Hairdresser Reacts To Crazy Hair Coloring

Hi Beautiful! The haircare industry is always coming up with new creative ways to color hair. Here are my thoughts about it all!













Oh, how you doing you look stunning fabulous amazing gorgeous. Oh my god. Thank you for being here today. Welcome to hair just react. I don't have ever heard of it or seen it before most likely you have but welcome. If you have it. I haven't introduced myself in a long time. I'M gon na go for it today. Hi I'm Brad mondo and I am a hair stylist in New York City and I've been doing hair for many many years. That was a baby, but I'm here to watch some people. Do some hair, I'm gon na, give you my opinion on the situations and things people get themselves into today, we're watching some professional hairstyles. Do some professional hair, they're gon na be doing really great amazing color and I get so excited. So if you want to see somebody get excited for about 25 minutes or 20 minutes straight well, here's your video you're welcome the hair color world and just hair in general. It'S always changing so rapidly we're seeing so many different amazing hair styles come up in the industry and create the most amazing techniques. Thanks to social media, we can learn off each other. We have our classes right at the palm of our hands. We can learn all about different hair, coloring techniques right on Instagram, right in front of us at any moment, and any time things get a little bit out of hand, sometimes because people just take the trends and just run with them and just bring them as far Out of context as possible - and I also find that really funny so we're about to watch people do some amazing, hair, color transformations, and sometimes it gets a little weird. But I like it because I'm a little weird: let's do it. Our first video is by 10 minute 10 minute cakes. What the damn cake Channel last time I checked. Hair was not made out of flour and eggs and whatever else cakes are made out of and frosting call me crazy. But on what galaxy on earth are people making cake hair? Not this one? This is called hair cut and haricot transformation, compilation of best hair style, color ideas in 2000. Alright, let's watch it. Oh pretty we're deep, diving all right into the first color. Here we have an amazing fabulous level: 6 roots. We have a bronzy midsection. We have very warm level 8 blonde at the end and I'm pretty sure what she's gon na do. I'M gon na guess: she's gon na try makeup lotta blotch, probably using like a lower developer on the roots, a higher one of the mids and a higher one on the ends. Also, that way she gets one clean, lift all the way down. That'S what your we're! Looking for here to lift all those sections at the same time and getting perfectly clean a beautiful lip, this is exciting. Yes, yes, and I really like that one - oh I accidentally always make people have purple orange pink hair. I don't know what it is my hands. Just like grabs the pink, no grab the yellow, I'm like, I don't have color pink and it's like no I'll. Do it. I'M like okay boy, that's pretty much my life, but I wasn't making air be purple and yellow and pink, and all these sunset colors. I don't know well the yellow on the ends, really just kicks it into space. For me, it's like oh right into space. Oh don't want sure my pants wearing the same ones yesterday, oh god, okay, only the top half guys focus up here. Boys not down here. Come on focus up here, this is pretty. This is gorgeous. I love the sunset hair color, it's just fabulous. I love the ends. The way there is so beautifully, yellow they're like neon, yellow. Oh it just really pulls the entire look completely together. It'S fabulous. I love it. What do we have here? We had a bunch of route moment going on. We have again a little bronzy blonds to it. Just let's say your hair needs to be clarified. A lot of the times when hair turns is kind of like mucky sandy yellow it's because of all the pollution in the air, and I believe me, I know a thing or two about blondes. I know my hair gets all kind of like yellow and grows after you know about three weeks after I color my hair, it kind of turns into a little bit of a yellowy sandy tone which isn't like the worst. However, if you want to try and be like boom get out of my life sandy warm tones, you can do that by clarifying your hair grab. Some Malibu treatments grab a shampoo that clarifies use it once a week or whenever you feel necessary, and your hair will just boost up in vibrancy and you'll, get rid of all those nasty crap that built up in your hair from the weather from smoke in the Air from all pollution - all that's dr., it does build up in your hair, it's pretty gross and if you're a smoker, you probably even have more nasty yellowness going on in your hair. You can combat it with some clarifying shampoo, that's a free tip for you. Today. You'Re welcome beautiful sectioning. Oh this guy is doing it. The blow-dry kind of balayage technique where you, instead of backcombing, which back combing, gives you kind of a blurred highlight effect. He is actually blow-drying all those broken baby hairs down that way. He doesn't end up highlighting those again and causing more breakage, which is such a great idea to keep hair healthy parasites are just innovating like healthy hair. So much now we really care about it. More than for with things like you know, bond builders like olaplex hairdressers, are really caring about hair even five years ago, I feel like it just came really into market taking care of hair, I'm really caring for it. Let'S see the after. I mean it's definitely silver. I liked it blonde. Is that bad? Is that bad? No, I think this is really pretty. However, I do wish it just wasn't so fun to into it. The reason why I don't like gray hair out you guys is a lot of the time I feel like people are trying to combat the yellow in their hair and they're just like boom and like the yellow, just fights back, and it's like. No, I want to shine through to the surface and then, like you end up with a grayish, weird, yellow, tint tone. This doesn't really have that, but blonde hair bounces light very nicely and it creates you know a very beautiful glow on the hair. And then, when you put, you know a gray tone over blonde it just kind of like two pleats all the light gravitation and just makes the hair look so lifeless and dull, and that's why I don't always love it. Okay, it's not the worst thing in the world. It'S not really my thing. It'S each their own live your extra life honey, oh yeah, yeah! This technique is absolutely stunning. This is giving me a little bit anxiety, though, because literally I film into my other video from this week yesterday, where I did an inverted hair color, which was really cool and end up turning out quite awesome, if you haven't seen that video, yet it's linked below For you, don't we recommend checking it out cuz, you know I spent six hours doing it and you know what I want you to watch it. It'S really hard not to mix the yellow tones with any other color, because you know yellow is the lightest color she's using in this scenario and these horizontal lines, you always get kind of a mixing of colors going on and it drives me nuts too. So it looks she's going in with the darker colors first and then doing the yellow after no she's. Not doing that. I don't know how she's getting these perfectly pigmented yellows here, because I always have trouble with my yellows. They always end up mixed with like purple and I'm like that's not what I wanted beautiful craftsmanship here and doing the most amazing horizontal colors. The horizontal colors are such a sucker of time. Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about! That'S how you do it unicorns everywhere are just like yo. No, I do I really enjoy this. I love the tones as she used because she has like this fuchsia and then she has this deep violet and she has this blues and greens and oranges and yellows, and it's just like the most magical combination of sunshine and stars, combined to make one beautiful galaxy Called unicorn topia the galaxy and the unicorns to be beautiful place. Wouldn'T it be. I should make a book. Oh look at that. Well, no, you guys know what can help your hair look like that if it doesn't already look like that. Well, I'm glad you asked my hair mask prismatic glow can get your hair to that level of shine and beautifulness and healthiness it's available at Expo no hair comm link below. Thank you so much moving on okay! So we're starting off with this quite nice, head of hair. She has some beautiful fine, hair, sick, fine hair, and this guy is going in with a cap. Okay cap highlighting has become a very big thing lately and I feel some type of way about it. I'M gon na be honest cap highlighting scares me mainly because I was cap highlighted as a kid and my dad would do it and then I would be like well. Why is there no highlight here or here or here, because it's a damn cap highlight you, don't know where the hell you're taking hair out of or where from and it just becomes a total mess of hair color this egg yeah. So just concerns me and this grows a lot of hair, and I don't know what the hell's going on here. Oh and he's cutting the things she's doing a custom cap highlight oh okay, sure no, no, we can do that again. Leave your extra life guys do whatever you need to do for yourself happy. This just seems wild galaxy on earth. Yes, Queen, oh my god, get it do that again. She'S like oh okay. That actually looks really pretty so far. I just seems like so much work to go through to get to this lie guys if you couldn't have just hot hand, highlighted it the whole thing. Well, I guess he was using its hands technically, but why don't we have to use the cap just to make it look cool I'm on to these people? They do it for Instagram. I know they do and I totally respect the hustle. I really do. I keep doing it and it is fun to watch it is, but I don't know cap highlighting, like you think, he's really breaking that cap out. Every time a client sits nursey, like imagine your clients like I want highlights you just stick a cap on their head and you're like I got you girl now stay still. I just can't imagine she looks great, though she's stunning, all that hair. I want to feel it and look beautiful, oh we're, starting off again with a partially highlighted head with a lot of route going on and she looks so sad. Those are some big. I need some of those choppers in my life, okay, yeah! No, I feel that I get that okay, so he's going in with a beautiful balayage technique within foils. I mean at this point I feel like 90 % of people usually balayage within foils, because you know what why not just lift the hair faster and more. Even I used to use plastic all the time I was gon na say like there is applications for it, but really you can always highlight with foils. You can always borrow eyes with foils, no matter what just lower your developer or hire developer. If you want to get less or more lift, I just feel like foil, just make everything so much more. Even you don't need to use as high up the developer when you're using foils, because you have an incubation that heat within the foils in order to lift the highlights beautifully. Even so, I like that this guy's doing you know boiler highlights but balayage style, oh and what a beautiful blend dude. I don't know what kind of sorcery they're using or they're doing to these girls heads and like Dubai or whatever, but they are doing the most incredible hair colors in the Middle East and it's like salons they're, just filled with dudes. I, like all straight dudes and they're all doing the most beautiful color I've ever seen, and I don't know what's going on there like something's in the water, something is happening. I don't know what it is, but I need to find out feels great. I love her hair and felt pretty good says Queen asks Queen sis yeah. Oh hello, block coloring. This is a lot. This is like playground. That was the first word that can play at this. Color blocking is absolutely magical. Her application is just like the sickest thing ever all these colors are somehow not blending together. It is just so hard to make all these colors happen all at once and not get any like spotting or any kind of like annoying miss going on. I love the placement. I love that she did this little triangle cutout at the top of the head like who would have thought to do that. I just love people that are creative with color. It'S just so cool to me because, sometimes like I don't really have the time to be like wildly creative, and you know it's just nice to see other people get ideas from them and to it get inspired by their people. So it's super cool. I love that she put that blue piece at the top. I can't wait to see what this looks like. This is gon na. Be awesome. I feel like oh, oh get it. I love the way she did the pink in the front and then everything else is kind of like a peekaboo moment in the back. It'S like yeah, I'm super fun and I'm flirtatious, I'm cute in the front. But then, in the back, it's like I'm gon na you, my wildlife, beautiful application and the way the colors are so perfectly blended is just exquisite. It'S fabulous! It'S such a vibe, it's so fun. I spend so much my life doing just highlight and doing single processed colors, which is just like roots or like full-on one color and after that, after, like several years of doing just that kind of color, I was so over it and I went in completely other Direction and was like I love color. I want everything to be colorful. All of a sudden. I was brainwashed. I think that color was tacky in hair for so long like a rainbow colors and super bright. Colors was tacky and maybe it is, and it's obviously super campy and it's not for everybody. But I think, if you're willing to do the whole rainbow thing, there's just something that just screams like confidence about it like if you can wear a rainbow, have color or if you can wear really bright. Colors, like you confident like you look dope and you know you looked. Oh those are the videos from ten-minute cakes. I didn't see one cake in that whole video, but so I'm a little confused on that one, but we're gon na move on and we're gon na watch a quick little video from a channel called hair addiction, and this is the top best long, hair, color transformation. Tutorials compilation 2019 best couple, but a lot. We are working some kind of conditioner on the ends really quick. I don't know what exactly is being Wow. That'S blue! That feeling, when you just hit the hair perfectly with that first round of color, that really dark color over the blonde, is just like it's so satisfied. Oh and he combs the whole thing through or she wow that's a beautiful gradient of blue. This is so that just gave me a super cool idea. What if you made hair, go from like dark blue on this side and slowly it went down and back up, and it turned into light blue on this side that would be magical in what galaxy a beautiful lift. We got that little salmon, a pink color out extensions, are locked and loaded. We are now going Orange. Things are happening so fast, we're now going right, orange and now we're going yellow and insanity such a beautiful color. Oh, that is such a cool color. It'S such an original color. I don't you, don't see many people walking around with this. Like coral yeah, it's my corally pink /, it's quite coral. It'S like a pastel coral super pretty, and this stylist did an amazing job, and this is why the world is the way our world is because people do these amazing, hair colors and they go. Do you mean that hair color give me a hair color and they go and they just mesh them together and it creates one beautiful cyclone Cyclops. I don't know what either of those things are of hair color, a beautiful nosov, hair, color ness and they just go their hair just register for color. That'S how those colors are created. Someone to my kids, hair color is created, vision, color and boom boom. That'S it dude uh-uh, oh my god. In what galaxy on this earth are we doing that and where are they going to be spoilers from dude? The organization on this is so good. I would not have the patience. Oh! No! No! No ma'am! Oh! My kids can't hear you they're tubers, you know shooting a Kidz Bop like that save a moment. You know they mean the amount of color you have to use on this woman. Sorry, you switched clients here, you're telling me. I don't even get to see the outcome of that long. Hair, rude, miss Eyre addiction, rude. We got bleached more bleaching, we're using cotton to separate the sections, we're doing the damn thing she is lightening the hair perfectly. It looks amazing, poo she's, going for it she's doing one side gray, one side blonde. Now she's got the pink out. She broke the pink out dude. I did the same color on my head. Remember that time. Oh, I love this color combination, the two-tone turquoise and the pink is brilliant. Where that looks so sick odd makes me miss my hair when it was that color, my hair was the exact same color, but then the next morning I was like. Why did I do that to me so? Oh yeah, I did it for YouTube views if I apparently saw my soul for YouTube. Well, that was a long time ago. I don't really have a soul anymore, but that thing it's long gone by my soul, I'll see you later YouTube, got it YouTube. Has it alright one last one, this is some major hair. She was about to break that. Damn come with that girl's hair! Oh okay! Yes, please, like nothing, there's a weird blog going on so much better. It'S so much better! I wonder what color she's gon na do, though I hope she makes it like super blonde or like pink or like. Ah, I called it. Oh, we think of rose gold. Okay, that's pretty yeah, that's pretty uh-huh that was gorgeous watch it again, really reference a cuckoo air girl. Oh I'll, get the rose gold moment, though Oh she killed that one! Yes and that's where we're gon na end that today those were some sickening. You feel inspired to change your hair color. Well, you just should go out and have fun with it. Please I just want everybody in the world to just experience having you know a different hair color at least once their life. That'S my dream, and you know a different haircut and you know just work with your hair. Do its thing but like give it love, hair, color and haircuts, and hair styling can do just wonders for your confidence. Try just treating yourself to a beautiful hair style and it'll just make you feel so good about yourself and so much more interesting and confident, and I know that I've found my confidence through hair and a lot of the clients of mine and a lot of people. I know have also done the same. You know if it's done right, your hair is not completely damaged, you can always reverse color, bring it back to your natural. If you don't like it, but at least you know, you gave it a shot. Everybody just needs to live their hair color moment at least once in their life and just try it out. Hopefully, they'll bring you a lot more confidence. If you are lacking - or you know, it'll show you a good time, but if you don't want to color your hair, a complete understanding just buy some new hair products that excellent hair calm. Is that too much of my own self-promotion one video twice in one video Brad? If you really gon na push that twice, I'm 100 % sure yeah. But if you guys um, you know keep up with your hair, make it look beautiful, make it laughs, make it healthy, make it fabulous and give it the right nutrients to do so with all my fabulous amazing hair products at ex mono hair, calm link below - and You can also vote ex-mo, no hair on instagram, we'll be releasing new products all year and 2020. A lot of new products are in store, dude, I'm over here just testing like product product which one's next. Let me do it. That'S basically my life at this point and I love it and, of course follow me on Instagram. I'D really appreciate it. We can stay connected if my Instagram is brahmana NYC and so is my Twitter brahmano NYC, where I once in a while, just let off some steam. Thank you. So much for watching don't forget to live your extra light. Take a leap of faith, take a chance with your hair. Do something different and I'll see you guys next time, bye,

Brad Mondo: Let’s see how many nice comments we can leave in the comment section! Go!

Remmy Malachai: I’m actually obsessed with Brad recently, like I’ve been sat here for 3 hours just watching him

Miyah Lebofsky: brad: “this is a cake channel last time i checked hair wasn’t made of cake” sir its july 2020 everything is made of cake

lulu animations: who else thinks he's the best youtube to binge-watch. Wow I never had so many likes....

Naomi LaFiette: Brad- "don't show my pants they're the same ones I had on yesterday" Me- wears the same outfit for a week during quarantine

Romina O. V.: *Brad Mondo: I don’t like gray hair.* *His hair:*

Mary Gilbeaux: Brad: I don’t like gray hair because... Also brad: *has grey hair*

Gabalicious: When there's galaxies on earth: Brad Mondo the science guy

KitKat: I need merch that says “In what galaxy on this planet, does that make sense?”

Eryn Kenney: This should be renamed "Brad just fangirling over rainbow hair"

Victoria De la Torre: When Brad gets excited about hair I cannot imagine anything that's not him as a kid running all around his father's salon full of joy. It gives me uwu energy.

Animore. Ca: I love seeing brad so happy about colour, being a fellow colourist I have the same passion, makes me feel so exited to watch him also get so hyped

Zero Mero: Brad is an amazing teacher. His videos help me with my hair and cutting hair. My grandfather comes to me when he needs his hair cut, because I listen to Brad's tips. thank you for posting and doing all your hard work, keep being strong!!

Asmaaa M: brad: who on earth is making hair out of cake 2020: EVERYTHING IS CAKE

Nadia Marie: Brad you’d be surprised what’s made out of cake these days

rinx: watching brad's videos is like an immediate mental health boost

Gina Kist: Dubai’s salons are filled with “straight men” hairstylists because any sexuality other than hetero is illegal in the UAE

Valerie Kewley: Brad: “Eh I don’t really like rose gold that much.” Brad (4 seconds later): “OOOH look at the rose GoLd MOMENT!! ”

Aynjewel Jones: Brad is so hilarious and it's so funny to see him react to stuff. Love you

Es rosey: Brad - “You look stunning, fabulous, amazing, beautiful” Me (hand deep in a bag of cheese balls and hair oily in a messy bun with pyjamas on and acne no makeup ew face) OmG THankYOU BraD

TiffanyMarie: Brad looks mean but he’s actually the most sincere person ever

Gachas And Llamas: I love his positive energy! It's definitely coming through the screen and pouring into me! I always feel a lot better after watching Brad's vids!

cami: I just love how Brad calls us beautiful, serious boost of my low confidence, thank you Brad!!

Kennedy Inman: His channel is so addicting to watch and binge!! And I’ve genuinely learned like so much from him! Love you brad!! :D

It'z me Hannah: Brad is literally that one friend that will always hype you up when doing something potentially stupid and I’m living for it!!

solace 722: Brad: “I don’t really like gray hair because....” Also Brad: has gray hair

StudioQ: for real, I would love a tutorial on how to bleach your hair WITHOUT killing it completely

AGglittersparkle: “I don’t really like rose gold...” *2 seconds later* “Yassss gurl, look at that rose gold!”

Olaiya T.: Brad , just wanted to say thank you for the videos you put together. I have had a very dark few weeks and had to take time off from being a High school counselor, for self care . Your videos give me something to smile about and a moment away from my worries. Misty

Taylor Colbert: “Call me crazy but on what galaxy on earth are people making cake hair” Didn’t expect that to age like this

StickeyyNotes: Brad's got some of the best energy and he seems like he'd be genuinely fun to be around

xxxilva: I’m new to this channel and I’ve been binging brad the last few days and I actually love his personality he is so funny and adorable.

Isabel Borges: I love the way you're so honest about yourself. It's truly inspiring. <3

Rachel Elliott: Can we just talk about How Brad is literally one of the most genuine not to mention hilarious you tubers? Brad literally inspired me to be a hairdresser and I’m so glad he did because I love it. Love ya brad

Amanda Sherman: In 4 years I retire from Coast Guard... the day after, my hair is going to look like a tropical bird and wild nail colors

Linda Reina: 14:06 best, most genuine reaction ever

Debbie Pereira: I'm obsessed with watching your videos and literally loose hours watching them, not only is Brad an amazing hairdresser but he's such a beautiful person with such a big heart, and Brad you have helped me so much with all your tips on hair and dying it, I'm doing it a the time now ❤

Danny: honestly Brad just fangirling over rainbows is amazing

Trishiee V: no one: Brad: *_*has an argument with his hand*_*

Jonathan Perez: So, I'm 40 and discovered you today! Needless to say I am on my 8th hour of binge watching you, and I love that you are kind and not mean spirited, and also very talented and knowledgeable about hair!

Zarya Martinez: I love his compliments at the beginning of videos, such flattery and words can lift you up even from those deeply sad days, I love you brad Mondo

April Jass: Brad... I am wearing the same pants from yesterday... Me: Looks down and thinks when the last time was i washed my jeans or my bra....

gagarocks2341: You're such a positive energy! I really enjoy your content, putting together sympathetic educational advice to hair fails and even when everything turns out great you get so hyped I love it.

bowen voowy: Me: Watches Brad Mondo once. Me: “ I wanna die my hair blue.”

Gregg Alton: First seen Brad on Snapchat, and now I can’t stop watching his reaction videos lol. Thanks for the content man! Stay blessed and know, we appreciate all the content and hard work you put out.

Yuli: Thanks to this video, my day is off to a great start! I love these extra side conversations you have in between everything else . That’s how I am in my head all day .

Sabrina Moran: The amount of brad mondo videos I’ve watched in past 24 hours.... he’s just so wholesome and informative + zero drama! love ir

Rebekah Cushman: I absolutely love Brad I binge watch his videos I just found him the other day and just sit and watch his videos for hours everyday!! I want to bleach my hair and feel like watching his videos will help me need to make some bleach doesnt lather merch!!!

elly etc: Who else needs a ‘What’s in Brad Mondo’s closet’ video?

Andrea Dan Steinsdorfer: I have been binge watching like crazy. Love your channel, and your energy!

Vonnie G: This video has to be my favorite Brad video. I’m loving his reactions. You can tell he really love hair color!

Rachel Collins: I love you Brad!!! I always dreamed that I’d meet you and that you’d do my hair ❤️ just seeing you makes me smile! But hearing how you open your videos...ugh! My smile just gets even bigger! ❤️

M. D. Morin: I absolutely LOVED coloring my hair throughout my twenties. Exploring and pushing boundaries with our appearance is so important! Especially when our culture puts so much of our individual worth in it as women... taking full, unapologetic control of it is capital. My best one was flashy ginger with a unique strand of pink on the side of my face - with curtain bangs of course <3 It felt like turning who i felt i was inside out. Now i've reset the whole head to its original color and the goal for my thirties is to keep it natural while it greys up and grow it as long and healthy as possible. Very excited!

Terraification: Brad really does have a great personality. Very fun and entertaining yet informative in his line of expertise

self345: Brad's appreciation for such a wide range of styles is inspiring.

Midnight dancer ASMR: These colours are so beautiful , I’m jealous of the people who get this done

spadesmajic playz: Brad: you don’t really see people with coral hair! Me Right Now In Quarantine: sitting here watching this video while dying it coral… Mind: Mk… Mk... brad...

igirlgeek: “Today we’re gonna see some professional hair stylists do professional hair.” Oh thank god!

DefinitelyNot Aoi: Love watching your videos❤️ always makes me feel better

Lauren: This is my favorite video by far of yours just so goofy and hilarious. I need to go colorful again after this video though. Ugh I miss it but the work is too much. What you said about walking around just rocking it knowing you look good is exactly how you need to be with it.

Itzsophxo: Hey just wanna say, I haven’t been watching your videos for long but already, I have subscribed as you are my favourite YouTuber. You never say anything to offend people and can always put a smile on my face when I do watch your videos. So thank you :) also the tips you give on doing hair are so helpful

Kelis Henderson: Brad: “What galaxy on Earth?!?” Me: who’s gonna tell him...?‍♀️‍♀️

Eesha Jyotiprakash: Anyone else just feel weirdly happy when Brad calls us beautiful? It's sooo nice. Also you look fabulous too Brad Mondo <3

Rhea Dias: Brad mondo is honestly such an amazing person, oml he deserves the world❤️

super weenie hut jr’s: this is def one of my favorite hair looks on you! (the mullet too of course <3)

Lavender Rain: Lol your reactions are so entertaining. Thanks for a real fun video to watch :D I'm gonna get my dark brown medium length hair (thick hair) done with a fade from dark brown into a Caribbean type blue as I've ALWAYS wanted blue in my hair but it's totally frightening for someone who's only tried getting their hair done with blond/ginger highlights/streaks before and now my hair is a dark brown fading to a dark ginger (as we didn't bleach it as it was done at my grandparents place as a weekend treat type thing) and then fading back into my natural dark brown. Which looks alright but not what I'm wanting at all so I've decided for the new year to do a new me with half ombre faded brown into blue hair! Pls wish me luck as I'm getting it professionally done this time.

Jas Poki: Brad mondo is literally the only beauty guru I watch that call his fans stunning and beautiful. He should’ve won the yt streamy award

Suzie Marie: Brad your energy is amazing! I love it! I love you! I’m obsessed with your videos!

Emma Conder: Brad saying "Hey beautiful" in the beginning is my favorite thing ever!

Claudia: Watching a bunch of Mondo videos all at once is wild - there's a Brad makeover every five minutes when the next video starts, your style is so interesting and intense!

Codfish: I need Brad's positiveness and compliments in my life!!! :(

Ella Corrigan: When brad Mondo is the only one who calls you stunning Thanks for all the likes❤️

Maria Stefania Trifa: 20 minutes of I want this color and that color and rainbow and every other possible color on my head. Also, love you and your work Brad!

Veronica Cazares. Mommy of 4: I just love how he starts his videos "hello beautiful" Me: looking down at my phone with a double chin, unbrushed hair and no make up in bed lol

Lori Dean.: I love this look Brad! You look fabulous! I love you hair long like this. So damn cute you are❤️

Emi: I need a hair transformation and I wish Brad could do my hair! You’re the Love you

Grace: Can we all just agree that Brad is a whole mood and a half ly Brad

Paola Betancur: Brad : “You look stunning, fabulous, amazing, beautiful” . Your compliments are better than any antidepressant

Ruby Knowles: Your Constant high energy levels makes watching these vids sooooo much more fun love it.

PopC Gacha: Brad is lowkey the nicest person in my life and his compliments make my day, love you brad❤️❤️

Galaxy_Wolfie012: Honestly brad makes everyone feel better about themselves!

Petronella Wessman: Brad is the positive energy I need in my life

joannazianqueen1982: Omg!!! Love you Brad Mondo!! You are just so incredibly awesome and such an inspiration to live life to the fullest and be beautiful every single day!!! Love all of your videos and I am hooked on watching every day!!!

Charlene Gillson: I dream of you doing my hair it would be amazing love your videos Brad, hope you're keeping safe during this horrendous time ❤ x

Hannah Smedley: I just love your passion and knowledge on everything hair you inspire me to get more into my own passion

Indi: Brad is like a best friend I’ve never met I love him Edit: Omg why have over 300 people liked this ??? I’ve never had so many likes

sara gaviria: Brad's videos make my day better every single time. I LOVE U BESTIEEEE <3

ange alloway: I know this video is a fewwwew months old but I’ve been binging your videos three nights in a row and I’m so fascinated and entertained by you lol as a hair dresser myself I’m in loveeee with your channel hands down you’re the best! I’m dying to get my hands on your product line if you do any online classes whoaa bb I’m in!

Harley Martell: Dude, Brad is crackin me up with these videos lately. He is so funny and adorable to watch. I love him so much!

Duha C. Cankaya: Brad thank you for these beautiful intros. Sometimes I feel like the most inhuman ugly ever. To cheer myself I come here and hear you welcoming us as 'beautiful, gorgeous etc' and I'M like "aaawwww thhank you Brad baby.."

Stefani McClure: I FINALLY had my hair done yesterday morning at the salon. I cried when she turned me around to the mirror. It's been a long time since I've been able to do that and I am so happy! Being a mommy to a special needs toddler is so amazing but not much time or energy for myself. But now I finally feel so much better!

Sister james is scary lool: Brad is literally such an inspiration

Stacy Marie Robey: You are such a joy and so fun to watch! Thankyou from Texas for the smiles and laughter!

DoubleTrouble🤪💋: Your videos make me happy! Also give me crazy ideas I cut my hair twice with your technique didnt record but it turned out not bad! Your videos are also a bit addicting I was planning on doing something after the last video, but here I am watching another one Thank you for your channel

Fofo Alassal: I’m watching this video in the morning and at the beginning he says hi beautiful and that’s helps a lot with my insecurities so thank you brad mondo keep doing what you’re doing ❤️

Eliza Stapleton: Brad “I don’t really like grey hair” Me- *looks at his great hair* Xd

klaudie HORVATHOVA: Brad im acutally so obsessed with you now haha i watch you every day i love your jokes and love your clothes style keep being you sweety i injoy being a hairdresser too

Ellis Delpi: Quick and easy cake recipe, courtesy of Brad: -Flour -Eggs -Whatever else cake is made out of -Frosting

Katie Price: I think this is the video where you get to see Brad totally nerd out and I love it!

Breanna Jade: i learn so much from your videos. so excited to start my journey in the hair industry!!!

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