Growing Out Colored Hair To Grey (2020) Giveaway!!

Growing out colored hair to grey is TOUGH! How do you transition to grey hair? Will it look good on you? What's the easiest way? Will it damage my hair? In this video I answer all of these questions so you can figure out the best way for you to start growing out your natural color!


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Contest runs from March 31st 2020 through April 14th 2020 midnight PST. The Giveaway is open to the U.S. only.

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I will announce the winner (by random draw) in my video that will be uploaded and live on April 21, 2020.

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Below is a list of all my favorite things with links so you can find them easily! :)

My favorite blowdryers…

My favorite one:

A more budget friendly one that I like as well:

My favorite Flat Iron:

The best all in one tool:

The Best round brushes:

I LOVE this hairspray:

A great finishing wax (Ignore the “for men” part):

The Thinning shears I use

The Straight shears I recommend for home use:


Instagram: @justin_hickox


Collaboration: [email protected]

So you've been doing color for a while. Now you want to grow that color out, but you just don't know where to start, because you don't want to deal with the havoc of that grow out line I get it and as a stylist, it's something I hear all the time. So don't worry about it. Today, we're gon na sit down and we're gon na have a conversation, and I'm gon na share some tips with you that are gon na make it a whole lot easier, maybe even a little bit faster. So you're not gon na want to miss this, oh and by the way, at the very end of this, I'm gon na share a very special surprise, so you're definitely not gon na want to miss that one but hey if you're a brand new to the channel. My name is Justin Hickox I've been doing hair for 25 years. I'Ve owned my own salon for the past 20 and what I like to do on this channel is share tips, things that I've learned little secrets here and there that hopefully will make your hair a whole lot easier for you. So that's something that's important to you! You'Re gon na want to make sure that you need that subscribe button hit that notification bellow so that you get notified every Tuesday when I bring out a brand new video. But today, like I said, we're gon na talk about how to blend in that line. How to make that grow out process a little bit more seamless and how to hopefully make you not hate your hair during that process. So why don't? I share some tips with you: okay, so for the first option, it's just simply bleach that color out and then color it back to your natural color. If I'm honest, I think that's the worst option, because realistically there are so many things that can go wrong with that. There are so many determining factors based on the color you've been doing how long you've been doing color. How often you've been depositing that color? How long your hair is, how there's just so much it just is: there's a lot to go wrong with it. So, while that is one option, it's the option, especially of this list that I would say, steer away from the most, but I do want to throw that out there, because there are in some instances where something like that can work. Okay, so tip number two would be doing low lights to help break out that line of demarcation, while that's growing out, okay and just a heads up before we get into these next three options. Just know that one I didn't do the color to make the color look pretty. I did the colored purely to illustrate a point and two. These are all options that still will require some maintenance. It'S just to say that they'll require less maintenance, cuz you'll get them done, they'll help break up that demarcation line and then each time you'll go a little longer and a little longer in between services. So now that's another way back to the video. You know what let me just show you this make it easier. Okay. So basically, what I'm talking about when I'm talking about lowlights, I'm kind of talking about, highlights - or you would know them most of you would know them as highlights, but essentially what's going on, is you're using a color that matches the color that you've been doing. So if you notice here, you can see that it breaks up this line a little bit. You definitely still notice that line, but it does help to kind of break this up and then eventually what would happen is you would go in this would grow. You would do a little bit less a little bit less until eventually, you don't put any of that dark in anymore, and you just have this grown out. So that would be the next option. Okay, option number three or tip number three would be to actually do highlights, and this is where you go in and you actually do baby highlights, they call them, and basically what that is is if you look at this. What you'll notice is that there's pieces in here that are the same tone as the color this base, color, that we want to transition to what we've done here is: we've lightened these small pieces of hair and then we've colored them back to the natural color. In my opinion, this does a better job of masking that line, but the biggest part about this is you want to make sure that you don't do really thick blond highlights to break up that color, because that's when you could start seeing some issues, so you want To be just mindful of doing small little pieces, so if some of that does not come up to the right level to be able to deposit your natural color back into and make it match your natural, if it doesn't come up enough, at least it's so small, It'S such a small amount of hair that it kind of just blends in, and you don't really notice it now. The fourth option - and this tomb in my opinion, is one of the better options. If you want to do it over a period of time is doing a combination of both of those highlights and lowlights where essentially because you're doing both those things you're helping break up some of that color at the bottom you're breaking that line up a little bit More again, it doesn't look great right there. I see that, but you see my point: you break up that line a little bit more and it makes it all over a little bit more natural. Now. This is probably my favorite ways to approach this in terms of long term stuff. Essentially, what you would do is you would get this done the next time. You would do it again. You would just do a little bit less of the lowlights up here. You would do it again, the following time and you would be able to go a little bit longer and a little bit longer and a little bit longer in between those color sessions and ultimately end up with it just kind of naturally growing out and not looking Like you've got such a strong line at the bottom, so that's why I choose this method most often, but a lot of its gon na depend on how much color was actually done over those ends, which will determine what the probability of been able to pull that Color out and still leave your hair in good condition, but with that said, don't worry. I'Ve got a tip for that as well, but what, if you just want to mask the roots, while you're in between color or while you're, trying to get into salon, to get something like this done? Why don't you come back from my office and I'll share a little tip with you? Okay? So if we're talking about something, that's really simple, that most people have lying around their house in many ways we're talking about well. Are you ready? It'S easy, it's mascara! Yes, this stuff - this is a great way of just masking up those roots, while you're waiting to get in to get one of those types of services done. So you can start to get in the process of growing your hair out. So the great thing about mascaras are that they're simple. You part your hair, where you naturally part your hair right. You take this out and you just go along those a little bit of roots, pull your hair back off your face, and I apply it to the hairline wherever you're, seeing gray or wherever. It'S bothering you now here's the thing, though, there's also sprays out there that do the same thing. You can actually get a great one from your stylist if they use the L'Oreal products. L'Oreal has an incredible one, but the thing to remember is sprays or mascaras or hair. Mascara is any of that type of stuff only works while your hair is growing out just a little bit. So it's really a tool that you would utilize to get you from the point that you're starting to see Gray's until you can get into the salon to get one of the other services that I just mentioned before done. So you can actually start breaking up. That line of demarcation and start to grow your hair out, but they're not gon na last, when your hair starts to get grown out about an inch or two inches or something like that, because it's just gon na be too gummy at the roots. They don't feel soft, there's just they're not going to work for you, so use these until you can get in and then get one of the other services done too start breaking up that line okay, and that brings me into my next tip, which is if you're Gon na do any of this. You want to make sure that your hair is in the best condition it can be in before you get to the salon. So there's a product out there called olaplex and if you haven't heard about it, it's the only product of its kind. That'S on the market. It is amazing at being able to rebuild what are called disulfide bonds so think about it like this. Basically, your hair is kind of like a shoestring, a shoestring isn't one string, it's comprised of, let's say a hundred small strings if 50 of those strings break, that shoestring will technically still be intact, but it won't have the rigidity to hold Bend and create volume. And it's much more susceptible to actually snapping or breaking under any sort of outside force. So when you're trying to pull color out of your hair to break up that line, what you're doing is you're breaking down those disulfide bonds. If you use olaplex prior to going into your service, let's say once a week or a couple times a week for the about two three weeks prior to you going in to get your hair lifted. What you're gon na find is that your disulfide bonds are gon na, be a lot stronger now many salons will actually use all the Flex in the salon when they're doing these colors as well, because it's a three part system. So these are just extra steps. Extra layers to help protect your hair, but when you're trying to pull that color out, you can get to a point where you break down those bonds. So much that all of a sudden. Now your hair is a limp and lifeless or be far more susceptible to breaking off if it doesn't break off in the salon when you're doing it. So you want to make sure to protect your hair as best possible before you go in to do a service where you're pulling that color out. Okay. Now my last tip - and this to me, is for you that don't want to wait for those of you that are like me and have absolutely zero patience. I'M horrible about that. But for those of you that have no patience and you've got the time to spend, there is one other option for you, and this is a really big deal. There is nobody. I have seen that has done this as well as a man named Jack Martin, you can find him on Instagram I'll, actually post his link below, because really you should go check this guy out his work. Is a I've been fortunate enough to work around and learn from some of the best stylists in the entire world and I'll be the first to say. I have seen very few stylists that can manage color the way Jack manages color. It is beautiful, so make sure just for inspiration alone. Check him out on Instagram see his work. If you've been thinking about going gray, I promise you by the time you get down looking at his feed. You will be all in on going gray, it's amazing, but here's a process that goes behind it. Essentially what you would do is you go into a salon and they use a product to actually pull the color out of your hair. Then they go through and bleach. The rest of the color out of your hair, then it would go through and tone that color to your natural gray or your natural color, but at the same time, if you have salt and pepper, it would put the pepper back in as well. So when you get done, you look like your hair. Is your natural salt-and-pepper look now in this explanation? I am simplifying this process dramatically: you're looking at a 9 to 10 hour process to get this done, depending on who you see, who knows what that's gon na cost, but I will say that when it's done correctly, you walk in the salon with about three to Four inches of roots, because you need to be able to see the color pattern at the root, so we know where to add, dark and where to add light, you leave the salon, looking like your natural gray, okay, so I do want to address one other concern With this, and that's that many times before people decide to go to their natural color, especially we're talking about it salt-and-pepper, the big concern is: is it gon na look good on me? How am I gon na feel about it? Maybe you've never seen yourself in full of salt and pepper. That'S totally a valid concern. It'S a total normal concern. What you're really concerned about is: is it gon na wash you out? That'S typically what happens with black hair or white hair? That'S the big concern is: is my skin tone gon na be washed out by these two dramatic tones? What I find is, if you go back to your natural gray, and you do feel like it's washing you out a very simple, quick and very low-maintenance way of combating. That is, to just add a bit more of your pepper in there add a bit more of that dark, not heavy, not a lot. Just enough we'll do is give your hair more dimension, and when you get more dimension in that gray, you'll find it. It adds more richness to your skintone and you won't feel like it washes you out quite as much so that would definitely be something that I would consider if you're really fearful about going back to gray, because you're fearful that it's going to wash you out. Okay, now the special announcement guys, I have been so excited about sharing this and about doing this for two reasons: one because I just love giving stuff away. I don't know why it's just something that I do, but I love it, but bigger reason is because I get to do it for you guys for my tribe for the folks that are here and supporting me. We not me we hit 20,000. That means that we are a community of 20,000. That is so big honestly, like it blows me away in just a couple of months, a couple of short months: we've gotten to a place where 20,000 of you want to be part of this community. It'S amazing! I love your support. I love everything that you guys are doing for this channel and it just makes me so happy that I get to be able to give back to you a little bit. So what I want to do is I want to give something away. I'Ve got it right here, so let me just show you what I've got this in this bag is a little care package. If you will, it's got some of my favorite things that I want to share with you. So, what's in this bag, we asked well. First of all, we've got one of my favorite products. This here is called fat hair and it's one of my own products. It'S an incredible gel mousse. That'S amazing for diffusing curly hair without a lot of crunchiness to it. As well as incredible volume for fine hair or for medium hair that, if you're drying straight I've, also gotten in this bag, a bottle of revamp, this is one of my favorite products as a hair spray, but also it gives your hair great volume. If you haven't seen my video right up here or how to create volume and thickness in thin fine hair, this is the product that we use and I'm really excited about sharing it with you. I'Ve also got in here some styling cream. This is a game changer for thin, fine hair to give volume. This is the most aggressive volumizing product we have, and it is one of the crowd favorites, so you're gon na love it. But the next thing is what I'm really excited about. I get asked all the time. What is your favorite Flatiron? You need a new flat iron. You want to know what my favorite one is. Well, I'm gon na give away my favorite Flatiron, not this one, I'm gon na get you a new one, but this one is called the infra Shan. It has been a crowd favorite for all of my clients. It'S just an incredible little iron and every client. I'Ve had go grab, it absolutely swears by it, so I'm gon na be sending that to you, but now there's some rules, there's a way of you being able to win this okay, and so here's what I want you to do. It'S very simple. Three steps. Step number one is, I want you to go out virtually now, but, however, you will - and I want you to do something nice for somebody else - send them a message online and give them a big high-five. Tell them they're amazing pay them a compliment. That you know is gon na mean something call somebody you haven't spoken to forever and just tell them that you're thinking about them put yourself out there and make somebody else. Smile number two want to make sure that you're subscribed subscribe to this channel and step number. Three is I put a link below in the description of this video. You need to click on that link and register for this, so I can keep everybody organized, so I have an easy way of contacting the winner and shipping out this prize, so contest entries are gon na end at midnight on the 14th of April. Then I will not announce the winner in my video that will be uploaded on Tuesday, the 21st and by the way, if you feel like somebody might be able to use this information share it with them sure the contest who knows alright, you guys go out and Make somebody else's day put a smile on someone's face, we'll see you in the next video bye

Justin Hickox: THANK YOU all for helping make this community 20,000 STRONG!!!! I appreciate each of you and your support is everything to this channel. MAKE SURE YOU COMMENT BELOW AND LET EVERYONE KNOW WHAT KIND THING YOU DID!!!!

Ali in wonderland: I wish you would make a whole series of videos on the topic of grey hair. Different transition cuts, styles, tips on products for unruly grey/silver, yadayada.... I'd LOVE to see different women going in for a huge transformation to their natural color.

Kathy O: I went cold turkey in 2019 and it was awesome. Yes, there was some demarcation but eventually the color I had left really lifted and went into a "blorange" color. I started with jet black hair. I used fashion colors in periwinkle or deep violet shades.The added benefit of it being a conditioning treatment. It brightened up my silver and evened out my pepper, deepening it to a steel shade, and it looked really good. And then with the pandemic I didnt really cut my hair for two years outside of home trims. I finally got a lob a month ago and the only bits of remaining color on my ends in the back where it isn't really noticeable anyway. When my hair was growing out I was stopped every time I was out by other women who told me how much they loved my hair. And I hear it now too that it's mostly silver with dark lowlights. That never happened when I was coloring my hair. Ever. I embraced it and owned it. And the silver is not aging. It actually softened my lines and features. Nature gives us exactly what we need when we need it. I didn't want to be just another 50 something blonde. I wanted to be me. Now when I see women with obviously colored hair I realize how artificial it looks. You do you, but I love love love my silver hair.

Tammy Bolvari: A big Congratulations to you, Justin! Thank you for your (beautiful presentation) of these helpful tips & considerations! My sis went gray after having had breast cancer. It was SO striking on her! The colors were absolutely gorgeous! Just prior to her 1 year anniversary 9 months ago she had it colored ~ She said the gray hair made her feel old! She is 64. I have been half tempted (age 62) to grow out my hair. My complexion is olive, but as you say, I am concerned about the gray washing out my complexion too! Thank you for offering this special drawing! I’ve been trying to communicate by mail with a young pregnant married woman living out of state who works from home, however, with the Covid-19 virus was just laid off. Her husband is a temp contractor working in a different state & for most of the wife’s pregnancy. IF he is released to come home he will be quarantined 2 weeks; but if the job is not over he will not have a job to return to. Naturally, she is stressed either way, as she will likely be delivering the baby without her husband.

Robin Brennan: Congratulations on 20,000! I was a hairdresser for 15 years. My boss at the time was a mench. He unfortunately has cancer. All the girls and I that worked for him 30 years ago sent him photos of ourselves together and told him how he changed our lives. I tear up just thinking off it. We were a dynamic team that loved our job and loved him.

Linda Smith: You hit it out of the ball park in so many ways- thanks Justin! I'm watching this after the fact of the giveaway- however, I feel like a winner because you told me what products to use and make me excited to go through this journey- I've been making masks for everyone and finally embracing my age and color - looking at the good and taking the emphasis off the negativity/ unknown- what its. Thank you❣

Koni Bridgham: Congratulations on reaching 20,000! During this difficult time there are people being laid off from their jobs. In the community that I live in there was a family that both adults lost their jobs. With a family of 5 and dogs and cats they were unsure what to do as money was not coming in. Some of the neighbors along with myself went shopping for groceries and necessities so the family can live for about a month. It really makes you feel good to know that you are helping others.

Nancy Cook: Great tips Justin! I’m going to use this social distancing time to grow out my roots and see how much gray I really have, then go back and watch this video to see which method could work for me. I’ve been checking on my mom daily to lift her spirits. She is in an assisted living facility that is on lockdown and I want her to know I love and care for her.

Doreen G: I just found your channel recently and I'm loving your content. ☺️ Today, I complimented a woman on her gorgeous silver hair - she said no one has ever told her that her hair was beautiful! ♥️ Spread Kindness!! (Thx for an oppty to win!)

Susie FANGMEIER: Love your video! I am at 13 months growing out my natural silver:) The kind thing I did was deliver a thermometer to one if my co/workers home front steps when she was concerned that she and her husband were sick with Covid19. Thankfully they are not! But it comforted her to know she did not have a fever. Stay safe & healthy everyone:)

Marlee Kosanke: Thank you for being you on these videos, I watch every one of them! I work in the health care field and sent a message to my boss on how awesome she is handling our unit during this pandemic. I am also a sewing fanatic and am making 400 masks for our hospital and clinic. By the way today is my 60th Birthday and about to work on more masks.

Cindy Eldridge: Hi Justin! Congratulations on reaching 20K! Your videos are very informative and fun to watch! I love your energy! I'm the PCG (Primary Care Giver) for my older sister (by 16 years). Since I can't be with her during this time, I call and/or text with her daily to check in. Keep safe and stay well!

Carlynn Rice: Congratulations Justin! I love your videos very inspiring and helpful! Thank you for all you do to help us!

Lisa Ann Do: WOW! After years of anxiety about roots/grow out and DOZENS of You Tube videos, just a few minutes on your channel Justin and I am ready to transition! You addressed every question I have ever had. Plan in place! Olaplex on shopping list. I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH!

The Merz: Congratulations, happy for you. Great info as always. I do the high & low light thing, even though I'm not trying to grow my hair out. Waaaa! My hair needs it greatly! My daughter is itching for me to trim her hair. I think she saw me watching your video. Always makes me nervous. We'll see how long we can all last. Thanks, sweet of you to have those rules. I like them.

anthony falcone: I've just made some face masks for my whole family. Your channel is so helpful to me because I've always cut and colored my own auburn hair. When we were first married,I did it to save money,but now ,I do it because I love the way it gets! I hope everyone is staying safe,and only leave your homes for necessary grocery trips and Dr. visits.(I'm Anthony's wife,Faith)

mdo14567: 20,000 that's amazing!!! Congratulations. I just found and have been watching your videos for about a month now. I totally struggle with my hair. Thin but alot of it. Wavy/curly that is frizzy if I try and leave it alone. It's horrible. Lol. Anyway, I am so excited to hear you doing such an awesome contest. My husband and I try in little ways as much as possible to do good things, supporting our local shelter, paying for someone's lunch without them knowing, or coffee when stopping at Dunkin. Holding the door for someone and wishing them a great day and be safe. Most recently would be going through our clothes to donate to a family that just had a total loss to a house fire. Now that I have rambled. I wish you a great day and please stay safe out there!!!

Mary Alice Hornsby: Hi Justin, your video came just at the right time. I was thinking this might be the time to let my color grow out since it will be awhile before I can get to the salon. Thanks for the tips. I made a list of all the people in my life that I have not talked to in a very long time and I call two or three each day to see how they're doing. It feels so good to reconnect. Hope you stay safe and well. Take care.

Sharon: Thank you, thank you, thank you!! This video was so helpful to me as I am transitioning to grey hair (salt and pepper) and this makes it less scary. I am embracing my aging hair color, I actually think it's very flattering. :-) Damn, I missed the contest. :-(

Mary Jo Muoio: Growing out my grey! 8 months in and now with salons closed.... Recently helped my daughter and her family move and her mother in law watched the kids but didn't feel she was helping. I sent her a text this morning thanking her and letting her know that whatever she does Is enough. She said it was a message she needed to hear.

angela grout: Thank you for the help you give us every week! I try to help others as often as I can by reaching out to others because i know people dont always ask if they need help getting by. I would really love of you had a box we could send questions to. Btw I totally transitioned to my natural color using several of these techniques bit I colored over it last month and now I am regretting that choice!

Cheri Brown: Justin, I happened upon your channel and am obsessed!!! LOVE LOVE.... your tips and guidance.... I have just started with my hair transition to its natural color (looking like gray and S&P to dark in back)... 2 months in...anyway. Do you have thoughts on shampoo for gray? and what do you think of stripping color with Dawn with Head & Shoulder mix as part of the process???? Thanks! keep'em coming!

S: No, THANKs to YOU for helping us maintain our “crown” so that it reflects the best we have to showcase. A woman’s glory is her hair and we all know it! So, what is that little thing we do nice for someone else?... There is a wonderful elderly lady in our Christian Congregation who inspires others daily by her warmth, integrity, grace, good humour, and most of all her constant smile, (despite living in constant pain from numerous surgeries, scar tissue, arthritis and other issues). What do you do for ones like this? SIMPLY LOVE THEM, and tell them regularly you love them, be part of their life, especially now with virus and social distancing, we can still actively “be with them” on facetime or zoom! Teach them how to do this with you, then help them with their own account so they can widen their circle and do same with others. We are all family...LOVE one another.

Robin Napier: Yikes! I'm looking at this separation from my colorist as a start to growing out my silver. I think you have given my the bravery to do it! Thanks

Linda T: Love the videos! I'm a curly girl and have been growing out my grey, it's just not a pretty shiny grey so I end up using the Clairol Natural Instincts wash out color about every 2 months. I use to highlight my hair but stopped that a couple of years ago. Guess I just need to bite the bullet in this time of quarenteen. I'm 65 and disabled so my daughter does a lot for us, so I've just been reaching out more to others through texts, emails and phone calls. Thank you for all you do for you tribe!

Claudia Deane Boutwell: As a Stylist , I give hope and often love to the elderly , especially those with dementia. They often need the reassurance that someone has their back. Thank you for your videos, we should never stop learning. I have 54 years in this business and learn something new daily.

Twyla 2: Justin, Congratulations 20k! Love your channel and how you share your knowledge with great enthusiasm. Thank you!

laurapicht: i’m a lifer, been doin hair 42 yrs...and concur with your choice options for ppl ( i’ve suggested all those.. it’s always a personal choice as per the client & their particular hair length etc ) love jacks work..his prices for the 7-12 hour service can range from$1500-$4000.. takes a LOT of doing same or similar application to become a pro in that area....most of us stylists have such a vast array of different treatments, ppl..and hair needs..that we have to become pros at all of it ( fast, overnight, last week )

harmony331000: I haven’t coloured my hair in 14 years but because it’s platinum (it started changing when I was a teen), people think I dye it & I always say “Nah, this is custom ”! You always give the best advice, I love your channel Justin. Thank you so much for your time, effort & tips✌️&♥️from

Tay D.: Thanks for posting this video. I had my stylist cut my hair more frequently maintaining my stylish longer pixie. This cut most of the remaining colored parts off so I don't have the demarcation lines. Your point about whether or not it ages, washes you out is a good one. TBD. My hair is healthy and I use a purple shampoo. This journey is fun which I like since hair should be. PS I had blondish hai

Diana Longhenry: Justin, I just shared this video with a group page I’m a part of on FB (I hope). It’s called Growing Grey Gracefully. Women are always trying to figure out how to make this transition and sharing with others in the group. I have a pic, my goal pic actually, of a woman who had gone completely silver and didn’t like it. So she had her stylist add dark chocolate lowlights (the pepper) and it looks fantastic!

Jane Burke: YES ,this is what I’m doing to get rid of the dark brown,& now I’ve chopped it good ,it shouldn’t take too long to grow it out. I just couldn’t do grey I don’t think

Rika Rowland: Love this information and all your videos! So very helpful. I’m striving to be more helpful to everyone these days, just trying to lighten their load. It’s stressful times, and everyone seems to just need a little extra attention. Keep up the awesome videos...and fingers crossed that I win that great giveaway.

Kirti Maisuria: So glad I came across this video. While in quarantine I am growing my hair out. I have 75% grey and I have been colouring it for years. I can't do much with it right now anyway but I do spend a lot of money on highlighting. Once life goes back to normal I am going to try & use your methods. I use Olaplex 3, 6 & oil. I usualy have Olaplex 2 in the salon. I live in London and I work for a Primary School therefore I still go into work on a rota basis for those children who's parents are 'key workers'. Thank you for this video. ,

Debra Tester: Congratulations on reaching 20,000! Messaged with a life long friend in WV (I’m in TN) to try to comfort her. She’s worried about her sick son in FL that may have contracted the virus. She just lost her other son in December.

Maria Genovese: Congratulations on 20K.thats amazing! Thankyou for sharing this video. Great tips. You are so knowledgeable. I'm not ready to be all gray. But I do just have the highlight but am gonna consider low. Just gonna have to wait till salons open to get a touch-up. Another month or so. I never waited this long. It's gonna be a mess...See how spoiled we are!

Rene A: Just saw you for the first time today and subscribed. You're to the point, fun to watch, and easy to follow with great tips! But question...why isn't temporary hair color--the kind that washes out in 30 days--an option? My hair is light brown and I was hoping to do this while I grow out the color; gray looks to be sprinkled in at around 20%. Thank you!

C. Fletcher: I really appreciate all of your info. I am getting ready to stop coloring and going gray. I think I still have a lot of dark, especially on the sides and back. I have done highlights and low lights for quite some time, so I feel this will help with letting it grow out. Last time I went to the hairdresser I just got highlights. I noticed how it disguised my gray and how it blended with the rest of my hair. Need to take before and after photos!

GG: My weekly Bible study group can no longer meet so I've been sending an email message of encouragement to each of them and also praying for special needs that I know some of them have. I am thankful for the ease in which we can communicate in this decade b/c it keeps us connected and motivated. Your videos always uplift and inform.

Yarnchic60: So much great information! Congrats on 20k!!

Teresa Fulton: My random acts of kindness have to be limited due to having shared custody ( with my oldest daughter ) of my 2 year old grandson whom has cancer. So I just simply and randomly send encouraging text messages to people that are suffering mentally and emotionally at this time. I love your videos and enjoy sharing them with others. You are amazing.

LIEZYL CORTES: My mom is a hairstylist too, you have really explain the lowlights and highlights very well, love this service. I made and sew 10 mask for my family and friends. And they are using it.

WILMA TUGGLE: I enjoy your videos very much :) I'm an older girl and staying inside doing my part. Keep smiling everyone :) This won't last forever.

Linda Pinda Belinda: Wow. I had no idea that it was so problematic to go back to a natural color after having it dyed. It makes me very happy that I decided 40 years ago to save on my budget by having hair I could maintain myself. I saved enough money to buy a car.

Debbie Griffith: I have just recently found your channel and I am liking what I see, thanks. I have been making mask for folks to wear when they need to go out to public places. I also crocheted straps with buttons for nurses to use to button their mask to and protect their ears. I know it is a small thing compared to all that so many others are doing. I do love seeing all the kind things else do for others.

Tammy S S Rude: I've been watching your videos...thank you for sharing your tips and knowledge on hair care. Something nice I did...not sure if this considered 'nice' but called a longtime friend, who I hadn't spoken to in sometime. We encouraged one another, laughed and talked about our love for no particular order...just great conversation!

Deb Lee: Congrats on 20k strong! Kindness goes a long way.

Shelley Carlson: I love your channel and most importantly your kindness AND for me, original content!

spirals 73: My big concern for when I go silver is that I have ridiculously long hair and there's going to be a few inches of gray and literal feet of golden brown. I am not cutting it off; it's hard-won length that took years of patience. I suppose I'll have to highlight it and lowlight the new growth but that's going to take tons of color and money to do. Of course that's assuming it will be changinng anytime soon. I'm 46 and I still only have like 3 silvers on my whole head. I guess I'll cross the bridge when I come to it.

TM Kerwin: I love your videos, they help me talk to my stylist in a way she understands what I need. I like to paint kindness rocks and leave them all over my neighborhood. I call my mother in law each week to keep her smiling too.

Jil Tunks: I came from Texas to Philadelphia to help my daughter recover from surgery and help with her kids. Been here since February 27th. Loving it.

Stacy B: I dont have much gray hair yet, but my blonde highlights are growing out and and I cant wait to see my hair dresser. I dont trust myself to give myself highlights without turning my hair purple! Thanks for your giving nature, esp during this pandemic. My husband and I have been doing weekly grocery shopping for a couple in their late 80's. ❤

Karen Escobar: Love it! I'm trying to stop getting my hair dyed and let my "grey" hair to come out, my issue is that my hair is darker than the colour I have, then my grey hair is showing up because when I dye my hair the grey hair gets lighter.. ugh I just want to shave my head

Patti Benson: Hi Justin. First I think you are incredible! You’re videos are so interesting. I learn a lot from them. And your twin is really funny!! (Hahahahahahah!) Yesterday was a fantastic day for me! I talked to every person in my immediate family. Every one of them is working from home and all the kids are home schooling right now. I was on the phone literally for hours. My family consists of brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews and grandkids. We laughed and joked and reminisced about things we’ve done and about family members we have lost. It was exactly what we all needed at this time of uncertainty in the world. I hope you and your beautiful wife and family stay safe and healthy.

Claudia H: My 92 yr old Mom was missing her grandkids now that we are all quarantined so I set up a skype for all of us to see her. She was so happy. It felt so good to give her a little bit of joy. We have plans to do it again this weekend.

Julie A.: I stopped dyeing my hair at 37 (colored since I'm 17), and at 40 I am all natural and thrilled. I wish I would have gone cold-turkey because color-lifting and bleach RUINED my hair. Cut a bob and get a wig until you're grown out!

Susan Chaney: The few times I go out in these times and even tho we're six feet apart I try to make eye contact to smile or say "hi" to people. I feel we need that connection and support. Doesn't seem like much but I know it helps me and I hope it helps others who feel so isolated.

LIFE at 50: ADF, SUV CAMPING: Wow. Thanks for Jack's Instagram! Amazing work. I am Seriously thinking to grow out my grey now and start using products to style. Instead of coloring, then trying not to style to keep it somewhat healthy looking but style-less.

vineyard cali: I have been thinking of going gray for a long time! This is great info.

Mumma Kels 🐨: Congratulations on 20,000 Justin!! Today I did a resumé for my neighbour because she has lost her job because of the pandemic....hopefully she will get another job in our local supermarket

Barbara Mcewan: I wish I had seen this earlier. I had my hair bleached to start the growing out gray process, and now my hair has gotten so thin . I have fine hair to start with but now it's awful. Are you ever going to do another giveaway like this cuz I sure could use these products and I'd enter! Thank you and congratulations on hitting 20,000! I know it's even more now. God bless you!

Lori A Harg: Wow! Love all your video’s, you are such a giving person during this time of crisis! Thank you!

Wendy Yanez: Hello. I hope you and your's are doing well. I came over to this video by your reference from one of your other videos I commented on. I'm sorry I missed your giveaway! Anyway, I loved this information regarding growing out the grey. As I told you, I am 18 weeks out already and am going cold turkey with the grow out. I had my hair cut 17 1/2" last fall to a pixie. I loved the pixie and plan on going back to it once my natural hair is grown out a bit more. Then I will decide on length. This is the perfect time, COVID19, to grow it out cold turkey. LOL. Thank you for your videos, I really get great tips. Wendy

Julie Trucks: I’m an RN and working through this pandemic without quitting or complaining.

Julie Colleran: Hi Justin! I went to sit outside with my 86 year old neighbor who has no family and we drank Sherry Wine together! I had never had Sherry before but we had SO much fun talking about the “old days” and how things used to be. (My grandparents raised me from birth back in so I have always enjoyed the company of seniors anyway! (Please know we were very careful to sit apart from each other and used hand sanitizer as well as I wore my N95 mask to protect her!) It was a nice break for BOTH of us!

Tovah Romanov: NOT someone who likes to share what “nice” gesture I’ve done as we were raised humble but I was “caught” at this kind gesture so I’ll share’s hard for me but I will. With all that is going on right now and working VERY long shifts, I barely have time to go to the grocery store and grabbing a bite in the cafeteria isn’t an option! I got home with about 45 min to spare before the grocery store closed, made my list, hopped back in my car (yes, we shower and change at hospital as NO ONE wants to take a chance on taking anything home!) as I was leaving, I saw my 82 year old neighbor waiting for the bus and asked him if I could give him a ride. He’s a lovely man and doesn’t have anyone so the neighbors have all adopted him. He said he was going to get groceries as he thought it was safer to go at night with less people. I convinced him I was “safe” and got him into my car, put a mask and gloves on him and off to the store we went. He was over the moon as we walked the aisles and he filled his cart and kept telling me hoe grateful he was to have his very own nurse who would protect him from the germs. He’s just the sweetest man ever. I hears my name being called and it was one of the Docs I work with who clearly had the same idea as he was getting groceries for the week as well. I introduced him to my sweet neighbor and said I’d see him at work in about 6 hours and we laughed and went on our way. Once we got up to pay, I rang through the groceries for my neighbor and myself as I had every intention of paying for his as well. He’s elderly and on a fixed income so it really wasn’t more than $70-80 for his groceries and mine were maybe $25 more. He wasn’t really paying attention and I knew the cashier wanted to go home as she most likely had a long day as well so I hurried and loaded the cart and pulled out my debit card to pay and she smiled and handed me a Visa Gift card and said “I believe there’s about $25-35 dollars left on that”. I looked at her and couldn’t understand. Well, as it turned out, my Dr. friend had beat us through the cashier and prepaid a sizeable gift card to thank me for my hard work that day (I had to do a double shift as one of our team had a little guy at home who was not sleeping well and with me not having kids I volunteered to cover so we weren’t short staffed) so I paid for my groceries and my neighbors and as we were leaving and loading the car, my neighbor said “oh my! I forgot to pay! Please tell me how much I owe you! I was so excited that I have enough groceries for three weeks as I could never carry that much on the bus I must have lost my mind and not thought about what I owe! I’m so sorry! I have the cash right here!” And as he started to open his wallet I explained to him that the nice gentleman I introduced him to paid for both of our groceries and as a matter of fact, there a little bit left and I’d like you to keep it because then it would be fair that we split the gift card!”. With MUCH trepidation he agreed and I helped get his groceries into his house and put them away. (A spotless house I might add!”. He was overwhelmed by my generosity and how I took so much of my time to help him and what a nice Doctor to do that and he hoped he could be that nice to someone in need one day. He’s 82. I’m pretty confident he’s done more than his share of kindness for others but I bid him good night, unloaded my car and fell first into bed. I saw my “angel” of a Doctor at work the next day and told him how he didn’t need to do that but thank you as he made two peoples day, last night. He looked at me and said “No, PLEASE thank your friend for us, we were running so short on masks and he dropped off a CASE this morning! I just looked at him, completely shocked! I guess at 6:00am that Dr was paged to ER and there was this beautiful neighbor of mine with a CASE of masks!! When he asked where in world he got them he said his son (I had NO idea he had a son) brought him a case of these a couple of years ago as he was always making model airplanes and he didn’t want his dad getting sick from paint fumes. It turned out that his wife and son were killed in a car accident a couple of years ago and his vision wasn’t good enough for making these “silly toys” anymore and that they were better used here (at our hospital). I guess all in all, this story isn’t about my “good deed” of taking a lovely man to the grocery store but more about the circle of what you can create by one small act of kindness. Turns out that case was indeed a case of N95 masks and VERY MUCH needed (N99 are better but we’ll take anything we can get right now. So this was a big circle of kindness from stopping to take a neighbor shopping on a very chilly night that turned into possibly saving a health care professional from contracting this bugger of a virus. I honestly don’t want you to “pick me”. Please pick someone else. Someone that could maybe share what’s in your gift bag. I just wanted to share this because while are indeed asking you to be physically distant for your own protection, you don’t have to be socially distant. Ask an elderly neighbor if you could get them something when you go to the store. Call and check on them to just say hi. Don’t let them feel forgotten. Times ARE going to get worse before they get better but we can’t lose our humanity during the days and weeks and months ahead. A small gesture to you could mean the world to someone else. Perspective is everything. Just be smart. Stay diligent but be yourself or even go one step further and be a better version of who you are right now. You CAN do it. We WILL get through this. We WILL do it TOGETHER. ♥️ Stay Strong♥️♥️♥️♥️

Sandra Franks: Since losing my job due to COVID19, I have time to grocery shop for elderly people I know (I'm already on my journey to gray hair-5 months in. Would love a video on maintaining natural gray )

Connie Jarrett: Very timely video for me since I'm growing out my gray. I'm naturally a light redhead so it's been interesting.

Sandry Molina: I got news that a friend I went to school with was in financial trouble because he didn't have a job in this pandemic so I contacted our common friends from long time ago (when we were in school) and asked them for help without letting them know who he was, for obvious reasons.They responded !! and that was a blessing for everyone!!!

Sun shine: Ive been transitioning to my luvly natural silvers for a yr now. Im trying to keep it somewhat trendy by adding purple at the ends (reverse ombre). I would luv to see more silver hair video on Hairstyles for thinning gray hair, that compliment while being trendy. Luv all the knowledge you share. Mahalo n Aloha

J J: Dedicate my life to parents with health problems and a special needs sister.

docannedc: Do you have any experience pulling the color from hair that has been colored with henna? I didn't like that my auburn had faded to bright ginger, so I brought back my auburn with henna. I ❤ it, but I hadn't considered what I would do once the white hair overtakes the ginger.

Linda Marocco: Congratulations on 20 thousand!!!!... you deserve it!!!!

docannedc: I haven't done anything yet today, but yesterday I complimented a friend from my chronic illness community. Being homebound isn't new for either of us, but now the rest of the world understands that it's not "nice to be able to stay home all day!"

Carole Roberts: I recently decorated my friends home as she couldn't decorate herself and she is on a low income and couldn't afford a decorator. Her smile and the odd dinner were a wonderful payment x

PrissyHippie: I am a Hospice registered nurse. I still see my patients during the pandemic because they need me. On the days I don't see them I still call them and go get what they need for their homes... and to just let them know I'm there for them. These patients are sick and dying... they need their caregivers to be healthy to be able to care for them. To lessen that risk of exposure I go to the store or post office or whatever errand they need run, I do it for them. I also find baking homemade breads and desserts therapeutic. So at night I bake breads, rolls, and pies and take to my patients and their caregivers. I want them to know they aren't alone and that someone is thinking of them. I started this actually several years ago actually. It is a lonely existence to be home with death looming over their house... not just for the dying but those trying to prepare for the loss. Anything I can do to bring a smile I love to do. God Bless and be well❣

Diana Schurman: Thank you for sharing your transitioning to gray tips.

Kathy Mason: Love all your videos. I called my Mom to check in on her since I’m her caregiver. She’s 90.

Granny DJ: I stopped coloring in 2012. I have no regrets at all. My plan has been to cut my hair short eventually to get rid of the last of the old color. I recently saw a video where the stylist said fat women shouldn't have short hair. I'm definitely overweight. What is your opinion on this? I definitely don't want any more chemicals in my hair. Thanks for your great videos!

Marjorie Enders: Just this evening, I called 2 sets of elderly couples to let them know that I’m thinking about them and hoping they are well. Unfortunately, I found out that one of them was taken to the hospital yesterday because he fell in the shower and broke open his head. I told his wife that I would pray for his recovery and offered to help if I can in any way. She thanked me.

Sabsa 70: So sorry, Justin! I didn't read the giveaway is only for US citizens ‍♀️. Now I'm registered . Please strike me off the list. Happy eastern and stay healthy!!! Hugs and kisses, Sabine

sue clemente: Your so true to the hair profession thanx from Australia

Tamra Swain: Darn...I just missed this contest as I just found your channel a couple hours ago. Congratulations on hitting 20,000 but it looks like your going to be at 40,000 real soon as you are already at just under 36,000. Thanks again for your advice you gave me on your other video about hairstyles for rounder faces. I wish I lived closer to Portland to have you style my hair but I live in Tallahassee Florida.

Claudia Deane Boutwell: In your video you said do something nice. As a stylist of 54 years, I feel my gift to people if to give hope and love to those going through dementia. They need to know that someone has their back. Thank you for your videos, may we never stop learning!!

Creative Native: Helped out people who were in great need during this quarantine and suffering a tornado here in West Monroe, Louisiana. Plus I stay in contact daily with ones who are alone or have loved ones in the hospital. Praying daily for EVERYONE around the World.

MimiBear: I too would like a going gray and gray hair care segment. I am transitioning to a Silver Momma and would love some hair care tips.

Coco Vu: I just found your videos today and can’t stop watching all day long! Subscribed & Share with sisters

Linda Reyes: I did option 3, high lights. It took a total of 2 years of trimming, conditioning, and high lights. I didn't want to cut off all my hair

Janet S: Wish I could go get my hair done by Justin I’ve been watching Jack Martin...he is fantastic.

Janette Anderson: Thank you for your excellent tips especially for older women and the most flattering hairstyles..

dem72011: I love your channel. Thanks for the advice and help with hair. I am in healthcare and watch these videos to de stress

Yasmin Caan: Hi think your amazing for spreading the love love that ❤️ definitely my kind of person

2012lalena: I dit those 10 hours and I look amazing with my natural Salt n' Pepper Colour.. much younger than before

Brenda Gorman: Since the elderly are isolated I taught my 88 year old mother and her friend how to zoom and keep in touch with family and especially great grandkids. They just make you smile

Jodi Green: Love your videos. Thank you for all your knowledge. Ive been doing my neighbor’s shopping for him. He’s 90 and doesn’t need to be around people in this scary times. And my husband has been doing his yard work so he can stay inside.

Linda Marocco: It works now, Justin!... thank you so much!...

Wendy Gonzalez: Hi Justin, first off, so happy I found your channel! Love your tips!!! Second amazing how God works. I would not normally tell when I do a kind deed but since this will hopefully blesse with that flat iron lol, I will shate Yesterday leaving my supermarket i saw an eldery man, per his sign a veteran. My heaet hirt because he truly looked like my father, all silver gray hair and his stand, asking for food. I literally parked took a bag of food and gave it to him. I hope this also encourages others to do the same. I pray others will see tham as list and not a burden. We need to help them, not enable, but help. So I got back i to my car and cried. Why? Not aure but just did. I was happy I was able to help him and gi e him some hope that life will het better Anywho, that is my good deed Be blessed and keep up the great channel!

Rita Gaston: Wonderful. ....great info re going grey. generous and covered all bases.

Rose Laney: Since we’re on quarantine here in SC, I ordered two days of meals (meats, vegetables, bread, desserts, and drinks) to be delivered to 2 families headed by seniors over age 90.

Jenns_artlandia 💙: I forgot to post about the kindness question. Its important to Always be kind no matter what. We don't Always know what others are or have going on. I enjoy creating art/mixed media. I am a regular donater to a charity called DAFI. Its a 501 charity they help Disabled Adults and Children all over the country recieve art and craft supplies to have fun with and create!❤

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