Going From Hot Pink To Grey Hair Without Bleach!

I used clarifying shampoo (any brand will do) and 500 mg tablets of vitamin C to naturally strip the color out of my hair.

I then used T14 and 050 (Wella) with 20 volume developer in a 4:2 (Color) ratio and 2:1 ratio with developer.

Filmed on iPhone 11

Edited in iMovie

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Hey y'all welcome back my channel, so today we are going to be doing something with my hair. So i, when i got this, it's the color jams from sally's and um. I got it because my stepdaughter wanted to do her, hair, pink and uh. There was a lot of it left, there's still a lot of it left actually um, because it didn't really take that much to do my short hair, even though, usually with it being so thick, it takes more. But for some reason this went a long way and um it's been on my hair for a few weeks now and it's starting to fade, you can see with the faded areas um. So what i'm going to do is i'm going to prep my hair and try and get out as much as i can of it. We are going to do the the tried and true way that i fixed my hair the last time. So i went and got some clarifying shampoo. This one is um: bolero's rose water, smoothie, clarifying shampoo, free of parabens and dyes. I got this at dollar tree y'all, so you don't have to invest a lot of money and then we are going to crush up and mix it with some vitamin c. That'S how i fixed my hair last time when i went from black to red and it was totally screwed up um and it took the black out of the red. So i'm thinking it'll pull this temporary, like demi permanent um color out of my hair. So you can see how it's a lot darker at the bottom than it is at the top. It'S just i'm not loving it, so i'm gon na mix it up really quick and then i'll be right. Okay, so, right now i took 12 of these 500 milligram. Vitamin c's - and i just crushed them, they're super easy to crush with a spoon like the back of the spoon and just try and get it as fine as you can just so. It mixes and dissolves better with the shampoo um. It'S okay! If it's a little chunky uh, you don't have to be a perfectionist about it. Okay, so now that we've got the um vitamin c crushed up real good we're going to take our clarifying shampoo and we're just going to add some in and then i'm taking my hair brush. That i apply like my bleach and color and all with, and i'm just mixing it up really good, i'm just gon na eye it. I know i need enough to cover my head so and then all you literally do is paint it on your head, like you would hair color so now that i've got my hair fully covered with the shampoo and vitamin c mixture and i've worked it in real Good all the way to the roots, even though my roots aren't colored, but i just worked all through and you can kind of see it already coming off. So i'm going to leave it on for an hour, so you leave it on for an hour rinse it out um, and then we may have to do it again. I don't know it just depends on how much it pulls out. So we'll see i'll, be right. Back after an hour and a rinse okay, so i'm back it set on my hair for an hour. I rinsed it out, and then i shampooed it again. While i was in the shower and conditioned it and then i blow dried it just so, you could really get a hint see how much it took out already and my hair is so soft. It'S not damaged or anything because i mean it's just vitamin c that we're using. So what i'm going to do is i'm going to do a second round of it. Leave it on there for another hour, wash it again blow dry it and then i'll come back and show y'all how that looks, because i'm trying to get as much of this pink out before i dye it any other color or bleach it again. I haven't quite decided what i'm going to do with my hair yet, but i'm just wanting to show you like a natural way to really get hair color out that you don't want in your hair anymore. Okay. So it's not all the way dry, but it's dry for the most part um, and that is with the second vitamin c and clarifying shampoo bath. I think it is light enough to do what i want to do. I'M not going to put any bleach on it. I think what i'm going to do is i'm going to do a gray. I'M going to leave my roots dark because dark roots are gon na are like trending this year for fall, and i'm going to grab my hair it'll hide the grays already have so i'm gon na go get this stuff and i'm gon na. Do it and be right back, hey y'all, so i ran to sally's and i got these um. I probably had some toner around here somewhere, but you're gon na never have enough toner. So this is a t14 pale ash blonde and this is a zero five. Zero cooling, violet um. We are not gon na lift my hair anymore, because i just really don't wan na put bleach on it. So what we're gon na do is we're gon na take the um the t14 and i'm going to do two parts of it know. Four parts of this to two parts of this and then toner the one to two ratio to the t14 okay. So it's 42 milliliters. Let me do some quick math we're gon na have to turn fan on yo, it's very pungent and it's smell, so i'm mixing together. I'Ve got the 20 volume developer because i don't want it to really lift anymore, because my hair, i mean generally it's pretty light. I mean it still has that little bit of a pink tone to it hold on. Let me get the paint yeah i'll, just never remind the pan in the back. We just got ta get some air circulating up in here because the fumes on this i mean if y'all have ever used the t18 or the t14 any of the toners. They are very, very strong smelling and i think we've got this good and mixed so creamy. Really jelly looking so my hair is kind of short, so we're just gon na kind of slap it on okay. So i heavily saturated my hair um, i put a plastic bag on it and then wrapped a towel over it to kind of keep heating um. I'M gon na leave it on for like like 20 minutes. I don't know we'll see what it looks like after then. I hope it pulls out the pink if it doesn't. I have plenty to do a second round should i need it, but i don't think i will, because it was already like you can see right here, pulling really dark um, so i'm gon na check it in, like i don't know, like maybe 10 minutes um. I am like the messiest when it comes to putting on your color um, but yeah, so i will be back okay, so it's been on there eight minutes. It looks really dark, but it won't be this dark. When i wash it out, there is a little pink still shining through like right here, where it stubbornly didn't, come out just right there at the top and in the front. So i'm going to try and go over it a little bit more because it's been on there about eight minutes, um see if those last two minutes on my timers enough to pull this pink out, because i mean it's pretty much come out of everywhere else. So i'm just gon na put a little bit more right there, just because that was also the last place that i done is right here at the front, so give it a few more minutes. You see a little hint of pink, but it turned out super cute. Anyway - and i did not have to put any bleach on it - love it love it um if you like, the video subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell, so you can know when i upload a new video um. Follow me on social media. Facebook is at the alley. Cottage instagram is ali, underscore cottage underscore makeup and ticket talk is ally, m cottage, um yeah, i post a lot of stuff on there. Lots of articles - lots of coupons lots of, looks that i don't film um, because i can't do a video every day, but uh yeah. Follow me leave me some comments. Let me know what you like what you didn't like blah blah blah um. I hope y'all like the makeup. I was very fire inspired, i don't know um yeah, so y'all have a great day great rest of your day, and i love you. You

Meaghan Morton: This is a really good tutorial! Thank you! Very thorough and informational without being annoying!

Tiffani Shockey: SOO exited to try this! Hoping it looks as gorgeous as yours! Thank you SO much for sharing this!!

Deborah Underwood: Your hair is just gorgeous! I have decided to do the same and let my natural color (which is now grey) grow in.

Ciara Lamkin: WOWWWWWW. I did not expect that transformation beautiful job and the makeup too

Sugar Freshh: Thanks. Trying this tomorrow. My hair is bleached and the pink tones won’t come out. I’m using t14 in the morning. You’re so gorgeous !

Gemini15 Vargas: Omg thank you I will be trying this! Fingers crossed! It looks gorgeous on you woman ❣❤

My Diana: Your hair looks so good

Valerie Ramirez: Looks great!!!! thanks I needed this video!!

SarahHeartzUnicorns: I always like hair content. I think it tends to be fun, and I’m always thinking up stuff myself

Scarlett Sierra: It looks amazing!!

Bren Ten: Your hair turned out great.. You did use the entire bottle of both, is that correct. I watched another video that said to get the perfect gray to use 1 bottle T14 2:1 ratio and only 3 capfuls of the 050. The last time I used T14 just by itself my hair must have been really porous because within just like 5 mins it was trying to tone to a blueish color which lol at almost 60 is a no go.

Images InLA: Excellent, informative video. Keep up the good work.

Royalty Burdette: Thank you I have faded mix pink hair and I'm over it so I was thinking grey.... I did the vitamin c with the purple shampoo thinking it would be better but nooo girls don't do it it turned my purple not that bad but it took 10 washes to get it off...

noemi kingsley: Love this video very helpful i hope it works for me. What number toner did you use ? I saw a big pink bottle and i have no idea what vol it was

Jennifer Jackson: Oh my goodness! Thank you! Beautiful!

S B: Allie, can I use t14 and 050 again a week later.. over already toned with same? Some places didn’t take and I’d like to leave it on longer to get it darker....

Julie Insley: Looks really nice suits you well hun...

Janice Jones: Thank you Allie for Sharing, Absolutely Fabulous, I will Try This x

Mary JANE Torres: I love it looks very beautiful

Judy Roman: I love it!

Passant Mahran: Oh i love it , i have dark purple hair right now , and i got color charm 050 , any ideas to turn it a bit lighter ?!

Jade McQueen: You're super cute, great tips! I'm doing the exact thing tonight!

Kei Limepie: Really enjoyed the hair vid! Thanks ^-^

Ainsyah Armaya: you’re absolutely stunning btw what kind of vitc ur using ? love ur vid a lot

Brigitt De leon: Omg I love it !!

Shannon OHanlon: How long did you leave it on?

Louie Riggs: Here’s a tip, research no sulfates fast hair growth shampoo.

Gilsther Morales: hey i have a question.. what color was your hair whe you applied the pink ?? maybe i missed that part lol thankyou

Charlotte De Vries: Beautiful

ffireinthedark: Can someone please explain the radio percentage she explained in the description of the video about her hair?

Eva Carter: Update on your hair ?!❤️

Every Haircolor: love your haircut!!!

Yanira Fortis: OMG

YR 91: I have light fed Cooper can I achieve this color?

Raven Borjas: What pink brand was in your hair?

Krystian Giddens: Your cat is so cute btw!

Beatrice P: Thanks!

ohokok: What glasses are you wearing

crackerjack4u: Your hair turned out so pretty. Did you say the pink you removed was Demi color and not Semi color, is that correct? I have Demi in mine right now that is stuck in the back of my hair, and I've tried everything to break that crap loose, and get it out of there, including what you did in the video. I guess after I initially bleached mine, and applied the demi the back was possibly so porous that it sucked it up, even though Demi is mainly deposited on the hair shaft and not in it, and it stained it or something? I've even tried color removers, and all the other little hopefuls but nothing has worked. I'm just really trying to not have to bleach mine again, but removing this demi crap has been a complete PITA that it's looking like bleaching it is going to be the only option to get it out of there.

moonlight_🏳️‍🌈: wow what color you used

roedhunt: Excellent video! I learned a lot. Only one small comment. Why that style of make up? You are a beautiful woman and if I hadn't seen you without your make up first and only the end, I would have thought you were a drag queen. You are beautiful naturally!

Em Bee: developer is bleach

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