Sky Wig By Noriko

Sky wig

grey wig

sandy silver color

Hello, everybody, its Cindy here, no mama and we just got back from going to the store and I had a new wig. I wanted to show you you can tell my hair's been slicked under it and I took it off when I got home from the store, but I'm going to put it back on for you folks it is a Mariko, it's sky, I don't know if you can See that and this color is sandy silver Adhan. I decided I'm not always going to be grey every day, but I thought you know it might just be fun to kind of embrace my age and see what I look like in in gray hair. My husband has got really pretty gray hair and we go places and I'm always admiring other people's gray hair and my mother had absolutely amazing white hair. She beautiful gray, hair, beautiful white hair anyway. This is the sky, the much talked-about sky. I believe. Another way company calls it freedom and it's just a cute, so short, sort of a shaggy. I have some clips in this or anything just the lice puzzle. Ice cap standard with the little pull straps on back, and so here we go I'll put on not ponytails, causing problems back there. It'S getting thinner and thinner all the time, a little ponytail, but sometimes I'll do wrap my hair, and so I don't want to get it cut off. I wrap it under my wigs and anyway and I haven't so many clips and it's just a really easy wig. I did have to trim a couple little hairs there that were just dragging in my eyes, but I have to say this and I know I sometimes I think, I'm crazy. When have you ever gotten a wig that you just feel like somebody had already worked on it before it's a bit sweatsuit, I I don't know any other way. This was not for me baby. This is was from a company that I always blow weights from and they got it from what they called their manufacturer. So they got it, I'm sure from a bigger company up the road and it was sent to them and then it shipped to me that this is the sky. I think it's darling, my husband loves a great color on me and very easy put on. There'S the front the left side, the back the right side in my face again, I'm sorry, I said it anyway. Y'All have a very good weekend coming up. I have another week that I just never reviewed I've had it quite a while and I've been wearing it. Quite a bit - and that is the Claire and I have it in nutmeg s. So when I get a chance, I will make a little review of the Claire nutmeg F and have a funny little story that goes along with it. Y'All take care, bye, bye. Thank you for watching bye, bye,

twominutetips: Its a BEAUTIFUL wig and I LOVE the gray on you. Bravo for considering to embrace it. Wigs are sooooooo easy and when they look this good and wear well, its actually a bonus in your beauty regimen - AND a HUGE time-saver.

Navvi: Considering buying a Sky wig and now after seeing your video, will purchase one. The gray looks great on you and love the style of the wig. Thanks for your tutorial (easy to put on, too).

Elaine Jackson: Thank you for reviewing this wig! I’ve wondered what it actually looked like since it’s such a popular wig. Color and cut looks great on you!

Sweet Serenity: Two years ago stopped dying. Love my grey strands, Finally! Highlights which no hairstylist would be able to achieve. Men compliment me often the other night while grocery shopping gentleman approached said stunningly gorgeous hair. Then proceeded asking me to dinner. Cindy you look marvelous. Xo

Leslie Sansone Williams: Awesome wig. Love the coloration!

smurfettelili: I love this one and the color too! looking good as always!

mattiesful: That looks beautiful on you, Cindy! I really like that style.

PrettyMeanGumbo: This is very pretty,Cindy! I love this color!

Louise Breen: Your eyes are just looking wonderful. Thank you Angie for answered prayers. Oh you look darling in the wig.

Kathe Steiner: Looks really nice on you, this style!

Momsluvs: It looks pretty.  I love the silver/gray hair.   

MoodyGirl Beauty: I just ordered a Sky, I'm excited to get it!!! I'll have a video up soon as I get it!!!

JannaStamps: You look good in whatever color you put on!  That style is really cute, I like it!!  Hugs, Cindy! :)

Patti C: This looks wonderful on you Cindynok. Perfect.

Linda Zaffke: I love Sky too. I have it in maple sugars. I love the gray on you!

Jan Richardson: Love it! My Sky always gets compliments, but runs small on me, & I can't wear it all day...

junbug1029: I was skeptical when you said "grey" but I really like it. The Sky is one of my favorites! xoxo Joan

Shirley Singer: Looks very nice on you!!! I really like it!! Hugs

Lisa Smith: This looks wonderful on you!

Suzy Clancy: Love it - the Sky looks so different on many women - very natural and easy to wear - good one Cindy xxxxxxSuzy

Gary Ray: I have the Freedom and have tried to find out the original maker. It’s the only wig I have from Freedom distributor. I heard they were more expensive than Noriko. My Freedom is fuller than most I see on YouTube. Maybe it’s the way I finger comb it. Tell me what you know about the Freedom! As always you are a little doll in your new wig!

Garden Girl: Hi Cindy. I just subscribed. I’m on the fence about sky. I know a lot of people like it. Can you tell us where you buy your wigs?

𝓚𝓪𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓱 ​💋: I *love* that wig!!!  You look great!  I actually seen this wig at Godiva Secret Wigs and I was going to get one in either the Sandy Silver or Silver Stone , but they want $200!!!!!  0,0

Julie Annear Day - British Jewish Chick: I love that wig!

tori smith: Another great review. Thanks. If you don't mind, could you tell me what the nylon thing is you are putting your hair up in? That is exactly how I would like to put my hair up. I got the Noriko Sky in Pecan Brown, so cute, but it's a bit to dark. Going to exchange it.

Dee Statham: i think this color looks great on you. you have beautiful eyes and they are the window to the soul! I really enjoy your videos

Susan Cragg: You look great absolutely lovely. I will really have to take the plunge.

Jude Christenson: My favorite!

Judy Anne: Where do you buy your wigs from? I'm afraid to buy from some companies because of their customer service practices

Stretch Pants: Is there not a wig that doesn't look good on you? I watch anytime you put a video up and it amazes me..I really like Sandy Silver.It's one of my favorites.I actually embraced my age and started out wearing gray.Then I watched your videos and a couple other mature women on here sporting blonde and red. I love my blonde and reds now but every now and again I wear my Sandy Silver...Don't quit putting them on YouTube..I watch all of you.Junebug,Jana,and Ditto and Patti...You look Mahvelous Dahlings..

Jacque Koscheski: I love this wig...I also live in Oklahoma...

grateful1929: New here. That's really pretty. The color is pretty on you. I have a question though. I've looked at a "bunch of wigs!" Why are they all so shiny? I don't like shiny.☹️ The reason I say that. I'm older and older hair usually isn't shiny anymore. Could you tell the price of that? I love Godiva's Wigs. I've never bought a wig yet. I'm going to though. You're really sweet.

hairwegoagain2: Very cute style on you, Cindy, and actually the color is quite flattering, too!   I know just what you mean about feeling skeptical about a wig,   I just received one from a trusted company and when I took it out of the box I thought....hmmmm, was this worn before?  It just didn't seem to have that brand new look about it.  Anyway....Looking forward to your next review!

Pebbles: this style and color is very beginning on you. I also have this wig but unfortunately traditional wig caps are way too hot and uncomfortable on my head. I think you should include something about how the wigs feel after you;'ve had them on for a few hours because some are much more comfortable than others and this is good info for girls who need to wear their wig for 8 hours plus every day .

Jeanelle Ray: I have freedom, and I've wondered what it really is. I've heard that company white labels their wigs. I think I paid more for freedom which. I find it annoying. I wonder if their are "seconds".- it has a lot of hair. The sky is prettier, I am glad you mentioned what you did. The two ladies who own the shop are lovely, and do a lot to help people,

Beth Parker: Totally natural

Randilz1970: did you ever get a wig in  Silver Stone yet if so have you shown it or loved the color

Kathy Shavensky: Hello Cindy.....What company do u get the best price for the Sky wig? Also what kind of return policy ? I love Sky on you....looks great. Kathy

SweetGaLady JL: Hi Cindy-I was thinking of getting this wig but you stated it was a little small cap. Has it stretch out, and how long does it take to stretch out? My head size is somewhat large. And, I was thinking of getting this color you have too. Let me know. Thxks

Katie K: It's your FACE again! So cute and funny. Don't be sorry for bringing a little laughter to our day.

Unlabeled: Happy New yr....I just ordered this wig,,same color too from patti pearls 30% you still like it?

Melissa Lynn: Your biohair looks pretty..the wig is pretty you wear wigs so you dont have to style your own hair?? Thats the reason i do.

ImSPOTon: Wow ...I really really do like this strange that you should mention that the style is " freedom" by another company because that is exactly the wig I'm interested in and it's Godiva that it is made by. I BUT I am thinking that possibly this wig looks a little thicker in one part than the Godiva does . It looks thicker on your right side/ front ( maybe lol) This style and color looks fantastic on you ......I, the other hand have very thin hair and don't know if I could accept myself with hair with this much thickness...I feel as though I'd be happier with it thinned out a bit.....but that might be a stupid thing to do ....I don't know and feel so unsure. I have an extremely thin face which I'm a bit freaked out about , having just lost over 300 pounds.....possibly my body image and whole perception is just off. I am unsure. Well, I'm rambling now, sorry--- THANK YOU for taking time to make this're cute as can be in in this style and color and I would be very interested in seeing you in the other wig style and nutmeg color you had mentioned.

Patsy Chavez: what size is it I need a large

Kathy Shavensky: Is sky a lot like Lisa Rinne  hair style....she's an actress...also on QVC

Gary Ray: Oops, I forgot to say I’m Jeanelle and not Gary. My funny husband doesn’t want anyone to think he’s writing messages about wigs!

J B: Cute on you.

Sherry Gaillard: Yes I surely have! And not well done.

MrsLoretta: It looks nice Cindy..but why embrace your age..LOL Let your husband think he is with a younger woman..LOL  xoxo Loretta 

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