Hair Review | Wiggins Hair Company

Hey y'all I'm exited to be back with another video. Comment below if you would like to see how I use Wiggins hair to make my wig. Hope you all enjoy! MUAH

What'S up guys welcome back to my channel it's kind of Jay and we're back with another video y'all? I have missed all so freaking much. I haven't been on YouTube, recording doing anything like video related in a long time. It'S been like forever and I apologize. I just have like I haven't, been like having content too proud and I don't just want to put out like you know some random stuff, like I'm scoping out a video today, and I wanted to be like good content, so you guys can watch you guys kid. You know feel involved in my channel and you know you know, but anyways um. If you are new to my channel hi shiny J and please subscribe to my channel and if you were turning member welcome back babes, I missed you so much. I really do miss. Recording like this is such a like refreshment to be recording right now, but anyways all the cute, like I'm gon na. Let make up say, like I see blue ice me out ice me out anyways. So as you can guys, can tell that a title today. Today we are doing a hair review for Williams, hair y'all. This is the first time I've ever like bought their hair yeah. This is first time I ever bought their hair. I bought the hair because I'm going on a cruise and oh wait, whoa this Friday makes a week, but it's soon it's like next week, so I'm excited I'm going to spring break. I love my best friends why my boyfriend alone with his family and it's gon na, be so freaking awesome, anyways without further ado, we're gon na get right into the review and let's get it someone to get like a new look. You know I'm kind of tired of straight hair. You know it's okay. I have like a couple different hairs. You know I have that this, like you know this basic, like straight black hair, for like work and for you know going on stuff. You know what I'm going to be like modest, it's very classy that I have a little key, like short bob like like a hot dog Bob, but I like to wear it's cute, but I feel like that's more summertime, like I like to wear that when I'm, Like trying to really step out, you know I kind of step, that's what I wear and then I have like this one that I just made it's like a Chinese Bob type, WI Bob Chinese bang and it has a grand highlights. It'S really cute. I designate that, like my before Valentine's Day and now now that I'm going on the cruise my spring time, I'm being in the water I'm gon na have like a nice like you know, tropical look I want to have like waves and curls. So let me get in the water and I get wet it'll, be all curly. You know you got. Ta have looks okay, if you don't that looks, but I'm the type of person to like plan out like if I'm going somewhere, I'm planning out what I'm wearing and I'm planning out my hair, I'm planning out to mess us, then I'm planning out to next ambiance Know the ambience of the place: it's got an extra, but that's just me but anyway. So this is the first time I'm trying out wiggins hair. Every time I buy hair, I buy like a different company because just two reasons: one, because I'm trying to find the perfect vendor for my hair company - that's gon na be coming out soon, hopefully with this in this year, but with a lot of trips and everything Going on, I maybe next year will push it back, but that's coming um half of me is coming. Sometimes I live in door, so I can find a perfect vendor because I don't want to just be Scott now. You know some basic hair, some bad hair, but anyway um I've tried a lot of companies and I have been impressed. I'Ve been very impressed with the way the leave is and the way um. You know everything about it. I love it, and this is I like this hair. This is nothing vt forever bid. This is a good hair. I'Ve tried West kiss West kisses very good hair. I like that company too, but um yeah, so I ought to try out different hair any time I buy a hair like I like to sort our dude. That'S the good thing about hair. You got ta be extensive research, because extensive research research will get you good quality, hair. Okay, so make sure if you're buying hair, no matter what you don't have to be Wiggins hanging by any hair, just make sure you're actually researching your hair like you're, not pictures. Looking at that Instagram, that's the good thing about Instagram around is because it's you never can tell you a lot about a company, and you know with some their followers and based on, like you know their feed. So that's what I really do. I just go and I find I go on their Instagram and left up everything if I have a short hair, I'll click on it and it's taken to the website and I'll look up the reviews. I look at everything. It is just a big process, like I've been looking at this hair for like over a month now trying to get this hair. So, Oh incoming this, but this is the package I got. Let me tell you so I'm sleeping for work right because I work overnight. So I'm sleeping for work right and my dog starts barking and I'm like scared cuz. I just watch this, like really scary, showed while I went to bed so I hear banging on the door and I'm like, oh my god, whispers gon na kill me like this. Is really crazy, so my dogs barking, I'm like what the heck so I'm like. I go to the front door, that's the mailman, delivering my hair and I'm looking at him like what the heck, like you just scared. The little bit like I'm literally peeking, out of the blinds like my heart, is right there, but wait. Dhl is like what every standard hair comes in um shipping this at the shipping company. It is very good very fast. I wanted this of hair last Tuesday. I think yeah I was here last Tuesday, my wife. I ordered it because he loves me NYX babe, but I got this kind of last Tuesday and it came Monday right fast, so this is um delivery. Place. Dhl Express this is like all here comes in pretty much okay, so this is the bag that it comes in Wiggins hair once met, never forget. I hope this is very true, because I'm very excited right here. I love trying new hair, you know, but this is 50 little bag comes, is very big. I like the cool I like the gold like how it's like a black riding on it very cute, very cute, okay, so what comes in it comes? Oh, they give me a free week like have the dream: deluxe wig hat the campus with two medium brown. Hopefully this matches my skin, but thank you so much for sitting this. This is it's nice because I was really gon na have to go, buy some off Amazon and I didn't want to. But now I don't so the exactly we can't here's another cat. I got a big cut, the kind of hair I got. I got loose deep wave because so it's not like you fee know what deeply miss it's like, really curly. Well, the curly-q's with the curl is kinky, but I didn't get that I mean. Oh, it's like a jheri curl jheri curl is like the corona santhu curliest, but this is a deep wave is like you can tell. It has a very like curly texture, but this is more loose because I don't want it to be so wavy I mean like so curly. I want to see more, like nice like loose curls, no I'll show up I'll put a picture of what I'm talking about in the video, but I got um. I got a lace closure and I got three bundles, so I got a fourteen nice closure. I got a, I mean, no lace, frontals. Sorry, I got a 14 lace, lace frontal. I got a 16 inch, 18 inch and 20 inch. So hopefully that's long enough. You know so happy because - and this is a 20 day - this isn't Lucy. It looks like a nice little package to demonstrate woo. This is real soft and you can stretch it and see how long it's gon na be so it'll like have a rest cycle. It rest about here, Oh, be. If you want to show you how to I'm. Gon na make this wig please comment below in the comment sections and like, and let me know if you want to see a video of me making my wig but um, so this is it. This is a 20-inch is very, very soft. Um, look at the texture of it like when I look at the the curls is very like loose curls. I really like that. Actually, it has no smell. Doesn'T so much fish or anything you know. Sometimes I've never had weed off, but gotten like I bought and a smell like straight fish, and that that's that's not you know it, but this is a very it doesn't smell, have no smell it. Just has like the weave smell. You know what that smell is. If you know you know it just has at the standard factory weave smell. Oh, it's very soft. Look at the curls y'all, it's gon na be so pretty, and I bet when I wet it. Oh, so this is a 20 inch and I really like this like this, like little tag to have on it cuz. You know some places. My house had the biggest have like the little um the label, but they have an actual that comes on, and then I kinda like that. If you want to see him the hair Wiggins um, this is a natural black uh, and it's how it gives you, like. All the information of what the weave is the bundle is this is a bundle um. So this is Wiggins hair. This is human hair. The color is natural, natural black hair. You always want, if you're going to always go with the natural black, unless you want like a crazy color, I would always suggest giving up natural black because it mixes good about everything. Okay, you want to leave out if you're, making a wig you want to. So in just not true black there's a way to go, unless you want like a hot pink, you got ta get your 613, you know, but the net way is a hundred grams, so five grams and it can be parm - I'm not in a perm this, because Why is so excited? Okay? So that's just uh open spaces. This is nice. I approve of the packaging again. This one is very soft. You know it has a nice texture to it no smell. This is really nice and this is the 18. I really hope I can use all three bundles so that way, my baking look fake, oh my god, I'm so excited and my hair is super soft and all like no flex, I'm not even lying cuz. You know I'll weave ass off when you get it, but this this really. This is it so now, once you reveal the lace frontal and if nobody knows her place for to us, hopefully sponsor is a type of closure or like a front piece that goes from ear to ear. Okay, the closures go from here, they're right here in the middle of your head and then but the front tools go all the way into here. So you put your hair, you need two different things with the frontal mourning you do. The closure closure is more like you know, you can just wear it like this and this right now. What I have on is a closure, so there's no pulling this up. It is literally staying in the middle with the part, and that is it okay. So this is the front. So let's not come, it is a fourteen inch size. It doesn't have like a cool little typing, like the other one does I feel like that would be very cool if they did do that, um just so that people can know again. What they're, looking at, what they're buying or human hair you know just this assurance thing you know, but um it comes into like a net, so that's nice. So this is what a frontal looks like. It is a fort, is a fourteen inch and look at the curls guys. This is so nice. This is gon na be so nice. This is gon na, be nice. That'S what I say this is gon na be but um I got the. I got the UM the lace at a medium brown than that, but I think I should have gone a little darker cuz. It still isn't really matching my skin. Like I mean it, so I'm probably gon na have to go back and bleach this, but it comes kind of pre plus with the baby hair. So that's nice, but I'm probably gon na go back and customize it myself, because you know you're gon na more. You want someone, actually you don't to look fake. You know all that kind of good stuff, but this is nice. I approve the only thing I'm kind of sad about on. My part is because I didn't get the darker Brown like. I should have, because I mean like look at this this. This clearly does not not imagine my scalp, so I'm gon na have to go back and beets just a little bit put a little foundation. You know the whole jaw is what you got to do, but this is a 13 by 16. So it'll go right on top of my head, I'm probably embarrassing myself, but what the [ __ ] ever you see, so it goes ear to ear. This is nice. I approve I like it. I like it a lot actually super excited to make this wig. So if you want me to make a video of me doing, the wig um comment down below, because I would definitely do that. I think I'm making I'm gon na start making it this weekend, um something next Friday, so I've really got ta have his own nuts. I have oh I'm off, but anyway, it's just easier. When you do it ahead of time, don't be a procrastinator like me, because you're never gon na wear life like that. You know I'm saying anyway um. So that is all I'm very pleased. I hope you like this review. I know it was super short, but I mean I review. Can'T really do that long. It'S just quick, simple! That'S the point so before I head out of this bit. I just want to say that I'm so excited. It'S actually me recording again. I feel like I haven't been like really dedicated. This is due to thing like. If I wan na be famous, we did a candidate, I got ta become Cystic right right so, but if you're watching this video - and you would like to see me - make this wig put the loose deep wave with the Riggins hair, please comment below. Let me know miss you likes light, oh wow words whom wish you'd like you like this video. You come that you subscribe to share it. You know, but this is a witless hair of you. Thank you for tuning in guys, um again, if you want me to make this I'm in words, if you want me to make a video of me, making the wig with the loose teeth, the loose deep-web hair, please comment below, and I will give that to you Guys, but I did thank you guys for tuning in to my channel today and watching my gorgeous face. Sometimes it can be gorgeous cuz. I don't like this all time. I guarantee you up click I somebody hit me but anyway so um. Thank you guys for tuning, and this is a Wiggins hair review uh and you guys take care. Ok, love, ya.

Wiggins Hair: Thank you for reviewing Wiggins Hair, we are so happy you like it. Looking forward to see the wig.

XOXO_IT'SJESS: You know I'm here to support boo! And wig looks good!

Your Favorite Nurse Ashley: Wowwww I really love your page :) yes Chynna doll!

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