Beyonce Vibes! | Bohemian Wig Dpl Milano | Omt Auburn

Hey my queens! Hope all enjoy this look as much as I do!

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Hey McQueen's welcome back to my channel, so I'm here with another wig Shawntel today's weigh-in brought to you by bohemian wig. Now they send me this wig and I am hopeful for this one, because you guys know the last one that they sent me great buzz and I do not like it. So I'm hoping that I really did like this one. I was able to choose it myself. So if online can sign model use only so we'll see - and now here is what the wig looks like one of the model. I thought this will be really appropriate to transition into the fall okay, so the style of this wig is BPL Milano and the color is OMT auburn. So yes, there it is again on the model and it says well here you can curl it up to three hundred seventy seven degrees. It does come in up with our different other colors. It does give you caring and searching washing instructions gives you more of the benefits of the wig on the top part as well. So I didn't want to just share with you all the care on box or the storage box that it comes in. I really do like this gives you, like all the benefits again of this. We, which is the teeth friendly, is real hair feel so it's supposed to feel like natural hair and it's hanging with lips so we'll see it will be the judge of that. But I really love how this week is tight, so I went ahead and put it back in. I went ahead and took the netting off of it and cut the lace, but I really just wanted to show you how it comes. I really do like that makes you feel real curious, and this unit does have soft lace, and here is the color. Before I get into the construction really really pretty color. The texture is a yucky texture. Very it does feel very natural. I love the different gradient effects of the Auburn in here. It'S really really pretty. You got some dark Browns in there as well, like a chuck nut and, of course the roots are dark, so it does have a slight baby hairs in here that you can. You know utilize if you would like to you, do have two small combs in the front. These are really small cone, okay and then you also have your see. This looks like it's going to be a light skin top because yeah, you don't see really much legs. You get about a half an inch of length right here and then it goes into the skin top and you have some partings right in there that so it looks like it goes back to maybe three and a half inches. So all the way back - and I know that I'm going to have to use some powder and you do get a comb in the back with a decibel - strap as well. Okay, so I'm just going to go ahead and put this away on spell it up and if you guys not our queen, so here is the we like. I said this by bohemian is the pure natural BPL Milano, and it's in the color om t Albarn. Okay, so, overall, I really really like this unit is giving me like free trips, leaner vibes, but a yaki texture, which I really do like, because I love the Lena wig, but I was, I always you know wished. It was a little more texture. So with that being said, this week is really really gorgeous. I love it and I love the color. I love the color, so this is something that you can definitely transition into. The fall is not too much hair. It'S not too thick. I do guys know. I am NOT a fan out raineesha, because it's just as huge and it I feel like the more you wear it, the more you look like a lion because it's just huge yeah, I'm saying, and it looks good on certain people because they have like a bigger Face I feel like if I were to get that wig. I would just completely be drowned in just yaki hair like I just can't take it, but this a on the other hand, is absolutely gorgeous. I love the layers in it. It'S really really pretty. You definitely have a 4 by 4 parting space and for this to the skin top it really is natural-looking. I really like it a lot and just look at that. The curls are perfect. The crows are perfect. It looks like a really nice, so in I like the how comfortable the cap is, did adjust my straps, like always - and I would say this is more on the medium head. You know friendly side if you have a lot of hair or if you have a larger head. This might be a little tight on you. If you have a lot of hair, definitely make sure that it is cornrowed underneath or maybe like a beehive or something like that, so that your hair is laying as flat as possible, and it isn't you know super bulky under here now. You did see me add a little bit of hairspray that gives us one dollar treating are super expensive hairspray, and I just put that on the top - and I probably will before wear this out, go ahead and put a scarf around. So there's just a little bit flatter, but other than that you know you really don't have to do much to this hair at all. I did was just a little bit from the lace portion because it was just a little too bulky right there, but I didn't feel the need to go ahead and put any baby hairs in this one maybe later, but for right now I think it looks decent. Looks really nice and it looks natural as far as it just looks like I have a really nice sewing with a good. You know closure and this color I just can't get over. I really do like it a whole lot. The luster one is very natural. It doesn't look, I mean or fake. The density, like I said, is perfect. This is all the hair to the front. It'S not too thick, it's not too thin. I don't think that this particular wig is going to swell up on you, the more you wear it. I think it's just going to stay this beautiful natural, looking texture, it's really really pretty, and just this gradient effect of these ombre is really really really pretty. I love it and it doesn't go too far down. I just really really like this. It fades really nicely so yeah. Let me know what you Queens feel about this one I will leave links below to where you can purchase her very pretty cutie. This is like oh five Beyonce or something this color is so yeah. Let me know what you guys feel about this one leave any questions you may have down in the comments section I'll get back to you soon as possible. If you are not subscribed, please go ahead and do so thanks again to bohemian wit for sending me this unit to share what my Queens, I think they will love this one and yeah. I would be pleased in my next video. I love you guys, don't forget to turn on your notifications and follow me on up and Instagram and I'll see you Queens later. Deuces

Chasity Reid: I purchased this exact unit today at my local beauty supply store & I fell in love with the color! My favorite unit so far

Keisha M: Absolutely gorgeous! This color is freaking bomb!

Monica Randolph: Luv this unit it's gorgeous gonna get this one for Fall enjoyed watching

Jess Monique Thomas: So dope. Love this look and the color job is prime time boo

Belindababe828 bassplayer: unit is pretty, and I'm loving your makeup! !!!!!!

Lisa Rogers: Love this so pretty on you perfect look on you

Crystal Agnew: Omg the color of this wig is so pretty ..

randomgirltv: this is definitely a beyonce wig you look cute in it

Simply Windy: Gorgeous!!! I love!!!

Singlehood 2 Marriage: Ok Queen.... another winner!!! And for that to be a skin top... Wow!!!

Nikki Laniece: This is really pretty & the color blend is nice. Not bad for a skin top at all.

Q R: Could you do a makeup tutorial for this please?

Kersha Beaver: I'm feeling this wig.

Dee Luther: soooo FuckinG GORGEOUS

wanderys1: sold out! I just get so mad every unit i see on reviews that i think are worth getting are always sold tf out!! I don't get it!

MediaTMASTVELogoEditor835 // MTMASTVELE835: Yeah 05 Beyoncé really pretty w/ nice parting Beautiful

Lisa Toure: very pretty alittle too long for my taste but very pretty.

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