Diy Blonde Roots ♡ How To Touch Up Regrowth At Home! Dye Blonde Hair

Roots look funny as soon as they are done, but it has now been about a week and they look good again! Pics here:

What I'm Wearing:

Top: Both from Supre

Where I get my blonde bleach etc:



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Camera I used to record this video: Canon EOS 60d

Editing: done by me on iMovie

Hi everyone so today, I'm finally doing my how to do roots at home video, I'm sorry for about what I'm going to say. It'S going to be very boring, but it's necessary because I'm gon na get a lot of hate. I think in this video I am NOT claiming to be a hairdresser, I'm not trained as a hairdresser. So anything you try after my advice, is your own risk. I reckon means, if you've, never even IVA bleached your hair before this is like first time ever, seeing it just don't, do it yourself go to a headdress and get it done a few times. First, the reason I say that is because bleach is obviously a very harsh product. It'S very dangerous! You do not want you here just to snap off and fall out. You do not want your headache or bright orange, and just all of those things can happen. You just really want to make sure that you know what you're doing before you attempt this, but that being said after this lot over here, I'm done I'm probably going to go to the hairdresser from now on, because to be completely 100 % honest with you, this Entire process is very long, very boring you can scrub so easily. I just feel like I'd, rather pay the hundred to two hundred dollars and sit there, relax, read a magazine, get pampered and make sure you know have the like guarantee. It'S going to actually come out. How I want it to come out with that being said, if you want to learn how to save some money, how to do roots at home without having to shell out to do them. You'Ve been going to the hairdresser the last year or two you're, just totally sick of paying them money to do something that you think you can do yourself, then I'm showing you how I do personally and the products that I use the way that I learned how To do this was watching my mum, who was a hairdresser. She was the one that made me go blonde last time. She helped me do my roots a few times while I've had blonde here this time, so I've just kind of copied some of the things she does, except she doesn't go solid color. She always just did literally foils like sections of hair and lift some. My natural coloring, but I just mean completely blonde, because I just find it easier to do myself I'm so we start it trying to like section my hair, I'm not perfect to this, like I'm, not amazing, how I do it, I don't care about having perfect results. I just do it in hope for the best okay. So at the moment, obviously, I have no makeup on because I'm gon na have to open the shower a couple of times, so I don't think there was 2.2 wear makeup in this video. So sorry about that, I'm going to tell you all the things you're going to need so, first of all, you're going to need some gloves because you do not want to touch the bleach with your hands. It'Ll burn your skin it'll get sore make you peel it'll. Just be a big mess, you're going to need one of these little brush cone things the little brush on in. So you can brush it onto your here, easily you're going to need the powder bleach. You know to mix the bleach here. This one here is called high, lift and it's the blue blond highlighter. It'S meant to make you less orangie, but it doesn't do a very good job to be honest and then some cream peroxide, I'm using six percent just because I don't want to use the most hype sink, because my hair will fry and also I find the lower Percentage, I use the kind of less orange apple, so I like to use six all over. They don't actually have any lower at the shop. So I'm just using six percent today, you're also going to need some tin foil and I have just cut mine up into squares. And then I fold down one side so that you had a clean sides place against your head and to mix the bleach in I'm. Just using a bowl like a ceramic bowl that I don't really care about, so that I can just check it out afterwards so today for my hair, I'm only actually going to be doing like the front lot. I'M not going to do it underneath just because no one can really see it, and this I type my hair, which I don't do very often um and I just want to let my hair. Can I breathe a bit. I don't want to over process it plus. It'S a lot harder to do the back yourself, so I'm going to start from like where my ears are and go around. So my hair, right now, it's quite Deut here you don't want to do bleach on wet hair, but it can be clean, like you could have washed you here this morning you can wash it yesterday before it doesn't really matter just make sure that it's dry so That the bleach can actually work properly. So when you mix your bleach, it's pretty much just to the consistency that you, like so I'll kind of just mix it and then show you how I did it if you can never use bleach before make sure you do a spot test like through a tiny Section of here, like I don't know I like that big and just do one, let it develop, let it do everything rinse it out and then check that you haven't hit any reactions to it at all. I'M taking like two scoops of this, and hopefully that'll be enough. Now you can always mix more later, so don't go worrying about making too much it's better to be less than what you need just because you don't really want it sitting in the air because it smells pretty bad. So this is the way I like my consistency of bleach okay, so I'm going to do all of my bottom bits and I'll get to the top and then I'll show you what I do, because you do the exact same thing all over and I just you Know I want to make it easier for you guys to see you can't really see what I'm doing down here. Okay, so I've done all the lower layers and I've just got this portion at the top to do so. What I usually do is start from the very very back and I'm really really crap at parting, my hair, so I just kind of grab portions and the reason I'm wrapping my hair up in tin, foil is one so that I know where I've been, and I Don'T miss any spots and two because it'll help speed up the processing time a little bit because they'll heat up so just take your little section and it's probably easier than your friend to help. You do this because it's really hard to see what you're doing from the bag. I just kind of used the brush as well as use my fingers, because it's so much easier just to pick it up with your fingers and rub it in make sure you don't overlap the blonde. You already have too much because otherwise you're going to get breakage and then take your piece of tinfoil and then wrap it up, make sure, while you're bleaching that you're wearing a top, you don't really care about. Just in case, you drop some bleach on yourself because, obviously it's just going to bleach your clothes and that sucks, because I've done that too, a good top before so just work. Your way forwards, I kind of just go side to side. So that's a bit more! Even my arms are hurting so bad at this point. It makes sure that you work quite quickly because, obviously it's processing is you're, doing your hair. So you don't want you know, parts to be way blonde with in other parts etc. If you feel more comfortable, you can do like half your kid wait for it to develop, rinse it and then do the other half wait for it to develop and rinse it. So you have an even color okay, so I rinsed out my hair, and this is what I'm left with a bit of orange. So you can see it's quite amazingly different from the rest, my hair. So what you want to do is sit there with purple shampoo on your hair for a while. Why not I'm going to use is the fudge clean, blonde violet shampoo, and you don't want to put this on with your hands because it'll die. Hence, before I've already purple shampooed it a bit, but it's not budging and don't put this on any hair. That'S already blonde, because you're going to have PIP, we have already got a few purple bits lingering in there. So I don't want to make my whole hair purple if you do leave it in for too long or you get some of your hair purple. Don'T worry about it! It'S just going to fade away after a couple washes. You can use like a proper toner, but I find that purple shampoo works way better, like it's so much stronger and when your here comes out like real orange. Like that, that's a lot is it and the reason it probably came out a lot of oranges because I took it out pretty quickly. I only lifted them for about 15 minutes. Then I'm school like this sit here for ages. I'M just going to test it. Every 10-15 minutes I'll rinse off a little pitch and just see how blonde it is, or if it's still orange, I'm just going to leave it there until I get it a pretty good color and then I'll come back okay. So now it is actually a couple days later I got hold up after I finished I my roots, a whole lot of my brushes arrived and all this other junk. So I had to postpone the filming for a day or two. So it's two days later - and this is the finished product you can see - I do have a bit of purple shampoo stains in my hair, which will come out within one or two washes not too worried about that. But that's what my roots came out like there's still quite bright, because they need to tone them a bit more. But that's basically what you're going to come out with you. Don'T leave your roots as long as I did then you're going to get a bit of a better outcome just because the more roots you have the more heat goes on, and it just goes a bit of a brighter color rather than an ashy color. I don't know the real science behind it, but all I know is when your roots, the shorter. It comes out a lot better. So please remember what I said about the beginning of the video. I don't recommend you to do this if you've never done anything to here before you've got no experience, you don't know what you're doing just go see your hairdresser for the first few times at least and make sure you've got some knowledge behind you. I only did this video because I got requested to do it, so so so so so so so much and some people just want to save a bit of money and all that can establish tell it to you. Some people want to pay the money. Some people don't so. This is just how I do it and yeah sorry for so many disclaimers, but you really have to do it with this kind of video. I hope you guys have a fantastic day and I'll talk to you soon. Actually, next week it's beginner's week so I'll be uploading, a video every single day, um of different beginners techniques and all the edges a really good day really good weekend and I'll talk to you soon. Bye

Anthony Fay: For anyone who has orangy roots like hers I warn you purple shampoo does not tone orange hair your hair needs to be a banana yellow of you want the purple shampoo to tone it but if u don't want to bleach your hair incase it breaks I recommend going to sallys and buying yourself a toner ask one of the people in the shop which toner will work for you and buy a bottle of 3 percent peroxide to go with it and it will turn out for you.

MsVsbarbie: Just dyed my hair down from super blonde to strawberry blonde, loving it...definitely worth it!!! Going back to blonde towards my wedding though again :-)

Anthony Fay: For anyone who wondered what she done she clearly bleached her hair again the day or 2 after because when her hair was orange she still had some brown roots at the front of her head and at the end her hair was all blonde

Toia: This was awesome! Even though I don't bleach my hair I still enjoyed watching how you do this!!!! Also, I l'liked the video before I even watched it haha ! Knew id love it! Can't wait to see all your tips for beginners week and hopefully pick up some new tips I never thought of (:

Juneiper: I'm so happy to finally see this video! I love you Shannon, I love your honesty and I was getting really sick of people pointing out your roots after you'd said numerous times you were going to make this video lol.

mely_bee: I love finding your old videos whenever I search for random beauty tips. Love you girl

Miss Viking: Thank you ! Good job!!!! You have me the courage to do my own roots. I was really torn between 20 and 10 vol developer, though. I would just leave the 10 for a bit longer and get no orange at all. Wish me luck

Marcella Cindy Zabardjad: i love your natural look without make up. you looks prettier that way <3

50ShadesofZ: I think purple shampoo also works better than toner for me..:)

Diane Penelope Challis: Your have such a sweet presence on youtube. Thanks for this. I've just done a single process myself and have similar colouring to you, pink undertone with hair that takes ages to "lift:" and throws off a lot of yellow. I agree it's easier to do in the salon chair but being blonde is expensive! I've started doing it myself, so because I can't do my own foils/streaks, it's having to be platinum. Which I don't mind. Thank for putting this out there, braving the arm chair warriers, and giving us cash strapped blondies some info.

Lauren Elizabeth: Wow, you look so different with your roots matching your hair color! Honestly you look amazing either way, I've never seen someone who rocks the overgrown roots look other than you. You're so lucky.

Joana Rodrigues: it came out amazing i did my roots today and they are bright yellow/orange this really helped thank you so much! you did a great job<3

Eye of felicia 🌬️🪁: woah thanx so much for this video I have done my roots milion times and always ended up with totally fired hair, now I see how easy it is!! btw your color look so great now, way better shade then previous one, it fits you so much!! Thanx for the video!!! It s like a life saver <3

littleBIGthought: i was so excited that i would be able to get such platinum roots with just purple shampoo and on orange roots, but it is a lie -.- she probably bleached it a second time without showing us 

Hannah Mae: Please do a tutorial on your eyes! They're gorgeous with this makeup.

amynotsomuch: Your hair looks AMAZ. I dye my own roots too and sometimes it's a real pain in the arse to get right. I'll give the purple shampoo idea a crack because that's going to save me a bit of grief. On a side note...GO TEAM NZ! BOOM!!!

Juss__: The quality of this video is awesome, the lighting and background you have at ur new place is great!!

Leonie Tsao: You did this so neatly, i always mess up everything when i dye my hair

Alexandra Morris: I am SUPER perplexed by the end results of this video. It looks like you might have  done a second process before you filmed the end and left that part out  (oops)!  I know from tons of experience that purple shampoo won't budge hair that orange but works more on brassy/ light gold and yellow tones. And even then- purple shampoo is only going to deposit pigment which can tone down or counter act some of the brass, but will NOT lift color or remove neon orange color turning it into a soft blonde… I have read most of the comments below and think it's obvious she simply got in a hurry before filming the end and forgot to tell us she did a second bleach. There were even roots missed right in the front of her hair and tons of brown spots on the sides that were light blonde in the last portion filmed. Clearly you cannot lift brown to blonde with shampoo- if it were that easy we wouldn't need to destroy our hair with bleach ;) I have had issues with rinsing bleach too early and have had much lighter results than hers that wouldn't budge with purple shampoo OR toner and ended up having to process them again. Purple shampoo is GREAT but it isn't a miracle in a bottle. 

charmpale: i LOVE your makeup!!!! Can you do tutorial for this look PLEASEEEE!

Jasmine A: Really good video, loved the way it turned out <3 love you Shan!

Emma Dilemma: I think you look so beautiful without makeup <3

Luisa Rodriguez: I really like your hair even before you retouched them! I like the combination of the slightly dark roots with the blonde tips

Lynze Sweet: you go from having patches of dark roots at 7:01 to having zero dark roots... you wanna tell me you did that my yourself, honestly?

Tirzah Mosier: Thanks for uploading this. Now I will be able to do my hair when it grows! :D Thanks!

WildVioletYT: that fudge shampoo is so amazing, I wish I had of discovered it sooner when I was blonde. Great video, your hair looks so nice :)

cmsrms417: I've gotten so used to your roots already and don't think they look bad! Great video!

Racoon Lady: Omg you look so different without makeup! (Still very pretty) thanks for your honesty, I hate when people thinks are better than the hairdressers

firefly: I'm very very suspicious. Her excuse used on why she stopped filming was not convincing. The spots she missed from using foil is something that is never used by hairdressers (ive had my hair bleached at the salon for years), and using purple shampoo without toning would not give these results, no matter how long you kept it in. I won't believe it till i see it untill its recorded start to finish.

L James: This video came on perfect time when I was eating my dinner! Love youuuu xoxox thanks for the great tips

kayla davis: It works for me and i have naturally light air as well. It blends really well!

DominosAndHearts: I went from a medium brown to blonde in a day with hi lift and a mix of innovative and went super blonde!

TwinkleTealight: You look like a beautiful angel with this makeup and fresh hair!

Penelope Vargas: I tried this tonight, my roots were actually lighter than hers... They only got ashier. I wanted to believe so I left the purple shampoo on for a long time maybe an hour or more... All it did was make my roots go from weird yellowy color to weird ashy color. She is definitely leaving something out. I don't care if you mess up but please own up to it instead of correcting it and then publishing the video as if these results were the ones you originally came up with. It makes people want to try it and when they end up with an ugly muddy color i hope you know it's your fault.

Liza: You're so beautiful without makeup Shannon :)

Emily Jackson: it looks SO good! you look so gorgeous here!

Kimi89Ko: Let me just say this, the second I've seen you with no make up on, I was positively shocked! You are muuuuuch more beautiful without any make up on! Seriously!

Kimi89Ko: Let me just say this, the second I've seen you with no make up on, I was positively shocked! You are muuuuuch more beautiful without any make up on! Seriously!

Chelsea Penning: It is better for you to bleach your hair when it is dirty because your natural oils protect your hair from some damaging.

Talia H: i feel like you look just as good with roots :) you are gorgeous!

María Camila Sarmiento: Omg you look wonderful without makeup!!

Ana Victoria Morales: I had to come back and say that you look really pretty even with your roots grown out so much, and you look stunning without makeup, u just look glowing and flushed and fresh, I look like im dead because i dont flush and I have horrible hereditary black circles. youre really pretty :)

Hamid Lil D: Omg your hair looks soooo gorgeous !!!!:)

n mosh: I dont think that first bleach application really got you into the final color in the roots! You should have bleached it the second time to get it that light. Its impossible that purple shampoo lightened your hair up that much!

Dasiulz: you look amazing-- your hair came out beautiful !

Jaspreet Kaur: it looks beautiful<3

Someone :): Omg your hair looks so soft and shiny :D

arze: Your hair looks so nice and soft with the bleach, when I got highlights with bleach (since my hair is dark brown), the bleached parts just came out really frizzy and weird :(

Myka Marie: Wow! I didn't know purple shampoo would actually LIGHTEN the brown bits of your hair that you missed when you were bleaching it! *sarcasm*

LCroftFSU: This is one of the most informative DIY videos. If you're skilled, you can be a blond at home. But, you have to be skilled. Stick to the professionals if you're worried! <3

Kelsey: I am being the most serious when i say you are literally the most beautiful person. even with roots, you look beautiful. with no make up, you are flawless. you are such a lovely person and have such a wonderful personality as well!

FLOS: I always dye my hair myself :) turns out good every time, and cheaper =)

Stephaniephano: I'm so glad I saw this video because I've always always ALWAYS wanted to have beach blonde hair, but my natural color is a dark blonde. I talked to my hairdresser and she said that if I did bleach my hair, I'd have to come in every two weeks to get my roots redone. I'm sure that if I tried this treatment it'd last longer, and plus, I wouldn't have to fork over that much money. Thanks so much for uploading this Shan! Really helps a lot (:

Amy Loveday: purple doesn't cancel orange! use the color wheel you need blue :) just some help!

mish7100: Love your eye makeup , please would you do a tutorial of it ??

Jackie Arango: You look so pretty without makeup!

Amira: I actually really like this warm toned blonde on you <3


DramaticMac: Looks great.. I always hate how bright my hair is for like a week after its done then it tones down and looks better x

frankandjoann Piruzza: I never thought about using the purple shampoo as a leave in toner. I just shampoo'd with it. I always go my own roots. Thanks for that tip!

Kimberley Wood: I added about 2tsbp of coconut oil to the bleach mixture when I did my roots. It helps take the drying effects out of the bleach but it does not affect its performance in any way.

raecat90: Seeing this video makes me want bleach blonde hair again, but also makes me so glad I don't have to sit with bleach on my hair for a long time! :)

florenna: I don't bleach my hair but generally speaking, I'd never trust my hair to a hairdresser anymore, they always make a mess of everything, and you never end up with what you actually want... (Not to mntion spending all that money just to get your hair ruined...!) The only person I trust with my hair now is myself, and happy with that :)

Madison Rubie: I never thought of using such a low percent peroxide. I’m surprised it lifted so well!!

Hannah: I bleached my hair recently to go silver and what I had to do to get the lightest shade possible was this: 1. Bleached hair 2. Bleached hair again because it was orange 3. Tones w/ Wella lightest ash blonde w/ a few droplets of Wella violet (seriously turned my hair from pale yellow to almost whitish) 4. Used fudge purple shampoo for my all of my following hair washed to eliminate brassy tones. And STILL my hair has brassy tones to it. I'm about to undergo another bleaching when I touch up my roots. Point being take what this video says with a grain of salt. Maybe....maybe...this worked for her but I'm guessing it won't for the vast majority of you people watching.

Scatophobia: Wow U look amazinggggg without makeup!! Ur skin and everything looks so vibrant and the makeup looks just blah on u!!! Thats a compliment not many ppl look ten times better bare faced!

crazzzyashwee: can you please do a video on how to apply false lashes!! thanks girl, you're gorg

Cherry Tan: Using a brush to apply the bleach may help a LOT

makeupmadness2010: Purple Shampoo is amazing to do this. I recommend the John Frieda sheer blonde one :)

Dhana Robinson: Shannon your amazing, your so pretty :) I love watching your videos xx

Alicja xo: i`ve been white blonde for 7 years now [sometimes with ombre, sometimes w/ lowlights] so i have a few tips that shan didn`t mention: 1. bleach hair until it turns light yellow [like abit darker than the inside of a banana]- this way u won`t get any breakage yet if u put purple shampoo on it it will turn white] 2. bleach one side of your head one day, the other side another, and then do the back another day.. that way you`ll get perfect, even color

cherry coke: the dark roots look so pretty though

Meeky: You're GORGEOUS without makeup!

Paulina Koladzyn: How did you know you'd look good blond? I'm thinking about changing my hair color but I don't know if I'd look as good blond. You look gorgeous!

Operation Ada: you are SUPER PRETTY without makeup! wow :)

Kennedy: You honestly look like an angel. Your undescribably perfect Shannon. Ignore any haters because you are my inspiration and I just love you and your life style, etc. Thank you for helping me with beauty these past couple years. I hope you see this because I appreciate you and all the work you put in your videos. Ily 3 :)

Pookstopher: wait.. there's no way she only bleached it once.. she didn't even get all of her roots and they were still brown when she used the purple shampoo lol what..

sunshinekessy: my hair is also blonde and I color it with the color "extra bright blonde" from syoss. this color is great: it's not a very warm nuance, it's kind of a mixture between warm and ash-toned! but I have to color my roots every 8 to 9 days, I hate roots ;-) shan, you look amazing with this haircolor. please do never take another one :-)

S_ Moon: How long do you leave the violet Shampoo in? 15 or 50 minutes?? Thank youu :)

MoriaS: you look great without makeup! and also with makeup (;

Abigail Taylor: Your hair color is absolutely gorgeous. And so are you!

florenna: Agree with other posters though, that definitely wasn't the result of the purple shampoo alone...

Sary Muhh: you are so much prettier WITHOUT make up *-* OH MY GOD! ♥

Laura: in my opinion you are still looking very cute, even with your hair grown out! :) 

Waterlily716: hey shan, a "rat tail" comb will help with parting your roots. also your blonde hair is so pretty :)

karena woods: Looks gorgeous. Looking forward to the beginners videos. Luv from Chch

brunettesweetie21: since your mom is a hairdresser have her teach you how to properly part hair and section it for root touch ups!

Kim Wold: You saved my life! lol, I came up with the same roots, because I switched 30 volume developer for 20 volume, I dared to switch because I think my hair can lighten up still with the 20 one, and even though it is so far healthy, I want to use less and less of damaging chemicals, even if i have to sacrifice color for a bit,.. but it came out very orangy and the rest an ashy tone like yours. And the previous dying, i had used purple shampoo as a toner, i don't think it is necessary to use a toner dye.0, oh, no, more chemicals to my hair, no, so I use a purple shampoo, but I thought it was not going to work today on such orange hair and i just left it on for less than 5 minutes. But now that I see you left it on for ages lol, i won't lose hope haha and will put it on tomorrow and leave it longer. Thank youuuu!!! :) 

Sian Reason-Jones: how long did it take for your roots to grow out this much?? i'm dying to get a pixie cut in my natural colour and waiting for my roots to grow about this length.. i'm just wondering on average how long it takes. would be awesome if you could reply :D thanks! xx

jasmin .x: You should try swartzkoft silver toner it works amazing an will take the yellow out in 10-15 mins in australia its $4 a box and that will do all ur roots

kbos92: its so weird seeing you with your roots done after so long watching videos without it done! im almost not sure i like... i dont like change! haha great video! blonde hair is so hard to care for! mine is crazy falling out, brittle, scraggley ends, yellowy, thinning.. GAH

Cristianandtupac: Strangely you look better without makeup and with roots I guess because it adds color to your appearance

Loni Vi: for you doing it your self it looks amazing not to yellow or gold very pretty!

mercedesirasel: Love your background, it is so pretty!!:) <3 You look Gorgeous Shannon!!:) <3

somethingsweett: I love doing my own hair at home! I just posted a video of how I dye my hair light blonde at home on my channel <3 Love ya Shannon!

TaslimaAliBibz: You are a blonde bomb shell ! Gosh you pull off the colour so well! You look stunning!

Poenut: the end of the video ALL of your hair had been bleached again....the ends too. I know because I'm 37 and have been bleaching/dyeing my hair since I was a teen haha. If youre gonna do a tutorial, maybe show people how you truly did it? I mean...why lie?? It's just hair

Manuella Faith: You look gorgeous! :) Wish I could go blonde LOL

Morgeens: OMG! you're so beautiful without makeup! You are more beautiful without makeup:)!

Briana Trumbo: i have no experience in doing my own hair, but i tried this tonight and it worked beatuifully!!! i know it was risky, but i did some research and got cocky and it turned out great :)

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