Done With Hair Dye: The Wild Ride To Grey!

Should you dye your hair? Should you go completely grey? Are hair dyes toxic? What the F* to do with your hair? Well, the journey is exhausting and the ride is wild for sure! This is my road to grey with quite a few bumps along the way. Please share this video and let me know your road to grey or thoughts below! For more info, visit

Also, I use L'oreal Silver Shampoo and Pantene Silver Conditioner.

So let me tell you how I got here. My name is Elizabeth Alfano and for those of you who know me, you know that for a while now I've been trying to decide if I should continue to dye my hair or if I should go completely gray and many of you have said, don't do it. Don'T do it you'll be old before your time you're way too young, and this is true, but the thing is for me dyeing. My hair has come to make completely no sense at all. First of all, I do everything I can to stay healthy. I take lots of naps, I never eat meat or dairy and I never go in the Sun. So why am I willingly dousing my head with chemicals to get rid of roots and we know that that stuff is nasty. Some of those products have LED in them who wants lead on your head, not to mention that dyeing your hair is an enormous hassle. If I do it at home, it's a complete mess requiring mixing and applying, and it gets everywhere often staining the sink, sometimes not coming clean for weeks, and I have to wear those weird gloves, so you can't function ah plus I'm always afraid of getting it. In my eye, even my pets are in danger when my kitty jumped from the chair to the back of the couch and rubbed up against me. While I was waiting for dye to set in boom, half of Kitty's head was dyed brown and if you do it in a salon, it's even worse, not only does it take a gazillion hours, but it's super expensive. How much I owe you give me a woman. Now keep in mind most people dye their hair in their early 40s, but I went gray when I was 25. I don't mean a random strand of gray here there, no, no random strands of gray showed up for me. When I was in high school, I mean I'm a complete freak of nature. I was a hundred percent gray by 25. In other words, I've been dyeing my hair for a gazillion years, and it's one thing: when you're in college, you can dye your hair, silver and gray or purple and it's fun. But if you're 35 or older, you really have to ask yourself - is going grey going to make me look really old, cuz spoiler alert, I'm not in college anymore, and this decision has been weighing on me. It'S all I think about it's embarrassing. I mean I read the New York Times: I care about world politics and yet at least three times a day, I ask myself: what am I gon na do about my hair baby? What should I do? Shave it, but as much as I've hesitated? Because, God knows, there's nothing better than a Sicilian brunette I've come to accept it like. I accept the other things about myself that aren't going to change. I'M short I like frosting and I've got silver hair and that's just the way. It goes sure. I guess I could continue to dye my hair and maybe I would lay off the vegan cupcakes. I am never going to lay off the vegan cupcakes. The point is I'm sick of dyeing my hair. So, for the last 25 months, while my hair's been growing out, I've been wearing this wig that my boyfriend affectionately calls the squirrel and I'm not gon na lie. The grow up process has been awful for the last 731 days. Underneath this squirrel, it's been one bad hairstyle after another, including the skunk stripe, while my roots grew up, but the growl process is over ship assailed and the squirrel is gone. I know a bunch of people are going to say what the heck have you done, but to me, beauty has no age and being old or being young. Isn'T so much about how you look, but it's how you engage with life around you? It'S how you view and approach the world plus my toughest critics, love it don't get me wrong. I might still wear wig or two because hey wigs are fun, but otherwise from here on out whether I'm interviewing celebs or editing and writing getting dressed up to cause trouble for a night on the town jogging on Venice Beach. Whose idea was this out with friends? Just plain: having lots and lots of fun, of course, throwing my celebrity dinner parties on TV. This is how I roll no more being a slave to chemicals. So I can look a certain way, no more wondering if my roots are showing no more hiding behind dyes and no more hiding behind squirrels and mostly no more disempowering myself, because what I didn't expect is I actually, like my gray hair what what this videos over Should I start louder, give me a woman, give me the wallet you

Elisa Berrini Gómez: Are you kidding me? You look 1000 times better with your beautiful white hair. I can't wait for my white hair to grow out. Alas, I have 18 months to go. Patience is a virtue. LOL.

Maria H: My god... you look stunning with your natural hair!! Just amazing!! I am 35 and I am not all grey yet, but I have quite a few greys and I‘m letting my platinum blonde grow out right now... so I have two goals: from pixie to long hair and transition from platinum blonde to my natural hair color. Yay! I have a long way to go, but I know it‘ll be worth it. Much love to you and thank you for this pep talk video.

Tammy's Ageless Beauty: I think you look stunning...younger!

Elysabeth Alfano: @Cheryl Royal, I thought I had replied to this. Men get away with a lot of stuff and it isn't going to change until we say so. Get stubborn, ladies, and get vocal. Self confidence is the only beauty tool that matters. So it isn't going grey that matters, but how you carry it. Rock on!

Fabienne Plasse: The idea of going grey had been brewing for almost four years. On the day of my 54th birthday in January, I had a hair salon appointment. That was it , no more dye, no more being a redhead. My colorist stripped my colour with a product that smelled of rotten eggs. It was not as damaging as I thought it would be and luckily I ended up ash blond. After that I kept my hair in a long pixie haircut, trimmed every 8 weeks. By late August my hair was fully silver. It looks great. I do not regret it. My hair is now thicker and it has more body, just like when I was younger in my 20s. Now I wear lipstick colours that I was careful about before. Now I enjoy bright reds and deep pinks.

Robin L: Love being silver/ grey going on 3 yrs! Very freeing and wonderful to enjoy and embrace this season of life!

youngbraveheart: OMG I fell in love once you removed the wig. You look beautiful in gray. Love this video.

Mary P: I love this video! It is wildly entertaining and funny... I was completely gray at 30, and you have me beat. I am in my 50's now and thinking about going gray (not 3 times a day tho) maybe 3 times a week...With the stay at home order, I will have a 2 month start to see if I can handle it. thank you for the video, I'm tired of worrying if my gray roots are showing!

Cin Ma: You look beautiful!!!! Love this channel. I may buy a wig during my transition. I am 3 months in. Still not such a demarcation line showing because I have it so blonde. So it’s sort of blending for now. But in another 3 months its going to be more obvious. So wig shopping is what I will do. To have as back up. Thanks for the great ideas. Stay safe.

Kristy Wegert: Thank you Elysabeth. I have been coloring for fun off and on for years. I even went vibrant purple once. The salt and pepper was coming all along. I was never afraid of it but my stylist thought it would age me (follow the money). I have let it be as it is for a few years now (late 40s) and it honestly rocks. I LOVE your hair and I love my salt and pepper. We women need powerful little vegan goddesses like you to lead us. Thanks for your contribution to our good health and showing the way.

His Sibling: Love this video. I only wish that I had found your channel while I was growing out the color. I am 73 and began the process of getting rid of the red in the spring. I have actually completed the process and still can't decide whether or not to hit the dye vat again. I certainly love liberating feeling of not having to worry if the roots are showing - which at my age is often. I also like the money saving aspect of natural but I should be putting aside the actual cost of the upkeep . On the con side of being au naturel, is the fact that I really feel as if I look much older. I mention coloring my hair at least once a day. I have recently changed my hairstyle and instead of thick chunks of grey along with black I now have silver spread evenly and am growing to like it. I am still on the fence but I think the pros of grey will probably win.

BeachBalance: Your natural hair is so beautiful! Congrats on letting it shine

Peacock Girl: I can completely relate!Gray started in high school.  Years of dyes.   Stopped colouring ....18 months later, my hair has a healthy shin and texture and its gray.   I've had so many compliments.  So glad I did it.

bs: Thank You!!! I'm 5 months in the grow out process. I love the grey and what I'm seeing.

Holly XO: OMG! You are hilarious! I love it! This was such a great video and it happened to be the video I watched first this morning so I got to start my day with a few laughs - always good! I hear you. On everything. Yes, eating vegan, gave up lotions with nasty chemicals and yet still piling on scary hair dye! Yikes!! And I'm short and Sicilian as well. At least partly. Sicilian, I mean. I'm completely short. LOL. (You got me in the goofy mood!) I had a feeling the "dye" in the hair dye parts was some food item and then it was confirmed later on in the film! Everyone was so fun in this. Nice job. I like your real hair color better than the squirrel. Def! You look very pretty with the gray. I've already thought I'd get some wigs to help accomplish this and your video helps to ​confirm this is a very good plan! I'll use some of the money I save on hair dye to get one! LOL.

Ann Marie: Your video cracked me up! One of the best I've seen and I've been watching and thinking of going through the process. You made me laugh until tears came out my eyes! Thanks!

The_voice_of_reason: I love this video! You look fabulous! I am in exactly that place right now !! Absolutely fed up with colouring. Thinking of shaving my head and starting from scratch with brand new natural hair.

Rachael Fenwick: Your hair is beautiful and your glittery locks really suit your complexion. I'm so glad you're not only embracing your freedom but really confidentiality enjoying the experience. You're a true inspiration x

Shari T: HILARIOUS!! I quit dying mine about 5 years ago; I'm 55 this yr and salt and pepper [more pepper than salt] was an ordeal growing out. So glad it's over! In addition to the reasons you gave, it's just a losing battle...looks great for 2-3 weeks after you dye it, then the stress starts of knowing you need to do it again in a few weeks or look like a skunk. Just one more thing on the to do list. SO GLAD I DON'T DYE MINE ANYMORE EITHER!!

Grace Gomez: This video was exactly what I needed to hear! I’m just starting out letting my hair grow especially since we are locked down at home due to coronavirus and what better time. Never thought about wearing a wig!, love it and you look beautiful. Very funny video as well. Thanks

Bettye Cart: I made the decision to go grey one year ago much to the horror of my sisters. Yet why fight nature? The dyes were destroying my liver and even though you think you can try a dye that is a little bit better from Italy, it still does damage. It is toxic. However, do not do what I did. My stylist had to peroxide me three times to get the brown out in one sitting. I became blond. Then the blond eeked out and now I am this glorious curly shiny white with some underpinnings of grey. Everyone loves it, especially men. After the peroxide, which was of course damaging to my ends and liver, I stayed on a product for liver support and detoxed safely. Now I use a coconut oil serum for damaged ends and rub that thru my hair after washing. Only a dab. And my hair shines and curls beautifully. I am 70 yrs old and I cannot fight nature.

Juliet Capulet: OMG. This was GREAT. I love your sense of humor and your attitude.

Urban Backyard farmer: This was the best video I saw today about going gray! And God knows I watched a lot of them. I am 2 1/2 to 3 months in, and I think I need to get a squirrel LOL thanks for making this video, it really made me laugh!

jandon64: OMG, I am so in love with the new natural you!!!! Will I keep my length and let my 1" of white/grey gradually grow out? Yes, you have helped me decide... thank you! Will I get a wig too? Absolutely! This white stripe is painful to look at. Besides, I can't wear wooly hats in the summer at 55 yrs of age without looking like a freak! :) Getting a light (healthy) trim tomorrow now, instead of the radical cut all-the-colour-off approach. Cheers to you! Donna

Paula Swann: No video has ever touched me more than yours. You look beautiful. I am only 1 month in no dye. I have very long auburn hair. I want natural. Your beauty shows in your bubbly personality. Thank you very much.

Kris Belanger: Yes!!!  It's about time!  I have been watching for months and was bewildered when you started wearing the brown wig.  Honestly, it was a distraction.  Instead of focusing on the Dinner Party conversation, I kept wondering about your hair!  You, along with everyone else on this planet, look so much better natural.  Who cares if your hair's gray?  If someone else doesn't like it, that's their problem.  Thanks for the fun video.  :)

Cay Snow: What a fabulous video!! I'm 49 and have never died my hair. I finally started to go grey about a year ago and was considering dying it but not after seeing your video! Loved it. Thank you!

Havin' Fun: Oh my goodness! I love your sense of humor and you look fabulous grey! Two things you said really made me stop and think, "beauty has no age" and also "I am no longer going to disempower myself". Those statements are little gifts that I am going to give myself. Thank you.

Bella Donnelly: Looks great I had the same delema and at the age 62 I finally did it and now completely grey and absolutely loving my grey hair. I’m fortunate to have a few shades of grey and also white. I get so many compliments now yay . Do it leafiest best feeling ever. I had my hair lightened with a cap and went blonde much easier process and had a really stylish hair cut and from there gone completely grey. That is my story hope this is encouraging if you want to go grey. Best decision ever.

G G: My hair was just like my mom's, pure white, by the time I was 21 yrs old!!!! I'm now 55 and soooooo over coloring it! Let the process begin

Gina Sigman: Well, now your grey matter matches the inside too! Fantastic video from a very beautiful and intelligent woman. Thank you for lighting the way for all of us mature women who have contemplated ditching the dye. I'm currently in transition. I'm about 1/4th silver and the rest is a brassy brown from all those years of trying to be ash brown. Well SCREW IT!!!. At 57, I've had it with L'oreal and all that stink! I'm goin silver baby!

jm4mbs mc: What a fun video! I didn't t realise the 'transition' period could be fun! I'm definitely looking forward to getting started now on my 'grey hair' journey. Thanks so much for sharing in such a playful way!

Kuvasz 93: I think it’s beautiful on you. I’ve been struggling with the same dilemma myself. I also started in high school- runs in the family. But we’re not grey- we’re snow white.

Susan L Heller: I have done the same thing! The results have been gorgeous, and the response great. IMY hairs white silver. Stopped coloring in Sept, put a hat on my head through March and wallah great look, My hair grows fast. It will be completely done by October,!,

Om Love: So. I was a handful of months into my own grow out process... admiring all of you brave ladies and being inspirited as you blazed the trail and set the new trend!! I had about 3 to 4 inches of grey growth. This past weekend, I was to attend a wake and funeral and decided I had enough of worrying about my grey showing and I dyed it.I did not want to go to the funeral worrying about who was sitting behind me looking into the depths of my gray hair. To be honest, I was SO EXCITED to grow my hair out and was loving the gray. But also found I was often feeling paranoid as I did it. I had a few ppl make comments. Two were positive, two were not. One was hard to tell. lol Now that I've died it brown again, I am happy I did and will probably keep at it for now. Cuddos to all of you lovely ladies going for it!! you look beautiful as you wave your gray flag!! I hope you will all continue to Love those of us who decided to keep at it with the box. ;) xo

Melanie Campbell: I could not love this more!!! I did the same thing! But I just cut mine about 3inches all over! It was fun to style as it grew out! Hey! It’s just hair! I love your spunk!

viherruusu: Omg! That gray is so trendy on you! And I guessed the ”dye” was chocolate haha :-D

JoJo Rey: Thank you. I’m in transition and people look at me with sympathy like I’m letting myself go. I’m starting to wear make up because I think I’m going to look wash out, my natural hair color was one shade up from black and I have an olive complexion. I watch a lot of YouTube videos on going gray. They give me courage to press on because I’ve yet to see one silver haired woman look bad with silver hair, they alway look better, especially if they wear a little make up and have a suitable hair style. So, thanks for sharing your very long journey. I’m fortunate because I’ve always worn my hair short pixie so I don’t think it will take as long as yours. You look absolutely fabulous in silver hair.

Sharyn Young: I think you look fantastic and totally agree with what you said. I’m 51 and only about 15-20% so for now I’m going with highlights only so I can blend my natural colour, greys and some highlights. So far it’s working well for me, however I think in around 9 years or so I will begin the process of going all natural and let my greys shine through. (My Mum is almost 73 and still not 50% grey) so it may be a long process for me but I will be ready to see what it brings! Yeah to grey!

Christina: love it! lol❤️ I’m doing the same thing. I love my Gray hair.

Noemi Galan: I too decided to let my natural color be seen a year ago. I love it and I am no longer a slave to hair color. My hair is much healthier and is not falling our anymore. Embrace your age.

Ossie R: I love it, you look beautiful with gray hair. I’m growing mine out too.

TheSeaStarProject: I am using a topper now to grow out gray and will also order a wig. I’ve been dye free since November! Another year to go!

Patricia Garcia: You lady are freaking awesome. I loved the video and you look great. And you look young. And thank all the supporting actors. I'm 2 1/2 years grey and I still need encouragement from other women. Yes I get envious compliments but I still remember my high and low lights. So I hope you do more videos since it looks like you are an expert on great filming. Thank you Patricia

HairAndMakeupDallas: In a culture and society that is so infatuated with youth, certainty takes a lot of courage and self confidence to go silver! I work in the “Fashion” industry, every woman I asked about me going gray said: “NO! DONT DO IT”!!!! Every man I asked said: “Yes! Do it! You’ll look FANTASTIC “!!! And yes, men were totally correct!

Chi Chi: You look stunning and more beautiful with the gray hair!!! Thank you for the inspiration!!!

Lois Knaster: I just turned 60, but have been told I don’t look over 45! I’m just so sick of dying my hair! I think I’m ready to take the plunge! I’m not willing to do this gradually though! I’m going to a salon to have them do it in one day!! I want it sleek silver, with a touch of lavender! If I’m going to be a silver fox, I’m going to be a sassy, funky one!!

Victoria Burdett: you are such a bless! just what I needed to hear !!!! Thank you so much xxx every one i know is telling me NOT to do it and like you i went totally grey in my 20s and have dyed my hair for 30 years / why is there so much panic around the decision - the world needs more videos like yours !!!

Mila Hall: Love your hair! Healthy hair is beautiful hair no matter the color!

W F: Love love love your video! Thank you!!! You look gorgeous and your video put a big smile on my face. I am SICK of coloring! WTF are we doing to ourselves and WHY!? I have been using henna/indigo on my waist length hair for many years (it is natural but a PAIN IN THE ASS process that often takes two nights to complete). I am excited to use the oil method to remove it and hopefully reveal my silver goddess tresses underneath - or at least lighten enough to blend it all during the grow-out process. This will make my life so much easier, and if anyone judges me or thinks I look too old, I couldn't care less. Beauty comes from being healthy and happy and from how we treat our fellow beings (GO VEGAN!!!). Thank you for your lovely and funny video :)

Joyfully Made Cards: I LOVE the Gray hair. People need to loosen up and enjoy the natural beauty of going gray. I plan on it one day! I think it's pretty. Aging gracefully is a blessing.

cupcake168: I don't like the video. I love, love, LOVE it!! It was so worth the 25 month of... um... squirrelling. You are SO beautiful!!! I'm just on the start of my go-grey adventure, but you encouraged me so much! (Apart from this you'd be a great comedian oder filmmaker. No blarney!). edit: woa, I have written this comment at 3:45, what turns out as a failure. As a german (living in german) I had no idea who you are. SO sorry. If I'd knew I would only have omitted the text in parentheses. edit 2: I liked to share it on facebook. :)

Vi Ay: Your natural hair looks so much better than the squirrel. Very beautiful!

Violet Rose: I'm thinking about letting my hair grow out so tierd of coloring it I'm 69 i think its time lol btw you look stunning !

Kalua Lauber: I love this video! I wear a wig without bangs which is stupid because my center part is gray. I love your process.

Catherine Lai: Enjoy very much your sence of humor in this video as I contemplate on this decision. I have been looking for a scarf to wear but till now can't find one that look nice as i have already bought 2. Wearing a wig is not for our climate so I decided to use temporary hair dye. Hope in 6 mths all my grey have out grown the dyed hair.

Lynny: I think you look fabulous!!!! I am in the process of the same thing and you have made me feel excited about it!!!

Queen of Pentacles Tarot: Looks so gorgeous, soft, and healthy. I'm only a few months into the journey of going gray.

Celia Ibarra: Love your attitude! That makes you shine! Your beautiful with your new look.

ANHPAM: Elysabeth, very entertaining! I started the process 6 weeks ago at age 59. Got a pixie cut an dcan't wait for it to all be over!

Tobi-Velicia Johnson: You look beautiful and vibrant! I'm 51 and stopped dyeing my hair when I was 48. While I was coloring my hair, it seemed like the greys came back within a couple days. But now that I stopped coloring it, it seems like the grey is taking forever! :-(

chaconne 04: You are a beautiful, charming woman and you look very good in your natural hair color. A very nice video. Two weeks ago I decided to stop dyeing my hair. I keep telling my husband about it to prepare him for a change. He doesn't say anything .... :))) I have a long way to go and your video has encouraged me. Best wishes :))

Texas Gal: I loved every second of this!! You look gorgeous too!!

Lew G: It looks absolutely beautiful!

Ann4U2000: Love your attitude! You rock your silvers! I transitioned last fall and it took about 15 months and a big chop . I LOVE my pewters! I still have a lot of dark color too...but I can't wait for white! And I'll enjoy that slow journey too. I need to change my avi pic here!

Cheryl Coolidge: OMG you look beautiful with your gray hair.

Brenda Maki: Mines all white under all the dye,been white since 16 so I've been coloring for years.Im going natural I'm 61 and excited about it no more hassles.You look great and a inspiration to me,I have same fears will I look really old,I'm no spring chicken,and these young gals are going grey....

Zelda Mic: You look amazing. Just started the journey myself.

Jane Simpao: I love love your new look... You look so beautiful!!! I'm deciding to go grey also, by the way im on my 4th week hehehe and I'm 58 hehehe... Hope I won't change my mind.. ♥️✌️

n morovati: you look absolutely young with your natural grey hair . it suits you well. congrats

deb jean: Love your video. Made me feel even better about going gray. Thank you

Lithostoic: It looks so nice! I've vowed to never permanently dye my hair again. Only wash-out colors like blue will be tolerated. I honestly think my hair will look really good when it starts to go grey.

bhakti deb: Gorgeous! You go girl!

Miriam CR: This is one of the most beautiful videos I ever seen in YouTube! I do like your point of view! Vegan vibes <3

Theresa Bekessy: love it , in most cases the silver grey looks much better....beautiful!

Laura Swihart: It looks pretty on You! Mine is face frame I colored it dark brown-my color. I seldom color, it burns my scalp a little. That's it for me! I will continue with head bands, a little black lipstick for spots, & pins! I know it ages me, I'm 56, but I'm not putting that stinky goop on ever again!

Papa Robert: What a wonderful uplifting video! You are darling and I love love the boy friend with the cigar and nicknaming “the squirrel” hilarious! -mary

Anne: Love your energy! Thank you for posting this. It helps.

Josie's Journey: Love it. There's nothing more beautiful than loving yourself - just as you are!

Leela Turanga: Laughing. Out. Loud! So funny . And your hair is so thick and pretty!

Marlene Coleman Kotze: You're a sweetie ....I love your fun attitude and you look amazing!!!

deniseg812: Mother nature is working with you. I had black hair as a kid it's been getting reder and reder. I want to grow it out to gray.

L T: I love everything about this message! ...You look absolutely beautiful!

Mphil66: You look amazing in grey!!

Silver Foxy: new sub here! love this video!!!!! I also have silver hair + I'm vegan! ❤️ and you look super cute in pig tails!

F**** Hewes: And I am just the opposite... 59 and mostly pepper. It has taken me 4 years for the top of my head to get gray. ( Due to wearing a pony tail outside in the sun ). The back bottom is completely dark brown ! ( Not a gray in site ).... Still quite a few peppers on top of the old noggin.... Talk about funny looking.If I could only flip my head upside down & wear it like that, I would have dark brown hair again RIGHT ? Might have a hard time walking tho. Hmmm

Chris Araujo: Such a inspiration! Thank you very much.

Gigi Hadeed: You look fabulous with grey hair. The red/brown wig did you no justice. Grey power!!

Alina la cubana.: Thank you .started my transition 1 week ago can't wait.

Wendy Goodall: You look fab,gray hair suits ya girl!

Family of Geniuses: Yay for you! Yay for gray! Yay for liberation from hair dye and the expectations of other people that you must hate your gray hair. I think your gray hair is lovely.

Lisa Zarov: Love this! I have been growing out my gray for 10 months now. All I get is compliments! PS - Did I see a picture of you and my college friend Jay

Elaine Madsen: Welcome to the club! As you know.... I've enjoyed the freedom of chemical free existence for DECADES now! It wears well! This dvd is sooo fun and so encouraging for all of those who are still not sure.....

Leanne Taylor: You are rocking that silver hair & it makes you look younger!

Holly Caffeinated Nerd Girl: Yup, I need to buy a squirrel. I'm 3 months into the grow out process from brunette.

Dovahkiin: grey no longer means old, even young girls are wanting grey, I love it

Frances: You actually look better with gray hair. Mine's almost completely grown out. It's taken a year. I still have some brown left but I think by Christmas that should be gone. Of course if I cut my hair short it would be all gray, but I've never been a short hair person.

JoAnne Mazurek: I have already purchased several bottles of hair color but I'm not going to purchase anymore after this I think I'm going to go ahead and just let the gray and the white and the silver be what and where they were meant to be in my head I'm 55 and I have seen older ladies that are like in their 80s coloring their hair like jet black and it just doesn't look good at all and I don't want to be one of them and maybe letting my hair go as what nature wants to be now will give me the self-empowerment that I've heard so many women talk about letting their hair go natural I'm looking forward to that few more hair dye said no more bye bye and I'm going to let my hair get long cuz there's also my power man with long hair

Tanti Noor: Gorgeous ❤️❤️and you’re funny too! Thanks for sharing

Vanessa Sky: This is so cute!! Reminds me of those silly infomercials.. great parody!!

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