17 Mistakes To Avoid If You Want Healthy Natural Hair!! || Learn From My Mistakes

Heyyy! These are some Do’s and Don’ts of natural hair that I’ve learnt over the years. Feel free to ask me questions in the comments and I’ll be sure to respond!

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Natural Hair Q&A , all my secrets to long, healthy Natural Hair revealed!




Intro song :

•(FREE FOR PROFIT) Chill Acoustic R&B Guitar Type Beat -“Void” (Prod. Matthew May)

Background song:

•(Non Copyrighted Music) Summer Walker x Bryson Tiller | R&B | YouTube (Prod by Sejji Bonz)



Instagram: _i.am.dee

Twitter: call_me_dee

TikTok: the.names.dee


F A Q:

Race: Half Nigerian + South African

Name: Dineo Mashigo

Camera: iPhone 6s Plus

Editing software: Inshot

Curl pattern: 4c

Hair type: Low porosity, High Density



This video is not sponsored and all reviews/ things said are of my own opinion


Business Email: [email protected]


And i wish i had a meat when i was going natural come on dude, i'm basically giving you the cheat codes to natural hair itself, hey guys. Today we are going to be talking about some do's and don'ts of natural hair. These are just a few things that i've come across a few mistakes. I'Ve made on the way to reaching where i'm at right now with my natural hair, and i just thought it would be a really good idea to share that, so that you guys don't have to go through three years of like trials and errors and then finally, Coming to terms with some of these things, i'm about to share with you so without further ado, let's get into the video so for the first do or don't or tip i have is learn about your hair type and your hair porosity. I didn't learn about that. I kind of just thought: okay, i have natural hair, i'm going to go on youtube and like search natural hair, wash routines or what to do with natural hair and then from that i'd use like every single tip and trick that i got from every single youtuber At least i'll try to but dude, if you don't know your hair type, you don't know the density. How are you going to incorporate all of these tips and tricks that you're, getting correctly it's like me, looking up a natural hair, video and taking someone with 2a curly hair, you know those curls long lashes, curls and trying to incorporate it into my hair regimen. It'S not gon na work now, for the second, don't is always putting your hair in tight hairstyles and then you wonder why your edges are literally reclining they're, going back. It'S probably because you're always putting tension on your hairline. Give your hairline a break. Give give your your for the front of your hair a break, let it breathe, let it be when you're constantly putting um tension on it, you're constantly putting tension on the hair there. It'S bound to break off, therefore leading to a receding hairline or your baby. Hair is just not being there anymore if you're lucky enough to have baby hairs, because some of us don't have baby hairs. We wish we had more, so we could lay them and have ages like all these daddies, but it's time it's okay. Now for the third? Don'T i have is when you don't take care of your hair, while it's in a protective style, be it braids twist straight up straight back cornrows, even when it's underneath the wig, it's so important to nurture and take care of your hair, while it's in a protective Style lots of times people think that, just because their hair is packed away, it's out of sight, then they think it's like out of mind like oh, thank goodness i got braids. I don't have to worry about my hair for the next two months: you're right in the sense of you're, not gon na be putting in as much work you're not going to be. You know doing the whole wash day that takes a whole day to do you're not gon na, be you know, detangling your hair as frequently as you would if your hair was out, but it is so important that you still take care and nurture your hair while It is in those protective styles, the ways that you could do this is by oiling your scalp spritzing, your hair with water once in a while and just taking some moisturizer and running it through your hair. Now i'm not saying go in and like squirt a whole freaking bottle of moisturizer in your hands and slither that all over your hair, that's a recipe for just clogging your pores and build up. You don't want that, but what you can do is you can go in with some oil and apply that onto your scalp and just take that time and just like get in there, maybe three times a week. Maybe do it monday skip tuesday, wednesday skip thursday friday skip saturday sunday. You know like that. You can't get in there all right! You want your hair to grow. You want your hair to flourish. You better take care of it. Well, it's the most protective styles. Now, for don't number four don't apply oil on your hair when your hair is dry, because that is like being stuck in the desert and being thirsty and someone handing you a bottle of coke you're thirsty and someone gives you soda when your hair is dry and You add oil on your hair and you think that your hair is supposed to be moisturized. I can understand why you think that, but here i am telling you that that's not gon na help when your hair is dry and you want to put moisture back into your hair spit your hair with some water, get a moisturizer and then use oil, because for Those of you who don't know oil is a sealant. It is not a moisturizer. Oil is used to seal the moisture that you have put into your hair. Okay. It is not a moisturizer on its own now for tip numero 5, which is something i'm kind of guilty of, but don't attack me get regular trims and buy regular. I don't mean getting them every week. I don't mean getting them every month, but every four months, every six months twice a year, that's good. Getting regular trims just ensures that you're not harboring any split ends in your hair and so that your hair isn't like excessively breaking off and you're. Like. I don't understand: what's going on, i'm doing all these things, but my hair's still breaking off get regular trims. It will save you trust me. It will save you so much now for tip number six get long-term protective styles, and if you don't know what that means, it means when you get your braids, you get your twists, you get your cornrows try to get the ones that will last you not just Two weeks try get the ones that will last you a month, maybe if you're even pushing it two months. If you want to push it even more, maybe you refresh the front and you keep it for three months. I don't know about three months, but you know just get those hairstyles that you can push in a good way, while your hair is still you know, flourishing underneath, but it's being protected. Okay, getting the long term protective styles just helps i'm giving your hair a break and also giving you that break, and it's allowing your hair to just flourish underneath those protective styles now for number seven try and limit the amount of heat that you use. I guess this really comes to play with how you're using the heat, if you're blow drying your hair quite frequently, and by frequently i mean every single wash day, please make sure using heat protectant and a really good heat protectant at that and be generous with the Amount of heat, protectant you're, using just so that you can at least try to avoid heat damage because heat damage is not fun. You have heat damage, it's not really healthy. You got ta cut it off. We don't want to cut off your hair, so just make sure that when you are using the heat you're taking the precautionary measures in terms of protecting your hair, while doing it number eight, when you get your hair done and you're going to the salon bro, please Says please, please don't just be sitting in anybody's chair in the salon, because if you expect, let's call her samantha samantha from some random hair salon to absolutely love and take care of your hair and like just put in like all that passion and just make sure That your hair is getting the best treatment in the world off the jump. She don't know you, she don't know your hair, but you want her to do it and huh the best tip i have for you is, if you find a good hair stylist, he or she does your hair proper. Every time they don't miss. You love the outcomes of your hairstyles when they do it stick to them. They know your hair even better, stick to them, because not everybody wants the best for you and i'm telling you this kind of experience. Sometimes out of experience don't be sitting in just anyone's chair thinking, they want the best for you and your hair. Whoa bars don't be sitting in anyone's chair and thinking they want the best for you in your hair. Someone sign me up sign me moving on when you become deep roots head when you become really involved in the natural hair products, the community, the that the do's and don'ts the nips tricks and all that stuff. You start looking more into your products and looking at. What'S inside the products and how the different ingredients may impact affect effect, your hair? Now, if you watch my channel - and you know, i have those videos where i recommend your products, then you know i've read up all you know. I'Ve read up on all of them and everything, but if you're like uh, if you're like just you, know, you're just coming by to see you know what this girl has to offer, i'm just gon na tell you when you are getting products, try and stay away From products that have mineral oil, petroleum and sulfates, those three all around just ain't good for your hair, especially especially, if you have natural hair, it's just not going to do you good trust me just try to stay away from those these ingredients. They clog your pores. They prevent growth sometimes and they interfere with the moisture penetrating your hair. Shaft trust me. You don't want that if you're putting on moisturizer on your hair and there's an ingredient preventing the moisture entering your hair, shaft you're wasting your money, you're wasting your time. It'S all going out the window numero 10. This is a don't! Please don't leave your hair uncovered while you sleep unless you're sleeping with a satin pillowcase, then i guess in that case it's like okay, girl, okay guy at least you're. Doing a little bit to you know, help your hair out. But if you're sleeping on a cotton, pillowcase and you're not covering your hair - and you know, you're doesn't even matter if you're, the sleepers, that roll around everywhere or if you're, the one that's sweet boy loose. Your hair still suffering rather cover your hair with a satin scarf a satin want it get a satin pillowcase. Those will all help your hair in the long run, while you're sleeping now for number 11 don't apply product on dirty hair because you're not going to reap the benefits of the products that you're applying on your hair and you're kind of just wasting your money and Time essentially, this leads to stiff hair, as well as the sticky feeling, and it also weighs your hair down. Your hair looks greasy. It'S just not fun so rather take that day do the wash the hair washed routine the whole hair day, washing in the hair the whole day. I know it's tiring, but it's worth it. You rather put in the time and use the products that you put your money into efficiently, then waste your time and money using products on hair, that's dirty and is not absorbing all of these products you're putting into it. You don't want that number 12. When you have your hair out in an afro and a puff and whatever a low puff chew puff whatever style you have in and it's out when you lean against materials that absorb your hair. Moisture such as you know, when you lay on your um on your bed, your sheets you're, laying on it like just flat like that. Sometimes you'll notice that, like your the materials you're laying on they start like having these like, maybe like oily patches or these not like changing color, that's usually because the the products from your hair are actually being absorbed by the material that you're laying on so essentially. Whatever you put in your hair being a moisturizer, an oil, a leave-in whatever it is, it's being absorbed from your hair into your bed sheets, your couch, your pillow, whatever it is, maybe try limits laying your head on these surfaces or put like a satin scarf or Like if you're in the house and you're not like going anywhere just put your hair in abundance, and then you can lay wherever you want, number 13 do have a hair regimen routine. Once you find yourself having a routine having certain steps that you follow when dealing with your hair, you find that it becomes really easy to deal and maintain and cope with your hair when you have to cope with it. Tip number 14, which is a do, is do detangle your hair properly. What do i mean by detangling your hair properly when you're detangling your hair, go from the ends to your roots, from the tips to the base of your hair? This limits breakage and you stretching your hair while detangling it just helps, ensures that you're really limiting your hair from stretching back up and getting into a nutty mess number 15 when coming out of the shower from washing your hair. A big, don't is when you reach for a towel when you're trying to try your hair do reach for a cotton t-shirt. Cotton t-shirts are just a lot softer and more gentle on your hair, and it has a whole lot less friction than what a towel has and when you do use a cotton t-shirt, you're not going to be rubbing your hair instead, you're going to just you know, Do this with a t-shirt just fondle, it gently just squeeze it with love, and i don't even know but don't be up here doing this to your hair, because that's friction and that's a recipe for breakage, and you don't want that now. Finally, a do for number 16 do have goals and therefore a sense of motivation for your hair when we find ourselves setting goals that we want to reach for hair, realistic goals. Might i say it creates a sense of excitement and a wanting to like you know, take that wash day routine and just really care for your hair and take your time with it and just love it speaking positively about your hair into your hair. Also is a really big. Do there is power in the words that you speak and if you're constantly speaking badly about your hair to your hair and to others um, you will probably start believing that, and i do think that will probably have an impact on your hair as well. An interesting thing about most things in life is that once you start to change your perspective on things, life has a funny way of turning things around for the better, so speak, positive things about your hair, even when you might not be feeling that in the moment, It'S gon na help with your self-confidence and in the long run, it's just gon na help with your confidence in your hair as well, and it's always important to remember not to compare your hair journey to others. Oftentimes that can be very discouraging, and you just won't enjoy your hair journey as much as you could, or you should learning more about your hair should be a fun experience. Now i will say not all the times you discover the don'ts will be times to celebrate, but in a sense it could you could be like okay now i know not to do that and i can move on we're saying dang i've been doing this, the entire Time because my hair's not like this, that's not growing, that's right, it's not fun, it's not fun, it's not fun for you or your hair. This brings us to the end of the video. If you enjoyed the video, please make sure to leave a like and comment. Maybe any questions or queries you might have. My socials will also be in the description box and i hope you have a lovely day evening morning or night depending on where you are - and i will see you next time - bye guys you

Dineo.J: Heyy guys!❤️ I forgot to add that for tip 4 (don’t put oil on dry hair) i was referring to when you’re looking for ways to put moisture into your hair you’re wayyy better off reaching for some water and a hair moisturiser thennnn sealing that moisture with your oil of choice! Apologies for the confusion

Samkelisiwe Ntanzi: Amazing tips sis, beautiful hair, love your videos ❤️❤️❤️

Mvelo K: You're so passionate, Love it ♥️

Michelle Candy: 2 months is the way and my braids are always fresh

Marshy Cele: You are beautiful with beautiful hair and I think I'm going to enjoy your content❤

Lovely Duck: Absolutely love your personality

Masabata Mphou: which moisturiser do you use for your hair??

Michelle Candy: Thanks for the tips

Aicha Cisse: My new favorite hair YouTuber

Londiwe Qezu: Please make a wash day routine video.

Thebe Mphahlele: ♥️ new subbie

Bakhanya Moropa: Hey girlloveee the content, do you believe in the egg and mayo mix?

Mayenziwe Mtshali: ❤❤❤

Mvelo K: Eh I didn't know the oil one

Lovely Duck: See can't wait till you reach 100k subs so I can say I've been here since 500 subs

ori.yanaa. naa: "Woah! Bars ." ❤

REEL GOAT 999: I'm inlove with Dineo❤️

Mvelo K: This girl kills me

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