Cover Gray Hair Roots Temporarily Without Dye | Okay Pure Naturals


Okay Colored Edges Temporary Color Gray in BLACK


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OKAY Pure Naturals is great for touching up gray hair along the edges of your hairline that are visible when wearing human or synthetic wigs, and used as a edge control. I didn't use it for edge control, but it does behave similar to hair gel. It doesn't have the strongest hold, but I didn't use a whole lot either. The website states it can easily be applied to eyebrows, hairlines, sideburns, new hair growth, beards, mustaches and more to coverup grays.






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Very well hi, I'm Karen in this video today. I wanted to talk about this product that I found at Marshall's and I'm gon na try and see if I can find it online somewhere else and post the link down below. I thought it was an interesting concept because um I didn't get gray hairs until about three years ago. I got it right towards the end of my pregnancy and if you are like me and you've, rented a prop you've had jet black or you know, 1d. Whatever really dark, hair or just a solid colored, hair the whole entire time um, it makes you feel quite uncomfortable, at least it did. For me, my brother has salt, pepper, hair and he's younger than me. He'S had it since his 20s, so yeah, and that didn't happen to me. I just never had that. So, for me it was a huge adjustment, because I know if you know once you start growing grades, especially when it's like near the edge of your hairline, and I think that's what made it so weird for me. It'S like you have like one to three strands and then the rest is like blacks like what's going on. This looks really super awkward and for me I didn't want to dye my hair um. I just didn't I've dyed my hair a whole lot. My whole life. I'Ve I've done all the crazy colors I did crimson. I did like a bright red and I did an orange red after, like the lion mane thing where your hair is like all these different shades of like honey, blonde I've done all those with wings. I did like uh, I did like a white, it looks like white, blue and red yeah. Well, colors of that I've done blue black. I bleached it tons of times I've dyed it pink. We can go down the list of some stuff that I've done to my hair when it comes to hair, color, Matt back um. Let me pull out a picture and that's one of my friends: Miko she's, a hair stylist. I had a lot of fun doing this shoot, so I just show you that's just a small smidgen of you know how I love to mess on my hair anyway. So I saw this right here. I saw this and Marshalls. I went to test guys. This is a temporary color for great touch-up. I was a little nervous about it being black um, but I figured hey let's test it out on the back. It says to use, apply to edge your hair, using fingertips and smooth. That is it. I guess that's supposed to act like a gel or something this actually smells good. I didn't look up all the ingredients, but um, I just made sure didn't have like certain ingredients in there. So you know like the parabens and stuff like that does smell. It does smell really good, like it smells like a just a gentle, some kind of gentle hand, cream um so and that's the transparency of it. So you can still kind of see my finger this. You know my my hand underneath the cream. It'S not that opaque is not that you know solid of a color, it is slightly translucent and you know that's what it looks like. So it kind of looks like a comedy type thing, almost pretty yeah kind of kind of yeah all right. So let me zoom it so you guys can see my sexy grace all right and yeah. There'S not a lot right now, but you know anyone who's never had grades before you know what I'm talking about like you're, not excited to have gray hairs all the finger, but now that they're growing and they're a lot more, I'm actually more comfortable. I guess it was just you know, like those um, so it's just those few strands that was in there those make it was just making it look so obvious, but now that I've had more great going through my hair, I don't feel it doesn't really bother me As much anymore um now I don't, I didn't want to try any dyes, but I did see a product out there. I wish I remember the name of it, but pretty much what it does some kind of technology where it it recognizes the color of your hair, and I think it's only for like dark hair. I think it's for, like black brown, a deep red I can't member be they came up with something for on here yet or not. I can't remember, but anyway what it does is ill. It'S like it picks up what, on whatever your natural hair color is, and it fills in the areas where your your hair is turning gray and it changes and naturally changes. The color is something weird: it cool all the same time and I think that cost it was either it was either forty or fifty bucks yeah so was either $ 39.99 or $ 49.99. You asses and I'll think about it. I feel more uncomfortable and I want to do something I think it lasts for like up to six months gosh, I got to go back and read it anyway. I just thought it was a super cool product because you're not worrying about putting ammonia and all this other stuff in your scalp that interest rate into your skin into your bloodstream, not at a more conscious. I don't want to affect my body. If I don't have, you know me sorry for talking, but I want to share that in case one of you you're interested in. If I do find out, I will do my best to post it down below. So you guys who are looking for that alternative. You can have that yeah. This definitely feels like it's more of a pomade. I wonder how it will behave if it dry now, I'm sure this is something it washes out. This is the pomade it does. It does not dying. It'S just something rub on okay. So it's not like you know, sets tested out, so it's not you see how transparent that is. So it's not like, if you got on your scalp, it's like the end of the world, that's good that it is transparent like that, is not all the way with it, because then that will cling more to my scalp when you're putting this on and it's gon Na look really obvious all right, let's see here this brush back and I put my hair back in a ponytail to try to make this process as easy as possible to you have to see the Grays and then you could see the difference. I sure kind of like this because you could like um, especially me. I put my hair in ponytails. I see this one. Maybe these would be more obvious. Alright, sorry yeah. It feels like a pomade slash Jill yeah. So maybe, if you wanted to run this over your whole entire top kit, especially you can't see that you have grades behind your head, I'm probably more curious like how it drives so we're gon na wait and see. Hi dries make sure it doesn't flake up like gel, actually like that. That'S a nice and subtle, that's nice, so it is like hot. It'S like that. Pomade actually do kind of like that. I'M sure just probably be even better um, probably if my hair was curly and probably putting it on um, like after washing your hair and just probably getting this side or way too dries a little bit still kind of damp. And then you know like wipe it in to lock your curls and a little bit more great, but it's not it's not in there. I can live with it, just not being all like right here, a long edge. You know it's as people, it's just. I don't know it looks awkward, I don't mind a breast and it doesn't look fake and it doesn't look overly black. I consider my hair more to be like a 1d. First is like a black black, a one, so I would definitely say this is cool. Alright, let's see this product costs me $ 7.99, alright and I have to say, that's pretty decent um because a lot of times when I go to Marshalls so t.j.maxx and I'm looking for something in that bite a lot of times it cost way more than then It would be if you found this, you know online, but my thing is just to make sure it works and, of course, but I'm not adding any additional chemicals to my body that my body doesn't eat. You know to me anyway. I hope that y'all found this useful now I know I am not the only one rolling around with gray hairs um if y'all use something that's you know not a hair dye that you feel like really really works. I would love to hear from you like what you use the help with your hair. I don't think it's about like trying to hide from yourself or run from the fact that you're maturing and and getting wiser, more beautiful, I don't and just aging gracefully. I don't think it's about running away from that, but I think it's kinda nice to just have a polished look sometimes maybe you're comfortable if your gray, hair or maybe you're still adjusting or you know whatever it is because trust me I understand it was. It was huge for me like adjusting to not having any gray hairs and which question you have dark hair like this, and it just shows through it's not a bad thing. It'S a beautiful thing. It'S a sign of maturity is a sign of wisdom. Maybe it's a sign of stress. I don't know. Thank you so much for watching this video and I'll talk to y'all soon, bye,

Simply Satisfying: Tutorial starts at 5:06

yoganimuziklover will: So glad I clicked on this video! My grays are a lot like yours! Thank you so much for putting this out cause your one of a few that offer great information!!! I will check out those products.

Leta Robinson: I just recently started letting my gray, or may I say, hair grow out. I was born with black hair and it became a chore to manage and didn't feel like doing it every two weeks. For me it just started to spread rapidly especially around the hairline. It is super resistant to dying so I decided to accept it and foil in highlights for a more blended look. Plus they have nice fashion dyes that you can use to enhance the hair.

H. Wolfe: Thank you for a very important video. I used to have jet back hair naturally, and my grey grew in like I was some darned Chia Pet...or better yet, a Smurf...out of the center and pure white...too this video made me feel better. !

lettie Jackson: keep me in the loop for the gray coverage, thank you

Brenda Reynolds: I just use waterproof mascara on the growing army of grays at my temples. It covers nicely. Stays all day. It works whether I'm wearing my hair straight or curly.

Sirius Sothus: Thank you so much for your video. I was looking something like this for a long time and finally you helped me to get it. Thank you\

jwmerine: Thank you so much!! This helps me so much

nikkib1002: Thanks for the review. I just purchased it and I really like it. it doesn't have the strongest hold on it's own, so I use the cream of nature edge control first them I apply the colored edges. It last for hours and works so good. I bought 3 as a back up.

Bossladi28: I need this in my life! These grays are getting crazy

lisa brown: I'm gonna look for it tomorrow! I have them in front too!

gt3wells: I tried it recently and it does the trick. However, the fragrance was a bit too strong for me and it gave me an uncomfortable tightening sensation in my head/temple.

NycBeauty: My hair is turning prematurely gray. It's like wild fire. I wanted try this. Thanks for the review.

Queen Onyx's World: I have some and I really like it. I also like the fact that a little goes a long way. I purchased mine for $2.99 at a beauty supply.

ms p: i have to try this thanks i feel the exact way you feel about my grays

Vanessa Barrett: Thank you.....but his is not meant to cover all grey hair. It is edge control. Just meant to use on maybe grey edges if you have your slicked back or in a ponytail, etc. Or if you have thin edges/hairline. Check other you tubes on black edge control. I've used it because of grey edges myself.

Nucking Futs: Whats so SUPER awkward about gray edges? Like you said, folks go gray early, natural process. Rather be gray than bald.

lettie Jackson: how long does it last?

Annie Mbombo: Thank you for sharing. That looks easy to use. Did you wash your hair before bed?

marietorri: Thank You soooooooo much for this video. I'm going to Marshalls today for that product and will be buying more than one.

Stella Dallas: The beauty supply sells many different versions of colored gels

Val Ford: Saw the video, looks great on you just bought it on amazon for $7 and change, hope it will work as well for me.Vee

Elizabeth Tucker: Thank you!

Fritz Whaley: Beautiful Black hair! Very nice.

x x: May I ask what camera are you using? Excellent review!

Carolyn G: your gray will be BEAUTIFUL ON YOU!!

Deidra Walker: I tried Hairprint for the first time about 3 weeks ago. It works but I'll to see how long it lasts.

CurlyPdub: Thank you!  I am going to get some.

ROSA RUVALCABA: Thank you at 71 I staring to get them in the same are thanks

Jolly: does it work in sweating?

Cynthia Laurent: thank you for sharing very much appreciated Cynthia uk

Tee Gee: Hairprint, as far as I've heard they don't have it for blondes just for dark hair

lettie Jackson: I am looking for edge control for gray edges, that holds for at least for 24 hours

Stephanie Richardson: bought it on Amazon while u were still talking...Thanks for the real time video....

Tracey Lennon: Does it come in brown??

aqua fina: girl i feel you i have jet black and my grey is full in one spot on my forehead and ive had it coming in at 16 but after my son more and as he got older more..its only on my forehead and i hate it..i dont mind the few in the back but on my face ohell nah.. oan you dont have grey girl that lil bit is highlights gonna look for this.. ive been using this brush in stuff by kiss it works but its really temporary. i also hena and indigo my hair for longer lasting color. im allergic to dyes but i still try them every now and then and bcus the hena process is looonnnggg and tedious

shereen lalla: Gray away magnetic target can be an can watch on youtube first to see if it can work.

CHAIDEELOVE: great review..

aqua fina: girl i feel you i have jet black and my grey is full in one spot on my forehead and ive had it coming in at 16 but after my son more and as he got older more..its only on my forehead and i hate it..i dont mind the few in the back but on my face ohell nah.. oan you dont have grey girl that lil bit is highlights gonna look for this.. ive been using this brush in stuff by kiss it works but its really temporary. i also hena and indigo my hair for longer lasting color. im allergic to dyes but i still try them every now and then and bcus the hena process is looonnnggg and tedious

SheiPowell: Gray is not a sign of wisdom. Why do people say that lol....its not even a sign of aging to be honest.

ਪੋਸਟ ਮਲੋਨ ਇੱਕ ਅਜੀਬ ਗਧਾ ਹੈ: I think its all the process food we are eating that is making our hair premature gray....i have grays also, but hey as long as my health is ok then IDC...

Tina Lopez: how do I get rid of my Gary hair

DivineDisciple: thanks I'm tired of using black rinse. I'm going to buy..I will return with results..I have full they edges ..I hate it..

Anna Glenn: That does not work on natural gray hair. I tried that and other products for gray around the edges and none of them worked. It covered for like a couple of hours and I look it the mirror and BAM!It's like the frizzy little gray devils are saying, " I'm back". Your hair is beautiful though and the texture is far from mine texture.

holyone48: I just watched your video and I am going to find this product. And I will come back and you know how work.

Samone Wortham: Where did u find that at

Tracey Lennon: She got "good hair"...

walid hoyek: Nice video thank u but can u plz tell ua fhe name of rhe product that picks up the color of ur hair and coasts around 50$ thx.

lee chasi: We're did you get it at?

Abdulrahman AlShatti: cool

gooogooo22: you seem like a very nice lady, but it is absolute torture to wait so long for you to get to the point......

Sherry hendricks: Hello there I like that I got the same problem in the front can I get that in switzerland Kind greetings sherry

nikkib1002: welcome.

Shirley Staten: She talk to much get straight to the point just saying to many unnecessary words just sayin

Nikehead4: temporary lol

Simplelife22: It looks sticky

The Melon Patch by Deb: Stop talking so much, we want to see the product work. You can talk and demonstrate at the same time.

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