, and not worry about my disabilities. I really appreciate you for doing this. ❤️

8dts: Thank you so much for making this video, it really helped boost my self confidence. To see other people going through this makes me feel less ashamed of the way I acted, and felt like I was a different person. I loved wigs from a young age and now that I have one all to myself makes me feel confident growing up because now I can express my younger self. For anyone who is going through this, this is the most helpful video and I'm so glad that you made this clare

Siimply Violet: We love you Clare❤️‬ You put a smile on our faces we should do the same with you! Stay Awesome Clare :D

• 𝓑𝓾𝓫𝓫𝓵𝓮 𝓫𝓵𝓾𝓮 •: I do that with my eyebrows, I used to hurt myself to punish myself for thinking such things. At one point I had very little eyebrows and everyone would just ask my if I shaved my eyebrows. They’d tease me and people would get mad at me if I did it. I just couldn’t help it. I’m so sorry you’re going through this Clare

Kiito: I never noticed you wore wigs, my brother deals with this so I understand don't worry about wearing wigs haters are haters and they don't deserve your sadness.

TANYA SHARMA: I've followed Clare for so long and she is so perfect and it's been my dream to meet her! I can't imagine being bullied so badly, so that I couldn't sleep. Clare is so amazing, she's made me feel so much better, she's so beautiful! I love your wigs Clare! Everyone who says nasty things in the comments is dealing with their own thing and the only thing they can think of is to take their anger out on someone else who is different. Ignore them Clare.

Phoenix Da Fox: You are so beautiful! With or without the wig. You are incredible Clare❤️❤️❤️

Kekeliz: Ur wigs looks great I honestly wouldn’t have known it wasn’t ur if u hadn’t mentioned it in videos don’t listen to the haters ur beautiful and thanks for sharing ur story girl

Lexy Bunny: You are SO brave for doing this vid. Thank you so much for inspiring so many people

Methane Bridge: Couldn't even tell she was wearing a wig this whole time wtf

WillowWolfYeet: Thank you so much for making this! I have struggled with picking at my skin my entire life, to the point most of my arms and legs are covered in scars. It’s always made me feel like less of a person, so thank you for being brave, I hope I can be brave like you one day and I hope i can heal just as you are trying to do.

Hellopanda: Love the honesty in this video! Thank you for being so vulnerable and sharing your experiences with everyone <3

XOClaireBridgenXO: I've just come across this video and suffer from dermotilamania. I can honestly say that if I could put on a full body wig. You look great and I hope it fetches you some relief. My heart is with you. I know you may never see this but just wanted to express that you have made the hardest time in my life a little easier. I came across your channel just recently and your gameplay and personality gives me such a nice break from my reality so thank you. Xx

Alexandra Tsampo: Clare, always remember you are a great person and that you have the support of your loved ones and definitely your subscribers, followers and fans As a person who was bullied for being fat, being discriminated for this reason in my past jobs and (still)battling with myself, I would like to give you a big virtual hug for having the courage to open up like this Almost no one understands the damage they do to you when they say mean and disrespectful things which they can stay with you for many years, haunting you in every move you make, every night before you go to bed and every morning when you wake up. This video is up since last June, so I hope things are better for you, Clare Happy New Year everyone, and stay healthy

Your Mom: But why would people be mean about wearing wigs Wigs are friggin cool

Silvákss: I started watching your videos just this week, and I got curious because I saw your hair colour change. So I knew then that you were wearing wigs. I honestly couldn’t tell till I saw the significant change in colour. And I was mostly looking because I thought “ oh no is she on Chemo “ and then I found this. And oof oof that slapped me right in the feels so hard because I also struggle with this. And this is the first video I have seen addressing this problem. I got so emotional because I don’t have any one to talk to about it and I’ve only ever had one person who knew and who actually took it upon themself to keep me from pulling more hairs out because it’s like second nature a lot of the time you don’t even notice you’re doing it! But. I know you might not even read this. Just know I’m sending positive energy your way for your journey of recovery and I’m proud of you for taking this step not just to talk about it. But to better yourself. You’re amazing and you deserve to know that.

cami powell: we love you. you are absolutely gorgeous and amazing as you are. never feel you have to change for anyone. as long as you love you.

Natlie Stacks: Love you and so proud of you! I've gone through similar things. So I understand and your beautiful. I struggle with depression, anxiety and a bipolar disorder. I've ripped my whole nail before because of it. Love your channel and you have a beautiful soul

Some Guy: I bet you’ve made it a lot further then those bullies! You’re beautiful, never forget that. It doesn’t matter if you wear a wig or not, all of us support you <3

Zoe Veal: we will support you no matter what!! we all love you so much <3

Andreth Adaneth: Oh sh*t I just discovered I'm doing the same with my eyebrows and eyelashes. Clare, thank you so so much for sharing! You're so sweet and pretty and brave

AirLife: Everyone is amazing in there own ways! We all have something we go through but that doesn't stop us! I love your videos!

THESEUS AHA: Clare you are a wonderful inspiration to many people, you shouldn't worry about what people think. But to be honest, U ARE GORGEOUS! With and without the wig.

Jason Jenison: Clare I have done the eye lashes thing but I deal with more intrusive thoughts OCD and it has made me feel different my whole life. Don't even pay attention to the bad comments, just focus on on the good ones and you do look cute with that short hair cut as well, what ever you decide to do with your body is your choice and your choice alone. Peace

Mik: i am so happy that you brought this topic to light. i never realized that i actually do most of the signs of Trichotillomania. im relieved that im not alone, and there are other people who also struggle with this overwhelming urge. after watching this video, i immediately looked online at some forums about this topic and started doing my research. the signs and symptoms mentioned on the websites were all things that i do, unintentionally and im happy i learned more about it now rather than later.. i won’t make assumptions till i talk to a professional and know for sure if i also have Trichotillomania. keep up the great work clare! ❤️

Kevin Arismendi: Im here with you,i also suffer from trichotillonmania ,but you inspire me is keep up your amazing vids. <3

Megan Blevins-Smith: Man this made me cry Clare you are so beautiful and you being so much happiness to people every day

lauren munar: you are LITERALLY so beyond gorgeous bubs!! i stumbled across your account not too long ago and absolutely fell in love with your energy and personality! YOU DESERVE THE WORLD BBY AND YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL NO MATTER WHAT. i’m so so proud of you for how far you’ve come and this is an older video but deserves just as much appreciation. STAY STRONG MY LOVE

Michael Currie: She protecc She attacc Bust most importantly Clare is bacc

SnowFlake_no: I do not have trichotillomania, but I can relate to the part where you talked about bullying. I was bullied too for 10 years, and I am so sorry this happened to you Clare, you are such a nice person and you are so brave to talk about this on youtube!! Sending you lots of love and virtual hugs ❤❤

Kay: Your such an amazing role model for me and my siblings! We love you Clare

seraya danes: clare being diffrent is the best thing u can be we all love and support you and were so happy to see u upload and im sure people that are suffuring from what ur going through is glad that they are in it alone we will always support you and youre dreams even if that is leaving youtube

Miss Bekker's English Lessons: Watching this very much later: My husband has this condition (patches of hair missing from his legs, pulls out his beard etc), My mom wore wigs when she was younger (she's in her 70s now) it was a fashion, I teach in a predominantly African school so every now and then some of the girls wear them instead of weave, and some close friends who have had cancer wore them. You are right about people's comments and I would add "It is not what you put on and eat that defiles you, it is what comes out the heart" - bullying is a very base, degrading behaviour.

The Marauders: Who else thinks she looks amazing with the wig, without, and with a buzzed head? Who am I kidding everyone thinks that

evie: I'm 15 and I'm going through the EXACT same thing. Unfortunately with covid and me sitting at a desk all day I've ended up just mindlessly doing it and it's getting to the stage where some hair isn't growing back. My friends constantly ask me why there is always hair in my room, on my bed, on my clothes. I tell them and they don't believe me so I went to a doctor and got a diagnosis so I could show them a screen shot. It's tough and now I can't do it in front of other people but it just builds up and I pull like crazy as soon as I get home. It's such an unknown thing and I think there needs to be more awareness and I think you've done an amazing job capturing this. You're an inpiration.

GLS: Thank you for sharing. I remember as a kid that I used to do that but gladly stopped really early before it got out of hand. I can relate to it. I know this is already more than 2 year ago but I am really proud of you for making a video about it. People speaking up about issues has such a positive inpact on me and how I see and act in this world. Thank you for sharing and I hope you remind your self that you are beautiful and doing what is the best for you is the most beautiful thing to do. Lots of love from a guy from Belgium <3.

Zita de Wilde: As a mum of 2 teen girls, thank you so much for sharing your story! You are such a beautiful person, inside and out. I can only imagine how proud your loved ones are for you sharing your story! ❤️

Melina Sinfield: Hi Clare, I just wanted you to know how much I appreciated this video when you first released it 2 years ago because it made me so happy knowing that I wasn't alone with my own experiences. And your videos really helped me get through my day, so thank you so much! ❤️

Love.kawaii Cute: I’m crying because I think your so brave for just telling this your one of the most inspiring humans on the world I love you Clare don’t let anyone get you down cus your beautiful with or without hair no matter what you will be beautiful

WrathGirl666: I’m 38 and was bullied throughout my childhood (inside and outside school), I didn’t pull my hair out per se, just picked at my split ends. I’m like you (even though it’s been 22yrs since I left school), I still get flashbacks and for some reason, they just appear out of no where. Like I could be playing a video game and bam, a flashback. Keep being the amazing person you seem to be, F the haters xx

Ang W: I only just recently started watching your videos, I love watching your Sims videos. I’ve just gotten back into it after many years of not playing and you make me get really excited to try out all the challenges etc. I’m currently doing the Disney Princess one. If I hadn’t come across this video then I wouldn’t even know. You are beautiful Clare with a wonderful personality. I hope after almost 3 years your hair is doing better as is your mental health. Thank you for sharing your story and I do hope that people have stopped making horrible unnecessary comments.

Alex Kai: I've been watching your videos for years and I just now saw this! I'm in 9th grade now and I actually have a few friends with this condition! I love you so much and I think you are completely and totally gorgeous with or without your wigs. Do what makes you happy, we only have so many years on Earth. You likely won't see this but I just hope you have an amazing week and I want to thank you so much for the content you share. You've helped pull me out of the worst mental space I've ever been in these past few months. <3 xxx

pokymars: I have Dermatophagia, where it goes beyond picking at my skin like most everyone with anxiety does. By _’beyond,’_ I mean I eat my skin and nails as well as pick them. Turns out that wasn’t as uncommon as I thought! As I braved telling my friends this, something I’ve been hiding for years, and they didn’t label me as gross or anything… turns out they go through similar. We aren’t alone, and these disorders don’t make us disgusting.

Gracie Hudson: I actually didn’t think you was wearing a wig it looks really real and looks amazing! (I know this comment Is late)

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