Lightning Wig - Cosplay Tutorial



- Makeup Tutorial:

- Full Costume Tutorial:

I have been getting a bunch of questions on how I color & styled this wig! I hope you find this helpful! :)

My Cosplay Prints:

~My Social Media~



Huge THANK YOU to:

Alan @NA Studio for recording the intro clips:



Watch his beautiful full showcase of this costume!!

Purpleschala for the music :



Wig from ebay (did no look like photos in listing obviously lol):

Colored Contact Lenses and Lashes from Pinky Paradise.

- EOS Dolly Eye Grey -




(I've used this camera for years for my videos and photos!)

Standard Lens:

50mm Lens:

Ring Light:

Soft Box Lights:

RBG Color Changing Lights:

(Highly Recommend these!)


Contact Email:

[email protected]

We hey guys today, I'm going to show you how I made my lightning way. Let'S get started. First, I'm going to put my hair up in a wig cap and try on my wig after the wig is on. I went brush with water and work the water through the hair until it's damp, then, with a hair straightener on low heat, I straighten the section that will be used for the bangs once it's straightened, I start cutting off the excess, hair and sectioning the banks from The rest of the hair, then I cut the hair while angling, the scissors upward to thin it out and create layers. It really helps to look at reference photos to see where the hair hits on the character's face and body and try to match it up with your own features. As best as you can you, lightning's, hair is swept to the side with a very thin and wispy loose way, and since this way is so thick, I am just hacking away at the hair, while cutting upward. So it's less overwhelming to work with after cutting off the excess hair. I quickly glide my straightener through on a low heat to loosen the curl. Did I just touch it up in some unhappy now that I'm done cutting is time to color and style since lightnings? Here is just sideswipe without a ponytail I hold the hair in plays with little globs of hot glue. If I hug really likes to watch what I'm doing for some reason, after the hairs in place, I make some acrylic craft paints to the desired color. I'M going for a deep rosy pink since the wig is more on the blond side. I watered down the paint, so it doesn't dry too thick and is easy to brush through the hair. After applying the paint, I work it into the hair with a comb. Try to start from the roots and work your way down and make sure you don't miss any way. I always try to get my wigs a little lighter than the color of the character, because they are pretty easy to darken a few shades, but it doesn't look the same trying to paint dark. Wigs, lighter you. If the pain you makes is too dark, you can spray some water on the wig and it shoot them out or if the color is wrong altogether, you can rinse off the wave while the paint is still wet. I personally prefer to pay all my ways, because it adds different tones dull sight, glossy shine of synthetic hairs and gives it an overall more realistic. Look like anything though it does take time to get used to. I can do this since I was a kid on my perm. You know I would suggest testing to spend it out on the old wig. You don't really need or leftover hair from a wig. You trimmed once I'm happy with the color, and the hair is still a little damp. I run the straightener on a low heat or small sections of the hair, then twist up the hair on the side into a bun. So it keeps its way while it dries, and I am putting a little bit of craft glue on my finger and dipping it in water. So it isn't too thick, but I'm just using it as a styling gel and sectioning little pieces of the banks to make it look all spiky and trimmin it a bit to clean it up and done. I hope you found this video helpful, huge shout-outs purple shala from playing the beautiful music in the video in my friend Alan for recording the intro clips. I will link to their social media sites in the description, so you can check them out. I also have a lightning makin tutorial if you want to check that out and a full costume tutorial coming up next, they keep so much for watching guys bye. You

RinniePie: Wow! I didn't know that painting wigs would have been so useful! It really does add more color that simply just one solid fiber color, and gets rid of some shine. Nice!! ^^

devilsurvivor45 and cosplay: very nice. i like your idea on adding hot glue. i never thought of that for doing wigs with this effect. very creative good job on the wig looks amazing.

NANA: after many years of loving final fantasy 13, i'm going to finally put together a cosplay for lightning!!! it also helps that i'm 19 now and have my own job and ways of making money LOL. but anyways, i've always looked up to you since i first started to cosplay, and i love the methods you use for styling wigs!! i would have never thought to paint them, or even paint my fabric! you're a super awesome human, thank you for these tutorials!! (even though i know they're kind of older)

April: Thank you! I've been wanting to cosplay as the goddess Lightning, but I had no idea how to style her hair. This was very helpful!

Ana: Wowww!! I was taking a look at your instagram and would be awesome to see more FF characters in your channel :) This is very amazing and helpful. Loved your Lulu, Vincent and Edward Scissorhands cosplays!

Vicka Torch: This is incredible! Such a genius tip with the craft paints :)

Aoi Fe'i: Wow, this is cool! When i watched your make up video for Lighting, i saw your wig and was like "whoa that wig is awesome, did she make it?", and you did! This is too good for words, great work!!

Marissa Rose: This is so helpful! I will totally be trying this on my Aqua wig!

Dawn Chandler: Love this. :) Looking forward to the full cosplay tutorial <3

Ashlie Williams: omg honestly you look so exactly like her.. its hard to notice any differences. TRUELY... perfect

Chloe Griff: Your so talented, one day I'll be just like you!

uchihasistersfans: You are really amazing!! I wish i could do that some day :,)

fuyu: Thanks for the tutorial ! It's awesome to see how you do that ! Next time I will do a Jack Frost Cosplay, but I only have a pure white wig, so I have to thank you that I can shade the wig with some acrylic paint ! Thanks !

nano oo: wow , you are an amazing artist ., I really love FF games and I wish you do more cosplays from FFVIII and FFXIII

TaraFYW: Great tutorial! I would've never thought to use acrylic paint on a wig before :)

Kernel Panic Cosplay: Thank you so much, it helped me a lot! Do you use only one mirror or several while styling wigs?

GoddessofSirens: New favorite youtuber... You're beyond amazingly talented. Thank you for making a channel! ^^

dragonrider: OMG I found u random at this moment and I became a fan of your cosplays. You're so talented.

Lillymu961: Watching this makes me want to get into cosplay. It really does. :D

eclairJess ☆: I love your videos! They're so helpful QwQ

Kagami: Need more ffxiii cosplays and I can't wait for the full cosplay vid really want to cosplay as her soon so your video on her really helps thanks:)

kairinaminemix: omg! no wonder your wig looked so close to the game yet so natural. Such creativity!

Pumpkin: Just found your channel. It's freaking awesome! You have a huge talent! :D

Mekei: your video helps me a lot! thx for making this <3

Trinity: You're so creative omg I can't wait to see how you made the outfit *q*

Stacey Zhang: So much work and creativity! Keep it up you'll have so many viewers soon!

Psycho Sonozaki: Please make more videos! You are amazing! <3

Sophia Bock: This method is really helpful! However, I don't have a lot of free time. How long would painting a fairly short wig take?

deyvd severo: Ola sou do Brasil e queria dizer queficou incrivelmente identica parabens otimo trabalho.

Bsra Ekci: This.... is just AWESOME !

Illusion of Quality: That's awesome. Thank you for all the tips :3

DominikKlaric: It just looks amazing :)

Fabz rossini: very talented! the result is just amazing

Carlos Mendoza: That´s what I call high level cosplay

NoctLightCloud: such a beautiful wig!!

Geordie Holly: Oh wow ! So cool I've never seen someone paint a wig before! So smart!

Melli Wika: NOW THAT is *cosplaying* at its best ;o <3

Celestial Cinderella: THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I had never heard of painting wigs to hilight and lowlight them. Ive been practicing it a lot and IT PAYS OFF!!! Thank you so much for helping me become a better cosplayer!!! ♡♡♡ Also, what shades would I use on a light blonde wig?

rligs1: Absolutely amazing!!!

Ara Monogatari: LOVE your work, thanks!!!

Shannon G: I was so shocked when you pulled out the acrylics! :o thats 1000xs easier than having to dye the entire wigs and crossing your fingers that you get the right colour. Thanks again for making these awesome tutorials, you're a champ!! xx

Lauryn Nunez: Super cool techniques! I am for sure gonna use this video to help me with certain wigs!

Kasuke: really beautiful <3 you're the best lightning ever

Jacopo Loconte: Incredible talent and so much amount of work Holy chocobo PS: A Kairi Kh2 costume  would be delightful to see, red head power

Emanuele Moretti: continua così,sei bravissima! hai davvero un talento enorme

Angels Piano: I'm psyched I found your vids! Going to twitchCon this year and I'm following my passion for makeup and wigs and well... I guess cosplay? :) Thank you for sharing your designs!

Julia Ko: I Love your videos! This cosplay suits you very well and looks awesome. Did you buy the outfit or did you do it yourself? And where did you buy the wig? Greetings from Germany :)

Strifey: This is amazing :) I can finally make my own Lightning wig for an upcoming cosplay! Thanks so much! By the way, can you please do an Evie Frye makeup tutorial from Assassin's Creed Synicate?

Krolshi: Wow, I do have to say that the acrylic craft paints does add a more 'natural ' tone to it :o Did you do all your tutorials in one go, as your actually making the costumes? Because that is amazing, you really know what you 're doing~ Again thank you so much for these easy method tutorials <333

That Jonel Guy: I love your videos. You're doing a great job! Could you also make a Harley Quinn makeup on the next video? :3

Jillian Grace Elizalde: Holy guacamole... this is SO good! OMG! <3 I am curious how you'd look as Harley Quinn...

Sofía Sanz: I have a question regarding the acrylic painting of the wig: After it has dried, does it still have "hair" texture and flow?

NeonBlackHeartAttack: Probably the best wig tutorial I've ever seen!!! O:

manujpop: GORGEOUS !!! awesome Job

yeahweareawesome: Wow I've never heard of using paint like that to dye a wig. That's really cool :) I'm gonna have to try it next time.

Purple Dawn: never even thought of painting my wigs. really clever!

Kity Sims: Amazing!

Cosplay Time Capsule: Thanks for the vid! I didn't know wigs could be painted.

Annetta: Please do a Cersei Lannister Cosplay! You have very similar features and it'd look awesome :D

Abby Rodriguez: Your techniques are so smart!!

ra wan: girl, i won't even be surprised if you were really Lightning lol but seriously!! you are sooo good you're a true pro! you might consider working as a stylist xD you're realllyyyy gooood

Handmade Dokis: since the acrylic might make the wig look a bit crusty i think this is a good technique depending on the art style of the character. i agree on always dying the wig to give a more natural look though :-)

Paulina Medina: this is probably the most YOLO thing I had ever seen done to a wig, but OMG the result is amazing !! :O

Cri Os: Imagine. Lighting using 2 litres of hair glue before going to save her sister FABOLOUSLY!!

Ria mikasa: alysson your so awesome. that's the lightning who became real

Kyruks gaming station: The funny thing is, she has the face to knock off Lightning from FFXIII

Giannina Lilian: :O :O YOU ARE AMAZING!!! You could get a job from this. You do an awesome job!

Ai Love: This is really cool! I've been planning on doing a Vanille cosplay but couldn't find a wig the right color. They're always too pink or too orange. So I'll probably be using this technique for her wig. Is there a recommended brush type? Like certain types of brushes work better than others?

GothicNerdChick: So talented :) <3

Firecat0: I love how you whip it around at the end all dramatic and the face of the head is just jacked up with paint. XD Excellent technique!

Vives: Hey i'm a guy and as a final fantasy Fan i had fun to watch both of ur video cosmetic and hairstyling good job ! You are awesome

pastel cums: This tutorial is incredible! Never thought of using craft paint to dye a wig. But will it also work on synthetic wigs cause I'm afraid of trying this out on my wig and screwing it up

Soliloquio de Lüne: I once styled a wig by putting it on a dummy head. It looked great on it, when I tried it on myself it was sooo short!! I messed that one up

Alexcis Thunnery: Youre so close to perfect..

aeia: Amazing quality!

Velour: I think you would make an INCREDIBLE Mercy cosplay!

7ess1a: Really liked that! Creative.

Jenny Perreira: WOW. If i were to paint my wig myself I feel like i would damage it.. When the paint dries does it feel powdery??

Gamer Girl: amazing you look just like her

MARI at wordglass: Do you work as a make up artist?! Amazing!

Joshua Seils: great work!


Jyn Sixx: Have you tried using acrylic ink instead of paint? I heard that works too but I'm having hard time choosing which one I should do.

izzi go: lovely!

kir: Tempted to try this technique for when I do Prompto. Kinda scared though since it'll be my first time attempting a final fantasy cosplay.

Ezorhan: amazing!

mu ra: So talented, best cosplay of lightning ! Can you do a cosplay of Yuna? Its Will be Beautiful !!!!

Sailor Blue: i would love to see a video on how you did your widowmaker wig

Seyra Enma Forthem: Good video. Its content is interesting and entertaining. Tienes nueva suscriptora. ☺️

Iris Patcher: That was very fun to watch!

Levi J.: Perfect. (°ε°)~!

Ophelia Fox: What craft glue did you use in this video?

Graziella Lentini: It's soo amazing !! I wondered if you think I can buy the same wig, but customize it for do Serah's wig ?

Ryan Rizzo: What's the peanut butter for? If I use hair gel in a wig (got2b brand) would it ruin the wig if I were to wash it out? Thanks for the tutorial.

Aerieth_ace: My main question is how she gets it to look so real and not too big for her head

Mae-Gwyn Cosplay: Do you think this technique would work to try and change my wig colour from a light orange to a more subtle peach colour? I was thinking I would need to paint some light browns into my wig.

Pokemonfan4ever: Is that an actual container of peanut butter on your night stand or does it have something else in it? Sorry its a bit off topic. On a note more related to the actual content of the video, I've enjoyed the two Lightning tutorials you've posted thus far. Keep up the great work!

神雅夏娃: can I know where u buy your wig!? they are so good

JennyM1998: I never thought acrylic paint worked on wigs o: doesnt the hair get stiff and weird like a paintbrush that isnt properly cleaned?

Ciikey: Wooooow so talented!!

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