Wig Review: Cory By Noriko In 3 Colors - Caramel Cream | Creamy Blond | Silver Stone

Cory by Noriko is a short-length synthetic wig. This straight ready-to-wear wig is a classic bob that fames the face with a soft textured fringe. This style is timeless and can be worn for any occasion. Cory is machine made with adjustable tabs in the back nape area to allow a more comfortable fit. The result is a comfortable fit with a natural look that is both fashionable and easy to wear.

#WigReview #WigVideo #ColorCompare

Cap Size: Average

Bang: 3.1" / Crown: 8.5" / Nape: 1.8" / Weight: 3.1 oz

Available at Lori's Lemonade Stand where we want to help you turn your lemons into lemonade!

13980 Guidera Drive

Rancho Cucamonga, CA



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Hello, everyone - this is lori from lori's lemonade, stand coming to you today to give you a new wig review. I have on corey by noriko and i'm going to show it to you in three colors. So the color that i have on is called caramel cream. When i first got corey, i got it in creamy blonde and i'm going to show that to you here in a little bit and i thought creamy blonde was just a little bit too blonde for me and because it's not rooted, i didn't like it on me, But i still wore it because i think it's super super cute um, and so i wanted to find a blonde that wasn't quite as blonde as creamy blonde um, but not as dark as creamy toffee. So i landed on caramel cream. I'Ve never gotten this in anything, and i think she is adorable. I really like this color, and so i want to compare this color to creamy blonde, because they're similar yeah different. So let me go over this wig with you so like i said this is corey by noriko um. She is a cute uh bob with bangs, and these bangs were already in it, which is wonderful and to me they were the right length. I didn't have to do any trimming or anything now. This is totally a no frills wig, there's no lace front, no mono top, no lace part nothing. This is 100 machine made, and this is probably one of their very first styles from a long time ago, and that means that the cap is smaller um. So i have a little head and this cap fits me beautifully. But for someone who has a like an average to large this cat, this wig would probably too small for you, okay, so this wig has permatease on the top from about here to here, um and so because it doesn't have a lace front or a mono top. You can't see scalp now, let me get a little closer, so you can see this so to me on a lighter blonde. It'S a bit more obvious those perma permatease hairs. It looks a little faker, but i don't mind wearing wigs that don't have the part, maybe because i've been wearing wigs so long. It just doesn't bother me i've sort of gotten over all that um, but what i do to make it. So you really can't see those little hairs as i poof it up just ever so slightly so that it's not so obvious um, because when you you can actually smooth it down. When you smooth it down to me, it's more obvious that there's no mono top or mono part see how obvious that looks. So, for me, this wig needs to be poofed just a little bit or messed up here at the part, so that it doesn't look so obvious, but i love this cute little wig. Let me give you a 360 of her so front. She'S right at the jawline bangs are right at the eyebrow, which is perfect side back. It is a short in the back and it's tight other side all right. Let me give you the dimensions of her. Her bang is 3.1 inches, the crown is 8.5 inches and the nape is 1.8 inches and she weighs 3.1 ounces. But to me this is a classic style. It'S you put it on. You go you're ready. You don't have to do anything with this wig and the other cool thing is: is there are some styling options, even though this is a short wig? I mean you can put it behind your ear, which is something that i do quite often i don't have any hair. So i have to make sure that i pull just a little bit out, so it doesn't look so wiggy and fake, but i think she is so cute. I love her. She is truly a a shaking goat. Okay, let me show you the cap construction. Then i'm going to show it to you in two other colors, all right. As i stated, she's 100 machine made no frills wig, the ear tabs are not covered, the nape is not extended, it is covered with um felt, so it's soft and then the adjustable straps are the bra, strap kind. This is really a basic cap. There'S some stretch in this part, but um, it is a really it's a small cap. I would even borderline consider this a petite so something about this caramel. I want to go over the color caramel cream. So what it is is it it has that very blonde. 6 13 color mixed in with a darker blonde color caramel blonde is not rooted, but if you'll notice the ends or the tips are lighter, when i had it on it, wasn't that noticeable. But when i have it off, you can see how these ends are lighter than the top. Do you see that all right? I want to put this next to creamy blonde, so you can see the difference in the two. So this is the caramel cream. This is creamy blonde. Do you see the difference? The caramel cream has low lights mixed in it. So the starting point is probably the creamy blonde, but then they added lowlights to it. So the creamy blonde and i'll put it on here in a minute just seemed a little bit too light for me, maybe in the summertime, when i'm blonde, when i'm tan it'll look good all right. Let me put the creamy blond wig on it's funny. When i put her on i'm like oh she's cute, i love this color. Oh my goodness. What was i talking about holy cow love? It corey is an adorable style. I mean seriously. I just popped her on my head and she's. Looking good. Let me give you a 360 of this one, so you can see the color all the way around she is. This is creamy blonde she's, a very blonde blonde. This is a bleach blonde blonde. Okay, so, as you can see, you know, there's permatease here, there's no part, there's no, nothing! I zigzag the part mess it up a little bit to make it look a little bit more natural. So it's not so obvious that it's a wig but look at the length of those bangs are perfect. I just think she's so cute, all right, the next one i want next color that i want to show you is called silverstone. Oh, my goodness, look at this color. Isn'T it pretty so this is called silverstone and what i like about silverstone is is a little bit grayer at the front and a little bit darker on the sides and to me this is a very natural gray color. Usually, when you gray you gray towards the front more than you do the rest of it. Isn'T this cute? Oh my gosh, this was the first color. I got it in the second color was the creamy blonde and the third color was the caramel cream um. I love it in all three colors. Let me give you a 360., so you can see what it looks like on. All sides see how it's darker in the back. What do you guys think super cute? Okay, so i have just shown you cory in three different colors by noriko. This right here is the caramel cream. This is creamy blonde, and what i have on is silverstone. All three of them are available at my wig boutique, located at 13980 gudera drive in rancho, cucamonga, california, or at my website at www.lories.lemonade.stand.com. You can make an appointment. I am by appointment. Only you can make an appointment at my website or by calling 909-803-0310. I hope you guys enjoyed this video and order corey, because she is super cute thanks. You guys have a great day and i'll talk to you later bye. You

Nina Rose: The creamy blond looked superb on you!

The Faux Blond: Sooo cute and I love the creamy blonde I wish that colour came rooted

Dara C: Thank you so much, this was very helpful!

Vicky White: So cute and summery.

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