From 613 Blonde To Ginger/Spice |Water Color Method + Plucking| Ft. Posh Babe Hair





Hey: hey: hey, hey, hey! Welcome back to my channel y'all today, as you can tell by the title i'm going to be watercoloring on the 613 blonde wig, i'm going to be using cajun spice and french cognac. I was going for a bright like orange spice kind of look, but it didn't come out as bright as i want, but that's okay, i could just do it over just saw me spray got to be spray on the lace so that the color won't stain the Lace, i'm just putting the cajun spice first into the hot water, it's very hot water, hot hot, hot water. I boiled the water y'all could see the smoke coming out. I boiled the water before putting it in there and then i'm just putting water in the bottle to just get the remainder of the color out. Now i'm just going to be mixing the color around so that the color is not just clumpy inside the water, because then it'll come out clumpy on the hair. Once you try to color it now, i'm going to be going in with the french cognac. I think i should have just used two bottles of french cognac or a third bottle of another color, maybe spice or ginger, but i don't know. I think i should have just used two bottles of french cognac for the color that i wanted. I wanted a brighter color y'all, see what i'm talking about in a second now, i'm just dipping slightly into the water to see what the color looks like to make sure that that's the color that i want before i just dip the whole wig in there and That'S exactly what i wanted the first initial dip color, because it was really bright. I wanted like a bright orangey like ginger but kind of brighter color, but this color wasn't bad make sure you wear gloves, first and foremost, second of all, when you're doing this process and watercoloring, let me tell you it's so easy: all you got to do is Just dip and dip and dip and make sure you dip it spread in the wig so that even the inside of the wig, like the hair, is in between all the little hairs in between gets color. But it's a very easy process. It'S very quick y'all can see as soon as i dipped it in it. It turned color. You know i dipped for a few and then i left it sitting in the water for about five minutes, and then i came back, and this is the color that i got you'll see it. Y'All will see it um a little brighter in a second there. You go well, okay, that was literally a second, so now i'm just shampooing and then i'm gon na condition the wig with shea moisture, shampoo and conditioner. This color was like i don't know. I feel like it's way too similar to the red wig that i had. That'S why i kind of wanted a kind of really an orange color, but, like i said, i could always do this process over and you know get the color that i'm looking for see. It was kind of orangey, but not really. It looked brighter because of the light. In reality, it's not that bright. Maybe when i install it it'll look better than uh. You know it looks like just plain and not only because you know i'm gon na just make it look so much better. So i'm just conditioning right now and i left it for about 20 minutes to just sit and condition, and this is how it looks after washing and conditioning see the and and on camera. The color actually looks brighter than what it is but, like i said, it'll probably look way better once i install the wig so just stay tuned for that video. Sometimes i pluck in different directions. I may plug straight across to just get like different layers. At the same time, so i don't have to keep parting um and then sometime, i just pluck like the first layer of the hair. After removing the like the baby hair layer, i pluck just going straight back, but then after that, after i see that plucking is gucci i just pluck inside i plug to the side, i pluck across the wig across the lace. So i don't have to you know it saves time. Sucking is way better and easier um when your hair is wet, because you can see what you're doing what you're plucking and how much you're, plucking and then you'll see as i go um plucking more. I keep combing out after a few clucks just to remove the hair, so i can see exactly how the hairline is looking just parting, just to show y'all how it looks you know the thing about this color is just looking too brown for me now. Let me tell y'all, i'm definitely gon na. Do this color thing over i'm getting another bottle of cajun spice, probably two bottles and i'm doing this whole coloring process over. So i'm just using the glue stick just to get those little top hairs. I just like to stick up. I was been supposed to do this. Video, so don't be mad at me, but i was waiting for the weight to come and it took so long like it took forever yeah. I could see the difference in like how i plucked versus how it initially looked, i'm just trying to slick it back one because it looks better in two it'll be way easier to install like that. So no hairs are in your way. None of that thing. Looking y'all, let me know what y'all feel about this color, because i don't know it just wasn't it wasn't it for me. I feel like it's too similar to something i already had all right. Okay, it really looks good so far so far. I think this is the best i've ever done trying to get a wig together. So here we go with the flat ironing process. You already know what this is, i'm flat ironing, so i don't have to talk no more for probably the rest of the video so y'all, i'm basically done done done. I just put some more um. I was about to say spray some more glue at the top, not google, but just the glue to hold down lay it down all that stuff lay down the top, so it can be flat flat, nice and flat, no hair sticking up or whatever, and i think This came out really really really. Nice now comment down below what y'all think about the color about how i did um and also just stay tuned for the install video, because it will be coming like the day after this video is uploaded or yeah or probably the same day, but probably most likely. The day after thank y'all for watching subscribe to my channel wrote to 4k her bye, you

ViiLuxx Allison: That’s the color I’m going for

Wiley's MBE: I love this method. Do you think it would work if I do it on my wig that’s already bright ginger? I want it to be a few shades darker

Treasure Seldon: so pretty !

Jalen WALKER: Christine Sabre i love watching your YouTube videos I’m a huge fan

Jasmine Barry: what was the glue stick used on the hair??

tyra mae: Can I do this if I’ve already cut the lace and just wanna change up the colour of my 613 wig?

the morgan denise: i followed this method but my wig came out scary looking

Chaniyah Dior: heyy, this is mad late but i wanna bleach the knots and color my blonde wig, what do i do first ?

Boxxy: Sorry for the stupid question, can I literally do this on my own hair? Like dunk my head in the container with hot water, do you think it will work?

ItsDaDoll: Hey what inch was this wig?

Gumwings: Nice

OhThatsNiya !: What inch was the wig?

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