Unice Hair Unboxing And Initial Thoughts | Fake Scalp Wig, Is It Worth Your Coinz ?!

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What'S up YouTube, it is beautiful. Gasps, hang on welcome back to my channel okay period. Welcome back to my channel. If you are returning or welcome to my channel, if you are new here either way you continue. This is carbon down below is from you. I'M not think it's right here. Actually, I think it's gon na be right here, so just get it ready to take two tickets quickie: okay, cuz! I know you like the constant your girl is giving out. So just go ahead and quickie. Okay, just laugh tunnel. What did water to little George ax um ferocious a just click? It just click, it just click it okay, Ewan, so I'm gon na come see all the hair reviews. Today. This is from United hair. Thank You United character, sponsoring this video and also disclaimer. Just because this video is sponsored you guys. I mean that my hair reviews aren't honest. Have I ever lights y'all before in the past? No, so I'm not going to talk about once y'all now. So all of my thoughts and reviews and anything when I said about the hair - it's completely 100 % good shoes, okay and that's creating me yeah. So I hope you guys enjoy this video and let's just get into it, so y'all's. Today'S video, I'm just gon na, be coming to you when I hear of you, which um, which is what light news um. So I kind of already sticking out over the package and everything that's just because I was gon na register, hurry up and try it on and see if it fit come on. I was just doing stuff y'all anyway, so it just came in come on, even though I'm sure y'all my trying to stop me, but whatever it's crazy people I didn't know so just turn is what Amazon on Packers idea order it from the Amazon site. That'S just what he wanted me to order it from so the wig is from you, nice, hair. Some people say unique. I say you nice um. However, you want to say, I'm sure, is long before turnin, don't care how you say it period, so it just came in a bit about cutting this and then you know what is he saying the Betty you series, I'm not even I got an 18-inch um pre-made Week, knowing thanks scalloped wig, I think this what it's called it's the leaves where you know, if you pluck it, they pre bleach it and then is that, like a little part of the capstone into it, so they she don't have to wear a cap, which is Why don't have a one out, so this is yeah. This is just what the box look like it inside the box. They gave me some election just what they would plank see. So my itunes, I get me a wet cat, the eggs. I need some more series in an instance like oh well, thank you far inside and the tea is it boosted of okay. I thought it was like booster box yeah. Then I just gave me a little thank-you card and also has some stress is on the back of how to take care of your hair. But as long do you want to be bye, dad you'll be good, so the hair came inside this little plastic bag. Like all weeks come inside and in Japan, some paper and some styrofoam in it, and then of course it was in this one day at here named Indiana, here's Greg so um. They took me at 18 inch straight black wig um. The week has one to three pounds: um, and then it has the little elastic bands in the back, not sure y'all can see them, but they're there and yeah. So this is what I'm stuck on the inside with the wound: pre-made scalp. Just this actually looks like a closure so yeah. This is just what it looks like um. It'S all gon na see it kind of like a closure to me, but then it goes down deep on the time, but I mean like it's not enough for you sweeping rate. Oh, I guess it is. Let me see oh yeah, let me love you want it before I fly takes time with me. Look okay! So yeah it tastes like a good little party in space yeah. So this is just the wave right here is 18 inches um, and I also want to say thank you to you guys for sponsoring this video also disclaimer yard just cuz. This video is sponsored, and I did not personally pressure just hair. My reviews are still 100 %. The truth they're still hard to pretend honest, okay um. I have actually turned down working with companies because they wanted me to just go ahead and say that it was good. You know without I have even gotten here yet it was like in their email um. He always tell you this. Isn'T this just agree to leave a five-star review and I'm like, I can't agree to it. If I haven't, you know even gotten to here yet so just not that all my reviews are on the show, I do not lie or any hair tuft me, it is a bit to me is benefit y'all. It doesn't benefit the company, so I understand why they would exercise anyway, so yeah, I'm just gon na go ahead and put the wig on, and I'm just gon na come back to y'all when I'm like styling it, because this is just our initial thoughts um. This is not like, you know, a whole review cuz. I just thought the we literally like a few minutes ago, not again, I'm crazy in so yeah um. Okay, I'm going to say we care company was, but I finally already know cuz I did. I did the one review on it, but the hair was shedding like crazy. Like soon as I got out in pet, let me smell it. It doesn't have so yeah, I'm excited, I'm gon na go ahead. I'Ll put the wig on and I'm come back to, y'all when it's orange and when it's time for signing period period. Irish also I've got the wig all install excuse my room because it's a different day from when I initially got the wig, because I try to finish them and everything on that. But I did my spirit and my um my aura. It just wasn't right nickname. So I had to you know it's a great comeback and I'm here I am right system for y'all, so I'm just going to straighten it just because it is straight hair and say: y'all can see how it straightens and just to show you me I'll, be using My palm it shows super skinny serum. I got it for Cosmo Prof. You won't be able to purchase it on there. Unfortunately, unless you have a cosmetology license or heard of hard times, you student, but I do believe they do so at other retail stores such that it's a little salons inside of Walmart or maybe salaries and possibly even want Amazon and I'm also just going to be Using mine, nano titanium baby, this pro my arms, it's the EE flatlands or these flat family, and yes, I'm just gon na straighten it and show y'all how it straightens in then I'll be back, seek you've gone my thoughts on their hair after having it. So now it's been about what two three days so yeah, so I can kind of go low. You know a little bit more thorough review than when I had just got it, so you guys can just watch me straighten my hair and then I'll come back. You, okay, you guys are all I'm all doing straightening your hair in this is what it looks like and now just on tomorrow, thoughts on my hair, so my initial okay, so first questions get into the details about the big it's the 18 inch straight black wig. I want to say sometimes you know fifty percent density. I ordered it from there Amazon's for front which made the shipping fast. So I use Amazon Prime, so I got it in about two days um, what else? So it is also their fake skype wig. A lot of companies have been doing this thing where you know you don't have to blue tonight. You don't have to plug the, not you have to send a lace and you don't even have to wear a wig cap with the wig. So this is one of those on wigs. It already has the cap. Um. Has the cap install, it has a not to bleed. She has to waste any all that good stuff for you. All you really got to do is put the wig on and heat force. All your hair, however, you will like okay, so so, let's get into my thoughts in my hair. So when I first ordered in here, I was a little nervous because y'all know how to wig from Amazon beat Amy thin yeah. I said I'm really be that good of a quality you know saying, but I was really sure that's a problem. I got this wig, you know my main issue was that I thought it was gon na be thin. I didn't want no thin hair. I didn't want to be able to see my shirt through my hair and with this week you don't have to worry about that, like I was juicing so nervous about that. But literally this hair stick! Okay, it's real thick, really really! Okay, see is rotate. So that's what I like about it: it's a good quality hair. I haven't experienced no crazy in no tent-like detangling like it's straight next time straight hair should be actually you straight hair. What'S been disabled it straight here. Why is the point? Why angles you understand so yeah um, it straightens really nicely, doesn't say that long straight either, like I straighten itself absolutely in like two seconds um. As far as you know, the fakes got part of the week. That'S good is well. You know understanding like it's really late, but I mean I got to get some of their cups myself. You know I'm saying we kind of sword, you know what I'm saying: I'm a wit kind of sword period period period period period, but yeah um. So I really like the hearing so far so far so good, I don't really have any complaints or any plans about the hair. Have the experience, nothing that make me feel like on Devery buddy's head again or this hairs trash nothing. But I don't you know, I wanna jump the fence. We just got okay, so um, I probably doing another review, but this is not even a review review. It'S kind of like an initial thoughts but I'll be doing a review in about two weeks so be on the lookout for there and I'm also going to do a one month of it for you guys. Hopefully I really hope I'll be able to do it. So yeah you guys that is the end of the video make sure to LIKE comment. Subscribe, don't forget to turn your phone off the patient's on, so you won't miss a single video that I post mystery on things on period. One period, okay, check the description box down below to get something you know scary, because it is wrong and that's all I got ta say about it: it's bomb, okay, is bomb periods here your period and that's just pity it like. I want someone how to say to come in song: do you think I'm a lot of y'all have all ever watch y'all before no and no see yeah y'all go slide up on that link and get y'all some. You guys scared. Also, if there are any other companies wanted to work with me, my email is in the description box down below. Please do an idea me because I did I check my D ends, um, so yeah. I don't see it just. Don'T he and me. It also call my subscribers out there on my social media links are in the description box below as well. You can connect with your girl to follow me. Add me on snapchat home Sam on Twitter. We could connect, you have them saying if you just want to get a little bit more personable with you, you know, I'm saying you know what I'm saying you know. Whatever see you know, you know nothing so yeah y'all. I hope you like this video I'll get. What'S up for you, I hope you learned something and yeah I would just see on the next. Video still only got these notes on, so I'm just going to use this hand.

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