No Bleach Needed!?!? | Coloring Hair Red | Splat! Rebellious Colors | “Royal Red”

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What'S up y'all the code that I'm gon na be playing with today, here's a color by the brand splat. I got it for my cousin and, as you can see, she got some family dollar I'm. The only thing that consists in this box is the color to which is in royal red in a box of gloves when dealing with. Does that make sure you drape your client and protect your countertops, because this died not only gets messy, but it can stain up your countertops really bad. I also make sure you wear a set of gloves right now, I'm just getting ready to detangle her and section her. You don't have the section, but for the sake of the video I will be section her off. As you can see, the instructions are located actually inside of the box. I thought that was really neat okay, so I have them in four sections and I'm gon na be starting with a the back right section. All I'm doing is applying the color and dragging it down. Like I say you don't have to do a little small subsections. You can just apply it to the whole, the whole area and just work it through. Before the sake of the video, I'm decided to UM break the sections down and apply it on each individual subsection. Also, I saw on the box that stated that this was a no bleach dye, meaning you can you don't have to bleach your hair and lift it in any way to use the dye. So I was curious to see how this was going to go. I was actually going to stop and get some more bleach, so I can lift her roots and then apply the color. But when I read that I was like okay, let's play with it and let's see if this really holds up to what it said it was gon na do it was really easy. With this color, I didn't have to worry about mixing anything like I say the color came already pre-mixed and ready to go. All I had to do was cut the tip off of the bottle and start applying the color make sure you saturate and cover each area of the hair. Don'T leave any dry spots now right here. I chose to use my hands, but so you can have more control. I suggest you use a brush also. I went a little past her hairline, because it's it's kind of low, if you're not sure if the color is going to, let's see irritate the skin. I don't advise you to do how I did and it also may stain stain the skin, but I knew how to get it off so and um and we also did a test ring. So I didn't work. I knew it wasn't going to irritate the skin, but if you can help it, don't get it all over the skin. On the hairline, like I did, some color red color can be really hard to get off the skin and, as you can see right here, I've got the color all over her hair and now I'm using a wide tooth comb and just making sure I pull all Of the color making sure every strand is saturated with the color another technique, you can do so. Your hairline won't be so harsh. You can get a brush in almost in like the balayage method, like you use when you're bleaching hair. So you won't have that harsh line. You can also try that method around your hairline and all I'm doing is just going in making sure I empties the bottle and make sure to check to see if I had any areas at the root that could use a little more color and once you're done Making sure all of the hair saturated now it's time to put on a processing cap, you can process this color up to 45 minutes and if the hair is really thick, you can do an additional 15 minutes. So all I did was put the cap on. You. Didn'T need to sit or under a hooded, dryer anything, and I set my timer all righty. It'S been 45 minutes. Actually we decided to UM. Do the extra 15 minutes and look at their the hair is nice, it's vibrant. It felt good and on her dark roots, it did tinted just a little bit, not too much, which was exactly what she wanted now. She wanted me to give her some bantu knots and she wanted the parting to be in triangle. So right here, you're just gon na see in this clip in the next clip all I'm doing is sectioning her off and I'm doing some triangles right here. I'M holding the Paul Mitchell roundtrip, which is good for twist outs or any kind of natural styles. If it's got something to do with twisting or curls, you see the triangle party, I actually added some key protecting as well, which will protect her hair when she goes out into the Sun, but all I'm doing is making sure I do tangley really. Well, I add about three to four pumps, depending on the section of the car mature round trip and I'm doing in the bantu knot and when you're twisting make sure not to over twist, if you own, so that can definitely cause some breakage if you're noticing the Scalp is wrinkling up or some little bitty bumps or the hair looks like it's pulling in between your triangles. You might want to redo that section and I'm choosing to secure the bantu with a rubber band. I rent, I went around three to four times. You don't have to use a rubber band, you can also young. You can use a hair pin to secure it. I know a lot of people, don't like rubber bands, and you see the part at the top that I'm not working on. I also have a water bottle spray bottle to the side to keep that part of the hair moist. You do not want this hair to dry out before you get to it. You can twist clockwise or counter clockwise. It doesn't matter as long as in the end, you have a nice secure, bantu knot, and this is how we set it, and I let it dry and you will see in the if not the next clip you'll see in the last clip the finishing product and The red scab: don't worry about that! You can easily get that off with your color remover. I hope you guys enjoyed this video, don't forget to Like comment and subscribe. Please subscribe to my video, it's free. I promise you. I also don't forget to follow me on Instagram. It is, I am Beauty, 83 until next time, goodbye thanks again for watching

Keila Smith: Kinda misleading the ends of the hair is already lightened.

Ralf Barker-Kimp: Like, aren’t those ends already bleached?

Galactic Vibrations: Gorgeous red is so stunning on her!

Sherry Donaldson: I just bought ruby midnight...I can’t wait! Yours looks so good and shiny !!! I love love love it!

DaHunters Trophy: Jawn getting her hair dyed super cute

Sherry Donaldson: Girl come on over to my house and do mine!!! Lol how the heck you do those triangle parts with your hands like that!?!? You’re a hair artist!

Ashley Kidd: Do you wash it out ? After applying dye

KASNation Studio's: Did you use the splat shampoo and conditioning or no?

Andrealldaay: Ummm a no bleach dye. I have to try it. The hair paint wax as been my method.

Destiny Kaye Music: Love it! Subscribed!

Peacefully Monique: It’s already bleached

Barbara Robledo: Adorable

Ann-Marie: Her hair is already bleached, so naturally the hair would work.

Alycia Bellamy: Does it count as no bleach if it was already bleached?

ann will: Hello beautiful color is have that color but I don't want to use it if its a dye because I dyed my hair about 6 mos ago n it took my hair out so is this a dye or just a rinse thank u

nekreiea Dumas: Did you wash her hair?

Empress Jah9: Her hair was already bleached tho

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