Perfect&Cute Summer Ginger Orange Lace Front Curly Bob Wig|Licheehair

Video From:Maceda Ngozii

Sponsor By:LiceeHair


The wig in the video:

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WhatsApp Wholesale: +86 17805428128

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Wig Details:

Lace Wig Type: 13x6 Lace Frontal

Hair Length: 14 Inches


Color of Lace:Medium Brown

Hair Texture: Curly

Made Method: Half Machine Made & Half Hand Tied

Pre-plucked hairline with baby Hair

❤Other Colorful Wigs ➤

❤Transparent Lace Wig ➤

Fight hi youtube, it's mccain and goes and i'm back with another video. So in today's video i'm going to be doing a install on lychee hair, this beautiful orange wig that i've been um actually been given that i got delivered by lynchy hair. So thank you. Lychee hair for sending me this, i'm gon na go through the box um and show you guys what i got in the box before i get into the whole video of me installing it. So this is the box. As you can see, it is so beautiful and you can tell that it's so cute when you open it up inside it's, like literally all pink as you can see, it's so pretty what you get in here. It'S kind of a mess because i've got the wig on, but you get the bag and the hair that it comes in and this little thing that comes in the wig. It comes with two wig caps and it comes with an elastic band um just for adjustment, and it comes with these beautiful eyelashes. Now, literally, when wig companies give you eyelashes, they don't give you eyelashes like these. I'M sorry, but like i'm so impressed i'm so impressed with this, because usually they give you these mommy ass eyelashes and i swear to god. Nobody uses them these. On the other hand, i would wear them. I was going to put them on. I decided you know what i got ta show you guys like the packaging and everything like wow. Can you see this um? The hair that i got is actually, as you can see on the package, it will come on the package right here on the little label and it says 14 inch and 150 density curly, but yeah the box is absolutely beautiful, like it literally is a box like It'S not one of the boxes that usually wig companies give you. It is a box, and it's so beautiful like this is so cute. All the information will be down in the description. So if you do want to know like where to get this hair from where to buy it, um the sizes density it'll, be all in the description again. Thank you, lychee, hair, for sending me this wig. I know you lot want to see this in store. So what i'm going to do is get straight into the video and i hope you all love this video and don't forget to check out my instagram we'll be right there. So i hope you enjoyed this video and yeah, let's just get into it. So what i'm going to start off with is i'm actually just going to braid my hair um, because obviously this eyebrow needs to get braided. The head part of the wig is like really tight um. So it's like a really small tap and my head's kind of big. So i'm saying especially my hair, so i'm actually going to play it down like all the way down um just like how i do all the time and then i'm going to try dash it on raid, my afro and then so. As you can see, i've done. One side here, i'm just gon na - do the exact same on this side and then yeah, i'm gon na get back to you. Okay, so i have done this as you can tell my braids at the back. I'Ve got so many wood caps, like so many wig caps, but i think i'm gon na be using the one from the box um. Only because, like you know what, if i'm using everything like, if i put on the wig i'm putting on the wig cap from inside the box, so i'm gon na use this wood cap instead, okay, okay, i've got my wig cap on um. I feel like i'm just gon na, go straight in and put on the wig and here's the wig. It smells so good. I'Ve literally washed it by the way when i was washing it a lot of the um. The dye from the hair came out, but it's still like so pretty like so so pretty, and this color is this. This is like a color i wouldn't usually go for, but i'm definitely going to try it and see what i can work with. Okay, i've even like plucked unbleached the knots, so that should be fine. What i'm going to do? I'M just going to pin this up out of the way, so i can get this lace done. Okay, so i'm going to stick it down. Um get my glues out! I'M going to use this one, my black ultra b, which i'm actually running out. I keep saying this all the time, but i'm running out um, but i'm going to put this one on. I do this so go. I'M sorry guys - and someone asked me the other day like why didn't i use like why don't i use the actual glues and it's because, like i, don't want my edges to like mess up, i've got really nice edges. That'S why i don't use the glues. I usually use like the water ones, where you can just wash it off with water um, just because i feel like it's more safe and i've. Seen like a lot of people. Um have like bad reactions to the glues or, like their edges, are just gone and they have to like redo their hair. Like i'm, not on that, i just want my edges to be there. I don't want them to be non-existent. Now i'm gon na use my got three glue. I'Ve got my little edges scarf and i'm gon na just put this on here, just to press it down. I'M gon na leave this for a couple of seconds just to get that like dead on like glued down. I like to like use my fan um. I need to like make sure that it's all like dry and nice - don't brush this up. Okay, what i'm gon na do is i'm gon na cut off the ear tabs um right here? Okay, now that the ear tabs up, i feel, like i cut this one a bit too short, but it's okay, because we're gon na work with it we're gon na work with it all right. So i'm gon na put this on. I'M just gon na leave it on there for a bit, okay, okay, so what i did is i actually put a bubble up instead, um now, i'm actually gon na cut off the lace first, so so, okay, so the lace is all cut off. I'M just gon na like spray it a little more just to like lay the hair down. Okay. Now that's done. I'M gon na get like um some edges and try and like sort them out sort of thing. Okay, so i've got the edges that i want to use. I'M gon na just stick some edges down, try to make it look pretty and then yeah, so i'm just gon na speed this up. So you can just watch this because i'm probably gon na start like not getting it right, but i'm gon na try sticking down. Okay, so here are the edges that i'm doing. If you see your hair talking about makeup, i think i'm gon na put some on the lace just right at the front and around just to kind of like get it popping a bit okay, so i've put some makeup on the on the front. It looks so much better what i'm gon na do now is i'm actually going to wet this because i feel like it looks much better when it's wet, so i'm going to wet this now, so i'm going to do it in sections um, i'm going to do This side first um, while this is getting wet, i'm going to put um my scarf over my head, so it can just lay down my edges bye. So it is now all wet um, i'm just gon na just dry the ends um because it is kind of leaking like on my chest, but this is how it looks wet. But what i did is i used my um styling gel um just to go through the hair um just to keep it like. It'S wet. Look because the wet look looks way more better. So what i'm gon na do is i'm gon na take off this scarf and see what it looks like? Oh my gosh, look, how pretty it is! Look how pretty it is, i'm actually so so so surprised. Okay, i like this. I really really really like this um. I wasn't expecting to like it because of the color. I like this one. I really do like this one. What i'm going to do is i'm going to get my makeup ideas all the time i usually go like in the middle here um just to make sure that the um the line is literally like you can see the line, so it looks like like yeah. You know i mean so this is how it looks um it's like a nice like fiery look, but i really do like this. I didn't actually expect me to like it as much as i do now, um but yeah. I do like this one and the fact that it looks so natural like this actually looks like it's my real hair anyway. This is the finished look um. I hope you all enjoyed and if you do love this hair, all of the information for the hair will be down in the description below. So do not forget to check that out and yeah. Thanks for watching and i'll see you all in my next video bye, you

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