5 Easy Instagram Reel Ideas For Hairstylists And Salons | Attract More Followers And Clients In 2021

5 EASY Instagram Reel Ideas for Hairstylists and Salons | How to attract more Followers and Clients in 2021

There has been a LOT of buzz around Instagram reels and the reason why is because they WORK! But I know for most people, doing Instagram Reels can feel like a lot of work or like a big learning curve, so they don’t do them.

But I’m here to tell you, that if you want to get more followers on Instagram, right now, Instagram Reels are what you should be focusing on.

I want to share with you 5 EASY Instagram Reel ideas that don’t require a ton of editing or any dancing

Accounts mentioned in the video

✨ @kylifrauenheim https://www.instagram.com/kylifrauenhe...

✨ @ashlieannhair https://www.instagram.com/ashlieannhai...

✨ @hairbydarceee https://www.instagram.com/hairbydarcee...

✨ @beautywithhannahmae https://www.instagram.com/beautywithha...

✨ @blushdesirae https://www.instagram.com/blushdesirae...

If you feel like you are missing an Instagram strategy or are ready to make that next big move to level up your career behind the chair, my online program ⭐️ RISE Social Academy ⭐️ is for YOU!

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Are you a hairstylist who wants to get more Instagram followers and ultimately more clients in your chair?

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Oh all, right guys welcome to today's video. I am really excited to be sitting down and making this video, because this has been a video that so many of you have requested, especially those of you who have come over from instagram. A lot of you have asked about instagram reels, and i know for so many of us. We just need some different ideas for instagram reels, and i don't know about you, but i know that instagram reels can sometimes feel really daunting. It can feel like a lot of work, and sometimes the last thing we want to even think about doing is creating another video or creating a different piece of content, especially if you haven't created one before so. I just wanted to make this quick, concise video, to show you how you can make really easy instagram reels that don't require a ton of editing that don't require this huge moving parts of like all these different clips and things being put together, complicated, sound bites. I wanted to make something that was really simple, and i also wanted to make sure that it didn't require any like crazy lip, syncing or dance moves like you're, seeing a lot of the videos have, but if this is our first time hanging out uh welcome to My channel, my name, is jamie dana. I help hair stylists and salon owners. Just like you grow your business on instagram and if we have hung out before you might have noticed, something is a little bit different uh. Yes, i went blonde. I decided to change up my hair. It has been four years since i've done anything different to my hair over four years. I don't even know i've been rose gold for like a very long time, and before that i was like pastel purple. So if you are an og that remembers me from like the pastel purple days, it's been a while um and it's literally been forever since i've been blonde. So i just wanted to change it up, do something fun and we also got new glasses. So hey uh, you know same jamie just a little bit different of a look here but anyways enough about me. Let'S jump into today's video all about instagram reels, so you might have noticed, there's been a lot of buzz on instagram about instagram reels, especially when they first came out eight months ago, and it's only gotten increasingly more um talked about throughout instagram, especially if you follow Any other instagram educators or people, not even in the hair world, but just people who teach instagram most likely. You have probably heard them say that instagram reels is where it's at and i have to agree. If you want to grow your follower count on instagram. Unfortunately, you have to be using instagram reels. If that is a goal of yours, you want to get more followers you actually want to hit a certain follower account number instagram. Reels is really going to be where you can actually get a lot more followers, because it's the type of content that instagram is currently pushing out to the algorithm and promoting way more than any other piece of content, and just to be honest, they work. I'Ve noticed it on my page. I get a significant higher amount of views or people coming over to my content, a lot more comments and interactions with the piece of content. So again, if this is a big goal that you have to grow, that follower account instagram reels is something you really want to put some time and effort into now. Of course, if you've been around my channel for long enough or you've been on my instagram for a while, you know that i don't necessarily preach growing. Your follower account and i actually talk a lot about how your follower account doesn't really matter. If you want to just grow your business on instagram, but i know for some of you, there is a deeper purpose of why you might want to grow. Your follower account. Maybe it's to go into education or that's just a big goal that you have. You want to be able to have the swipe up feature or whatever the case might be, and if that's a goal for you, like i said, instagram rails is going to be something you really want to put effort into, and i know for a lot of us. One of the reasons why we're not creating instagram reels is because they can feel like a lot of work, or they can feel a little overwhelming trying to figure out how to create this new piece of content. Which is why i wanted to make this video to show you that it didn't have to be super complicated. It didn't have to be this massive thing, and this is actually something that i've been challenging myself in, because i always think that instagram reels have to be this like huge production. It has to be all this editing and stuff and in fact, a lot of the instagram reels that i have created required, hardly any editing or no editing at all, just a little bit of text. So i wanted to share with you some easy ways and give you some examples of true life: real life hairstyles who are creating content like you that are killing it on instagram reels. So, let's get into it five easy instagram, real ideas for hairstylists and salon owners. Just like you, alright, so real idea, number one is the relatable real. Now i love kylie's video she's done a really fun job of incorporating this relatability with her and her clients. Now one thing i will mention. Obviously, all of these have the sound off because, unfortunately, on youtube, i will get busted if i play the sound. So if you want to check these out, i will link them all in the description box below you can go watch them. I will link it directly to the creators instagram page, so you can go see them over there, but, as you can see, kylie has created these really fun, instagram reels that is relatable to her clients and to her clientele. It'S something that your clients already thinking and you're, saying it for them, so she's found some different sound bites, and a lot of these are just really creative sound bites that she's used to create something that their client would relate to all right. Real idea, number two is myth versus fact real. So this could be a question or a myth that your clients are consistently saying, and so i love this one by ashley. I think that she does a really fun job of just kind of incorporating the hair mythbusters idea into her instagram reel. But this is clearly something that her clients have either said to her or something that comes up in her dms a lot. And so she created an instagram reel about it. Here'S another example of a really simple instagram reel like literally this required. No editing, it just was the sound effect and then they added text over the instagram reel. So again they don't have to be really complicated. It can just be something very clever and you're just dispelling a myth versus a fact or calling something out or answering a question that your clients are constantly happy idea. Number three is info: your clients need to know real, so this is again could be questions that your clients are always asking, or it could be something that you realize your clients have no idea about. I love these two instagram reels from darcy she's done just a really great job of adding in the humor and the relatability, with these sound bites, but she's also giving information and sharing something valuable that maybe her clients don't know about, or maybe a potential client who's. Following her doesn't know as well, so this is valuable content and of course, you can always expand on this in the caption, but the instagram reel really sets the tone and gets people to watch your content. The fourth idea is client appreciation reels. I love this one by hannah. She just did a really fun job with her client and, to be honest, i actually don't know if this is actually one of her clients, or this is just another stylist that she works with or a model or her sister or whatever the case might be. So you can do instagram reels with things like this, and actually you don't even need to necessarily have another human being. You could use a doll head or mannequin head, and this is kind of a trend that people are doing on tiktok and instagram reels. So it doesn't have to necessarily be a human body sitting in your chair. You can reenact this with a doll head and a doll, headstand or um yourself. You could be the client right, but client, appreciation kinds of reels are really fun and again you can also expand on this in the caption as well and, lastly, idea number five is hairstylist thoughts reels, so these are thoughts that you have as a hair stylist. Maybe it's in the salon, maybe in the shampoo bowl, maybe it's just when you're sitting at home on your couch after a long salon day. What are the thoughts that are going through your head? That you can make an instagram reel about and as a client, this content is still relatable to them, because it's still something that's like just a sneak peek into your mind. This isn't something that's necessarily making fun of clients, so you do want to be careful that you're not making fun of your clients in a bad kind of way, because this could put a bad taste in a potential client's mouth and maybe cause them to not come To you, so you do want to make sure that you're being careful about these types of instagram reels. But i also think that it is fun to have these different thoughts that are going throughout your head and making a funny or relatable instagram reel to it. And this last one from desiree. I just think that it is fun now, of course, this one did have a little bit more editing and a little bit more clips put together, but it still wasn't something that was extremely crazy and, yes, she did add a little bit of dancing, but you don't Have to uh this is just an idea that you can take and create your own instagram reels with. So obviously those are just five easy ideas that you can use, and i really want to encourage you to just kind of get in the mode of watching instagram. Real, seeing what sound bites people are using seeing what's trending, seeing how people are putting these videos together and again, don't overthink it. It doesn't have to be this massively edited video. It could be something simple, just finding the right, sound bite and adding the right text to go along with it. So obviously today's video was just some simple ideas, but i'm curious: would you want me to create a more in-depth youtube? Video sharing some of my favorite instagram, real tips and editing tips. If so, let me know in the comments below just say yes make that video um and if you have any questions about instagram reels, also add those into the comments down below, because that way i can answer those questions in that youtube. Video now, like i mentioned at the beginning of this video of course, growing your follower account can feel really awesome and it can feel super fun um. But of course, you still want to make sure that you're still growing your business on instagram too, and that's why again i talk so much about actually growing your business on instagram and not just growing. The follower account to have this vanity metric of, like oh, my gosh. Look at how many thousands of followers i have, but in reality, you're actually not getting clients from instagram. My goal is for you to get clients from instagram and not just get any clients. I want you getting dream clients from instagram, so one of the things that i'm always talking about is making sure that you have a strategy and a plan with your instagram. And so yes, instagram reels is an important part of your strategy, but it's just a little teeny tiny part of your entire instagram strategy and if you feel like, maybe you don't have the rest of your instagram strategy figured out, or maybe you feel like you're starting Down the right direction, but you don't have it all the way figured out or you still feel like you're missing some pieces on it. I actually have an online program called rise social academy and we only open the doors to this program a couple times a year, but we actually are opening the doors in a couple weeks. So when this video goes live we're opening the doors in a couple weeks, and if you want to check out more information about ryze social academy, you can go to the link down below ridesocialacademy.com check it out and get on the wait list. We'Re only going to be opening the doors uh for a couple days in the next couple weeks here at the beginning of june, and after that, what we're going to be doing is i'm going to be doing a 10 week group coaching program with everybody who joins Ryze social academy, so maybe you've watched my videos and you've thought i wish that there was a place. They could just ask jamie a question, or i wish that there was a time where i could have jamie look at my instagram page and tell me what to do, or i wish that i just had the answers to all the burning instagram questions. That is the only place that i give personalized feedback for all of our group, coaching members inside the ryze social academy and for the next 10 weeks once you join the program you'll get to get on coaching calls with me, get my feedback get my eyes on Your page or just to be able to ask me those burning questions that you've always wondered and make sure that you're on the waitlist, because if you join riot social academy through that list, you're gon na get a little extra bonus. Because i love hooking. My people up - and i know that you are somebody who's committed to taking your business to the next level, and i want to honor that so definitely make sure to get on the wait list. If you are interested and if you're watching this video past. The point of when we open the doors, don't worry, still get on the wait list, because the next time we open the doors in the fall or the spring or whenever in the future, we will definitely make sure to let you know all right guys. Thank you. So much for watching this video again, if you want to see a more in-depth instagram reel strategy, video or hear all of my instagram reel tips, go ahead and comment below. Let me know that you want to see that and make sure to ask me your burning, instagram, real questions so that i can answer them in that video as well and, like i always say, if you haven't already come over to instagram, sent me a dm or Just come on over and said hi! Please do so. I know that sometimes it can feel weird like you're, watching a youtube, video and you're like in the middle of things, but next time you're on instagram come on over, say hi. Send me a dm. Let me know if you like this video, if you didn't, if you want more uh ideas or what you want to see on my channel i'd love to make sure to connect with you, and i want to make sure that i'm creating content that you want to See more of so just come on over and say hi! Thank you so much for watching this video and i'll see you guys next time.

Lauren Newkirk: I have really dragged my feet on getting into tiktok, reels, or any video content (like I don't even really watch them) so this video was super helpful. Would definitely be interested in tips for video content creation and editing. ✂️

Isa's Tossled Hair: yaaaasss we need that video! I am about to start making reels after this video so thank you Jamie! xo

Choppy Papi: Loved your hair game podcast feature Thanks for the tips Jamie!

Allegrea Johnson: Yes make that video. Love the video. Very fun and useful to me. Nice work

Amy Holden: I was so upset when I heard that if your only posting pictures you won’t get much recognition anymore unless your doing videos…I loved posting my hair pics and I literally suck at doing videos is there a way to still get out there with only pics in your feed or will the algorithm hide your stuff?

Stephany Chit: Thank you so much

Kalie Gourley: Yes make a more in depth video!

Jo Lee: Jamie, what video editing app do I need to help me with this? I'm struggling to make videos!

Toni A’Dream: Yes more in depth please

shel meg: Im having issues with the text I add to my reels being kind of squished after I upload....any tips?

Tinky: Love your new hairstyle!! I also just wanted to say that God loves you like crazy!!!

breezybre123: reels are frustrating, i can’t see my business insights on them & most times when i post them instagram doesn’t post my captions with them? does anyone else have this problem?

Frankie White: I've been trying to explore reels a little more too! Such a great video with fab ideas! Thanks

Sarahsmakeup: I love your gorgeus new glasses and colour! How did you get the front this light?

Shana Halbert: Yes!!! Make that video please

Rolnald George: Yes we need more videos

S. Aitken: Wow ❤️ your hair color which is new to me...perfect color. Would love your formula if you so choose...

Neha Atkari: Yes make that video

May Tjugum: Yes I like to see that video!!

Stephanie Clark: Yesss make that video!

Rachel Simper: Yes! Add that video!

YEETFOREEVER: Wow wow blond you look beautiful

Glamour By B: Yes make that video!


markeita J: Where’s the black girl that you mentiones

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