From Black To Golden Bloned No Bleach!/ Dark And Lovely Hair Colour Review Part 1

So I have been wanting to experiment with my natural hair color lately so I thought why not bring you guys with me when I try something new.

In this video, I try the Dark and lovely hair dye in the colour 384 golden blonde for the first time after a friend hairstylist of mine recommended it when I told her I don't want to bleach my hair.

I will be giving you guys a full review of the dark and lovely product in this video and also a tutorial of how I did it.

dark and lovely hair dye:

Dark and Lovely Fade-Resistant Rich Conditioning Hair Lightener,384

Hello, everyone I'm back because it's Sunday duh today, I felt like just disappointing myself, maybe going bald or just messing up my whole cult like yeah, I feel like taking a risk so today we're gon na be doing I'm gon na light, my hair, you guys yeah, I'M a scared, a hairdresser recommended this to me after I told her like I want to color my hair, but I don't want to damage my curls cause. You know we're all about the clothes here, so they said you should use this and it wouldn't damage that much, and this is just a Lightner. Okay, it's 384 light golden blonde blonde door. A play, dark and lovely fade resistance, rich conditioning light, nur see it's a light nur. So let's just see how this works. If you're interested in this product, then I would just be trying out for you and if I go bald, you owe me on the instructions. This has to do this with dry non washed hair. I washed my hair two days ago, so I was good in that section, but to be able to brush it out. I had to wet it and I just waited for it to dry and I'm just sectioning. It in four parts, so it's easier to apply the product, I'm using a plastic hair, but for this it says to pour entire container on the dark and ugly cream developer and applicator bottle and shake that up to mix it. I put the product on my hands and then I just massage it at the ends of my hair and not touching the roots, and I put it back again in a bun after I was done with everything I put a timer on for 30 minutes after it Has only gone 10 minutes, it says to apply a little more on the roots. This is how the hair turned out to be after 30 minutes, which is why I decided to wait 10 minutes more, so I have waited more than I should, because I mean some places. It actually did pick up, but some places it didn't and I took out the buns and actually massage didn't and everything, but it was, it was still the same. I mean I waited 45 minutes altogether and it's just like to wait 30 minutes, but it didn't work. I mean it's like: is it red I don't know, but I'm gon na take out the buns and massage it in I mean not massage. It'S just not two muscles just do this today here so like it's just kids everywhere. I guess the last step is to condition it and it says, apply each dark and lovely moisturiser conditioner which they had in the box, and it says massage through here. Leave on for three minutes runs out with warm water style hair as usual. That'S the last step. After doing all the steps I actually went to bed, so this is the next morning the cross of the layer which I'm very happy about, like it didn't damage them at all. The color was not at all even, and I think that has to do something with the way I applied it, because the back looks alright, but the friend I don't know what we're wrong, as you guys can tell here, like the one side is lighter than the Other - and that is just not cute, so a friend of mine, that is a hair just wanted to help me out. Thank you, God. This is how it looked before and she did her magic first. She applied two boxes of the same Lightner. After doing that, she put me under the hair accelerator heater. Thank You, Susana base for this big favor by the way after resting that off she put me under the steam, because apparently it's good for the hair. This is how I looked before styling it, but after styling it in the practice. So I would actually recommend this product, but keep three things in mind: don't apply three roots, first use more than one box at least three and get somebody to help you, because then it will be more even but the product on his own. It'S actually really really good products, in my opinion, because they're doing damage none of my curls and you got the hair pretty light, but it's not the blonde. I want it, so I will be doing this all over again. That'S about it for today. Thank you guys for watching and I'll see you guys next week.

Jennifer Ealy: Dark brown or black color hair must have a lift before you use this color. You must also use a toner to clam it down and blend it. Never use a ponytail holder when coloring your hair you created color blocks .

Itzweirdlyaesthetic: The product didn’t damage her curls, her friend did when she got it done the second time back to back. I used this and my curls are still here

winter is here: That looks exactly like bleach... the brassiness... the way curls straight up when you apply some tension...Edit: the second ingredient of the "lightner" is hydrogen peroxide... GIRL THAT'S BLEACH!

Faith Lewis: Never dyed my hair because my mom was always afraid of my hair being ruined (I have African American hair) This is the first hair dye product I’ve ever gotten (besides overtone for brown hair, which didn’t work) so I appreciate the tips in this video

kookoo pop: An applicator brush distributes the color evenly through the hair. I have never had to go back a second time when I dye my hair blonde.

Kenny Paris: i would recommend using a plastic hair cap or grocery bag after putting the product in. i used the same brand (but the color i used was chestnut blonde) and lifted perfectly. didn't damage my curls either.

theblaquemuse: Time for class ladies . Im a licensed cosmetologist who has years of experience in a high end salon in nyc. What she put on her hair is what we would refer to as a highlift color. It’s permanent hair dye that is supposed to lift the hair very light with hydrogen peroxide. However we often don’t prefer to use these colors as they tend to lift very brassy, yellow and orange on darker colors of hair. They are best used on someone who is naturally blonde. Kind of like that product sun in. I’m surprised a licensed cosmetologist recommended she use this. Her friend then went in and tried to do a color correction (I charge 150 an hour for this type of service). It’s very unpredictable and we can’t promise things will be fixed. Box dye because of the minerals in it can be very unpredictable and lift unevenly or not at all. Hence why the roots lifted light and the ends not so much. I’m just letting you know ladies use this at your own risk! Make sure you properly saturate and take your time. I honestly feel like your better off saving to get someone to put blonde highlights in your hair. Also with the use of olaplex and bond rebuilders bleach doesn’t have to be a bad thing. You just need to go to someone who knows what they are doing. Good luck ladies

Julie Nichole: My hair is like the darker color in your hair and I LOVE IT! I think it goes so good with our skin color

jada thornton: I just dyed my hair with that and it came out so nice

Eva ✨: I just brought this color today. I'm use to coloring my hair but I'm so nervous about transitioning from a dark color to a light, gaudy color.

Curlay: Everyone saying her hair is damaged, it’s stretched. She had it in a bun, her texture isn’t the tightest so when the hair stretches from being in the bun, it makes the strands look straight.

Shyna King: Y’all have to remember her hair was in a ponytail then she showed you her hair so her curls are probably fine my hair does that to when I take it out of a ponytail it’s all straight but really my hair is super curly

Brittany Torok: The same thing happened. My roots are a light honey brown and my the rest of my hair is the same color. During the process my hair didn’t change at all but I only left it on for 30

maggie caputo: A hair stylist wouldn’t recommend you go to a salon. They wouldn’t tell you to go buy box hair dye.

Tay With The Long Nails: I’m watching these videos as I’m waiting for my dye to process. Lol the wrong time to watch I know but I’m glad you had good results at the end

T Faith: "She said a friend of mine who is a hair dresser wanted to help me out.. thank you GOD!!!" I'm done lol

Trelsie T: I wanna dye my hair but I just know it’s going to fall out, but any hair dye that makes your hair color brighter, unfortunately has bleach in it. That is what the booster packet is.

Rachel Babes Skits: I loved the way it turned out I wish my hair was like that it's cute on you to me

Arlin Paredes: I had to pause to comment. Im officially suscribing and loving you when you said, 'so im going to take a risk for you and if i go bald, YOU OWE ME!' Now THATS REAL!! Thank you so much. Im going to subscribe now and finish rest of video. I really hope the results work out!!

Kourtney Johnson: You don’t really need two boxes iv used this hair dye and you just have to keep working it into your roots not just apply and let it rest I just kept working it into the hair until I saw the hair change and it came out just fine although the color lasted for 3 months it was alright

kerry A: The most honest tutorial many thnx better when you get more informations before u r taking a big risk by yourself because I know colouring from light to dark hair is much easier than from dark to light it's very important to take different advices sometimes thnx for ur video

tocc: your curls are stunning the shape ugh

Leah B.: “I felt like disappointing myself “ me asf

NEYSHA XO: “ didn’t damage my curls “ it did though

Olivia Brown: Gorgeous look!!! I would love to see you review Straight Silk Spray with Argan Oil by JuniorLabs. It really makes my hair soft and flowy ❤️

JOCELYN RENÉ: I think the results would’ve been better if you did it in smaller parts. And also, covering your head to trap in the heat would’ve helped the color process fast and better

Peace&Cookies〉(^_^)〈: Maybe smaller chunks would help! I've luckily always had happy results with the dark and lovely blondes! I think you still look cute with it!

jxniyx: I’ve finally found someone with the same hair length as me.

HATE.COM: Thanks for the video! Now I can use this to dye my boyfriend's hair .

Glenda Hunter: Quick tip if you guys wanna do this without any type of dye 1. Get some 3% hydrogen peroxide 2. Get some shampoo 3. Get some conditioner 4. Get some baking soda You can do it with just the hydrogen peroxide also I had black hair and used this all together in a mixing bowl and my hair's honey blonde love doing it again day after tomorrow for a lighter blonde☺️

H20fanatic20: You have to wrap it, shower cap, or plastic bag even. I used that same dye

Flaviagro: Great job happy to find ur channel u did a great job

Healthoverlength: I just did mine & it turned out the same way. Your second color. I’m waiting 6 weeks & I’m going to do it again

Saba T.: You're hair looks amazing and you're so beautiful btw ma'shallah

Beautiful Diva: I think the reason it didn’t take is because your hair had product in it before applying it.

Yvonne Cole, MA: I used dark and lovely with booster and got 3rd degree burns in my scalp and across my forehead

Denise S: I guess practice makes perfect! Your friend is a hairdresser but I wouldn't go back to her again though lol. I know it's hard doing it yourself, I do it myself too but I use Schwarzkopf and that's like a hair mask and is 100% easier. It's in a tub with the applicator in the tube that you add to the product in the tub. So easy. I use shade 568 which is a chestnut brown. I think that one would be better for you. Stay safe hun ❤

Evian Mason: Wow i love your hair i really love it!!!

Elkis Makeup: So Beautiful! New Subbie Girl!

Acebunny: I’m dead she said if she goes bald we owe her

iluvsdaftpunk08: Confused as to why she just “massaged” it into her hair. She doesn’t know if it spread adequately. I saturate my shit and then put a shower cap on to ACTIVATE it. Lord ‍♀️

M T: You may as well just go BALD. The salon bleached it and the box color turned her hair different colors. No way to go from dark to light colors (even dark brown!), without bleach. Girl don't fool us! Go shave your hair now...


Salman Muhumed: You are shining like the gold and your hair color is gold and result is i don' knowt what i say you are like that thing as the others says coz you are beauty than every thing which is beauty any way you are so attractive and cute girl RORO ❤

Alexandra Jones: Y’all STOP coming for her curls. You are beautiful lovely ❤️

Dekosha’s Tutorials: I don't want to bleach my hair my Gramma thinks it won't work she told me to try it and my hair is dark Auburn so yea it works on dark colored hair thank you Jesus

Dangela Owens: Sweet baby Jesus you are beautiful! if you're not already modeling give it a shot I'm 100% sure the first agency that see you will hire you. BTW hair came out gorgeous ✔️

Whitney Miller: I was WONDERING how TF there is "no bleach" in it. I use this same product and I like it, but was very confused that I didnt have to bleach my hair first and THEN add another color. I guess all of it is all mixed in together.

0121: dont mess with your hair if your not sure what your doing. first lesson...learn the difference between dye n bleaching.. you lighten you bleach..smdh


Simply Shad: towards the end of the video the curls did look pretty damaged /:

Corinacc: Thank you

C: That color actually has a bleach in it

J Smooth: Yeah!!! Looks good babe!

Alyjah Flakes: Love your frames. What are they called?

Kay: Using 3 boxes of that dye is literally like 3 bottles of bleach. Please reconsider the amout you use

Shannon: She's a hair dresser yet she used a box color and your hair still isn't even

DarealjustTrish: Shouldve used a cap to trap heat

niy: Omg I Need Help .. I Wanna Dye My Hair Honey Blonde But I Don’t Wanna Bleach It .. I Bleached The Bacc Of My Hair And It’s Not Damaged But I Don’t Wanna Do My Whole Head !

Love Jones: Color turned out nice

Denisha Pickering: Lol horrible after hair dresser made it worse she should have just left it

Tina M: "If I go bald,*lip smack* you owe me" lmao

omfgwhoru: I like how it looks brown

Mariahkierra Dye: It turns out better on Virgin hair that’s never been colored that’s with all box dyes haha

Daniella Atkinson: the instructions say dont apply heat or cover,which is strange..i just did mine and it barely changed my color..may try again and cover it..

yahya iraqi: My sister's ethio full respect from somalia✅

Antonia Laforte: I seems like I would cry you damage your beautiful hair

Summer Love: U could’ve combed the color thru and put a shower cap on

Josiah The Lion: That was so cute

Alegra Naghi: That's why it's not good to use box dye period .

Krystal Kerr: Use the texture and tones

Veronica Weber: So she used the same boxed you used but two ?

Terri Ann Wherry: Beautful hair color for me

Necole Davis: My hair turned out the same way

glamorous fatale: gurl you should keep the first color because your friend just ruined your hair with the second one !

Ma.ryamx: so pwetty u really need to bring omarito back that was the first video I clicked on on your channel ahahah so funny lys

Panda QTV: Mine only got me to dark chestnut.

Nicole Marcy: U look like the girl on the box dye picture! U r beautiful

love is in the Hair: This acutely remove and diposit color at the same time

TravelingMama: You bleached your hair, though. It is not possible to lift color without bleach.

Zamba's Beauty: Your friend definitely gave you hot roots !!

alexiaqg: I cant stop looking at the nails.. btw u are craaaaaazy,,, ”i maybe go bold” hahahaha too much

Delores Emeagi: It's still patchy and uneven

Tina Otasowie: Wow where can I get this please

Johanne: I feel like the company is playing with words

Tenisha Dieter: It does say on the box, darkest brown to black: Not recommended

Tra'mayne Gaines: awww you are sooo beautiful ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️

naejaih jean baptiste: You have to use to box’s I did the same thing by useing only one

Eboneezy: You're so Beautiful

Sophia Mc Namara: There is bleach used on this hair routine

Chanel Pink: Creme of nature dye is sooooooo much better

Elise Regans: A real bloned perfect grammar and spelling too black queen

Keisha Smith: You damaged the hell out your curls.. Always go to a professional

melvin Reef: Very beautiful woman

evan: i used this same damn hair dye and it literally did not work

T N: Holy shit you damaged the shit out ya hair girl lol

Jersey Lips: You slept in the hair dye? Noooooo!!!

The Mulatto: Needed toner!

Elizabeth Fairley: You didn't do it properly and that is why you got the results that you did. Yes, it was definitely the way that you applied it. You should have applied it in smaller sections and then do your roots last.

Crystal Brereton: The curls were damaged though

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