Belle Tress Bon Bon Wig Review | Wow! [New] Brown Sugar Sweet Cream | Must See Changes In Bon Bon!

WOW!! Belle Tress Bon Bon wig review in the NEW (2020) color BROWN SUGAR SWEET CREAM! I purchased this style with my own funds.

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Hey everybody welcome back to taz's weight closet at wig studio one. Today, i'm going to knock your socks off with a brand new color by belletress, plus a full, comprehensive review of the style bonbon coming up. I purchased this wig style with my own funds. You can find it at wig studio. One expand the description box below this video, where you'll find a link to this specific style as well as well as the other belletress styles. I know that this particular color is brand new and is not available on all belt dress styles, yet i'm really hoping they can expand this to all of the styles, because it is absolutely beautiful. If you have any questions for us about these styles, please contact support. Weekstudio1.Com there's also a live chat feature. So if you go to the website on any product page at the bottom, if you push help you'll be able to connect with a live chat, feature belletress has absolutely been knocking it out of the park this year and last year with the brand new colors that Are coming out, i mean their color palette is really expanding. I remember when they burst onto the mainstream scene, just a few years back and the color palette, although beautiful was very small, this is going to be an addition to their brunette palette. This is brown sugar, sweet cream. Let'S get up close on this brand new color. This is just a combination of some light, medium and dark brown, and then the highlights are going to be blonde. So what we're looking at is a base color of like a medium brown, there's a light golden brown mixed in and then that highlight pattern. You'Re going to see a couple different, colors you're, going to see more of an ash blonde highlight and a light gold blonde highlight there's a lot going on in this color, it's very dynamic, and all of that is on a darker brown root. So if i had to guess at a color code here, i would say we're looking at a 10 a 12 a 22 a 24 and an eight root. That'S just a guess! I don't have any information on this color yet um as the official descriptions and color codes are not available. Yet this is a brand new color release. Now, what i can tell you about this color is that i do see a combination of of ash and some warmer tones they've done it in such a way that i think it's going to be flattering to most, if not all skin tones. Now, what you'll notice with the highlight pattern, then, is that they're bringing that ash blonde right up to the lace front? Now, bon bon has a lace front and a left monofilament side part, and you can see that it's pretty obvious, that there is a thick banding of the blonde highlights and while i'm up close here, this will give you an opportunity to see those highlights. You'Ve got this uh this more of an and a light ash blonde, but then you can also pick up on probably what they're considering a buttermilk, which would be a light gold blonde as well. So this is basically just an amalgamation of several different tones of brown sugar, some light some dark, and then we have some sweet cream in there, as well as a light buttermilk highlight sounds yummy. Doesn'T it their colors always make me hungry and never for anything good? For me, either, okay, so now, let's talk about bon bon, i have reviewed bon bon uh years ago, probably in 2016 or 2017. I have noticed some changes on this now. One thing i don't know is that the changes that i am seeing, the evolution of this style - if it's going to be that way on all colors or just maybe perhaps some of the newer colors that are coming out. But i've seen lately that belletress has really stepped up their game and i am noticing it on every new piece that i purchased from them, and the biggest thing, i think, is the improvement in the lace front. I was just up there on that lace front. So you can easily see that the knotting is a little finer. It'S not so harsh of a line straight across. It has a little bit of a contour. It'S uh more of a fine knot there. This does run temple to temple, but not back into the ear tab uh this one also has that left monofilament side part i always like to go and dab into that part. Just a tad of a flesh, colored light eyeshadow. That really brings that part. A really nice natural look, and the other thing that you're going to notice on some of the newer styles is that there's a built-in contour. It wasn't like this on bonbon on the other ones that i have seen. I haven't had a new bonbon in years, as i said, so i don't know if this is a permanent change or just something for this color, but this is exactly how it came right out of the box. You'Re going to see the perpetual lift here so gone are the days when you have to break out your steamer to get it to stay out of the eyes. I love a little bit of contour. I think it's very flattering to the shape of the style. Now, if that is not something that you like uh, you could actually do the reverse, so you could actually steam it down a little bit more. If you didn't, like the lift, this one is also pretty low on permatease you're, not going to find any puffy pillowy permatease anywhere on this style. There'S enough permatease, just a thin layer. All over the cap too obscure the wefting. The other big change in bonbon is that there's less curl it's kind of a choppy wave now, whereas the last one that i had had a little bit more curly texture to it. This one is just sort of a brushed out shattered. Look so all the dimensions are the same though, however, so you're going to look at about a six inch, bang or fringe area here, overall, from the crown to the tip of the hair in the back, it's about ten and a half inches, there's actually a four And a half inch nape here, so it's very ample. I rather like the changes in this style um. It'S still a round bob looking style, but i really feel like adding a little contour here and there really improves the shape of the style and all of these wispy texturized layers, making a nice shaggy appeal. So that's what's new on bonbon. What is the same is like i say the dimensions, but also the fact that it's still heat friendly. All of those styles in the cafe collection are made from the heat friendly fiber. So again, if you wanted to go in and put in some curl or take it down in areas, i think you could very easily do that. The thickness of it is just an average density. This is kind of a round bob with lots of shaggy layers, so you're going to see more volume on the sides than you will on the top, and then it's actually taken down on the ends here too texturized quite a bit gives it a nice wispy appeal. Here'S an inside look at the cap for bon bon by belletress, there's a temple to temple lace front. It does not extend back into the ear tab, but the seams are nicely obscured uh. The lace is very fine, as well as the knotting, and then it does go back seamlessly into a left. Monofilament side part that just stops short of the crown. You have a closed, brushed velvet ear tab with a lot of fiber spliced in there. I feel like it's very nice coverage. A standard velvet nape with bra strap type adjusters. Now this wig is average right out of the box. I had to cinch it in quite a bit to accommodate a petite average circumference. So, let's do a little bit of styling for beltress bonbon, the glasses fit beautifully between the ear and the ear tab. That is the case with most of the beltress cafe: collection styles, since they're very limited in permatease right there at the ear tab. So it's always a good glasses wig. So in case i haven't mentioned, this is right out of the box. I simply shook it out applied it swirled around to set the fibers free, shook it out a little bit, and this is exactly the way it looks right out of the box contour and everything i didn't use my little heat hand maneuver to create that contour. That was actually there. So let me just flirt around with this little style for you, so you can get a good sense of the movement and the possibilities thanks so much for joining me today, we'll see you next time on taz's wig closet at wig studio one. You

TAZS WIG CLOSET AT WIGSTUDIO1: Here are the styles this new color will be available on! They may expand this to other styles eventually! Belle Tress Rose Ella, Caliente, Spyhouse, Maxwella 22, Maxwella 18, Straight Press, Pure Honey, Stumptown, Americana, BonBon, Cafe Chic, Cold Brew Chic! XOXO

Jennifer Steele: Gorgeous new color!!!!! I love how they have pre-styled the “swoop” in the front!!!! Wouldn’t it be great if they did the same thing with Colombia, Biscotti Babe, Amaretto, and the other mid-length beachy wave styles? I personally think that those styles when styled away from the face look so much more flattering on everyone as opposed to hanging down in your face and eyes. The new color is beautiful and looks so flattering with your eye and skin coloring. Terrific review as always, Taz!!!!! Thank ya for sharing have a blessed Sunday my friend!!!! xoxo

The Indecisive Wig Wearer: Cute style and very pretty color with a lot of dimension!!! And as always looks great on you! I like the "less curl" look. I think I'd even do that color for Summer!

Monica: This was my first wig. I have it in mocha and cream and I absolutely love it!! I just ordered a new one for backup and so I can keep wearing this style for years to come. I do hope this one comes with the upward swoop and lighter knots. The knots on the mocha are very dark. Everyone loves this wig!!!

Billie Fox: I love this style and color. My sister talked me into branching out of my natural red shades. I think this would look nice with my pale complexion.

Suz: Hey pretty lady, great review, this is such a pretty wig, love the colour combo and I prefered it when you smoothed the fron down a little. Love those purple glasses and the headband....girl, you got my taste! ......Have a great sunday my sweet friend, hugs xoxo

Deb Hall: Another great review!! Love this color and congrats to Belle Trees for the new colors and keeping their line fresh. If only Envy would catch up with current color trends i.e.: cooler ashy tones.

Beverley Smith: I finally received my Bon Bon in Brown Sugar, Sweet Cream. Took a long time. But it is stunning. More blonde than I expected, but honestly, I look like a movie star in this thing. This will be a special occasions wig, when I want to knock people off their feet. Thanks for this review. It got me into all sorts of trouble. As you often do.

Miss Pethamhouse: Love this new colour! It is definitely needed in the Belle Tress palette, a great transition colour from their more golden browns to a more ashy brown/blonde colour, and very similar to RW Shaded Cappuccino!! Thanks could you please compare to Shaded Cappuccino??

Marlene's Wig & Chat Studio: Beautiful, Taz! Bon Bon is much prettier than I thought it would be. LOVE this new color. I just purchased it in Cafe Chic. Now I'm really excited! So many ladies on the FB page have been asking about this color. I'll share your video! Color and style look beautiful on you! XOXO Mar

Nola Sidders: This new color is gorgeous on you Taz! I would love to give this one a try :) Would you consider adding your makeup choices with links? You always look so beautiful and put together.

Lea Spr: Looks like Belle Tress have really been listening to feedback from the wig community by working with less dark roots and knots, especially in the lace front. I really love this brand since the first wig I got from them and the colors they make are very beautiful. So glad they are expanding their colors so nicely. I hope they will make all their wigs available in these new colors and continue on this path.

Charleston SC Native: This color combo looks so elegant. Thank you for the great review!

Monique French: She's so pretty!! I love the variety of colours and the length is wonderful; definitely one for my wish list. She looks beautiful on you!! Wishing you a blessed day

Ronda: Yup. That colour is an absolute winner, Taz! And, I just love those little, choppy, messy bobs. Belle Tress are totally on a roll! You know, I've had this issue all along where I've had to compromise on either style, colour or cap size/features. I could just never find something that had pretty much everything I'd been looking for, when looking at other brands, which has been so disheartening. But, the more I research, the more I'm finding both Belle Tress (and also Belle Madame) just seem to have most of the features I'd I've been after, which is just fantastic. The reason I purposely avoided looking at these brands until recently is their scarcity in my country. I just didn't see the point in looking at something I couldn't have. But, I've found ONE local retailer! lol Why there's not more, I have no idea?!? I also found out I can actually purchase from Wig Studio1, afterall - I just need to use a third party shipping service. So, that gives me another option too :) :) Anyhow, hopefully these brands will become more well known and available here eventually, as there's certainly a market for them. Time will tell, I guess. So, thanks again for your review, Taz. I wouldn't know about these little gems, if it weren't for you. Truly, you're such a great help :) BIG hug Ronda xx

Sandra G. McAlister: Really pretty color, but i absolutely love the cut and style. On my wish list for sure. Beautiful, thanks Taz. Have a great day!

Lindsey Marsh: Oh, TAZ!!! This one is absolutely beautiful. I need your help with organizing and storing all of my hairstyles! Some of them I want on display. I also love your vest. You always make me smile! With so much love and even more love because you are such an inspiration and a display of a true lady! Sending you and yours sincere love in my heart to yours, Lindsey Bug

Full Face & Fabulous: Wow!!! This new color is amazing!! I am definitely a fan of that color and I hope it comes out on longer styles too!!! Definitely gonna have to try this color, I love it!! I absolutely love the highlights around the face because it looks so amazing when you pull it away from the face with a headband. What is the name of B and P? Love ya!!! Hugs!

TrueCrimeNut: Taz!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THAT COLOUR ON YOU!! The wig is stunning as well!!

Susan Czel: Very pretty style and color on you Taz! Love the length as it won't tangle much wearing coats and jackets. Thanks again for your great review.

Kimc GARYC: Another great review. I really appreciate the in-depth color description. I love the shattered style too.

MichelePearl: You are so spot on Belle Tress has totally stepped up their game, they graduated to my top three favorite brands. Lace Fronts are looking absolutely realistic.

Jean Jacobs: Greetings Taz! I really like the blending of so many different shades in this one. Love and blessings ❤️

Røbbin Le Mølk: Gorgeous! I have Bon Bon in the color Cappuccino with Cherry and that color is gorgeous as well. Belle Tress really gets it right with their colors. My Bon Bon has no lift in the front so I was surprised to see this one that way. Thank you Taz!

Connie Steve: Gorgeous!! Love the new color looks so natural!! Nice it is average size and has stretch!! Thanks for your review!!

swineinny1: What I really like about this one is the style is similar to others, but with just enough difference in color to make it worth getting. The brown label is misleading. The dominant color is certainly blonde. Just a suggestion— you really should discuss price range too. I notice you’ve left that out lately in your reviews & given tough times for so many, it is an important factor in decision-making for wig purchases.

PJ Mundy: Hi Taz! I love the changes in Bon Bon, less wavy. I want to order one but afraid it would be too wavy like the way it was. Such a dilemma!

popgems: LOVE LOVE LOVE the new color! Finally, Belle Tress has a color that's not too warm or too cool for me, yay!

Margaret Tassey: Thanks for the review. I always prefer hair that does not fall down in my face. And that is a very versatile color.

Cynthia Hamil: Love this color on you, probably better than the other blonde wigs that I've seen you in. My only hesitation in ordering this wig - is that I don't like the strong highlights/lowlights directly springing up from the scalp in the lace front. This looks artificial. I'm not sure how to resolve this.   My favorite wig color is Noriko Nutmeg F or Mocha H- both have extremely dark roots as if your hair had actually been growing out from the roots all the way around the head. But this is a bit overdone - unless you comb and style the bangs towards the front of the wig, down into the face like real bangs. (These roots look too dark and weird in photos and the wigs actually look like they cause the forehead to have an extra 3/4ths of an inch making the wig look too thick and full - particularly from the angle of seeing this on, from the front. The lace front is an improvement, but it looks odd to see darker roots in the back - and that you have fresh highlights in the front. If this were your actual hair, you'd have new growth all the way around the head, including springing through the lace front.

The Body,Mind&Spirit Channel Cynthia Greer: Wow ! I love it ! This is so much fun and yes, I can relate to the names of the colors making you hungry ! Hahahahahahah ! I love your outfit ! You look absolutely beautiful as always ! Thank you so much for this Sunday morning coffee break ! I really needed it after 3 days of hard core tech issues ! Love you so very much, my beautiful SiStar !

Julie: Taz, After this review I ordered this wig— same color and everything. Color was getting closer to what looks better on me but (as a change from straight dark brown to an ASH blonde mix of some sort) - not there yet”!! However , it was also my first time trying on a Belle Tress wig and I was kinda shocked because it was too small. I just never could quite get it on to fit well and I don’t have a large head. (Can’t remember exact measurements now but, I know I’m right at the lowest end of Average size. So, my question for this you is: Have you found that (MOST)Belle Tress wigs run kind of small? As a general rule? I REEALLY wud like to find this out from experienced wig-wearers so I don’t waste a lot of my money and effort continuing to chase Belle Tress wigs if they’re most likely never gonna fit me correctly. As a side note— Ive been in desperate need of finding a wig that will suit me (Color & Fit) for many years and I’ve spent the last year and a half trying to figure out what those 2 things are but so far- being unsuccessful. I know I have no choice— I can’t give up ( unless if I want to continue to stay hidden inside my house or wear a ball cap for the rest of my life. So far (10 yrs). It’s hard not to get discouraged but I’m still trying. THIS is why it is so important for me to know NOW whether to move on to a diff brand or not. My OTHER question is: HOW does a person effectively find a sister-COLOR from one Brand to another without having to either buy each company’s color wheel or a wig in each color?? It seems SOO impossible to predict the true color by a small square pic of the swatch online. What is the secret to it? I know there are a lot of videos out here of OTHER people ordering wigs, etc. but I am just wondering if there is an other trick to judging color for oneself, other than seeing how it looks on other people, BEFORE YOU BUY? Thank you for your hard work, Julie in Texas

Kimberlin Sprague: Love this wig and this color I wore all 3 of mine to the very end so I will be getting some new ones LOL have a great day Taz!!!!!!

Suzanne Dawson: Oooooohh my! You didn’t just knock my socks off, you knocked my panty hose off! This style AND color is gorgeous! I haven’t been able to get a new one for a long time but if I do get to get one, this is the one! That light blonde right at the lace is so pretty, along with all the different colors. So much dimension!

Sharon Steele: Adore the color and style. Everything about this style is perfect for you.

Judy Bennett: Not only a great new color but Bonbon itself has been morphed a bit since the original style. I'm always curious about why they make those changes. To piggy back onto its popularity possibly?! Like with Avalon as it looks so drastically different from the original. I procrastinated to buy Avalon but don't like the new curl pattern. So now am shopping around for another wig to fit the old pattern. Columbia is close. Or get Ocean and trim it. Guess just nature of the wig industry.

Take Control Beauty: Good morning beautiful TAZ! Love this color and style on you ! I think bc of the brown I could pull this color off! But not sure about ash! I'm really itch'n for a couple new colors and styles ! Be cute with a bang but don't think this one allows for a bang :) I just love messy hair! Looks good with sqhairband:) Happy new year love ya Babs

Robin's Wig Party: Love the color and style. I think the highlighting is too much at the lace front, same as most of RW. Sadly it would probably prevent me from purchasing. I don't imagine using makeup would help in that area unless I diminished the contour some.

Beverley Smith: I'm growing out my grey hair and will use wigs to get through the awful part. So this colour probably doesn't fit my plan, and I'm hoping the brown of the Brown Sugar shows through more than the blond, but I love the style (and the colour) so much, it's become part of my plan.

evelyn cupp: Taz, you r just the sweetest soul! I feel like we have been friends 4 quite awhile.It takes a SPECIAL person 2 make strangers care abt u so much!!i loved this wig on you & the color is VERY NATURAL. I added.this 2 my ever- expanding wish list. God bless u dear

Robin Abner: I do love the shape and color of this.

Mysta Chambers: Taz, What gorgeous new's so very natural looking. ❤❤

Mileetn: Oh I really like this! I have never cared for Bon Bon but I am liking it here so if it isn't a fluke I am going to be adding this one to my list! Is this close to RW Shaded Cappuccino? It looks like it to me and that is my favorite color!

Gloria Lagroon: Super cute! Thanks for the review. ☺

Karen Fox: I love this new BonBon wig. I want one in silver with the contour in the front. How can I make sure I get one with the new improvements?

Mint: Hi Taz, so odd to see you in this. I’ve gotten used to the blonder shades on you. I see with the vest, glasses color and makeup that you’ve adapted to this shade. That’s an important skill for women who change hair and wig shades. It is a pretty color though. Lots of love to you and your family. I continue to hold your son up in prayer. I’m sure good health for him is the deep desire of your heart. ❤️ xo, Sharon

Michelle Davidson: Oh so cute!!!! Love the new color!

Lara Petty: HeyTaz! I am new to your channel and to wig wearing. I love watching your videos! I do have a question... Where do I find info on the wigs in the background that have corresponding letters? I am specifically interested in H in this video.

AJ Row: That’s my color! Love, love, love! Thanks for sharing, Taz❤️

Debbie Freeman: Gorgeous colour - love it - thanks Taz. Any chance u could tell me about "B" "D" "F" and "M" - shopping list lol! Xx

Front Porch Wig Chat: When you first came out, I thought of the RW SS Cappuccino! Wow, pretty!

Stephanie Williamson: That’s a beautiful color

Dee Roga Tory: Added, a new favorite color. LOVE LOVE LOVE it.

Nicky T: Hi Taz, sorry I know this is an old video now but I'm looking to purchase a shorter wavy style wig and quite interested in Bon Bon, but I know certain belle tress wigs have had improvements made, like a lifted contour over one side of face and a natural lace front. Do you know if BonBon has had these changes made please since you reviewed it here? Thanks, nicky

Jerry Scott: Great video!!! Do you feel this is more of a brunette or blonde? Thanks for all your hard work❣️

Beth Hart: Love it !!

Sue Davis: oooh loving wig B on your shelving. Have you reviewed it already?

blue car joy Haven: Color is so important to me ..thank you very much .bless you.

Heather Grey: Very pretty . thumbnail looks more brown, which I like.

The Owens Witches: This is just beautiful on you.

Janette Yardley: Hi Taz. I love your necklace in this video. Can you share where it is from?

priscilla soles: This color is really pretty! Taz which styles are D and F!❤️

Michele KT: Cute style!

Vicky Thompson: Gotta get it!! :)

Amy Rutherford-Close: Love! More good dessert- food names, yum!

megan ryan: Love❤️

claudianowakowski: Wig C in the background is amazing!

angela searls: Nice

patti ludington: In your new wig review there is a wig behind you I believe it is E what is that wig?

Kim Allen: Did they discontinue this color?

Kenny Dean: What wig is F please?

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