Mylacewigtrend.Com Kinky Curl Full Lace Wig.. Bomb Yall Come See! $177.00

This wig is beautiful...

Here are her spec's yall ;)

Hair Type:100% Indian Remy Human Hair

Texture: kinky curl

Hair length: 20 inches

Hair color:#1B (off black)

Hair style: free style

Hair Density:110%

Hairline:Natural Hairline

Baby Hair:Along the perimeter to give the effect of a naturally growing hairline

Lace Type:100% high quality swiss lace

Lace color: light brown

Cap Construction: Full Lace Cap with Stretch in Crown

Cap size: M

Knots:Double knots , which makes more durable and ensures the hair stays in place

coupon code $7: twinkeez500, expire by the end of Sep.

Delivery time: 4-5 days by Fedex, 5-7 days by EMS


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Disclaimer I am not being paid to do this video nor am I an affiliate of I was sent this unit to review. All opinions in this video are of my own un biased thoughts.

What'S good y'all this Twinkies I'm coming at y'all today I tried to load this video numerous of times but didn't have the opportunity for the workout, so you didn't get to see me put it on yes, baby mm-hmm y'all checking out that look at that kinky curl! Yes, yes, I voted the video the original video on. I believe it was saturday and for some reason, youtube said it uploaded, but it didn't never show, and so i just said forget it no just gon na. Do it all over again and this wig is from my legs - weak trend com? You remember the review on this one. This is my my lace, wig trend, comms wig that I had I've had it for a while, and I have not done an update, but i just wanted to show you that the hair was still beautiful, that wig held up good, and so they sent me another One to review - and this is their kinky curly - look at that hair mmm is indian, remy hair, it's 20 inches long. It could be parted anywhere cuz, it's a full lace. I have had this way long for three days and um. I do was able to pull it up in a high ponytail, very high ponytail you go around but, as you can see, my blue is starting to lift and what I used was a mighty tight, but group y'all, I'm for three days of where y'all. This is phenomenal and love. Then this - and I know y'all will to these. Curls are unbelievable. I have slept in this week without tying it up and look at this right on through okay and no shedding just a little bit wet, because I sprayed her down with my spray mm-hmm. But I wet her down a little bit, but no tangling no shedding. And I'm loving it even after I wet it down later on the day it doesn't go oops. You know how that happens. Sometimes when you get a curly wig or a kinky, curly wig, you get that big explosion that happens later on in the day. Well, I haven't had that experience when this dries up. The curls are still so pretty they're still soft, I mean yes and it has baby hairs all the way around like I said it is a full lace wig, so you can do a lot of different things with this. Let me turn around, for you can so you can see the back. He is like really long. Yes, now um, like I said I haven't, had any shedding. I have not had any tangles and i will tell you what i have had and that's a lot of. Compliments cuz this week is banging y'all bang again. I will try to straighten her later on, but for right now I mean I'm just enjoying this beautiful hair. I really don't want to do too much to her, but i think i will try and straighten it with the flat iron and then wet it again and see if the curl pattern does come back with me. The curl pattern is so pretty. Let me get close up on there for you look at the curls. I mean this is very, very pretty look at that very pretty all right! Y'All, don't be mad at me on this one, but they gave me a coupon code for you guys, but it's only for seven dollars off of this week. So if you use twinkies 500 and it will expire by the end of sep, tember see if they have some quality units on their sites. As i showed you, i got that the other unit, the yakeen in april, and then i just updated her last month for you they their wigs, are really good. I haven't had not any problems, they also sell. Weft hair, you know weaving hair and their shipping is SuperDuper fast from China for 25 days. But it's worth it's worth the wait. Y'All I mean, if I didn't have more reviews to do. I would be rocking this with. This will be my mainstay, but I'm gon na take real good care of this one, so I'm just gon na say, even though I did not pay for this week and I got it for free. This is a honest, honest review number one. I slept in this week all weekend ever since I believe friday, i glued it down nope, i glued it down thursday, i'm sorry i lose its glued it down on thursday and I've had it on sense, um. The only reason why I'm gon na take it down take it off is because the glue is lifting, as you can see it's loose and then I'm just gon na so the strap in it. You know the elastic band in it for next time use but um. I haven't had no problems with this week and I mean it's it's a beautiful way, but i will update y'all on this one. I will let you know if it shanz i'll. Let you know if I getting ball spots, I mean I will definitely let you guys know everything about this week, but far as I'm concerned, they have some very good wigs and I wouldn't steer you wrong. All right talk I am going to get out of here. I have things to do and I will talk at you all soon.

PhillyzJamPoet: Girl this is GAWJUS and so are you! BEAUTIFULLY SHOWN

trinic824: I bought two wigs from this company a couple months ago - deepwave & silky straight. I went ahead and washed them and the straight one ended up with a really nice bodywave, so I didn't bother straightening it b/c I loved the look. I had an event to go to so I decided to straighten the silky straight & it melted to the flat iron at 425 degrees! I emailed and he told me to return them and he would refund me b/c it was a quality issue. I sent the wigs back 3 weeks ago & still haven't been refunded!

Donna Alise: omg sis, i never had a full lace wig and i absolutely love this one. i checked out the site and they are affordable. Thank you for doing this review. (DonnaspeaksdatruthSimmons) on FB.

Yellow Roses: The wig looks very nice on you. I was thinking about ordering this same wig but 16 inches long for myself.

ewsierra: I love this hair and I bought a kinky straight from them a few months ago, unfortunately my wig tangled and shedded ALOT so I will not be purchasing from the again but that wig looks good on you:)

MsEveMarie: Wow this is right on time, I literally had a dream about this type of wig lol...nowww to find some room in my budget for it lmao

VictoriousMaven: This is beautiful! By any chance, are the knots bleached and if not, are they willing to bleach them for a price? (I don't trust myself to do it). Thanks! I love what you do!

Kellie Corinne: Very cute. I love my lace wig trend.

pillar26: That is a gorgeous wig. It suits you.

TheSteph623: This wig is Beautiful!!

cocoabrown123: Hey Twinkee. I purchased the straight wig you did a review on. Love the wig, but it has those crinkles lines in it that looks like the hair was put through a machine. Do you know how to get rid of the lines?

NaturallyB: OMG That Wig Is Beautiful... And This Is A Great Review... You Have A New Subscriber... =)

Porsche Hopkins: Hello Twinkeez. I'm really interested in purchasing this wig. I just would like to know if you disturbed the curl or is that the way it cam straight out of the package?

Amerie B: Omg how real this looks xD when you update may I see it dry? (: its beautiful!!!

Blasian Butterfly: Love the hair very pretty.

dominicanmorena: you're rockin it as usual...very pretty

LandishaBeauty: this one is GORGEOUSSSSSSSS :)

Kat Lola: what products did you use on this wig? All other reviews show tht the hair does not appear as tame as it does in yours.. looks really nice, love your videos!

MrsTruthTeller: I like you a lot! You have such good energy! Nice hair by the way :)

marie1w: i have this one in a stock wig lacefront it was 90 bucks as a 16 inch i think they charge by length but this company curly and wavy hair is the bomb i absolutely love this hair and its well worth it my only complaint the stock wigs dont have many light colors in lace but thats ok for something of this quality.

Latoya’s Creations: I really like that on you!!! very pretty!

GFANCYBEAUTY: Girl that is hooottttttt it looks soo dang gone pretty

aunaturellebri09: I'm thinking of buying this unit but I was wondering if you could tell me if it tangles or sheds a lot after an extended period of use. Thank you

Unique Investor Concepts: Miss your vids. love this unit!

Linzy's Lounge: can you give me some tips on products to use on my whole lace wigs to keep them looking good, as far as shampoos and conditioners and other everyday you videos and the ghost bond is awesome, use it all the time.

AmericaisBeautiful1: Diva my first one from them was really good this one has been shedding it almost messed up my tub this morning shedding like that with only water and finger combing. Diva to make it worst he sent mine open box though I paid for new and when I IM him he seems to be paying me no mind. I don't know how to make a vid of picture but twink I can show you the pile literally of hair from just today. I will tell you how long mine lasts shedding and all.

Teeyah2: Did you ever try and straighten this unit and what happened?

MyaBaybee123: I want to buy this wig but how did it straighten and after it straightened were you able to get it to curl the same way when you wet it?

twinkeez2003: @modelchickny Sis no shade thrown I was already sitting in it when I was told the coupon code was $7 bucks.. I so do not agree with this at all. We all do reviews and there needs to be something for the customer that is actually spending their money, an incentive to purchase.. Some companies give out wig caps, brushes, silk bonnets, wig tape .... but $7 bucks off.. Umm not.. So I do agree with you ;)

kkimberly2004: $7.00???? really????? lol lol lol Man they couldn't have have it a sold $10.00??? lol That B.S. right there makes me not want to buy from She was pretty . Thank you!

twinkeez2003: @Somuchpotential2010 Yes you can change the color because its human hair. I might dye this one on the ends.

Modelchickny Luxury For Less: As long as we keep buying these wigs at these prices these companies will not give great discounts, no shade, just saying. $7.00 dollars off, really lacewigtrend thanks but no thanks.

twinkeez2003: @prisskitajoe I know sis I said the same thing in the video. $7aint nothing especially since their wigs are good. SMDH.

Starcasia Landry: So did it curl back up ?

5001Isaac: I have that wig. I like it but I realized that big hair is not me so I cut it up to make it a short bob.

Rosita Blanca: I think this unit needs some layers for some body. Don't really like the wet look, did it come out of the package like this??

Belinda Joy: It is beautiful but $7 off of a $177 wig......nope. But none the less you look beautiful in it.

prisskitajoe: Live the hair, but $7 off! Come on now! Anyway, u love fantastic.

sunny lee: So nice

QuietlyBeautiful: I Would love to see it dry

Obsidian Queen: luv this on u

michaeljacksonlover0: wish it was a bit bigger

mEmYSELFaNDj2: lol at $7 off. That is funny as hell.

bkspyce1: Not kinky enough

lisa jones: These wigs are garbage. I think they may have changed their distributor. I purchased 3 kinky straight wigs from 10-12 of 2013 and each didn't last 1 month

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