Full Wig Install + Styling Gorgeous Water Wave Wig ❤️ | Isee Hair


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The hair I'm wearing in this video is :https://bit.ly/3rfZVw6


Lace Type: HD Lace

Density: 180% Density

Texture: Mongolian Water Wave

Length: 30inch

Cap Construction:13*4 Lace Front Wig

♡Most Popular Colored Wig: https://bit.ly/3ImlXTw (Code: New20 Get $20 OFF!!!)

♡Suitable For ALL Skin Tones- HD Lace Wigs: https://bit.ly/3JLKMKi

♡Other Deals:

Mongolian Water Wave 13*6 Lace Front Wig: https://bit.ly/34teFPj

Mongolian Water Wave 5*5 Lace Closure Wig: https://bit.ly/3HkXcag

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age: 19

birthday: 7/13

height: 5’6

camera: canon G7 x ii

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Edited by  @Kashia Jabre 

Intro by  @Michael.Ny 

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Y'All look at his hair like what like what life without you been feeling kind of strange. Well, i see that you doing very well, you looking very well. I miss the way your perfume smell. I miss the way that you blow up my line just to make sure that i'm feeling well hey y'all, we didn't did it again. We didn't did it again, okay, wait! Wait! A minute! Wait, a minute! Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Wait! A minute! Welcome back to my channel, my name is kesha debris and if you are new here hello, if you are coming back what's poppin today, we are going to be installing this unit from icy hair. Thank you guys so much for sending me another bomb, ass wig, but this one is their hd unit. This is the water wave, i believe, and all of the specific details on his hair will be probably on the screen or in my description box. I don't really got nothing else to say: i really want y'all to get into it, but before we can happen to you already know that y'all got a thumbs it up and also comment down below. Instead, what you guys want to see next and also subscribe to my channel, because my cash may be slit - i mean if you subscribe, then you can believe too and that's on what that's so yeah. Let'S just get right into this y'all. I have not done my hair in literal weeks, so yeah, i'm about to put on this wig right, quick as y'all can see. My hair is just in this braid that i put it in after i got out the shower and washed it. I always keep it in the braid just because it keeps it like stretched and detangled, and it's also good for my weekend styles, because all i have to do is just like do like this and then put a cap over it. So that's how my hair is right now, looking real crazy, i'm gon na go ahead and put some gel on my hair. Just a slicky bag make sure that all of my hair is out of the way i'm gon na just use. Some got to be because i don't have any more what the hell is. The stuff called eco styler. I don't have any more eco styler, so i'm just going to slick my hair back with this got to be okay. So now my hair is licked. Well, really, all you need is your edges to be slipped back, because that's what is going to be closest to the glue um, so i'm go ahead and throw on my wig cap. Stick my little braid up in there flat on my head and now you want to just pull it over your ears like this and then cut out little holes, and then your ears are going to come through all right. So now i'm going to take some got to be glued spray and i'm just going to spray this all over my hairline and then what this is going to do is basically stick the wig cap to my head and boom. We don't have a whole new scalp. I'M just going to go ahead and do that. I use a lot of this stuff because i don't like when my cap slide back, so i'm gon na use a good little amount. Okay. So now i'm gon na take a elastic band and just tie this all around and then i'm going to take my blow dryer and go ahead and dry this okay. So now that it is completely dry - and i just fill on it to make sure i'm just going to cut right above this band and then cut all around making sure to not cut the band once again, i'm just going to take that band that is holding The whole thing together: that's why i don't cut it, i'm just going to take this band and sit it right on top of my head now we can go in with our scissors and go ahead and cut off all excess cap like all of it. Oh, i just pulled up the caviar. I accidentally took up some of the cap right here, but it's fine, as you guys can see. The cap is coming up fairly easy, but i'm not mad at it because for this style i really need minimal cat like the less the better i'm not really tripping. Now that i have all of that excess cap cut off what i'm gon na do is go ahead and throw my wig and make sure that every little piece that i need to be cut is cut okay, so i have on the wig, i'm just gon na Position it about where i would sit it when i'm putting on my unit. I don't see any cap sticking out, so that means that we got all the cash i'm just gon na. Take the wig back off. Now i'm gon na take a powder that is fairly close to my skin tone and i'm just going to put this all over the cap. Now i'm going to just take some alcohol and some makeup wipes and just get all the makeup off my forehead before i get to putting glue everywhere. So i got me some 91 percent. I always get the strongest one. I don't really know why, but i just do just gon na clean up all around making sure to not have any makeup where i'm about to put glue. So i just put all of that makeup that i put on my cap on the actual lace of this wig, so once i put it on it should just look. You know perfect, like ready to go ready to install yup. I don't even have to do nothing but glue it down at this point like oh, so convenient, so why is it looking lopsided right now what's going on, so this is about where i'm going to sit it and, as you guys, can see, i've already plucked and Bleached, the knot so make sure that you do that before you install your unit, but i can still see the cabin is kind of driving me up a wall, so i am about to cut it some more okay. So i'm about to go ahead and put it back on okay. That is much much much better, all right! So now what i'm gon na do is go ahead and cut out my ears, so i'm just gon na take my scissors and cut upward when my ears start and after you do it, it should fit right behind your ear like that boom and boom perfect positioning. It'S exactly where i want it to be all right, so i'm ready for the glue down now. Everything is looking ready to go and ready to glue down. So what i'm going to do is just go ahead and peel this back and then i'm going to take my go spine glue and go all around my hairline. So i'm just going to start dotting the glue around my hairline, i'm going to take a popsicle stick and i'm just going to smooth it out, make sure all the glue is evenly spreaded and flat. I don't want any clumps, no glue clumps up underneath my lace. Just be mindful try to keep it away from your hairline just right above it y'all. Please do not be talking about my empty beauty room. I just moved as y'all know, and at this point i really don't know what i want to do in my beauty room, because i've done i've done it already like. I don't want to set reset up the exact same last beauty room that i had. I want a whole new concept. I want new stuff, but i'm trying to see if i'm being dramatic, if i should just work with what i have, but i'm not really feeling it like. I want a whole new theme going on because it's just played out. I'Ve seen it, i don't want to redo it here, i'm just ready to be i'm ready to look at something new. When i come here, i want new inspiration. I want new vibes, so don't talk about it because i'm trying to get together trying to figure out what i want to do so in the meantime, it's just going to be looking pretty bland. Okay, i ain't even gon na lie. It'S gon na be looking crazy until i get all the way together because i'm not sure at all what i want to do. Definitely on a to-do list, y'all, probably like girl. Why haven't you been posting? Well, if i'm just being completely honest with y'all, i have been so down and out. I have not felt like doing anything. I really don't know if it's seasonal, i don't know, i really don't know. I don't know why i've been feeling this way, but that's just how i've been feeling i'm trying to force myself up out of it by doing my hair. So you know hopefully the next couple of days. I feel a little bit better, but these last few weeks have been rough, so hopefully this puts your girl back in the game. Hopefully, after i put this wig on i'll, be feeling like myself again, because i really haven't even done my hair in literal weeks. Like i said in the beginning of the video, i have not done my hair in like weeks. I just keep putting layers of glue. I'M doing like three layers, because this wig is gon na, have tension on it just because of the style that i'm doing so. I want to make sure that it's down, so that's why y'all keep seeing me apply glue, but i haven't got my nails done. My nails ain't done, i really haven't, got my nails done in a while because they weren't healthy, like they couldn't even hold nails at one point, so i just stopped getting my nails done all together and let them grow back out like a whole new nail bed And everything, and now i'm kind of like do - i want to go and get my nails down or do i just want to keep letting them be because it's like every time i get my nose. It'S like a constant cycle. I get my nails done, then they're damaged, and then i can't get nails for months because they're damaged and then right when my nails get healthy again, i go back and get them done then they're damaged again. I can't get them done for like it's just a constant cycle, and i just don't know what i want to do about it. I don't know what else to do. Press ons is really not it for me because i know they're not gon na stay on doing my own nails without the question until i learn how to control my left hand but um. Yes, i just don't know what i'm gon na do like. Oh, i hate this. For me, though today is, i think it's like the 29th. I got one day until february starts and i'm going to get my life together, because january has just been me sitting in sorrow, not doing that again now, i'm just about to take my blow dryer and dry, this glue until it's completely clear. So, for some reason it's like still white and it's like dry, but it's white. I would just go ahead and put it down because i know it's completely dry. It'S just still white. For some reason. It'S like some angles. I look it's clear. Some most like some spots are clear, but i don't think it's going. I don't think these other little parts gon na get clear because i've been blow drying it for a little second, but let's go ahead and pull this down on top this about to be bomb. Y'All, so this is what we're looking like right now. Y'All can still see that white up underneath my lace, that's what we were trying to avoid, but we got ta pull out. The old handy dandy got to be spray and go ahead and have your elastic band ready. I'M gon na take this spray. It like that. Okay, that should be good, go ahead and tie it down okay, and they actually sent me this elastic band. So that was good. Oh, i didn't even show y'all what all they sent me hold on. Okay, so they said your girl won an elastic band and then they sent me this scarf, i'm probably going to use to tie down my ponytail later we have a bonnet. I'M going to use this and then they sent me some wig caps, of course, and then some lashes and i think they see a toothbrush, but i think i've already used this for my ages, so yeah that's what they sent in the package. I look crazy. I'M about to use my blow dryer, because this elastic band is hurting my little ears. Okay. So now my lace should be completely dry. I'M going to take this band off by then i get too excited because i got to put it back on now. I'M going to take my scissors and just go ahead and cut off all that lace, that we don't need. Okay, so now it's time to go ahead and pull out the baby hair. So we can start styling. I'M just take this and i'm going to take my comb and part out where i want my baby hairs so right here and right here. I think so now. What i'm going to do is just clip these together and then i'm gon na part out where i'm gon na have these sideburns okay, so i'm just gon na clip these. I know i look absolutely crazy, but just trust the process. Now, since my light still looks white, i'm going to try this product out, it's the even wonderlace bond adhesive spray. So i'm just going to put this right here on top of my baby hairs and all on the lace and then i'm gon na tie everything down. One more time, okay, so now that this is separated out, i can go ahead and cut this so that it's not just hanging in my face. I don't have to be perfect right now, because i'm about to go ahead and try to style the hair, so i'm gon na take my style factor edge. Booster, hair pomade stick, which is basically just like an edge control stick, and this is what i'm gon na be using to smooth my hair up. Now i'm just going to smooth all of this hair up with a comb, and you just want to get it going in the general direction that the ponytail is going to be, and i want mine to sit pretty high up. So i'm brushing the hair in the front backwards and the hair on the side up. Okay. So to make my job easier, i just went ahead and sectioned the top half off and then now i'm just going to tie all the hair in the back away. All right so now i know what i'm working with so i'm going to take my hot comb and i'm just going to reinforce all of the hair to go where i want it to go. Oh this thing is hot okay. So now i'm going to just take a bristle brush to make sure that everything is smooth. So i think i want the ponytail to sit about right here right on top of my head now, i'm going to take two rubber bands and go ahead and secure the ponytail make sure that it's nice and tight nice and sleek try not to get any of The hair in the back in the ponytail i'm just going to flip the hair forward and then secure okay, so i have my ponytail. So now, i'm just going to let all the rest of my hair down. This is what it's looking like y'all. My lace is so white right now and i don't know what to do about it, i'm about to try to fix it, and i think it was a reaction between i don't know. Maybe all of the products that i was trying and remember, i told y'all when i first put the glute on it was white, so i don't know if it's just the glue or what but i'm about to fix it. I hate putting foundation on my lace. Just simply because it's like liquid makeup - and i just don't even sound right, but i honestly think that's the only way i'm going to be able to fix my lace - i'm really aggravated about that. But what i won't do is go out here in these streets. Looking crazy, so we gon na do what we got ta do now. I'M gon na take a little brush just because i don't want this stuff to get everywhere like on the hair and stuff. So i'm just going to dot my foundation all on top of where everything is white and i used to take out when i used to mess up on my installs like out of the video. But now i want to show y'all, because the girlies always be like y'all y'all just always make the wigs look so good and y'all make it look so easy, and i want to show y'all that, like it's not really about that, it's just how much time you Put into your install like we mess up too, we just make it right after we mess it up. You know what i'm saying every week is not perfect you're not going to get too well. I don't want to say you're not going to get to the point where you're not going to mess up anymore, because i can't speak for everybody, but for me i've been doing this for years now and i'll still be messing up. So i think it's important to show you all that so y'all don't get discouraged when y'all mess up so after we have put that foundation all on the hair well on the lace - and it's also got on the hair of course too, because it's a liquid, i'm Just going to take a makeup, wipe and just go over all of the hair to make sure that there's no makeup on the hair, alright, so now we can go ahead and focus on the ponytail. So what i'm gon na do is just take a another hair tie and i'm just gon na tie away all the hair in the back you wan na take some got to be again put it all over that ponytail and you're gon na take a small brush And go over everything to make sure that nothing is out of place alright. So this is the ponytail. What i'm gon na do is take a small little piece out of the side. I'M gon na straighten it y'all, i'm gon na straighten it out, because i want the hair to be super sleek around the rubber band. So i'm going to straighten it out. I just clipped up my ponytail, i'm just going to wrap this piece of hair all around. Like that, but before i do it, i'm going to make sure it's smooth once again, i'm going to spray it with some got to be comb it and spin, and you want to make sure as you're twirling it around. You keep combing it to keep it smooth boom. Now the rubber band is completely covered. I'M just going to take this out. I don't know if i'm going to wet this hair, because i kind of like the way that it's looking right now, it's kind of tame, not tame, i'm going to have to redo the ponytail part of it just because i've been playing with it a lot. It'S a little bit more frizzy than the bottom, but i think i'm just going to keep the dry. You know cute look so it's time to move on to the baby. Hairs um not excited about doing the baby hairs because i'm a perfectionist and it's annoying that yourself won't stop yourself until it's perfect and that's how i am about my baby hair. So let's go ahead and get into it. Alright! So let's get into these baby hairs. So we've already sectioned out where we wanted them, so we ain't got to do nothing but pluck them lay them down. Oh, i'm also going to curl them too, so i'm just going to start off by plucking them just because i don't want my baby hairs to be looking too thick, so i just plug them a little bit, not too much and then i'm going to comb them. Get all that hair out of there now what i'm going to do is take my rat tail comb grab up all the hair, take my little mini flat, irons, grip, the hair and curl it up, so the product that i'm going to be using to lay down My baby hairs is going to be, they got to be glued. What i do is i take where i curl the hair and i lay down the hair and then i apply this stuff right on top, but i don't focus it on getting it on the ends, because you don't really want all the hair to be super stiff. You just want it to lay down and flat how you want it, so i just put it on the top, and then we get to smoothing them out how long my baby hairs today, then i'll take a little bit of spray on the brush part and start To smooth them is that how one do i want to lay on or keep it all one layer? I think i want to keep it all together, so i'm gon na go ahead and brush the tail into the ponytail, because i want them to kind of be simple because the hairstyle is already given. So i don't really need to do too much with my baby hair, so i think i'm just going to swoop them right up into my ponytail, so i do the same exact technique for my sideburns. The only difference is, i flip the baby hairs down. Instead of that's the only difference same steps same products, i just flip them downward because it just curls in front of your ear better. That way, so i just oh, i just burned myself and i do the same thing. Take my finger and put product all at the base of it and then i'm just going to comb and swoop and comb and swoop until i like it now, i'm just about to repeat the same steps to these bad boys over here. Okay, y'all i'll have to do focus. Can you focus on me? All you got ta do is wet these little ponytails down a little bit. I ain't gon na wet them too much. I just want them to blend with the hair, but i don't want them to be like super wet now, let me just run my fingers through it. I'M just going to add a little bit of mousse just to get the curls going a little bit mo. Okay yeah, then i'm gon na do the same thing to the other side of the ponytail. I'M just gon na put a little bit on the hair. I'M gon na put a little bit on the ends too. Okay, so i'm let this dry and i'll be back. Y'All, look at this hair like what and it's not heavy or nothing like what do y'all see my her do. Y'All see my her y'all stay here with me through the whole process. If you stayed, i love you so much and if you enjoyed this video, please don't forget to thumbs it up and also comment down below and see what you guys want to see next and also subscribe to my channel, because my cashback is lit and if you Subscribe, the baby you can be lit too, but all the links on this hair will be listed in my description box. I might even have a cold down there, so don't forget to check it out, and i will see you guys in the next video. I really hope y'all loved every piece of it and i love every piece of y'all, so i'm gon na see y'all later bye, clean

999chandell: Periodddd I love it the results , I’m starting to install wigs on myself & I can’t wait to start recording myself doing it to post on my own channel.

By: Kierra Nicole: Everything about this install is giving me life. I need to check this website out for the hair it's so cute and the way you styled it. <3

Paris London: Just ordered a deep wave hair from Tinashe inspired by your straight ponytail hair from them and now you do one on an actual curly wig!!!

Paris London: We need a 360 lace install from you soon!!!

Paris London: This is what I needed!!!!

A&T G.A.N.G: I need this wig

Diamond Leonard: Can you do a review on Tinashe red lace front wig love

TOOMUCHROB: My girl back !!

Tori Jani: So bombbb

Tina Mckoy: Great video

Tina Bagley: ❤️❤️❤️ shopping for your beauty room & makeup

VibesWit.Niesyy: It was vocals for me

Sade Davis: I feel like the quality of glue has gone down because I use ghost bond glue too and it still be looking white to me.

Paris London: Yuh I see ur hair!!!

Velvet Edwards:

OnlyLee: Wait what inches did you get ? But it’s cute on you

Santaraaaa: GETTT ITTTTT

Shalynn Renee: Let me find out Ms Kashia can sing, I heard the vocals

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