Esalon - Touching Up My Roots Without Messing Up My Highlights At Home!! Chrissymas Day 5

I feel like I should call this another eSalon video as part of a series now! This one was much requested, touching up my roots without messing up the balayage aka highlights that I put in my hair last time. I'm hoping this helps you feel more confident to do it yourself at home :)

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Hey welcome back to my channel today as a video is much requested by a lot of my subscribers, and that is my ISA on hair coloring subscription box today. We'Re gon na do my roots and avoid the Lysa or the like balayage that I had put in my hair before it's. I do want to use that for like one more go before I update it. So this is what we're gon na be hanging out with and doing today. So let's get started. I love doing this kind of video because I feel like it's kill two birds, one stone and I have a video up for my channel. I can show you guys how to color your roots and avoiding the highlights that I have like further down in my hair, but also I get to do it. So it's like one thing off my task list cuz. I honestly feel like coloring. My hair is a task, so I did buy this cape from a salon. So when you sign up for your subscription, you can add things like shampoo, conditioner, hair, tint, capes tools, all that stuff. So this was it's $ 12 full price, but when you add it to your subscription, you get 20 % off of anything. You add on so really it's like under 10. Bucks can't beat that so is reading on the internet. That and of course everything you read on, the internet has like totally fact, but I was reading that it's best to color your roots with your hair, like extra dirty. So I slept I'm gon na here for two days and I do have oily hair. So two days like makes extra dirty. I know some people can go like a week and it like look like this. This is honestly only two days, but you can see here - oh god, it's so embarrassing, especially up there. So do you have a lot of Gray's in my hair, so when I signed up for my profile, they have you do like a whole hair quiz. It'S like what color is it? What have you done to process it? What'S the texture? What'S your ethnicity, what color are you trying to get to like it's a whole quiz that you do once they do out that you can upload photos? You select from images like this. Is me now this is it. This is me now. This is me Jessica and then the picture of what you're kind of aiming for and they'll give you some recommendations and then there's an actual stylus, and this is based out of California that'll review everything and kind of put together like your your mix and if they Have any questions than they email you like, I guess I was. I was too dark and I was trying to go to light before and they were like nah you're, not gon na. Do that you're. You need to like do this in steps, so I appreciated that they did that because, if I went, if I just went to the store and bought a box like my results, are never what I want them to be, and I am incredibly happy with the service. I'Ve honestly I've been getting it from since 2016. I'Ve had 14 14 deliveries. I guess there was a period of time where I didn't, because I colored my hair blue and they don't do vanity like colors, but then I kicked it right back up afterwards and I've had 11 adjustments. So I can tell them like a lot too much. Maybe not so much red or maybe in the winter I want to go, I like add a little bit more Auburn to it, but in the summer I want to go a bit more ashy like you can make those adjustments and they do that for you. So super exciting, so it says my name on it says it's made for Christie heartless. So when you open it up, you get your instructions, you get your developer and your color and then the kit has everything you need and two pairs of gloves and your instructions come like. They are complete, they're, amazing instructions, it tells you what your individual blend is and what is in your kit and what our focus is right now it says it knows it knows. The subscription knows that I have previously added the light set to my subscription, and so it's likely that I still have my highlights in my hair. So it says: don't color your lightened pieces focus on your roots. It'S custom directions based on my history with the company. So another reason why I like it comes with a little sticker, so I'm gon na stick this over here. To my monitor, so I can see them, stick it to a mere generally cuz. I don't usually do this in my bedroom. It'S very ballsy of me to do this in my bedroom and hope that I don't get it on my floor on my comforter or something the little kit is gon na come with a one of their like samples. I guess I don't know all kids come with. This is the shampoo in the conditioner. I do suggest before you jump in the shower to rip the little taps off the top, because is a to try to do it with your hands wet. Also, it comes with stain guard, which is a really pretty scented, Vaseline, really and then a stain remover for afterwards. First up, whenever you are clearing your hair honestly protect your skin cuz, then you'll be stained for days. Yeah I go all over my forehead. I don't know what happened every time I color my hair. I end up with it like across my cheek, it's so densely ins on my nose. I honestly have no frickin clue what the hell. I do get your ears good, because your ears like I should probably take out my tunnels, but that looks creepy and I don't want to freak you guys out I'm going everywhere. I legit I get it everywhere. I feel like me, please. Let me know down in the comments so that I don't feel like a complete like disaster of a human being cuz. I put this all over my neck and basically like everywhere, but the center of my face right here into four sections and secure with clips, and it shows you a cute little picture of the sections that it wants me to do so. I did get and I do suggest getting this on. You can add it to your first order, like I said before, you get 20 % off of anything that you do add to your order. So this is add: it's a $ 20 kit. You would get it for 16, it comes with the coloring bowl, a timer, a brush. I really like to use the brush and it comes with four of those on these are called something I'm gon na company on Eclipse, but that's not what they're called holy hell. Do you see those greys, so I did let my stylist know that I needed, like the best gray coverage possible, because they're stubborn, like though the color and then the color on Grey's, does it lasts as long as the color, like maybe on the rest of my Hair plus, I always get like new gray sprouting up as well, and so that's probably a big part of it, but they did that a few times I said like. I need the best great coverage possible and I've been really happy with the results for bottle application. Pour the color in to the bottle and purple and brush application mix it into a non metallic ball. I am just gon na use this cuz. It'S got a little pointed tip. I like it for this. I really only use the ball when I do my lights. Uh and do the and add the highlights into my hair, so we are gon na mix. I love it cuz. It says Chris sees color, it says roots only so what's really neat about. It, though, is that they don't penalize you for having long hair. So when, like I'm doing my roots, only roots only roots, only they'll send me one bottle, but what I need to do, my like that was to email them and say I need to do my entire hair, I'm getting rid of my highlights. They would send me like a two bottle kit, because they know that I have long hair and it doesn't cost any more. It just comes in like a jumbo box enough to do my entire head, so I absolutely love that I don't get penalized for for having long hair alright. Now we get to begin so. It says unclip, one of the front sections grab a thin slice of hair using your bottle or brush apply color to roots and regrowth, then spread with fingers or fingertips and keep a keep away from overlapping onto previously colored hair. So I'm just focusing on my roots. So once I am done with a section, it wants me to swirl it up and reclip it and move on to the other section when you're really trying to get rid of gradius. You want to focus on that first, so I am doing like the front part of my hair. First, I probably have nearly an inch of growth. So that's what I'm gon na kind of be focused on, and I just put it in and then brush it. Take the other end of this little brush flip it over it's, not the natural way. My part goes so it's fighting me and then do the same thing. Okay, once I'm done with a section, I just make sure that I got like the color in the front. I just make sure that I get the color up front, that I didn't miss any of those like little flyaways and I'm a bit more precise or I can see in the bots in the top and like where my part is. And then I get a little bit messy at the bottom and you know what is never failed me at before. I am no professional hairstylist, but I don't have enough time and I'm too cheap for a salon all right, so I'm gon na clip this up, but I'm gon na kind of avoid those highlights touching anything there. We go and move on to the next side. Okay, so here's the hard part - and this is doing the back of your head - I tend to honestly like doing it rather than it being done in two sections. I kind of prefer doing it in just one section so that I can go straight across. That'S what we're gon na do and if you have a helper for this part, that's great, but I'm never gon na ask my husband to do this, so I just always do it on my own honestly, I don't have any problems doing it and if I pull Up too much hair, then I'm like ah toes too much. Let me start over but like see, I just kind of grabbed a little section and pull that up and hold it. Oh I'm a disaster. Okay! It'S not that hard to do. You can feel that your hair is dry and when you squirt this on and start brushing, you can feel that you're in, like the part line that you just did, because you like your skin, is showing like your scalp is showing. So you can definitely feel it. What I like to do, after I'm done, especially with the back, is just to kind of like start underneath and massage my roots, just so that I know that it got on all of my roots, but it won't run my hair, like my fingers, all the way Down, I just want to make sure that I got all of my roots and then I'm like some mirroring it around a little bit like for my roots that we are going to wait 30 minutes. So I'm just gon na reclip this up, hey I'm back and I am super stoked with my results. So let me get a little closer for you, but here's my roots. You can see now no great care flip, but then you can also see that it maintained, like the integrity of my highlights, are like my balayage technique that I did on myself. I think it. This is the second color after so you can choose. If you do. The light set as an add-on to your color, you can choose to have it like every color, every other, every third, every fourth, every fifth, something like that. I did mine where I went pretty high like an inch from my scalp on a lot of my highlights and now I'm just kind of like letting it grow out, and I like how it's looking so I've kind of like determined that I guess that I want To do it every three, so this was my second color between very next one. I am going to touch up my hair color all over and then put in my highlights then again a week later, so I love it well, let me show you the back. I got it still around my chair. There we go. I wouldn't recommend anything to you guys if I didn't absolutely love it, but then also find that it's a great deal. So this is a time saver for me, as well as a money saver, of course, going to the salon and getting an all-over color a root. Touch-Up highlights all that stuff. You can be well over a hundred dollars each visit. It also takes a lot of time, and I just don't have time like straight up. I don't have time, I also don't enjoy it. A lot of people do actually enjoy going to the salon and like hanging out there me I'm, like I've got so much to do. I don't have time to sit here for hours just to get my color touch tops. This was super easy. It took me a maximum of like 15 minutes to apply and then 30 minutes to sit, and then I took my shower and styled my hair like normal, and I was done. I'M done for the day didn't need to leave my house. It is $ 20, a month you paid 595 for shipping and handling if you spend $ 40, because you're doing add-ons like the tools or the Cape or shampoo conditioner root, touch-up spray, there's like a multitude of things, combs and brushes and stuff in their store as Well, if you hit $ 40 and you do get free shipping, but outside of that it's $ 20 for each time you request, I do nine weeks. I know some people like to go a little bit longer a little bit less, but for each coloring. And if you sign up with my link in the description box, then you will get it for half off. So only $ 10. For your first coloring session, which is fantastic, that's cheaper than a lot of oxidized at the store and you're getting a custom color stuff. Do you love it? Oh, my god, I could be like Bailey Syrian. Do you like it? Do you love it? Do you want to have it she's, like one of my other favorite channels, she was opposed to the video and I'm definitely gon na, watch that while I'm editing this one, so I'm super excited to have you guys all here? Thank you so much for hanging out. I'M talking with my hands a lot, but I will see you guys next time. Bye,

Chrissy Harless: I have had quite a few people ask me about my hair color lately and I had actually filmed this about a month ago and felt now might be a good time to post! Chrissymas Day 5 :)

Nikki Etzel: I have been an esalon member since 2016. I used to spend over 100 bucks a month on my hair.. but now 20 bucks every 6 weeks. A pro tip is before you color your roots, dampen your ends and put conditioner only on your ends.. that way you dont accidently color your ends making them darker and uneven. You're welcome! ;)

Robin Miller: Omg! So happy I watched you do this before I ruined my highlights again. Love eSalon but I learned a lot to improve my technique from you. Your video is awesome and your hair looks beautiful!

Harmony Holm: I have also been using esalon for almost a year now. I just did my roots a couple days ago. I feel better knowing I am not the only one that gets it all over my face, cheeks, & neck. Thank you for sharing that & doing this video. I am preparing to do highlights for the first time on myself in many years. I am quite nervous about it. So the highlight video you did was very helpful as well & turned out amazing! So I got this! Thank you again!

Isah Hermosa: Wow this looks so easy to do , you did a pretty god job and the box is quite affordable and great

penelope: Dang Chrissy that really came out so pretty!!! You have such nice hair. I doubt I would be able to dye my own hair. I just would be too scared I would mess it up. But for all the women who do I am envious!

Cammy Canfield: You did a great job! You make it look easy.

Madalaine LaPlante: I'm just like you, I get white hair in my roots a lot! I get that wonderful skunk line lol Also, for me, it takes 4-5 days to get somewhat greasy hair, my hair is so dry no matter what I do

K Lewis: You did a great job on your hair. I've been wanting to try the eSalon service. You made it look so easy.

Karriepink thinks Before typing! BackUp: Thank you for this I have been colouring my hair for 35 years blond and now we are in isolation just got my root pack from Esalon I have short hair and not done it myself before . Fingers crossed but yours was so helpful wish me luck

Geraldine Antonette Racelis: Love this such a great thing to do.

21taffygirl: Thanks for this video. I am going to try to color my hair at home for the first time because of this "stay home" happening because of the pandemic. Did you use the standard 20 volume that came with the kit? Did it lighten your hair? I want to dye brown as well but don't want to change my shade to a lighter one. Will 20 volume lighten it or just help with the gray coverage? Any thoughts would be appeciated!

Kendahl Tuttle: Ah! I did not know this existed!! Super exciting! I usually go to Sally's beauty but #quarantine.... love this!!! ❤

Beauty and More with Renee: That looked so easy to do, I might have to check it out

Rockstar Rochelle: Ok, I’m totally trying this. Thanks always your a life saver

Linda Brodney: You did an amazing job. I m scared but I am gonna go for it.

Cathy D: I have a pixie cut and feel it's highway robbery that my stylist charges $150 to color my hair, I could stomach that when I had a bob (kind of). I have been binging on YT vids showing esalon, yours is great. Im ready to pull the trigger:) The color of your hair is beautiful, really brings out your eyes! Thanks for a fun and informative video.

Gillian Mccullough: Great vid! Did you just rinse the roots with clips in hair or do you remove clips and rinse root color all the way through to hair ends? First time coloring my roots without losing highlights. Thanks

Jamie Pye: Every time I dye my hair I get dye everywhere. I get it all over me, the floor, the walls.

Rachel Reyes: The actual coloring starts at 7:40.

Kimberly Smith: It turned out great!

Jean Louise: Gorgeous!! Eventually your daughter can help you!!!!

Elena T: Thank you Chrissy!

Audrina R: I kind of wish there were before and after pictures. I know there was a nice difference but it wouldve been helpful to see it side by side like to see the contrast. No offense at all either, it looks gorgeous and you did a great job explaining everything

TheBandoury: I need to color my root once a month, when I apply the color (which is dark brown) I only touch the new roots, the problem is when I wash it, it ruins my new highlights and make them darker. It has been a huge stress for my hair having to highlight it often to keep the highlights bright. Any tips.? This is what I tried :wetting , conditioning, shampooing the other part of the hair before rinsing the color off. Nothing worked.

Tammy Brown: I absolutley love the results

Lori Hooper: First of all your hair looks magnificent! II you mentioned Bailey sarian! I love Bailey!

Olie Ramirez.: I love it so pretty yey!!! I also do my hair, & I use 3 applications, i do have a lot of hair.

Angel Pink: I'm excited to try mine tomorrow morning wish md luck!!

bonita: Hello, I've been wanting to try esalon. What color did you get? it looks great.

Tiffanie: My hair stylist always tells me to not wash my hair for a couple days before coming in.

hey! it's georgia: so pretty! x

Sophie Sanchez: U did a good joblove it

Tiffanie: I have so much grey that its what motivated me to just go silver.

Kay bae: How do you rinse without the root color going onto the lighter ends?!

Cierra Stamey: Thank you so much for sharing!

Elvira Queen Of Makeup: I could never color my own hair. Lol. It would be a disaster

linda salfen: Sometimes when you wash it every day - it gets used to that and makes it greasier..

Meaghan Groenemann: Well they charge me for my ends. Another $20 on top when I need to refresh my ends. So its minimal $40 to color my hair.

christinakis: Please show us how you styled it☺. It's gorgeous.

Janine Leveque: Beautiful color. What’s the base color you used?

Tutu: I wish they had foam hair color. That's the only one I seem to be able to be able to do on my own.


Shar Roon: Did you do a balayage video? I really want to learn

Rhonda Stratton: I ordered color from esalon a while back, but haven't gotten my shipment yet. But the online instructions tell me to do a roots and emulsion. I do not want to color my highlights, though! How do you wash the color out without it getting on your highlights?

b_ jean7: What!! You had your hair blue My hair is blue and purple right now and ive had so many other colors as well But haha my hands are dyed purple right now cause i just retouched up some of my hair and lmao you should see my bathroom it has blue, purple, pink, red and black all over from all the times i dyed my hair and my familys hair too and when I dye my hair I'm pretty much doing a full-blown facial with Vaseline LOL omg this comment is gonna be so long but the struggle is real when you're doing the back of your head by yourself This last time that I dyed my hair and alternated from the blue to the purple I had no choice but to ask my boyfriend for some help for the spots i couldnt see and I had to teach him how to do it LOL

Avery Rose: This hair color brand is VERY LIMITED; only takes you 2 shades lighter/darker and basically useless.

ABO: How do you rinse the color out without it staining your balage ?

Sunshine Loves Frogs, Mermaids & My Hubby: You have such beautiful eyes.

Angel Pink: I never say grays before you started

Madeline Annabella: PLEASE HELP!! I , as well as others on here have a question that nobody can seem to answer. I have really long layered dark brown hair with soft blond highlites. My roots need to be done every 3 weeks . I get my highlights professionally done and it costs a lot of money. Every time I do my roots it messes up the highlights I just had done. It messes up the highlights around the top and sides, ( face framing highlites). It ruins them . What can I do to keep this from happening. I really can not afford money and time to go to a salon every 2.5 to 3 weeks. I am already spending hundreds of dollars on product, keratin , cut and highlights. Any advice? PLEASE? ANYONE? Ps. I use sulfate free shampoo only. And I use professional Matrex color . I have been asking this question for years and nobody has an answer. Thank you in advance, Maddie. P.s. I am a licensed esthetician and pro makeup artist so I can answer any skin, makeup questions .

zita valenzuela:

Stacie Heroux: What is your base color?

Eileen Trask: This is definitely a commercial for esalon,but not great advice for not ruining highlights or balayage hair .

Maruca Castro: Tengo la primer botella no sé cómo aplicarla

All around Hannah Marie: Hi

Mandy Lopez: Talks too much

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